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1 Schalten Sie bitte die Lautsprecher Ihres PC`s ein !!!
LifePak® Greeting... Overview: In the following xx minutes, I’d like to explain what LifePak is, what it can do for your health, and how you can measure its antioxidant effects. Carsten R. Smidt, Ph.D., FACN Vice President, Global Research & Development

2 LifePak ist kein herkömmliches Multivitamin!
Was ist LifePak? Multi- vitamin LifePak is not a typical multivitamin. LifePak is much more than that, as you will see in this presentation. LifePak ist kein herkömmliches Multivitamin!

3 Was ist LifePak? Ein vollständiges Nahrungsergänzungs-programm, das die optimalen Mengen aller Vitamine, Mineralstoffe, Spurenelemente und sekundären Pflanzenstoffe liefert um langfristig gesund zu bleiben. LifePak is a comprehensive nutritional wellness program delivering the optimum amounts of all essential and generally beneficial nutrients for long-term health and well-being. LifePak is unique, because it is a complete wellness supplement!

4 LifePak Gesundheitsvorteile
Optimale Supplementation für gute Gesundheit 1. Behebt alle Nährstoffmängel 2. Herz/Kreislaufvorteile 3. Ernährung für gesunden Knochenbau 4. Stärkt das Immunsystem 5. Fördert den Blutzuckerstoffwechsel 6. Beugt Alterserscheinungen vor 7. Stärkt das Antioxidative Schutzsystem … und mehr Because LifePak provides optimum supplementation, it has many more health benefits than typical multivitamins: It addresses all possible nutrient deficiencies, has cardiovascular benefits, provides complete bone nutrition, promotes healthy immune function, supports blood sugar metabolism, protects against the symptoms of aging and raises your antioxidant defense. These are the 7 main health benefits of LifePak.

5 J. Am. Med. Assoc., Juni 2002 “… low levels of the antioxidant vitamins (vitamins A, E, and C) may increase risk for several chronic diseases. Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone. … It appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements.” “… geringe Zufuhr von antioxidativen Vitaminen (Vitamine A, E und C) können das Risiko mehrerer chronischer Kranheiten erhöhen. Die meisten Leute erhalten nicht die optimalen Mengen aller Vitamine aus der Nahrung. …Es erscheint vernünftig für alle Erwachsenen Vitamin-Supplemente zu nehmen.” Robert H. Fletcher, MD, MSc; Kathleen M. Fairfield, MD, DrPH, Harvard University Journal of the American Medical Association 2002; 287: Some of you may have seen this landmark paper: Last year the Journal of the American Medical association, which is very conservative, published a study from Harvard University, which recommended that all adults take vitamin supplements (read quote). This study and others have changed the mindset of doctors and dieticians worldwide. The question is not whether or not we should supplement with multivitamins and antioxidants, but which product to take. And my answer, of course, is LifePak.

6 Freie Radikale & Antioxidantien
Hoch-reaktive, kurzlebige Moleküle Schädigen Zellen und das genetische Material (DNS) bis zu 73,000 DNS Attacken pro Tag in jeder Zelle Alterungsprozeß Beeinflussen die meisten Gesundheitszustände Es gibt viele verschiedene freie Radikale Before speaking about antioxidants, you need to know what free radicals are. They are highly reactive, short-lived molecules inside your body that can damage virtually all important biomolecules inside your cells, including your genetic material, the DNA. Antioxidants, on the other hand, are there to protect the body from this free radical damage, because antioxidants can neutralize or scavenge free radicals. As a result, antioxidants have many health benefits and they can slow down the aging process. There are over 30,000 research studies showing how antioxidants can affect over 50 health conditions, including cardiovascular function, eye health, central nervous system function, skin health and more.

