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Alfred Meßing, Vertrieb Cloud Management Lösungen

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1 Alfred Meßing, Vertrieb Cloud Management Lösungen
Optimierung Ihrer Wertschöpfung, rund um die VMware Cloud Management Lösungen Alfred Meßing, Vertrieb Cloud Management Lösungen VMware helps companies around the globe accelerate their move to the new era of IT, commonly referred to as cloud computing. However, we do not believe in a one-size fits all strategy. We believe your business is unique, and thus your approach to cloud computing will be as well. This is what differentiates VMware, and ultimately, what will differentiate you in your business.

2 VMworld 2013 - was gibt es Neues?
Wo stehen wir heute? Wo wird es hingehen? Portfolio Veränderungen und Optimierung Cloud Automation Cloud Management Cloud Business Management Ein Tool Set für vCOps / vSOM Preisübersicht vCloud Suite Ihre Aktivitäten!? Fragen & Antworten

3 VMware ist führend beim Cloud-Management
„VMware führte den Markt mit 20,5% Marktanteil an, da Enterprise-Kunden und Serviceanbieter verstärkt auf Cloud-Automatisierung, Überwachung und Analysen in ihren virtualisierten Rechenzentrumsumgebungen setzten.“ Mary Johnston Turner Research VP, IDC

4 Cloud Management Mission
Einfaches und großteils automatisiertes Cloud Management für heterogene und hybride (Cloud) Infrastukture als wichtiges SDDC Element Cloud Automation Cloud Operations Cloud Business Automatisiert die Bereitstellung von Infrastruktur, Anwendungen und Desktops als Service über mehrere Plattformen sowie Clouds hinweg Sicherung und Optimierung der IT Betriebszustände “health”, “risk”, “efficiency”, auch unter Compliance Aspekten Betrieb und Verwaltung der IT nach unternehmerischen Gesichtspunkten Intelligente Betriebskonzepte Automatisierung Ganzheitliches Management Finanzielle Transparenz Industrie Standards Führung gemäß “Regularien” Regel basierte Steuerung, überall. Auswahl und Flexibilität VMware’s differentiated approach to cloud management translates into three key domains: Cloud Automation – automated, policy-based provisioning and lifecycle management of infra, app and desktop services. Cloud Operations – automated operations of your infrastructure resources. Cloud Business – the ability to meter and manage the cost, quality and value of cloud services. Let’s take a look at what we are delivering in each of these three key areas. vCloud Automation Center vFabric Application Director vCenter Operations vCenter Log Insight IT Business Management Suite

5 SDDC und Management: Was gibt es Neues?
Software-Defined Data Center Automation NSX vSphere 5.5 VSAN (BETA) Log Insight vCAC vC Ops XaaS: Selbst Service Katalog und Lifecycle-Management für Anwendungen Operations Management Systemüberwachung und -optimierung Storage & Availability Compute Network & Security Policy-based Kontrolle und Automation von Infrastruktur Services VMware has again refreshed is Software-Defined Data Center architecture and is launching a host of new products to help customers move closer to delivering IT as a Service. VMware vCloud Suite 5.5/VMware vSphere 5.5: Foundation for the software-defined data center New application HA capabilities Virtualized flash for improved application performance Support for Hadoop workloads Greater automation and management capabilities VMware NSX - Represents the future of networking Platform that delivers the entire networking and security model in software, decoupled from traditional networking hardware. Brings together the best of Nicira NVP and VMware vCloud Network and Security (vCNS) into one unified platform. VMware Virtual SAN – Radically Simple and Dynamic Storage for Virtual Environments Clusters server disks to create radically simple shared storage designed for virtual machines Announcing public beta VMware vSphere with Operations Management 5.5 – Improve Virtual Platform Capacity Delivers insight to workload capacity and health to enable customers to optimize their environment Takes advantage of VMware vSphere 5.5 to provide customers with best platform for all their applications and workloads Abstraktion und Pooling von Ressourcen

6 Cloud Automation: vCAC 6.0 und App Director
Cloud Service Provisioning Application Management - Overview Application Director - Any App Anywhere Application Director - Blueprints

