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Veröffentlicht von:Bruna Zand Geändert vor über 11 Jahren
Ehemaliges Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut Berlin
Elektronischer Zugang, elektronische Dokumenten-bestellung und -lieferung EXPLOIT Ehemaliges Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut Berlin
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Projektziele und Ergebnisse
Gemeinsame Ressourcennutzung vernetzer Bibliotheken Elektronischer Zugagng zu Katalogen u. elektonischen Dokumenten Elektronische Dokumentenlieferung Autorisierung-, Rechnungslegung- und Zahlungssysteme Ergebnisse European Culture characterised by its textual heritage in a very particular way. Libraries are building the infrastructure for this. For the first time there is the opportunity to weave an information network across Europe - that links past, present and future - that offers access to both printed and electronic media - that puts the diverse intellectual strands of varied European regions in relation to each other The European Programme for Libraries - launched in 1990 within the European Commission’s Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development - designed to create a process of change and to stimulate awareness of the benefits and implications in European co-operation in the field of libraries and information - in more than 100 projects a wide variety of technical and service issues are being addressed, covering many library domains and specific professional domains see all projects and get information of each of them at or use the gateway of the EXPLOIT-Project „EXPLOIT-PORTAL“ More than 50 of these projects deal with Electronic Access, Document Ordering and Delivery. für Nutzer - sehr schnell (oft innerhalb von 24 Stunden) - treffendere Informationen für die beteiligten Bibliotheken - Kostenvorteile durch gemeinsame Ressourcennutzung und kontrollierte Nutzung digitaler Medien - Konzentration auf Kernbestände 2
Demonstrationsmodelle / Prototypen
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Überblick Art der Ressource Technologie Inhalt Größe Systemarten Demonstrationsmodelle / Prototypen Earliest projects started at the beginning of the nineties. Some progress superseded but in many cases the project results serve as stepping stones for Framework Programme 4 (FP 4) and Framework Programme 5 (FP 5). Much of the project aims and results are relevant for the remote use of library collections/information and for better access to the distributed resources. Resource types on which projects base on, reach from databases of bibliographical information or documents in electronic form to databases of real data information. Sizes of library collections / resource involved are different as well as subjects covered in different projects. In dealing with technology stress was laid on - Access, Search and Retrieve - Ordering and Download - Document Preparation for Delivery and Delevery - Management Systems 3
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Art der Ressource (1)
Bibliographische Information in elektronischer Form Alphabetischer Katalog Systematischer Katalog Metadaten Catalogue information e.g. ARCA OPACs, which can act as SR targets through use of ARCA software package CANAL / LS multilingual natural language access to library catalogues DALI access to distributed catalogue information through direct time searches and stored time searches MASTER Union database of records which will link to manuscript images and full text manuscript transcripts MALVINE MALVINE-OPAC (see slide 5) RIDDLE scanning the content pages of technical journals with a view to include the information on the individual items in each issue in online library catalogues UNIVERSE logical union catalogue, capable of providing a ”single point of contact” for specific subject domains (Engineering, Environment) BALTICSEAWEB the Baltic Sea Environment Information System, search of Bibliographic records and full texts DECOMATE I special software links bibliographic records to electronic full text articles VILIB system for a cross-lingual search of catalogue titles and of full-text documents Metadata e.g. MALVINE access to disparate manuscript holdings, with the help of metadata ILSES integration of meta-information on survey data as stored at data archives and on related publications as stored at libraries 4
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung MALVINE - Advanced Search