7 Woher Kommen Freie Radikale?
Stoffwechsel in den Mitochondrien Umweltverschmutzung (Smog, Ozon, NO2) Strahlenbelastung: Sonnenlicht (UV), Roentgenstrahlung, etc. Rauchen: 10,000,000,000,000,000 freie Radikale pro Zigarette! What are the sources of free radicals in our body? The major source of free radicals is through your normal energy metabolism. Inside your cells are many little structures called mitochondria. These mitochondria are the power plants of your cells. They take the oxygen we breathe and the food calories we eat and convert them into usable cellular energy called ATP. Unfortunately, the mitochondria also produce a lot of free radicals: about 2-5% of the oxygen we breathe is converted into free radicals. Free radicals also come from environmental pollution, such as ozone gas, as well as from radiation exposure (UV-light, X-rays) and of course from cigarette smoking. Each cigarette releases 10 quadrillion free radicals into your lungs! This is the main reason why smokers age so much faster than non-smokers.

8 Freie Radikale & Antioxidantien
Antioxidantien neutralisieren freie Radikale Bremsen den Alterungsprozeß und fördern die Gesundheit: mehr als 30,000 Studien über die Gesundheitsvorteile von antioxidativen Supplementen beeinflussen über 50 Gesundheitszustände, z.B., Herz/Kreislauffunktion, Sehvermögen, Gehirn/Nervensystem, Hautgesundheit, etc. Verschiedene Antioxidantien arbeiten zusammen: “Antioxidatives Schutzsystem” Benötigt ständige Zufuhr von Antioxidantien aus der Nahrung Before speaking about antioxidants, you need to know what free radicals are. They are highly reactive, short-lived molecules inside your body that can damage virtually all important biomolecules inside your cells, including your genetic material, the DNA. Antioxidants, on the other hand, are there to protect the body from this free radical damage, because antioxidants can neutralize or scavenge free radicals. As a result, antioxidants have many health benefits and they can slow down the aging process. There are over 30,000 research studies showing how antioxidants can affect over 50 health conditions, including cardiovascular function, eye health, central nervous system function, skin health and more.

9 LifePak: Antioxidantien
Natürliches Vitamin E pH-neutrales Vitamin C Selen, Kupfer, Zink, Mangan Carotenoide: Lutein, Lycopin, beta-carotin Flavonoide: 6 Catechine (grüner Tee), Zitrus Naringenin & Hesperidin, über 10 Traubenkernflavonoide There are many different types of free radicals, and it takes an army of different antioxidants to fight them. There is no such thing as a single miracle antioxidant. This is why LifePak provides an arsenal of over 40 different antioxidant nutrients in a balance that is proven effective in fighting free radicals.

10 “Na schön. Aber wo ist der Beweis, daß LifePak wirksam ist?”
What is the proof we have that LifePak’s antioxidants really work?

11 LifePak: Wissenschaftliche Beweise
Das erste Multivitamin/Mineralpräparat das antioxidative und kardiovaskuläre Effekte in klinischen Doppelblindversuchen gezeigt hat 201,658 veröffentlichte Studien über LifePak’s Antioxidantien ( Medline search, 2/4/2003) 786,916 veröffentlichte Studien über alle Inhaltsstoffe in LifePak ( Medline search, 2/4/2003) There is also a lot of proof in the literature: There are over 200,000 scientific studies published on the antioxidants we have in LifePak, and almost 800,000 studies on all LifePak ingredients.

12 LifePak’s klinisch geprüfte antioxidative Effekte
Vitamin E b-Carotene LifePak verbessert den antioxidativen Status und schützt LDL-Cholesterin vor Oxidation durch freie Radikale. Smidt CR, Seidehamel RJ, Devaraj S, Jialal I. The Effects of a Nutritionally Complete Dietary Supplement (LifePak®) on Antioxidant Status and LDL-Oxidation in Healthy Non-Smokers. FASEB Journal Vol.13 No.4, p.A546, March 1999. First of all, Pharmanex is the first company that has ever conducted well-designed clinical studies to prove the antioxidant benefits of a multivitamin product. LifePak clearly increased the blood levels of the important antioxidants, such as vitamin E (shown), beta-carotene (shown), as well as vitamin C, alpha-carotene, selenium and others (not shown). This increase in the body’s antioxidant status protected the LDL particles from oxidation. LDL is the bad cholesterol in your blood, which you want to keep low. But LDL is even worse when it becomes oxidized, because oxidized LDL sticks to your artery walls. (Note, that the US formula tested in this study is essentially the same formula as Taiwan regular LifePak) LDL Protection

