Intercultural Training basics


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Intercultural Training basics Connect 2.0 Advisors Training Intercultural Training basics Photo by Nicoguaro / licensed cc0

Math exercise: 2+2 = 1 …?! Rules + = ÷ x - Connect 2.0 Advisors Training Math exercise: 2+2 = 1 …?! Rules + = ÷ x -

Solution: Math exercise Connect 2.0 Advisors Training Solution: Math exercise 8 – 2 =  10 9 + 1 =  9 12 + 4 =  3 5 – 6 =  11 4 x 3 =  1 2 x 1 = 6 ÷ 2 =  12 10 + 5 =  2 9 + 3 = 12 – 2 =  14 7 x 4 = 6 – 6 = 4 – 2 =  6 8 – 5 =  13 8 + 4 = 6 ÷ 6 =  36 12 x 2 = 17 x 2 =  15 20 + 10 = 14 – 7 =  21

Math exercise: Reflection Connect 2.0 Advisors Training Math exercise: Reflection How did you feel when calculating the answer to the very first question (2 + 2 = 4)? How did you feel during the exercise? Which strategies did you implement? How can you relate this experience to a new / unfamiliar situation in your life?

What is Intercultural Competence? Connect 2.0 Advisors Training What is Intercultural Competence? No standard definition is available. However, many lists of important components exit. Darla K. Deardorff (Duke University)

What is Intercultural Competence? Connect 2.0 Advisors Training What is Intercultural Competence? Empirical approach: „Delphi methodology“ with 23 intercultural experts resulting in the first research study to document consensus among these leading intercultural experts on a definition and components of intercultural competence.

What is Intercultural Competence? Connect 2.0 Advisors Training What is Intercultural Competence? Affect attitude IC Behavior Skills Cognition Knowledge

What is Intercultural Competence? Connect 2.0 Advisors Training What is Intercultural Competence? Knowledge: cultural self-awareness (meaning the ways in which one’s culture has influenced one’s identity and worldview), culture-specific knowledge, deep cultural knowledge including understanding other world views. The one element agreed upon by all the intercultural scholars was the importance of understanding the world from others’ perspectives.

What is Intercultural Competence? Connect 2.0 Advisors Training What is Intercultural Competence? Attitudes: Essential attitudes include those of respect, openness, curiosity and discovery. Openness and curiosity imply a willingness to risk and to move beyond one’s comfort zone. In communicating respect to others, it is important to demonstrate that others are valued. These attitudes are foundational to the further development of knowledge and skills needed for intercultural competence.

What is Intercultural Competence? Connect 2.0 Advisors Training What is Intercultural Competence? Skills: The skills that emerged were ones that addressed the acquisition and processing of knowledge: observation, listening, evaluating, analyzing, interpreting, and relating.

What is Intercultural Competence? Connect 2.0 Advisors Training What is Intercultural Competence? Internal Outcomes: These attitudes, knowledge, and skills ideally lead to an internal outcome that consists of flexibility, adaptability, an ethnorelative perspective and empathy. At this point, individuals are able to see from others’ perspectives and to respond to them according to the way in which the other person desires to be treated.

What is Intercultural Competence? Connect 2.0 Advisors Training What is Intercultural Competence? External Outcomes: Behavior and communication of the individual, which become the visible outcomes of intercultural competence experienced by others. This then becomes the agreed upon definition of the intercultural scholars, that intercultural competence is “the effective and appropriate behavior and communication in intercultural situations.”

Experiential Learning Connect 2.0 Advisors Training Experiential Learning ... is based on the assumption that only a direct, hands-on experience allows for effective and meaningful learning. In order for learning to take place there needs to be a concrete experience outside an artificial learning environment. The learner and their experience is the primary focus. ... Based on the assumption that only a direct, subjective hands-on experience allows for effective and meaningful learning. Learning is thus preceded by concrete experience outside an artificial learning environment. …basiert auf der Annahme, dass erst eine unmittelbare, praktische Erfahrung mit dem Lerngegenstand effektives, sinnstiftendes Lernen ermöglicht Lernen setzt demnach eine konkrete Erfahrung außerhalb künstlicher Lernumgebungen voraus