- The relevant information is provided by one multi-site searching procedure. - Compared to conventional card catalogue data, the search options in MALVINE are greatly enhanced: besides the name of an author, every person significantly related to a given manuscript is searchable (the writer of an addition to a text, a commentator, a photographer, an artist etc.) - an item may be searched by its title, by time and place of its origin and even by its content. Advanced search mode: more detailed information about a manuscript and related items may be searched and retrieved (e.g. printed editions of, and literature about the manuscript) An online document ordering service, either of conventional microforms or of digitized images of the originals, is offered. In the near future public users will also have access to biographical data For expert users: The availability of data relating to many different collections of manuscripts is one of the most important service features of MALVINE. While at present a lot of unnecessary work in cataloguing and describing the material must be done, a network of institutions offers various possibilities of useful data creation and retrieval by future utilization of authority files. Further services include the SGML/XML based support of data migration. The processing of a number of administrative activities like accounting and creation of users statistics is planned. 5
Dokumente in elektronischer Form
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Art der Ressource (2) Dokumente in elektronischer Form Inhaltsverzeichnisse Zeitschriftenartikel / Original-Volltexte Zeitungen und Zeitungsausschnitte Tables of content e.g. RIDDLE automatic capture of journal content pages - and even journal data - for inclusion into OPACs Electronic journal articles / original full texts e.g. BALTICSEAWEB original full texts CANDLE a wide range of full text electronic journal information resources and associated services via networks within or outside the local library DECOMATE copyright materials in electronic form are linked to bibliographic records VILIB system for a cross-lingual search of catalogue titles and of full-text documents ILSES linking survey meta data to the respective questionnaires pages in different language versions (pdf) and creation of links to electronic publications (pdf or www) related to survey data) Clipping archives LAURIN network of seven European libraries and archives collecting newspapers and clippings, a scanned image of the article as well as the full text are prepared for storage and retrieval 6
Biographische Information
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Art der Ressource (3) Biographische Information Handschriften-Sammlungen moderne Handschriften und Briefe alte Handschriften Biographical information e.g. MUMLIB enhanced library service, based on CD-ROM product, biographic information is linked with existing catalogue records Manuscript holdings - modern manuscript holdings e.g. MALVINE opens new and enhanced access to disparate modern holdings of manuscripts and letters, kept and catalogued in European libraries, archives, documentation centres and museums) - ancient manuscript holdings e.g. MASTER an internationally agreed standard for electronic description will be developed 7
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Art der Ressource (4)
Real Data Information Meßdaten, statistische Daten Empirische Daten Measurement data BALTICSEAWEB to retrieve non-bibliographic - e.g. measurement data is not realised during the project period but possible by the BALTICSEAWEB system Empirical data ILSES large scale comparative survey data, which can or have been used in empirical research; special emphasis on the creation of time series data, support of replications through linked publications) 8
Zugang / Recherche / Identifizierung / Lokalisierung
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Technologie (1) Zugang / Recherche / Identifizierung / Lokalisierung Zugang Zugang über unterschiedliche Schnittstellen einheitlicher Zugang mehrsprachiger Zugang / mehrsprachige Hilfe Nutzeroberflächen Recherche einschließlich Identifizierung u. Lokalisierung Retrieval Tools und Suchmaschinen Informations-Filter-Dienste Z39.50 is a pervasive standard, although not without problems of inconsistency Access via SR: e.g. SOCKER, DALI, EUROPAGATE Z e.g. LAURIN, MALVINE, PRIDE, ELVIL, EUROPAGATE 2000 Z39.50 SR e.g. ELISEI II, UNIVERSE, ONE , ONE II Internet e.g. BORGES, ELISE I,II, MASTER, LIBERATOR, EUROGATE, BALTICSEAWEB, AIDA different interfaces e.g.ILSES (with E-ILSES module ->local client interface and with NET-ILSES interface ->WWW) Unified access e.g. CANAL / LS, COPINET, DECOMATE II, ELVIL, LIBERATOR, TESLAB, VILIB Multilingual access / support e.g.CANAL / LS multilingual access: German, English, French, German ELVIL multilingual support ILLIERS set of modules MALVINE multilingual user interface TRANSLIB multilingual access to OPACs - Greek/Spanish/English VILIB system for a cross-lingual search of catalogue titles and of full-text documents User interfaces graphical user interface (GUI) e.g. ARCA, HYPERLIB, OLUIT, SESAM geographical user interface e.g. BALTICSEAWEB (see slide 10) WWW-Interface e.g. AIDA, ILSES pictorial user interface e.g. HYPERLIB hypertext interfaces e.g. HYPERLIB Text retrieval tools and search engines e.g. BALTICSEAWEB (text retrieval tools), DIEPER (search engine for full text retrieval) ELVIL 2000 (intelligent agent technology for identifying relevant sources) MALVINE (retrieval manager, enabling parallel searches on the collection level via metadata) ILSES (thesaurus supported plus full text meta data retrieval) Information filtering service BORGES claims to be the first real-life on Internet information filtering, the service is for messages disseminated by means of USNET News and WWW 9