13 Antioxidative Kapazität (ORAC) von Multivitamin/Mineral Supplementen (Tagesdosis)
Empfohlene Zufuhr von Antioxidanten (R. Prior, USDA) Recently, we did a study to test the ORAC value of LifePak and common multivitamins. ORAC is a new analytical test that can measure the total antioxidant activity of a food product or supplement. Dr. Ronald Prior of the US Department of Agriculture has studied this extensively, and he recommends that people should get about 3,000 ORAC units every day. This is what you would get if you ate 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. As you can see, LifePak provides the daily recommended antioxidants, while the common multivitamins provided very little. This study confirms that LifePak has just the right amount of antioxidant nutrients for optimum health. ORAC = Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity

14 Überzeugen Sie Sich Selbst!
Zeigt Ihnen wie sich Ihr antioxidativer Schutz verbessert: Bessere Ernährung mit mehr Obst & Gemüse LifePak Supplementation As you have seen, LifePak has a lot of research to show its antioxidant benefits. But now, for the first time, you can prove the antioxidant benefits of LifePak to yourself with the BioPhotnoic Scanner. We are all different. Clinical studies are valuable, but they are typically done on other people, not on yourself. The scanner can show how LifePak works for you. This is the ultimate test of efficacy!

15 BioPhotonic Scanner Erfunden von Prof. Werner Gellermann (U. Utah)
Pharmanex hat die Patentrechte (U. Utah) Bestimmt Carotenoide in der Haut (Handfläche) wichtige Gruppe von Antioxidantien integrierter Teil des antioxidativen Schutzsystems guter Indikator Ihres antioxidativen Status Basiert auf Raman-Spektroskopie Hoch spezifisch für Carotenoide Nicht-eingreifend und sicher Schnell (3 Minuten) The scanner was invented by Dr. Gellermann of the University of Utah, Physics Department, and Pharmanex has the exclusive rights for use in the consumer market. The scanner measures carotenoid antioxidants in your skin. Carotenoid are an important group of antioxidants, and are part of the body’s antioxidant defense system. Skin carotenoids are a good indicator of your overall antioxidant health status. The BioPhotonic scanner is based on Raman spectroscopy, which is a highly sensitive and specific method to measure carotenoids in skin without interference by other substances present in skin. The measurement is non-invasive, completely safe and takes only about 3 minutes.

16 Demographische Studie
Pharmanex has carefully studied the scanner. We have finished 3 studies, and have 3 more ongoing. These are the results of the first study, which correlates diet and lifestyle habits with skin carotenoids in 1,375 people. This is a histogram, a graph that shows the frequency distribution of different skin carotenoid scores. As you can see, the average American scored about 19,000 units. Most people fall between 10,000 and 35,000 units. Those scoring over 50,000 units have so much carotenoids that their hands turned orange.

17 Demographische Studie
Hautcarotenoide werden nicht beeinträchtigt durch: Alter Geschlecht Hautpigmentation (Rasse) Importantly, we found that skin carotenoids are not influenced by age, gender, or skin pigmentation (melanin).

18 Demographische Studie
Obst & Gemüse Verzehr As expected, the more fruits and vegetables people consume, the higher the skin carotenoid score is. This is because fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and also contain carotenoids. People consuming the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables scored much higher (25,000) than those who did not (17,000 to 20,000).

19 Demographische Studie
LifePak Supplementation Likewise, people consuming LifePak at the recommended intake of 2 packets a day scored about 29,000, while those not on LifePak scored only 18,000. Those taking LifePak irregularly or only once a day had intermediate skin carotenoid scores.

20 Demographische Studie
Rauchen Smoking is a major cause of free radicals, and has been shown to decrease antioxidant status in many studies. Our study showed clearly that smokers had much lower skin carotenoids (13,000) than non-smokers (20,000), and that the more you smoke the lower your score. This suggests that skin carotenoids are a good indicator of the body’s overall antioxidant status. (Note, that fruit and vegetable consumption and supplementation we similar in all groups)

21 LifePak Studie In our second study, we recruited 25 people and supplemented them with LifePak for 12 weeks. The skin carotenoid score was measured every 4 weeks. As you can see, the score increased from about 19,000 to 26,000 after 4 weeks, then to 29,000 after 8 weeks and finally to about 32,000 after 12 weeks. This study demonstrates the powerful effects of LifePak in increasing your carotenoid antioxidant status.

