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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Survey Center

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1 Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Survey Center
Pflanzliche Ernährung - Der billigste, schnellste und einfachste Weg zur raschen globalen Abkühlung Lebt vegetarisch - und uns bleibt Zeit, die Umwelt zu schützen und den Planeten zu retten Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Survey Center

2 Inhaltsverzeichnis Viehzucht: Verursacht über 50% der Treibhausgasemissionen Methan: Eine unterschätzte Zeitbombe für Emissionen Fleisch, Milch und globale Erwärmung Biotreibstoffe führen nicht zu Hunger, Fleisch schon Vegetarische Kost verbraucht weniger Wasser

3 Eine unterschätzte Zeitbombe
Methan Eine unterschätzte Zeitbombe

4 Lösung für die Abkühlung der Erde
Reduktion von Methan: der schnellste Weg, um die Atmosphäre abzukühlen. Reduktion des Fleisch- & Milchkonsums: der billigste und einfachste Weg, um Methan zu reduzieren. Das Methan einer Kuh wird gesammelt

5 Reduktion von Methan: schenkt uns Zeit im Kampf gegen die globale Erwärmung
„… viele von uns sagen, wenn man rasche Ergebnisse will, verzögert das Abschmelzen der Gletscher, verzögert den Anstieg des Meeresspiegels etc., gebt uns mehr Zeit, uns mit diesen Themen zu befassen, gib uns mehr Zeit, Gesellschaft – solltet ihr euch nicht mehr um das Methan kümmern?” Most emphasis for resolving the climate crisis have been focused on carbon dioxide, because it is the most prevalent form of emissions and it lasts in the atmosphere for hundreds or a thousand years. As the effects of global warming accelerate, many earth scientists are increasingly stating we need to focus more on reducing methane in order to buy us more time to reverse the effects of global warming. Supreme Master Television interviewed Dr. Kirk Smith, an earth scientist who specializes in working with pollution in developing nations, including emissions. Dr. Smith, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences, and was also one of the many scientists on the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He was the first of many scientists on the IPCC to share with us the idea that methane has a much higher global warming potential understood by the general public. The numbers most use to evaluate its contribution to global warming, indicating methane’s global warming potential (GWP) could be as high as 100 times that of CO2, vs about 23 times, which is what most reports focus on. because it dissipates from the atmosphere in 9 to 15 years, vs 40 to 100 years for CO2, focus on reducing it can rapidly bring about cooling. He also shared that the number one human-caused source of methane is animal agriculture. The UN FAO concurs with this, in its 2006 Livestock’s Long Shadow report, where it states 37% of human caused methane is from livestock. Quelle: Interview mit Dr. Kirk Smith, Professor für Globale Umweltgesundheit an der Univ. Berkeley, Teil 2

6 Methan: Der Schlüssel zur raschen Reduktion von Emissionen
„Die Reduzierung der nicht CO2-haltigen (non-CO2) Treibhausgasemissionen kann eine relativ preiswerte Ergänzung der Strategien zur reinen CO2-Reduzierung sein.” „Die Reduzierung von Methan besitzt gegenüber allen non-CO2-Treibhausgasen das größte Potenzial.” The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has also reached the conclusion that reducing other greenhouse gases in addition to CO2 is a cost effective approach to addressing climate change. After evaluation the main gases, they determined that reducing methane was the one that would bring about the most benefit in the shortest period of time. They also identified that the two industries which demonstrated the greatest opportunity for reducing methane include energy and agriculture. In the energy sector, methane gas is released during the coal mining process and on natural gas lines. In agriculture, the two greatest sources of methane are rice and animal agriculture. The UN Food and Agriculture identified in “Livestock’s Long Shadow” that most of the methane emissions released during the rice farming process occurred from manure used as a fertilizer. US Environmental Protection Agency Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases Juni 2006

7 „Die Kontrolle der Methan- Emissionen erweist sich als ein wirksameres Mittel zur Kontrolle der globalen Erwärmung als angenommen.” Dr. Drew Shindell Atmosphärenforscher NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Dr. Drew Shindell evaluated methanes role in global warming, concluding that its heating potential appears to be twice current estimates. Most estimates of the impact of greenhouse gases deals with the amount of the gas in the atmosphere. However, Dr. Shindell states this underestimates the effect of methane, because it ignores the effect methane has on other pollutants, while it in turn effects other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. He estimates that methane’s effect on global warming may be closer to a third of human caused emissions, rather than about one-sixth, which is what the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates. Sources: Quelle: NASA/Goddard Report: Methane’s Impact on Climate Change May Be Twice Previous Estimates