7 Wichtigste Neuigkeiten – vCloud Automation Center 6.0
Service-Katalog bietet einen zentralisierten Genehmigungs- und Berechtigungsmechanismus für Infrastruktur, Anwendung und alle anderen Arten von IT-Services Einblick in die Kosten der VMs und die Nutzung gemeinsamer Ressourcen über interne Infrastruktur und öffentliche IaaS hinweg Self-Service-Katalog Erstellen Sie „jeden beliebigen“ IT-Service in Minuten (z.B. Storage-as-a-Service oder Backup-as-a-Service) zusätzlich zu den bestehenden Standard-Service-Funktionen für IaaS, PaaS und DaaS Anything as a Service (XaaS) Unterstützung für vCloud Hybrid Service und RedHat OpenStack Integration mit vCNS für dynamische Vernetzung und Services (private, isolierte und Routingnetzwerke auf Abruf sowie Lastausgleichsmodule) vSphere-Interoperabilität: Storage DRS, VSAN, SRM Unterstützung für mehrere Anbieter und Clouds NEO-BO JF1

8 vCAC 6.0: Anwendungen schneller ausliefern - “time2market”
Überblick Wieder verwendbare Anwendungs “Blueprints”, zum Provisionieren, auch über hybride (Cloud) Umgebungen hinweg; Infrastruktur und seine Anwendungen gemäß Regularien flexibel ausrollen; Roll-back fähig; Bestehende Services einbinden; Cloud Marktplätze und -anbieter einbinden Mandantenfähig CHANGE Dev Test Prod Nutzen Bestehende Anwendungen als Service nutzbar machen; Anwendungsrelease Verfahren automatisieren; Unterstützt bzw. ermöglicht einen agilen Software Lifecycle Prozess; Basis eines Cloud Brokers; vSphere vCloud vCloud Automation Center has always provided the capability to re-deploy blueprints. With the latest release, vCloud Automation Center 6.0 significant new capabilities are added: The most important new feature is the capability to promote a consistent set of changes across environments. In addition to change promotion, we can now also roll-back those changes. In some cases it is not desirable to deploy a new system but it would be preferred to integrate into an existing one. Examples would be very large databases, for which it would simply take too long to deploy large data sets. Other examples would be centralized load balancer farms or even SaaS applications. It is now possible to integrate into existing services We also created a Cloud Applications Marketplace, which hosts solutions of a vibrant partner eco system. It is now possible to browse the market place solution during blue print creation to create integrated multi-tier applications Governance is not only important for infrastructure, but it needs to extend to all aspect of the system, including the applications. We now provide out of the box policies for applications as well as the ability to create custom application policies. Lastly applications and infrastructure can be set up using a multi- tenancy model. While we support applications, which are specifically designed for use in the cloud, the majority of the market is to service-enable existing applications, whether custom or packaged, to accelerate application delivery. Enable existing applications to be consumed as a service Automate the application release process to accelerate delivery of applications Support an agile software delivery process Leverage cloud-broker model Application Release Automation

9 Schnelle “Blueprint” Erstellung: Services via “Drag and Drop”
Workflow Namen, Beschreibung und weitere Parameter Bestehende oder neue vCO Workflows einbinden Next, the wizard pre-populates request form with information that the workflow will need to configure and automate the delivery of the service being requested. This is a simple WYSISWYG form designer with capabilities to allow sopisticated interaction with the requestor. Output Parameter werden verwaltbare Objekte des Service Katalogs

10 vCAC 6.0: Beispiel für einen Servicekatalog
The Default View is of the VMware branded Self-Service Catalog Click on Tenant Specific Branding to See a tenant specific branded Service Catalog Click on VMware Default Branding to see the VMware branded Service Catalog

11 vCAC 6.0: Kostenvergleich verschiedener Serviceanbieter

12 vCAC 6.0: “Out of the Box” Business Management
Wer nutzt was? Transparenz pro Anwender oder Anwendung Stückkosten von CPU, MEM, Storage,. Somit werden die BluePrint mit Preis versehen Gesamtkosten darstellen Basierend auf mitgelieferten Standardwerten oder einer vCenter Einbindung

13 Operations Management – vC Ops 5.8 / Log Insight 1.5
Cloud Operations Management Cloud Management - Health Cloud Management - Smart Alerts