22 LifePak Studie (Individuelle Ergebnisse)
If you look at the individual changes during the first 4 weeks of this study, you see that every single person had an increase. But you also see that some people responded more than others. The reason for this individual variability in response has to do with how people take their LifePak. If you take LifePak on an empty stomach or with a fat-free meal or snack, your body will not be able to absorb all of its antioxidants. So, make sure you take LifePak with your two main meals that contain some fat. If you do take LifePak with a fat-free meal, then add 2 capsules of Optimum Omega, because the fish oil is not only good for your cardiovascular and immune health, but it also helps you absorb LifePak’s antioxidants. n = 22

23 Korrelationsstudie Gute Korrelation mit Blutserums-Carotenoiden (HPLC), heutiges Goldstandard This summer, we finished a third study that showed a strong and significant correlation between the skin carotenoid scored measured by the scanner and blood serum carotenoids measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HLPC). Blood carotenoids are the current gold standard method used in research. This study allows us to predict a person’s blood serum carotenoid concentration with an accuracy of plus/minus 10 % and 95 % confidence using the scanner. Currently, we have 3 more clinical studies ongoing which we expect to show further proof that the BioPhotonic Scanner is a valuable tool to measure antioxidant health status and the effects of LifePak.

24 Carotenoid-Antioxidanz Skala
Beispiel einer Person die mit 25,000 gemessen wurde: ROT = NIEDRIG: 19,000 und weniger: Oft schlechte Ernährung, keine/schlechte Supplemente, genetische Faktoren, oder Rauchen. GELB = MITTELMÄSSIG: 20, ,000: Bessere Ernährung, mit oder ohne Supplemente GRÜN = HOCH: 30, ,000: Meist gesunde Ernährung, und/oder guten Supplementen BLAU = SEHR HOCH: 40, ,000+: Gesunde Ernährung mit viel Obst & Gemüse, und guten Supplementen Here is the actual screen you see after you scan a person, for example reading 25,000 units. The skin carotenoid score is displayed in a number rounded to the nearest 1,000, and categorized into 4 color-coded groups. Based on our research so far, we recommend that people should strive to be in the green or blue category, in other words, score 30,000 or higher. We also believe that there is little additional benefit to be gained by scoring over 50,000. We now have SCS data in the US of over 65,000 people, and about 75 % fall into the yellow and red categories. A diet high in fruits and vegetables and LifePak will help them move into the green and blue categories.

25 Wissenschaftliche Beweise
LifePak’s antioxidative Effekte gezeigt durch: Klinische Doppelblindstudien mit LifePak Zahlreiche Studien der Inhaltsstoffe Labortests der antioxidativen Kapazität (ORAC) Biophotonic Scanner: Ihr persönlicher Beweis (z. Zt. 3 weitere laufende Studien) Importantly, we found that skin carotenoids are not influenced by age, gender, or skin pigmentation (melanin).

26 LifePak ist Praktisch & Bequem
…und besser als diese 7 oft-gekauften Supplemente zusammen Multi Carotenes Multi Vitamin Vitamin E 300 IU > Chromium 200 mcg Finally, LifePak is a highly convenient and comprehensive product. It has many more benefits than these 7 popular supplements together, and ultimately costs a lot less too. If you go into a health food store and try to match LifePak’s composition with individual products, you can easily spend more than $200/month, and you still will not achieve the balance and quality of LifePak. Vitamin C 500 mg Calcium & Magnesium Multi Flavonoid

27 Kann ich alle Nährstoffe in LifePak auch von Lebensmitteln erhalten?
Ja* (*vorausgesetzt Sie haben einen großen Magen)

28 2 Päckchen LifePak enthalten die gleichen Nährstoffe wie in diesen Lebensmitteln*:
16 Eggs Vitamin A 1 cup Cooked Carrots Beta-Carotene 4 oz. Canned Tuna Fish Vitamin D 30 tablespoons Soy Bean Oil Vitamin E 16 cups Peas Vitamin B1 20 cups Cooked Spinach Vitamin B2 8 oz. Canned Tuna Fish Vitamin B3 20 cups Cooked Soy Beans Vitamin B6 7 cups Raw Lettuce Folic Acid 23 Eggs Vitamin B12