8 Die Reduktion von Methan bewirkt die schnellste Abkühlung
Treibhaus-potenzial nach 20 Jahren Treibhaus-potenzial nach 100 Jahren Treibhaus-potenzial nach 500 Jahren Verweilzeit in der Atmosphäre (in Jahren) CO2 1 10’s of 1000’s years bis zur Abkühung! Methan 72-mal stärkere Erwärmung als durch CO2!!! 25-mal stärkere Erwärmung als durch CO2!!! 7-mal stärkere Erwärmung als durch CO2!!! 9 bis 15 Jahre bis zur Abkühlung! Distickstoff-oxid 289 298 153 114 Jahre bis zur Abkühlung!

9 Methan: Ein Gas mit großer kurzfristiger Wirkung
Methan 23faches Treibhauspotenzial von CO2 (im Zeitraum von 100 Jahren) Methan 68faches Treibhauspotenzial von CO2 (im Zeitraum von 20 Jahren) So now that we have established that if we need to address global warming more quickly, we need to be taking methane more seriously. Although there is more CO2 on a parts per million basis, methane is going to bring about faster global warming because it dissipates out of the atmosphere faster and its global warming potential/potency as a greenhouse gas is higher than current estimates. The pie chart on the left represents the typical chart we are shown on the relative size of the human-caused greenhouse gases in the air. It indicates that carbon dioxide is responsible for 76% of the total human-caused, greenhouse gas emissions over 100 years and methane is responsible for 15 percent of emissions. Nitrous oxide causes 8% of global warming, and other high potency greenhouse gases cause around 1%. But we can see on the right that by using global warming potential estimates in a shorter time period of 20 years, we get a very different picture. Using data from the UN FAO’s “Livestock’s Long Shadow” report and the UN IPCC estimates of methane’s global warming potential over 20 years, methane’s role in global warming increases from 15% to 36%. Scientific experts like Dr. James Hansen, chief of NASA’s Goddard Space Institute tell us we need to be acting in the next one to two years to preserve the planet and avoid extinctions. – including human ones. We can see with the melting of the polar ice caps that our planet’s temperature is already getting too hot! We need to act quickly to bring down the earth’s temperature. So if we need to bring down the earth’s temperature, we need to reduce the emissions from the greenhouse gas that will go out of the atmosphere the most quickly. This is why scientists such as Dr. Kirk Smith and the US Environmental Protection Agency have begun to consider the benefits of reducing methane as the fastest way to cool the planet. And on a global basis, the single largest human-caused source of methane is from animal agriculture. Sources: Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, US Environmental Protection Agency, June 2006, UN IPCC Supreme Master Television calculations using data from IPCC and UUS EPA for the 20 year time period. GWP von Methan: ca. 23 GWP von Methan: ca. 68 Berücksichtigt man das tatsächliche Treibhauspotenzial von Methan, dann spielt Methan eine größere Rolle bei der globalen Erwärmung (siehe rechts). Quelle: Schätzungen laut Angaben im Bericht der US Environmental Protection Agency: Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, IPCC , UN-Bericht Der lange Schatten der Viehwirtschaft

10 1 Milliarde Tonnen Methan
1 Milliarde Tonnen Methan* werden schneller abgebaut als 1 Milliarde Tonnen CO2 Kohlendioxid bleibt erhalten Mrd. Tonnen (CO2 -Äquivalent) Methan wird abgebaut So let’s assume that we are all going vegan one day per week and because of this we have reduced the CO2 equivalent of 1 billion tons of emissions per year. Because the CO2 takes such a long time to dissipate from the atmosphere, reducing a billion tons this year is going to stay with us for more than 500 years. We won’t see any cooling effect for our efforts to reduce CO2 for this time. But if we go vegan just one day per week, we can see here the cumulative effect in terms of reduced emissions over that same time period. Just to sum up this concept of methane 1) If everyone goes vegan one day per week, we reduce 1 billion tons of CO2 equivalent emissions per year. 2) If everyone goes completely vegan, we reduce enough emissions to make the planet carbon negative – over 7 billion tons. 3) Because methane dissipates from the atmosphere so much more quickly, we will see a result very quickly and the temperature of the earth would go down within our lifetimes, but if we make those emissions reductions in CO2, the heat will stay with us for centuries to come. Source: IPCC Working Group I, table Quelle: Zwischenstaatlicher Ausschuss für Klimaveränderungen der UN, Arbeitsgruppe 1, Tabelle 6.7