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Geographische Nutzeroberfläche von BALTICSEAWEB To search references Select a region, one or multiple cities, or other locations on the map and press 'Start Query' button. To refine To refine further your query after you have made the selections from the map - e.g. with keywords or subject terms - press 'Search form'. To get a Web page for a location Select 'WWW-link' for mouse mode and click the location you are interested in. Use the move, scale and zoom buttons to get closer to regions of interest and to magnify objects - e.g. cities - which are not visible in the full view. A short reference help gives you complete overview of the possibilities you have with this map interface Demonstrator, e.g.: WWW Mode: The baltic sea regions and other entities displayed in the map have a WWW-link associated with them. The default WWW-link is to Html-version of the 3rd Periodic Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea published by HELCOM. If you click the map item in this mode, you'll move to the related web page. Whether a map entity - e.g. city, research station - has other than the default link associated to it or not, can be seen in the browser status line (at the bottom), while moving the mouse over the entities displayed in the map. If it has other than default link, it is displayed in square brackets. Scale Mode: It enables you to change the map scale and cutting. Click somewhere into the map and then - by keeping the left mouse button down - span the cutting rectangle over the desired map region. A zooming-in is performed. Move Mode: It enables you to change the map cutting, but without changing ist scale. You move your map selection by clicking the map somewhere and then dragging it to prefered direction (by keeping the left mouse button down). 10
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung BALTICSEAWEB - Advanced Search What is Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography? Covers bibliographic information on the Baltic Sea, i.e. all marine areas from the Gulfs of Finland and Bothnia in the east and north to the Belt Sea and Kattegat in the west. Contains references to reports including "grey literature", journal articles, books, conference proceedings, dissertations etc. Material from the year 1970, currently ca references. What can be found from the Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography? Obtains much of the material directly from authors, institutes and libraries and to a lesser extent from monitoring journals and serials, which is the main method in case of large international databases. Subject coverage includes all aspects of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, for example ecology, fauna and flora, fisheries, hydrography, pollution, environmental impact, research, planning and administrative measures. Noticeable part of references deal with pollution problems. Main language of the documents is English (48 %). Other languages include for example Swedish (14%), Russian (9 %) and German (9%). 44 % of the original documents are journal articles, 31 % are monographs and 25 % are monograph chapters. The references are augmented by classification codes and keywords. The original documents are deposited in officially nominated contact libraries in every Baltic Sea state. The relevant library information is mentioned in the reference. The documents can be ordered as loans or photocopies also through local scientific libraries from the contact libraries. For your local contact, see the table. 11
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Technologie (2)