29 2 Päckchen LifePak enthalten die gleichen Nährstoffe wie in diesen Lebensmitteln*:
3 cups of Cooked Soy Beans Biotin 30 cups Cauliflower Pantothenic Acid 8 Oranges Vitamin C 1.7 cups Milk (3.5% fat) Calcium 7 oz. Tofu Magnesium 16 oz. Turkey Zinc 8 oz. Beef Fillet Iron 5 slices Whole Wheat Bread Selenium 2 cups Walnuts Copper 5 tablespoons Peanut Butter Chromium

30 Total: 30,000 Cal, 1,600 g Fat, 16,000 mg Cholesterol
2 Päckchen LifePak enthalten die gleichen Nährstoffe wie in diesen Lebensmitteln*: 4 slices Whole Wheat Bread Manganese 6 oz. Rice Molybdenum 1 glass Red Wine Grape Seed Flavonoids 4 cups Green Tea Catechins 1 glass Orange Juice Citrus Flavonoids 1 cup Cooked Green Peas Lutein 0.5 Tomatoes Lycopene Total: 30,000 Cal, 1,600 g Fat, 16,000 mg Cholesterol *Hinweis: In Deutschland ist die empfohlene Tagesdosis ein Päckchen pro Tag. LifePak ist nicht als Ersatz für gesunde Lebensmittel gedacht, sondern als ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel um die optimalen Mengen aller Nährstoffe zu erhalten. Wir empfehlen eine ausgewogene Ernährung mit viel Obst und Gemüse, die Nährstoffe liefert die LifePak nicht enhält (z.B., Ballaststoffe, Kalium, Eiweisse, etc.).

31 Sicherheit Alle Nährstoffe in LifePak (2/Tag) sind:
unter NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) festgesetzt durch CRN (Council for Responsible Nutrition, 1998), und unter Upper Limits (ULs) festgesetzt durch US National Institutes of Health (NIH, ) Klinische LifePak-Studien zeigten keinerlei Nebenwirkungen LifePak is very safe, and does not contain mega-doses of any nutrient. All of it’s vitamin and mineral levels are below the NOAELs and ULs and unlike other companies, we have clinical studies that show that LifePak is safe and well-tolerated.

32 Upper Limits & NOAELs Sicherheit für langfristige Supplementation RDA
UL / NOAEL Nährstoffzufuhr Risiko f. Mangelerscheinungen Risiko für Nebenwirkungen LifePak is very safe, and does not contain mega-doses of any nutrient. All of it’s vitamin and mineral levels are below the NOAELs and ULs and unlike other companies, we have clinical studies that show that LifePak is safe and well-tolerated.

33 LifePak Marktforschungstudie (n=234, Dec.2001)
“Glauben Sie, daß LifePak einen Unterschied macht, wie Sie sich fühlen?” A market research study asked 234 LifePak users if they believe LifePak makes a difference in how they feel, and 95% said it did. This is a lot higher higher than typically observed for multivitamins (30-50%).

34 NSE Market Research Study (n=234, Dec.2001)
LifePak Marktforschungstudie Die 3 meistgenannten Gründe warum man sich besser fühlte: 1. Mehr Energie 2. Besseres Immunsystem 3. Besserer Schlaf How does it make a difference? The top 3 reasons why LifePak makes people feel better are increase in energy, stronger immune function and better sleep. Plus there were a number of other reasons as well. NSE Market Research Study (n=234, Dec.2001)

35 Fazit LifePak ist ein vollständiges Supplementationsprogramm das Ihnen alle Nährstoffe für ein langes, gesundes und produktives Leben liefert. Ermöglicht es Ihnen zum ersten Mal die antioxidativen Effekte von LifePak in Ihrem Körper zu testen. In conclusion, I hope you understand now why LifePak is such a unique product with so many benefits that are backed by solid research, and the BioPhotonic Scanner, which allows you to measure some of LifePak’s effects directly in your body.


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