11 Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr
Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr. 1 der vom Menschen verursachten Methan-Emissionen weltweit (37%) Methan-Quellen Fleisch & Milch = Dung + enterische Fermentation SPEAKER NOTES: So here we have the causes of global warming. These charts come from a report on global methane emissions called “Methane to Markets” published by the US Environmental Protection Agency in 2006. Here we see the methane emissions from three industrialized countries – the US, the United Kingdom and Germany. The font may be a little small, so let’s go over this. The bottom line is that on a global basis, 37 percent of human caused methane emissions are caused by the livestock industry. The blue color shows the methane from enteric fermentation. This is mainly the exhalations (burps) of ruminant animals – cattle, sheep, etc. To a lesser degree it is also gas. (many people ask about human gas and burps. If you want to address this question, you can say this: “One question you may have is about the levels of enteric fermentation. The average cow puts out about 1000 times more enteric fermentation than a human. “ (Source: Ethical Man goes Vegan at The red bit here is manure. Methane is released from manure when it is produced, as it is stored, and as it is put onto fields for fertilizer. Many people talk about the methane from rice paddies in Asia. According to the UN Food and Agriculture’s Livestock Long Shadow report, most of the methane released from rice paddies comes from the decomposition of the manure used as fertilizer. Here in the United Kingdom, the methane from livestock is 43%. In Germany it’s 62%, and in the US its 30%. The next largest source of methane is landfill there in the pink. It really speaks to the importance of recycling and transforming that waste into lower emission fuel. Oil and Gas looks like the next largest in brown, and coal in black. But we can clearly see that even in industrialized nations, methane from livestock is the single highest source of human caused emissions. Of all of these, embracing an animal free diet is the single fastest, cheapest and easiest way to reduce methane emissions. It is also something an individual can do very easily. You don’t need to spend 15,000 pounds for a Toyota Prius Hybrid, you don’t need to spend 10,000 pounds to install solar panels on your roof, you don’t need to call in a contractor to put in insulation or double paned windows. In fact, you will save money by embracing a plant-based diet rather than spending it. And the effect of going vegan is going to reduce your emissions significantly more than any of these other options. SOURCES: US EPA (taken from Methane to Markets: United Nations FAO Report: Livestock’s Long Shadow, 2006 Großbritannien und Nordirland 1. Viehbestand (42%) 2. Deponien (18%) 3. Öl & Gas (17%) Deutschland 1. Viehbestand (62%) 2. Deponien (13%) 3. Öl & Gas (17%) USA 1. Viehbestand (30%) 2. Deponien (25%) 3. Öl & Gas (24%) Quellen: US Environmental Protection Agency, UN FAO

12 Vegane Ernährung an 1 Tag pro Woche beseitigt 1 Milliarde Tonnen Methan (in CO2-Äquivalenten mit dem GWP-Wert 68) * Pro Jahr vermiedene Emissionen in Mrd. Tonnen In talking about the US$25 million challenge to reduce a billion tons of emissions, if everyone on the planet were to go vegan just one day per week, we would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1 billion tons per year. And if everyone went vegan, we would reduce emissions by 7 billion tons. To put this in perspective, right now the net amount of emissions is estimated to be between 4 to 6 billion tons of emissions. So just by everyone going vegan, that one simple act, we would cure global warming, because the planet would be able to absorb the emissions coming from cars and factories. Furthermore, remember this assumes a global warming potential of 68 over a 20 year time period. So the net reduction of emissions is actually going to be much more than this. The entire planet would be carbon negative. More emissions would be stored by the oceans and the forests and the soil than was being put into the atmosphere. Also note that livestock is also responsible for 9 % of global CO2 emissions (most of which is due to deforestation in Latin America) and 65% of nitrous oxide emissions. So the actual reduction of emissions would be far higher than this, but we wanted to look at methane alone to demonstrate not only the sheer magnitude of the emissions problem from livestock, but also to demonstrate how quickly the emissions would go out of the atmosphere relative to reducing CO2 emissions. Anmerkung: Ausgenommen die Reduktion von CO2- oder Distickstoffoxid-Emissionen *In CO2-Äquivalenten mit einem geschätzten GWP-Wert von 68 im Zeitraum von 20 Jahren Quelle: UN FAO, Der lange Schatten der Viehwirtschaft, IPCC