14 Cloud-Betrieb: vCenter Operations Management Suite 5.8
Übersicht Aktuell Zukunftsorientiert Intelligente Betriebsabläufe Patentierte Analytik und dynamische Schwellwerte Maschinelles Lernen ermöglicht Aufkommensvermeidung und -auflösung Kapazitätsmanagement für optimierte Ressourcenauslastung Richtlinienbasierte Automatisierung Selbstlernende Automatisierungs-Engine; reguliert, lenkt die Fehlerbehebung Automatisierte Durchsetzung von Richtlinien, kontinuierliche Compliance Vereinheitlichtes Management Einheitliches Management – Server, Storage, Netzwerk Integriertes Performance-, Kapazitäts- und Konfigurationsmanagement Erweiterung um Hybrid- und heterogene Umgebungen, einschließlich virtuelle, physische und Public Clouds Vorteile VMware offers a comprehensive operations management solution for the cloud era. vCenter Operations Management Suite is a highly automated and integrated analytics platform and operations console that provides visibility into the health of your infrastructure and applications across hybrid clouds and heterogeneous environments. There are three key areas of focus for VMware’s approach to simplify and automate Operations Management. The first is Intelligent Operations, using patented analytics to provide better visibility into datacenter operations. vCenter Operations analyzes millions of metrics from vSphere and existing monitoring tools to learn the behavior of your infrastructure. It then sets dynamic thresholds that trigger smart alerts so you can proactively address building performance problems. The second area is Policy-based Automation, leveraging policies and thresholds to trigger orchestration workflows across a white variety of tasks, rather than manual intervention to kick off a script. These automated tasks include incident and problem remediation, policy enforcement for continuous compliance, and capacity analysis and planning to improve resource utilization. The third area is Unified Management, providing operations team with a unified view of what's happening in their highly virtualized and cloud environments. vCenter Operations delivers this unified view in three ways: first, through converged infrastructure management of network, storage and compute; second, through integration of the key disciplines of performance, capacity and configuration management; and third, through a consistent management approach across virtual, physical and private/public cloud domains. As shown here, customers are reaping the benefits of this approach. Höhere Servicequalität, weniger Vorfälle und kürzere Ausfallzeiten für Infrastruktur- und Anwendungsservices 67% höhere IT-Produktivität durch vereinfachte Aufgaben hinsichtlich Performance-, Incident- und Change-Management* 30% Einsparungen bei den Investitionskosten für Server durch richtiges Dimensionieren und die Rückgewinnung überdimensionierter Kapazität* 60% mehr VMs können von einem einzigen VI-Admin verwaltet werden** Integriertes Performance-, Kapazitäts- und Konfigurationsmanagement Quellen: * Forrester, „The Total Economic Impact of VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite“, Dez. 2012; ** Kundenbefragung durch Management Insights, September 2012 NEO-BO JF1

15 Cloud-Betrieb: vCenter Log Insight
Übersicht Erfassen, Analysieren und Durchsuchen von Protokollen und unstrukturierten, maschinell erzeugten Daten Optimiert für VMware-Umgebungen (integriertes Know-how und native Unterstützung für vSphere) Einfach erweiterbar auf physische Umgebungen, Betriebssysteme und Anwendungen, Netzwerk- und Storage-Geräte Einfache Bedienung – Erlernen einer speziellen Suchsprache nicht erforderlich Einfaches, vorhersehbares Preismodell (Fixkosten pro Server, Netzwerk oder Storage-Gerät) Vorteile Logs contain valuable behavior and diagnostics information about dynamic virtual and cloud environments that cannot be obtained from raw metrics alone. Log analytics, however, is a complex problem, as logs get generated from all types of sources and quickly add up to huge volumes that become difficult to manage. vCenter Log Insight helps customers quickly search and analyze all their IT log data, providing them with meaningful, actionable operational insights. Log Insight extends VMware’s analytics-based approach to IT operations to log data, with a powerful browser-based solution that is extremely intuitive and easy to use. Optimized to produce the best results for VMware environments, its search and analysis capabilities can also be applied to operating systems and applications, storage and networking devices, and more, delivering customers the operational intelligence they need across all tiers of their IT infrastructure. Log Insight can help customers with monitoring, troubleshooting and root cause analysis; future capabilities will include security monitoring, compliance, and business transaction monitoring. Log Insight complements and integrates with vCenter Operations Management Suite. Together, these best of breed tools offer a complete cloud operations management solution, leveraging both structured time series data (vC Ops) and unstructured, machine-generated data (Log Insight) across all tiers of an IT environment. Their tight integration enables seamless transition from monitoring to troubleshooting, and traversing the last mile to root cause, reducing mean time to identification and resolution. Unternehmensweiter Einblick Erheblich reduzierte Fehlerbehebungszeiten und vereinfachtes Sicherheits- und Compliance- Management Bildet zusammen mit vC Ops eine vollständige Cloud-Betriebsmanagementlösung und senkt so die MTTI und MTTR: Integration mit vCenter Operations zur automatisierten Korrelation von Performance- mit Protokolldaten NEO-BO JF1