Bestellung / Download Dokumentenbestellung durch direkten Zugang zum Web-Interface Fernleih-Bestell-Format an das Fernleih-Bestell-Format angelehnte Formate STN-System direkter Zugang zur Dokumenten-Datenbank Z39.50-Dokumenten-Bestellung Bestellung von Daten Download von Dokumenten Document ordering through Direct access to a Web interface e.g. BALTICSEAWEB end-user places requests directly by using the “Forms” facility (the order can be carried as an ILL request or through Z39.50; many implementations are using a proprietary or local protocol the ILL request message format e.g. EDIL EDIFACT message, that can be delivered for instance by SMPT or X.400 adopted ILL request message formats e.g. EDIL that have to be translated into partners own systems across the client/server link STN system e.g. FASTDOC searches are typically carried out on the STN host direct access to the document database e.g. EURILIA across the client/server link DECOMATE ILSES Z39.50 Item Order e.g. DECOMATE Ordering of data via form Download of documents / questionnaires e.g. DECOMATE I bibliographic records are linked to electronic full texts, end-user service for academic university staff DECOMATE II as PDF document) ILSES via HTTP and FTP BALTICSEAWEB 12
Vorbereitung der Dokumente zur elektronischen Lieferung
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Technologie (3) Vorbereitung der Dokumente zur elektronischen Lieferung Artikel werden erst bei Anforderung gescannt Artikel werden elektronisch aufbewahrt Projects, based on electronically or partly electronically stored articles e.g.FASTDOC over 10 years holdings of over serials titles EURILIA and DECOMATE I only a small range of articles,expected to become highly used, are electronically stored COPINET BALTICSEAWEB Projects, based on scanning on demand e.g. EDIL EURILIA and DECOMATE BALTICSEAWEB 13
Elektronische und konventionelle Dokumentenlieferung
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Technologie (4) Elektronische und konventionelle Dokumentenlieferung Fernleihe Elektronische und konventionelle Übermittlung Übermittlung direkt an den End-Nutzer oder in mehreren Zwischenstufen Arten des Übermittlung File Transfer Fax Postversand Inter-library-loan e.g. AIDA (established Italian and Portuguese library networks in order to provide international interlending Electronic and conventional delivery Transfer steps from server to end-user In one step direct to the end-user - Transfer via a WWW interface or suchlike e.g. BALTICSEAWEB, EDIL, DECOMATE I, In several (at least two) steps via a national system or/and client libraries to the end-user - between document server and client libraries: electronically - from client library to end-user: often as a hard copy or electronically to the network printer of the end-user e.g. BALTICSEAWEB, EDIL, FASTDOC, EURILIA Means of transfer File transfer - FTAM e.g. EDIL in its first stage - FTP e.g. EDIL in its advanced stage, ILSES - Specially designed file transfer protocol e.g. EURILIA in its first stage DECOMATE - X400 e.g. EDIL in its advanced stage, DALI, FASTDOC, BALTICSEAWEB - MIME/SMTP e.g. DALI FAX e.g. EURILIA, AIDA, DALI Conventional mail AIDA, DALI Transmission / data exchange data exchange format based on SGML CANAL / LS 14
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Technologie (5)
Management Nutzer-Registrierung Identifizierung Zugriffsberechtigung Echtheitsbestätigung Buchhaltung user registration e.g.CANDLE The project aims to encourage publishers to offer electronic products to libraries by addressing licence metering, control, feedback, monitoring, rights management, access control and promotion Benefits for libraries are in facilitating management, control and security PRIDE The PRIDE directory service will provide support for authorisation, registration and cost recovery, one-stop declaration of personal information not multiple service registration identification, authorisation and authentication e.g.CANDLE , CASELIBRARY control of access in large academic libraries e.g. DECOMATE II ONE II user validation PRIDE accounting e.g.CANDLE DECOMATE users will be able to choose between different levels of copyright and payment requirements) LIBERATOR charging mechanism ONE II on-line payment capabilities ELISE II mechanisms for charging, fair prising for educational and cultural use DALI modules for billing, charging and payment 15
Übergreifende Wissens- gebiete
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Inhalt der Sammlung / Ressource Fachwissenschaften Geisteswissenschaften Naturwissenschaften und Technik Umwelt-Wissenschaft Ozeanographie Chemie Wirtschaft Weltraumforschung Mathematik Maschienenbau Übergreifende Wissens- gebiete Interdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Fachgebiete allgemeine und populärwissenschaftliche Themen (Zeitungsartikel) Interdisciplinary e.g. BIBDEL, DECOMATE I University library holdings) AIDA Italian and Portuguese Documents Specific material social sciences: e.g. ILSES ILSES-concept - “the idea of integrating ‘real data’ and related publications” - will be promoted in other fields of application, e.g chemistry, medicine, language technology natural and technical sciences: - environmental sciences: e.g. BALTICSEAWEB, UNIVERSE - oceanography: e.g. DALI - chemistry: e.g. FASTDOC - economics: e.g. DECOMATE II - aerospace: e.g. EURILIA - mathematics: e.g. EULER - engineering: UNIVERSE 16
basierend auf kleinen Sammlungen, z.B.