13 Vegane Ernährung fördert die globale Abkühlung
Wir müssen JETZT etwas gegen die globale Erwärmung tun. Wir können nicht warten, bis umfassende zukunftsfähige Technologien und Verfahren eingesetzt werden. Auch wenn heute umfassende Lösungen für die Zukunft umgesetzt werden, wird die Erwärmung durch CO2 jahrhundertelang andauern. Die Hinwendung Vieler zur veganen Ernährung ist ohne den Aufbau neuer Infrastruktur möglich. Eine vegetarische Ernährung hilft Konsumenten Geld zu sparen, da die Ausgaben für Nahrungsmittel sinken. Die globale Abkühlung wird schnell einsetzen und uns Zeit geben, weitreichende und nachhaltige Lösungen zur CO2- Reduktion zu finden. Scientific experts like Dr. James Hansen, chief of NASA’s Goddard Space Institute tell us we need to be acting in the next one to two years to preserve the planet and avoid extinctions. – including human ones. We can see with the melting of the polar ice caps that our planet’s temperature is already getting too hot! We need to act quickly to bring down the earth’s temperature. So if we need to bring down the earth’s temperature, we need to reduce the emissions from the greenhouse gas that will go out of the atmosphere the most quickly. This is why scientists such as Dr. Kirk Smith and the US Environmental Protection Agency have begun to consider the benefits of reducing methane as the fastest way to cool the planet. And on a global basis, the single largest human-caused source of methane is from animal agriculture.

14 Fleisch, Milch und globale Erwärmung (sonstige Emissionen)

15 Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr
Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr. 1 aller vom Menschen verursachten Treibhausgasemissionen (24%) Angenommenes Treibhauspotenzial = 68 Emissionen durch Gesamtviehbestand Methan: 37% Kohlendioxid: 9% Distickstoffoxid: 67% 67% from Meat, Dairy According to the UN FAO, livestock causes 37% of global methane emissions, 9% of global carbon dioxide emissions, and 67% of global nitrous oxide emissions. You may have heard that the total emissions from livestock is 18% from the UN’s Livestock’s Long Shadow report. But if we look at the emissions from livestock over a 20 year period, livestock are responsible for much more. Using a global warming potential estimate of 68 (instead of 23), livestock appear to be responsible for 24% of global warming, rather than 18% as reported in Livestock’s Long Shadow. SOURCE: UN FAO Livestock’s Long Shadow and UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group 1, table 6.7 37% from Meat, Dairy 9% from Meat, Dairy Quelle: UN Food and Agriculture Organization & Zwischenstaatlicher Ausschuss für Klimaveränderungen der UN, Arbeitsgruppe 1, Tabelle 6.7

16 Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr
Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr. 1 aller vom Menschen verursachten Treibhausgasemissionen (24%) Angenommenes Treibhauspotenzial = 68 Treibhauspotenzial = 23 Treibhauspotenzial = 68 On the right, we see the estimate of livestock’s global warming potential as reported in the UN’s Livestock’s Long Shadow: 18% over 100 years. However because methane is so much more potent over shorter time periods in which we need to act, we can safely say that livestock is responsible for at least 24 % of total global warming, including methane emissions, CO2 emissions and nitrous oxide emissions. Nitrous oxide emissions result from nitrogen fertilizer being put onto feed crops grown for animals, or from manure, which is also used as a fertilizer. The un-used nitrogen is either dissipated into the atmosphere, or washed into the water system, and is transformed into one of several nitrogen compounds, including nitrous oxide. Laut Angaben der Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der UN verursacht die Massenviehzucht 18% der globalen Erwärmung – in einem Zeitraum von 100 Jahren. Kurzfristiger sind Fleisch und Milch für 24% der globalen Erwärmung verantwortlich, da Methan ein kurzfristig höheres Treibhauspotenzial besitzt. Angenommenes Treibhauspotenzial von Methan = 23/100 Jahre, 68/20 Jahre Quelle: Der lange Schatten der Viehwirtschaft, Bericht der UN FAO & IPCC Arbeitsgruppe 1, Tabelle 6.7 Unsere Berechnungen beruhen auf Schätzungen der UN.