16 Architektur Schaubild: Option 1
vC Log direkt über Sys-Log Beispiel: Einfache Implementierung für kleine Umgebungen oder Testfälle vC Log sammelt aus verschiedenen Quellen die System-Log Daten, analysiert diese und kann Folgeaktivitäten triggern, Alarme, Events anstossen, usw. ESXi #1 ESXi #2 ESXi #n Epilog or Datagram Syslog Agent for file-to-syslog Windows Log Insight

17 Aufruf von Log Insight im Kontext zum ausgewählten Objekt
Launch Log Insight in-context for the selected object

18 (Aussagekräftige) Metriken von vielen Systemen
Log data (unstructured) Storage and Network Security Config Events Wie nutzen wir nur all diese Daten - sinnvoll? ? HW Performance Admin actions The shear volume of Event, Performance, Availability metrics that need to be captured and analyzed is incredible. Every Host, every VM, every user, every admin action is generating data that can be analyzed…but existing management tools just aren’t designed to take advantage and drive insight from this data. They just weren’t designed with Cloud, or even simply virtualization in mind. We see a need for tools using increasingly sophisticated statistical models to separate between noise and the critical insights necessary to meet your SLAs. Extensible Collection Framework Collect data from existing physical systems, new virtualized cloud systems, viewable through a single pane of glass Optimize For Virtualization and Cloud Architect for continual change and fluidity Shine light on invisible walls Deep knowledge of new metrics and layer of abstraction Leverage Advanced Analytics Static thresholds useful in targeted cases Analytics provides a general framework for monitoring and troubleshooting Automated, no tuning necessary App Dependency Availability Usage Data Capacity App Performance Web App

19 Monitoring über die VMware VI hinaus: Hyperic oder ???
Überblick Überwachen von physischen Hardwareressourcen, OS und Business Anwendungen von Microsoft und Oracle mit vFabric Hyperic. Korrelieren von Infrastruktur sowie Anwendungs-Performance Metriken Proaktiv Engpässe und abnormes Verhalten erkennen Screenshot(s) and/or diagram Nutzen Umfassende Einblicke in die Performance von virtuellen und physischen Infrastruktur, OS und Anwendungen erlauben eine hohe Betriebssicherheit Einheitliche Überwachung und Verwaltung von Infrastrukturen und Anwendungen mit einer einzigen Lösung in multi-cloud, virtuelle und physische Umgebungen

20 Hyperic Monitoring und seine Konnektoren (Agenten)
Operating Systems JRun Monitoring Microsoft Technology Nagios Monitoring AIX Monitoring .Net Runtime Monitoring Exchange Monitoring NTP Monitoring HP/UX Monitoring Resin Monitoring Active Directory Monitoring Samba Monitoring Linux Monitoring tc Server Monitoring Spring Insight Monitoring Sharepoint Monitoring Solaris Monitoring Tomcat Monitoring ZXTM Monitoring .Net Monitoring Windows Monitoring WebLogic Monitoring Custom Monitoring Virtualization Mac OSX Monitoring WebSphere Monitoring Application Management VMware Monitoring FreeBSD Monitoring Database Technologies JMX Monitoring XenServer Monitoring Web Servers DB2 Monitoring Distributed Platforms Mail Servers Apache Monitoring Gemfire Monitoring Postfix Monitoring IIS Monitoring Informix Monitoring Sendmail Monitoring Perlbal Monitoring MySQL Monitoring OpenLDAP Monitoring Zimbra Monitoring Sun Java System Monitoring Oracle Monitoring Application Platforms Network Management PostgreSQL Monitoring LAMP Monitoring Application Servers SQL Server Monitoring Alfresco Monitoring LAM-J Monitoring Apache Geronimo Sybase Monitoring Bind Monitoring J2EE Monitoring Glassfish Monitoring Messaging Middleware MemCached Monitoring Integrated Applications JBoss Monitoring Network Device Monitoring ActiveMQ Monitoring ColdFusion Monitoring Jetty Monitoring IBM MQ Monitoring Network Services Monitoring RabbitMQ Monitoring

21 Systemzustands-/ Kapazitäts-
Neu: Best Practices für Managementpartner – 30 Tage Analyse des Systemzustands der virtuellen Infrastruktur Kunden- bindung (Ziel > 50 VMs) vCOps Vor Ort: 30-Tage- Testversion 30 Tage Selbstlernende Analysefunktionen Systemzustands-/ Kapazitäts- Bericht Lizenz Services Zusatzverkauf Schnelle Installation von vApp (15 min) Nicht-invasiv und transparent Kostengünstig für Partner Analyse von Mio. von Datenpunkten in virtueller Umgebung Füllen des intelligenten Dashboards mit Daten Fertige Berichte Besprechung mit CIO und Leiter der IT Vertrauenswürdiger Berater und Wettbewerbsvorteil Consulting- und Implementierungsservices Zusatzverkauf weiterer Ressourcen Arbeitsspeicher Hardware Storage usw.