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Größe der Sammlung / Ressource basierend auf kleinen Sammlungen, z.B. - ca 200 Diplomarbeiten - weniger als 200 Zeitschriftentitel basierend auf großen Sammlungen, z.B. - Lieferbibliotheken (wie BLDSC, TIB), die mit Sammlungen von laufenden Titeln arbeiten - ca bibliographische Nachweise Projects, based on smaller collections,e.g. - FASTDOC and DECOMATE with collections of less than serials titles - EURILIA using just about 200 individual thesis document - ILSES smaller collections, limited to relevant large scale survey data and the related publications Projects, based on large collections, e.g. - EDIL with supply libraries (like BLDSC,TIB) operating with collections of to current titles - BALTICSEAWEB using bibliographic references 17
Hilfsmittel oder Tool-Box bzw. Komplettes System Pilotsystem Prototyp
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Sytemarten Hilfsmittel oder Tool-Box bzw. Komplettes System Pilotsystem Prototyp Demonstrationsmodell Tool or toolbox e.g. BORGES (software, allowing libraries to act as information broker by offering computerised filtering services CANDLE (providing an improved tool - based on CASELIBRARY digital management system - for reaching users and managing control, security and costs), CASELIBRARY (modular tool set, enabling to set up user interfaces corresponding to their particular need, academic libraries targeted, but migration of the tool set to other library types, systems and platforms possible) MASTER (software tools for electronic record creation) LAURIN (software system “libClip”, distributed thesaurus with a text-type classification system and a subject indexing system) ILSES (ILSES module-concepts (Administrator-ILSES, LIB-ILSES, DAT-ILSES, E-ILSES) will be promoted in other fields of application, e.g. chemistry, medicine, language technology) OLUIT (development of an innovative toolkit to create a multiplatform GUI) Complete system e.g. ARCA (general software package, that allows existing OPACs to act as SR targets, SESAM (fully integrated system, commercial product), SOCKER (software and kernel), BALTICSEAWEB Prototype e.g. CANAL / LS (full integrated software prototype), RIDDLE (automatic capture of journal content pages for inclusion into OPACs, providing a sound basis for the development of commercially available systems) DALI (prototype modular software), ARCA DECOIMATE I , DECOMATE II (prototype system implemented in three libraries) Pilot-Application e.g. ILSES (focused on socio-economic information from the European Commission’s Eurobaromater survey series) Demonstrator e.g. BALTICSEAWEB (allows to search information, using a graphical user interface and text retrieval tools and retrieve bibliographic references and original texts over the Internet) CASELIBRARY (demonstrator software) DECOMATE II (search possible for bibliographic records connected with journal articles abstracts) MASTER (demonstrator of manuscript access and on-demand publishing system) 18
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Demonstrationsmodelle / Prototypen (1) BALTICSEAWEB ELISE / ELISE II demo.htm LAURIN BALTICSEAWEB Development of a „Baltic Marine Environment Information System“ which allows users to search information using a geographical user interface and text retrieval tools and to retrieve bibliographic references and original documents over the Internet. The design of the system will also allow the integration of non-bibliographic data (e.g. measurement data) at a later stage (not covered by the current project) and suitable cross references. Creating an input system for bibliographic information with specific geographic indexing Developing a geographical user interface with a bibliographic information retrieval engine. Storing original documents on the Internet so that they can be retrieved by hyperlinks from the corresponding bibliographic records. Building a demonstrator, which allows users to search information using the geographical user interface and text retrieval tools and retrieve bibliographic references and original documents over the Internet. ELISE, ELISE II the project modelled a system which provides access to full colour image information banks (slides of museum exhibits and illustrated manuscripts and cartographic material from the Brabant area) held in two libraries in two Member States; design and