17 Fleisch & Milch: Verursachen 9 % der weltweiten CO2-Emissionen
Freisetzung von CO2 durch Ackerbau Düngemittelproduktion Benzinverbrauch in der Landwirtschaft On this slide we are just going to look at CO2 caused by deforestation. It is easy to see from this chart that from a CO2 perspective, most of the emissions from the livestock industry come from land use changes, and principally deforestation, with the greatest concentration coming from Latin America. In Latin America, the UN FAO states in Livestock’s Long Shadow that they estimate that 65 percent of deforestation between 2000 and 2010 will occur to create pastureland or to grow feed crops. The amount of carbon released is magnified if the forest is burned off rather than forested. Other sources include the land degradation due to desertification, on farm fuel use for the growing of crops and forage for animals and use of pesticides and herbicides, the manufacture of fertilizer from fossil fuels, and the release of carbon from already cultivated soils. According to the UN FAO in the Livestock’s Long Shadow, the total carbon emissions due to livestock is 9 percent of the total. Note the statistic of how eliminating meat and dairy will eliminate ¼ of tropical rainforest deforestation is a conservative estimate based upon publicly available data from the UN, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth (Brazil), and the Canopy Project. Wüstenbildung Abholzung und andere Formen der Landumwandlung Jährliche CO2-Emissionen durch Viehbestand (in Millionen Tonnen) Quelle: Der lange Schatten der Viehwirtschaft, UN Food & Agriculture Organization, Nov. 2006

18 Hört auf, Fleisch- & Milchprodukte zu essen, um 30% der Abholzung des tropischen Regenwaldes zu verhindern Wenn wir die Abholzung des tropischen Amazonas- Regenwaldes aufhalten wollen, hört auf, tierische Produkte zu essen. Freisetzung von CO2 durch Ackerbau Düngemittelproduktion Benzinverbrauch in der Landwirtschaft On this slide we are just going to look at CO2 caused by deforestation. It is easy to see from this chart that from a CO2 perspective, most of the emissions from the livestock industry come from land use changes, and principally deforestation, with the greatest concentration coming from Latin America. In Latin America, the UN FAO states in Livestock’s Long Shadow that they estimate that 65 percent of deforestation between 2000 and 2010 will occur to create pastureland or to grow feed crops. The amount of carbon released is magnified if the forest is burned off rather than forested. Other sources include the land degradation due to desertification, on farm fuel use for the growing of crops and forage for animals and use of pesticides and herbicides, the manufacture of fertilizer from fossil fuels, and the release of carbon from already cultivated soils. According to the UN FAO in the Livestock’s Long Shadow, the total carbon emissions due to livestock is 9 percent of the total. Note the statistic of how eliminating meat and dairy will eliminate ¼ of tropical rainforest deforestation is a conservative estimate based upon publicly available data from the UN, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth (Brazil), and the Canopy Project. Wüstenbildung Abholzung und andere Formen der Landumwandlung Jährliche CO2-Emissionen durch Viehbestand (in Millionen Tonnen) Quelle: Der lange Schatten der Viehwirtschaft, UN Food & Agriculture Organization, Nov. 2006

19 Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr
Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr. 1 des gesamten vom Menschen verursachten Distickstoffoxids (67%) Distickstoffoxid wird durch Dung und stickstoffhaltige Düngemittel freigesetzt, die beim Anbau von Mastfutter für Tiere verwendet werden. Dung und Distickstoffoxid fließen aus den Flüssen ins Meer, wo sie maßgeblich zur Entstehung von Totzonen in den Ozeanen beitragen. Distickstoffoxid wirkt 296-mal stärker als CO2 & wird in 114 Jahren abgebaut.

20 Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr
Fleisch & Milch: Quelle Nr. 1 des gesamten vom Menschen verursachten Distickstoffoxids (67%)

21 Biotreibstoffe führen nicht zu Hunger
Fleisch & Milch schon

22 Biotreibstoffe führen nicht zu Hunger Fleisch schon
Alle 2,3 Sekunden stirbt ein Kind an Mangelernährung Mit den 760 Millionen Tonnen Getreide, die an Tiere verfüttert werden, könnten 2 Milliarden Menschen ernährt werden; damit wäre die weltweite Nahrungsknappheit um ein 14-Faches abgeckt 1 ha produziert Kartoffeln zur Ernährung von 22 Menschen 1 ha produziert Reis zur Ernährung von 19 Menschen 1 ha produziert Lammfleisch zur Ernährung von 2 Menschen 1 ha produziert Rindfleisch zur Ernährung von 1 Menschen 800 Millionen Hungernde – 1 Milliarde Fettleibige We want to consider a few other factors. We hear a lot of debate about high food prices due to biofuels. We are going to see that demand for meat and dairy is a much bigger contributor to high grain prices. And with global water shortages exacerbated by global warming, we will also see that the amount of water needed to produce meat is too high a price to pay. UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children, 2006 Lester R. Brown, Outgrowing the Earth, Chap. 3, W.W. Norton & Co., 2005 WHO/FAO, Diet, nutrition, and the prevention of chronic disease. Report of the Joint WHO/FAO expert consultation, 26 April 2002s Quellen: UNICEF, Weltgesundheitsorganisation, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Earth Policy Institute