22 vCloud Suite 5.5: wie sieht das nun aus?
Standard Advanced Enterprise Updated Price (per CPU, license only) $4,995 $7,495 $11,495 Cloud Automation Application and data services – Application provisioning, changes and data Governance – Approvals, reclamation, cost profile and transparency Extensibility – Infrastructure integrations, workflows and customizations Infrastructure provisioning and management vCAC Std vCAC Adv vCAC Ent Operations Management Application Monitoring – OS, middleware, databases OS-level change, configuration and regulatory compliance management Extensibility – Adapters for 3rd party OS and application monitoring tools Extensibility – Adapters for 3rd party Infrastructure monitoring tools vSphere hardening, change and configuration management Application Awareness – Discovery dependency mapping Chargeback – Cost metering and reporting Operations Dashboard – Health Monitoring and Performance Analytics Capacity Management – Planning and Optimization vCOPS Standard vCOPS Advanced vCOPS Enterprise Cloud Management Disaster Recovery Automation Automated disaster recovery planning, testing, and execution SRM Enterprise Networking and Security Scalable networking and virtualization-aware security vCloud Net & Sec vCloud Net & Sec vCloud Net & Sec Cloud Infrastructure Virtualized Datacenters Virtualized datacenters and public cloud extensibility vCD, vCC vCD, vCC vCD, vCC vSphere Enterprise Plus Virtualized infrastructure with policy-based automation vSphere Enterprise Plus vSphere Enterprise Plus vSphere Enterprise Plus

23 www.vmwarecloudmanagement.com IT Business Management
Cloud Business Management Cloud Management - Dashboard Cloud Management - Visibility Cloud Management - Capacity Cloud Operations Management Cloud Management - Health Cloud Management - Smart Alerts VMware, the industry-leading virtualization software company, empowers organizations to innovate and thrive by streamlining IT operations. By virtualizing infrastructure—from the data center to the cloud to mobile devices—VMware enables IT organizations to more efficiently and reliably deliver services that are accessible on demand from any device, anytime, anywhere, making its customers more agile, more responsive, and more profitable. To do this the company is committed to three strategies, which together help customers transform their IT operations to be more agile, efficient and better managed, while preserving customer choice. These are: Software-defined data center – Expand the cost and operational benefits of server virtualization to all data center infrastructure— network, security, storage, and management—with this open architectural approach by applying abstraction, pooling, and automation to data center resources Hybrid cloud – Extend the software-defined data center by allowing customers to take advantage of the public cloud, whether provided by VMware or its partners, without changing existing applications, while leveraging a common management, orchestration, networking, and security model  Mobility – Bring the freedom, flexibility, and manageability of virtualization to customers by helping them connect people to their data, applications, and desktops while keeping IT in control VMware pioneers the use of advanced virtualization and automation technologies to radically simplify IT infrastructure across the entire data center to the virtual workspace. Our infrastructure software and services are helping IT as we know it today become IT as a service. And we are accomplishing this goal with the help of more than 55,000 VMware ecosystem partners who are committed to working with us to deliver infrastructure for cloud services to all devices. As the client-server architecture of IT rapidly gives way to a new mobile, cloud-sourced infrastructure model, VMware is the only company providing an end-to-end virtualization platform for IT as a service, combined with an ecosystem with the experience and support to deliver infrastructure for the new era in IT—the infrastructure that innovation demands. Cloud Service Provisioning Application Management - Overview Application Director - Any App Anywhere Application Director - Blueprints

24 Aktionsplan für Sie als Partner
Cloud-Management-Seite auf Partner Central besuchen Cloud-Management-Schulung nutzen und Kompetenz erwerben Schulungsrabatte Toolkit zur Beschleunigung der Marktreife Professional Services-IP Demo-Kits Hauptkunden anhand von Evaluierungssoftware mit PoC und Systemzustandsanalyse die Vorteile aufzeigen, die schon die Standardlösung bietet Cloud-Management mit anderen Verkaufsstrategien zu Storage, Hardwareaktualisierung und Anwendungsmigration/-Upgrade verknüpfen

25 Vielen Dank Technische Keynote der VMworld 2013

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