establishment of a bank of full colour images and associated text for real-time remote access in the participating libraries; modelling of interconnection between participating image banks using international networks; storage, transmission, presentation and retrieval of full colour images; LAURIN Development of a generic model for the digitisation of newspaper clippings. A scanned image of the article as well as the full-text will be prepared for storage and retrieval. Main technical and organisational issues: Creating a software system (code name "libClip") for digital acquisitions to meet the needs of libraries collecting newspapers and clippings. Creating a distributed thesaurus with a text-type classification system and a subject indexing system. Suggestions for general copyright agreement, at European level, concerning newspaper clippings. 19
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Demonstrationsmodelle / Prototypen (2) EUROPAGATE DECOMATE DECOMATE II EUROPAGATE The project aimed to build and operate a pilot gateway service through which users can access ANSI Z39.50 and ISO SR servers which provide on-line access to catalogues. Users‘ requests had to be handled over widely available data networks (e.g. public X.25, EuropaNET and TCP/IP-based networks) using existing clients which incorporate the ANSI and ISO standards. Requests also had to be able to be processed via . DECOMATE I Provision of an end-user access to copyright material in electronic form Electronic journal holdings directly from the publisher Software to link bibliographic records to electronic full-text articles in order to search, to view and to deliver documents. DECOMATE II Development of an end-user service which provides access to heterogeneous information resources, Distributed over different libraries in Europe Using a uniform interface Leading to a working demonstrator of the European Digital Library for Economics. The project will cover both heterogeneous materials (i.e. copyright and non-copyright materials of different types and formats) and distributed access (i.e. allowing users to access resources in any of the participating libraries through a single, uniform interface). 20
Elektronischer Zugang, ektronische Dokumentenbestellung und -lieferung Demonstrationsmodelle / Prototypen (3) LIBERATION LIBERATOR LIBERATION Being aware that the modern library should provide various electronic materials to the end-user regardless space and time. It is still not clear, to what extent these materials should be scattered over the Internet, reside on local servers or should be stored on single CD ROMs. The project takes a substantial body of information (e.g. journals, textbooks, reference works, dictionaries, courseware) that is, or is to be available in electronic form, and packages it into a format that allows the distribution to libraries via CDs, LANs and WANs such as the Internet. It will monitor the reaction of users in two different environments: at user’s workplace and at easy-to-use terminals in conventional libraries. LIBERATOR Aim: to establish and develop exemplary regional information services (RIS) in three diverse European regions. Networked public library services will be developed to provide independent and mediated information for the user. New partnerships between information producers, mediators and end users and different kinds of libraries - academic, specialist and public - will be set up Critical legal and regulatory issues, such as copyright and the implications of electronic commerce will be addressed. Web-based demonstrators, fully integrated into the mediation services provided by public libraries Mediation will take various forms, including enquiry handling through electronic mail. An enhanced interface will organise and aggregate links, develop local search facilities, access filters, secure transactions and multimedia functions. Amajor element in RIS will be regional sites coordinating all Web activity relevant to the needs of the participating regions. Sites will be multifunctional offering mediated gateways to the Internet for citizens, virtual shop windows to stimulate regional economies and new retrieval tools for information mediators. Sites will address presentation and access by incorporating facilities such as localised searching, filters and security features 21
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