Experiential Learning Connect 2.0 Advisors Training Experiential Learning After the model of Kolb experiences and new knowledge are included into the phases “concrete experiences” and “active experimentation” of the 4-Phase cycle. To transform these experiences in to meaningful conclusions, learners have to rethink these experiences in to the phase of “reflection and observation”. Hence they deduct in the phase “abstract conceptualisation” a meaning. This knew knowledge can be used in the phase “active experimentation” . Ideally the learning cycle is repeated sprially to the next higher level. The cycle can be started at any point. From those 4 Phases there can be deducted different learning styles. The Research of Lee Knefelcamp, Columbia University, found out that six months after an event only 20% of the learned is still present if only the first step in the learning cycle is made. 40% with additionally reflection. 70% if abstract concepts were build And if the knowledge was applied in a new situation up to 90% Um diese Erfahrung in sinnstiftende Erkenntnis umzuwandeln, müssen Lernende diese Erfahrungen in der Phase “Beobachtung und Reflexion” überdenken. Daraus leiten sie in der Phase “Abstrakte Begriffsbildung” eine Bedeutung ab. Dieses neue Wissen kann in der Phase “Aktives Experimentieren” neu eingesetzt werden. Der Lernzyklus wird optimalerweise immer wieder durchlaufen… in einer spiralförmigen Bewegung zu einer höheren Ebene. Der Zyklus kann im Prinzip an jedem der 4 Punkte begonnen werden. Aus den 4 Phasen leiten sich unterschiedliche Lernstile ab. Nach Forschung von Lee Knefelcamp, Columbia University, sind 6 Monate nach einem Ereignis nur 20% des Gelernten noch präsent, wenn nur der erste Schritt im Lernzyklus gemacht wurde. wurde zusätzlich noch reflektiert 40% wurden abstrakte Konzepte gebildet 70% wurde das Wissen in einer neuen Situation eingesetzt bis zu 90% Designed by Kolb D.A. (1984) “Experiential Learning experience as a source of learning and development”. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Experiential Learning and Debrief Connect 2.0 Advisors Training Experiential Learning and Debrief 5. What if? (How would this play out under different circumstances?) 6. How to move on? (What would I do differently next time? What happened? How do I feel? After the model of Kolb experiences and new knowledge are included into the phases “concrete experiences” and “active experimentation” of the 4-Phase cycle. To transform these experiences in to meaningful conclusions, learners have to rethink these experiences in to the phase of “reflection and observation”. Hence they deduct in the phase “abstract conceptualisation” a meaning. This knew knowledge can be used in the phase “active experimentation” . Ideally the learning cycle is repeated sprially to the next higher level. The cycle can be started at any point. From those 4 Phases there can be deducted different learning styles. The Research of Lee Knefelcamp, Columbia University, found out that six months after an event only 20% of the learned is still present if only the first step in the learning cycle is made. 40% with additionally reflection. 70% if abstract concepts were build And if the knowledge was applied in a new situation up to 90% Um diese Erfahrung in sinnstiftende Erkenntnis umzuwandeln, müssen Lernende diese Erfahrungen in der Phase “Beobachtung und Reflexion” überdenken. Daraus leiten sie in der Phase “Abstrakte Begriffsbildung” eine Bedeutung ab. Dieses neue Wissen kann in der Phase “Aktives Experimentieren” neu eingesetzt werden. Der Lernzyklus wird optimalerweise immer wieder durchlaufen… in einer spiralförmigen Bewegung zu einer höheren Ebene. Der Zyklus kann im Prinzip an jedem der 4 Punkte begonnen werden. Aus den 4 Phasen leiten sich unterschiedliche Lernstile ab. Nach Forschung von Lee Knefelcamp, Columbia University, sind 6 Monate nach einem Ereignis nur 20% des Gelernten noch präsent, wenn nur der erste Schritt im Lernzyklus gemacht wurde. wurde zusätzlich noch reflektiert 40% wurden abstrakte Konzepte gebildet 70% wurde das Wissen in einer neuen Situation eingesetzt bis zu 90% 4. How can you relate this to reality? 3. What do you take with you? Designed by Kolb D.A. (1984) “Experiential Learning experience as a source of learning and development”. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.