23 Biotreibstoffe führen nicht zu Hunger, Fleisch schon
Weltbevölkerung (2007): 6,7 Milliarden Weltweite Getreideproduktion 2007/08: Millionen metrische Tonnen Sources: Oil Crops Year in Review: U.S. Soybean Demand Powered by Record 2006/07 Supply, US Department of Agriculture, Crop Prospects and Food Situation, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Globaler Hunger existiert, wenn die Armen mit Tieren, die von den Reichen gegessen werden, um Getreide konkurrieren. Biotreibstoffe verbrauchen nur 5% der weltweiten Getreideproduktion. Quellen: UN Food & Agriculture Organization, World Food Organization

24 Vegetarische Kost verbraucht weniger Wasser
als der Konsum von Fleisch & Milch

25 Vegetarische Kost verbraucht weniger Wasser als der Konsum von Fleisch
Die globale Erwärmung gefährdet unseren bereits schwindenen Wasservorrat In Afrika werden im Jahr weniger als 50% der Wassermenge von verfügbar sein, so Prognosen. USA Südwesten – Der Lake Mead (das Wasserreservoir für 23 Millionen Menschen) wird laut Prognosen bis zum Jahr ausgetrocknet sein. Spanien verhängt Bußgeld von € fürs Blumengießen

26 Vegetarische Kost verbraucht weniger Wasser als der Konsum von Fleisch
70% Wasserverbrauch durch die Landwirtschaft; 10% durch Privathaushalte und 20% durch die Industrie. Liter Wasser sind nötig, um in Kalifornien ein Pfund Rindfleisch zu erzeugen. Das reicht, um ein ganzes Jahr lang täglich 7 Minuten zu duschen. Note: in title - costs on 2nd line? Source for the first statement is “Saving Water: From Field to Fork” by the Stockholm International Water institute. The press release on this report, released by the UN press office stated that it took 500 to 2000 liters to grow one kg of wheat, but 5000 to to grow one kg of beef. Might be good to use their sources so you can just reference them and their report on the page to provide greater legitimacy. Need to compare this relative to fruits and vegetables and beans and grains. In arguments I see on blogs and comments sections of news articles, people say ‘well it takes water to raise vegetables too” Sources can be found at and also Water Inputs for california agriculture wheat m3 water / ton soy apples - 697 oranges - 457 bananas - 859 lettuce - 133 tomatoes - 184 cucumber - 242 AVERAGE m3 water / ton swine meat, cured bovine meat, cured cheese fresh egg Source: - Saving Water: from Field to Fork, SIWI, IWMI, Chalmers & SEI, May 2008. University of California, Agricultural Extension, Soil & Water Specialists -Livestock’s Long Shadow, UN Food & Agriculture Organization Quellen: Internationales Wasserinstitut Stockholm, University of California-Davis, UN Food & Agriculture Organization

27 Vegetarische Kost verbraucht weniger Wasser als der Konsum von Fleisch
Eine komplette vegane Mahlzeit verbraucht 371 Liter Wasser Eine mittelgroße Portion Huhn verbraucht 1249 Liter Eine Portion Rindfleisch: 4664 Liter Title: same Quelle: Water Inputs in California Food Production, University of California - Davis

28 Aufruf zum Handeln Gemeinsam können wir die Welt zu einem besseren Ort machen Investieren Sie die 25 Mio. USD für die Beseitigung von Fleisch & Milch um die Umwelt zu retten um die Hungernden zu ernähren um ausreichende Wasserressourcen zu sichern Indem ... alle Subventionen für Fleisch, Milch und tierische Rohstoffe eingestellt werden bei Virgin Airlines nur vegane Mahlzeiten angeboten werden Fleisch und Milchprodukte besteuert werden der Verkauf von Fleisch und Milch in allen Regierungseinrichtungen verboten wird Emissionen aus der Landwirtschaft in den Plänen zur Emissionsreduzierung berücksichtigt werden alle Fleisch- & Milchprodukte in Supermärkten & Restaurants nach ihrem Emissionswert gekennzeichnet werden alle Bürger ermutigt werden, sich vegan zu ernähren

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