Christian Märzinger Thomas Pichler


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 Präsentation transkript:

Christian Märzinger Thomas Pichler Planspiele Christian Märzinger Thomas Pichler

Agenda Was sind Planspiele? Ablauf eines Planspiels First we will explain what simulation games are. Second we will give an short overview about the progress of simulation games. Third we will talk about different types of simulation games followed by a discussion of criteria for categorization of simulation games. Next we will look at the potential of simulation games . Finally we will refer to constraints and precognitions and aspect to be considered at the evaluation of simulation games Was sind Planspiele? Ablauf eines Planspiels Arten von Planspielen Klassifikationsmerkmale Potential von Planspielen Hemmnisse und Vorkenntnisse Beispielhafte Spiele und Anbieter Evaluierung

Was sind Planspiele? Definition: Well as usual such definitions are not concise or memorable. Actually simulation games are a way to learn or to impart knowledge and consist of the terms simulation which means a certain situation or environment is simulated and the second term game means that the partizipants play assigned roles like in role games. Definition: Das Planspiel kann “als eine spezifische Tätigkeit definiert werden, in der zahlreiche Spielteilnehmner, die sich zu mehreren Gruppen zusammenschließen, in bestimmten Rollen, wechselnden Szenarien und Situationen [in mehreren Spielrunden, Anm. D. Verf.] interagieren, und zwar innerhalb einer hypothetisch-fiktiven Umwelt, die auf bloßen Annahmen beruht und dennoch möglichst realistisch erscheinen soll“ Quelle: M. Kern. Planspiele im Internet - Netzbasierte Lernarrangements zur Vermittlung betriebswirtschaftlicher Kompetenz, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1. Auflage 2003; Deutscher Universitätsverlag/GWV Fachverlage GmbH, pp. 74-76.

Charakteristika von Planspielen Furthermore it is a dynamic system and is played in several rounds by several players who are assigned to certain play groups dynamisches System gespielt in mehreren Runden von ein oder mehreren Spielern die jeweils einer Spielergruppe zugeordnet sind.

Komponenten von Planspielen The simulation game consists of the three components: a simulation of a social environment, a role play and a rule play component. Often the simulation game is described to consist of only two components. In this case the two components role play and rule play are combined to a single game component that faces another component, the model. The model is a passive component and provides only a framework that defines how the reactions of the environment to the players' actions are simulated. Simulation eines sozialen Umfeldes Rollenspiel Regelspiel Modell Rollenspiel und Regelspiel komb iniert zu einer einzelnen Spiel-Komponente Vs

Charakteristika der Spiel-Komponente The game is the dynamic component within the simulation game. It is described by the following four characteristics that emphasize the dynamic character as well as the co-operation with the model: ein genaues System von Regeln eine Schritt-bei-Schritt-Ausführung (oftmals durch Spieler-Interaktion) Eine Möglichkeit zur Bewertung des Erfolgs und des Verhaltens anhand verschiedener Kriterien Notwendigkeit einer instrumentellen Basis zur Durchführung

Ablauf eines Planspiels In the preparing phase the simulation game and the rules it is based on are introduced to the players and each player is assigned to a role. Next to the presentation of the initial position and the problem definition the playgroups define their strategic and operative goals based on the analysis of the initial position. The execution phase starts beginning with the first period where the players make decisions regarding their first actions based on the facts of the initial position. The players analyze the possible alternatives for their potential to reach their goals and choose the most promising one The data of the decisions of the players are the input for the reactions of the environment. Based on rules of the simulation game and the underlying model the calculation of the reactions is started. These results together with additional information for example about the economic situation build the base for the decisions in the next period. After the last period has finished the whole game play is about to be analyzed which is thus called the analysis phase. Vorbereitungsphase Einführung der Teilnehmer in das Planspiel Präsentation der Ausgangssituation / Problem Definition Definieren der strategischen und operativen Ziele Ausführungsphase Analysieren der Alternativen Treffen der Entscheidungen Reaktion auf die Entscheidungen durch die Umwelt Auswertungphase Bewertung, Debriefing, Gründe für Abweichungen

Arten von Planspielen The first criteria used to categorize the different types of simulation games is the professional scope of application. It shows that simulation games are also applied in the military domain as well as in natural science and economic. Our essay, this presentation is based on, focuses on the use of simulation games in economic education. So this category will be mainly of interest for the rest of this essay. Unterscheidung nach dem fachlichen Anwendungsbereich. Planspiele Militärische Planspiele Sozio-ökonomische Planspiele Verhaltensplanspiele Betriebswirtschaftliche Planspiele bzw. Unternehmensplanspiele Volkwirtschaftliche Planspiele Naturwissenschaftliche Planspiele

Klassifikationsmerkmale I The level of abstraction differentiates between unspecific, industry-sector-specific and company specific and relates to the model the simulation game is based on and the degree of freedom it provides. The coverage of the model differs between three types of models: The first ones cover the entire company and are called general models. The simulation game players act like the management of the company and make strategic decisions. The second ones cover the entire company as well but single functions are emphasized and focused on. The third ones are the functional models which concentrate on parts of the value-added chain like the supply chain management or the marketing Usually the participants are members in one of several playgroups. But the might be only one playgroup in a simulation game where the member shall then make the optimal decisions which may be influenced by the framework the model provides or by random happenings. Such games are then called solo games. Whether or not the playgroups are competing against each other is beside the initial position influenced by interdependencies between the decisions made by the playgroups. Abstraktionsgrad Umfang der Modellierung Anzahl der Spielgruppen (fair/unfair, Ausgangsposition ) Interdependenzen zwischen den Entscheidungen

Klassifikationsmerkmale II According to the consideration of random influences there are deterministic games and stochastic games. Deterministic games do not consider such random elements and so differ from stochastic games that do consider random influences like strikes or machine break downs and thus may be a bit more realistic but also more complicated to be reviewed and rated. Regarding the effective degrees of the freedom of decision there are rigid simulation games that are based on a defined set of rules and have even rules for how to do the evaluation and flexible simulation games where the evaluation is done by a referee. Whether or not computers are used within the game and the evaluation differs between manual games and computer-based games. Manual games are performed by using paper, stencil, pocket calculator and evaluation chart. Board games are of this category for example. The computer-based simulation games can be divided into computer-integrated and computer-supported games. Computer-supported games contain the simulation games' model in form of a computer program and evaluate the players' decisions. This kind of simulation game can further be divided into interactive and non-interactive games depending on the way players enter their decision. Playgroups of computer-integrated simulation games use the computer during the execution phase of the game to support their decision finding for e.g. by using word processing, spreadsheet or presentation programs. Complexity covers the number of decisions the playgroups have to make. Games requiring less than 15 decisions are considered to be of low complexity while games demanding for 15 up to 30 decisions are of medium complexity and those that take more than 30 decisions are of high complexity. Finally there is a difference whether participants are at the same location or participants are distributed and may have to overcome regional and chronological distances. The spread of the second kind of simulation games was low in the past and has become higher because the internet simplified and accelerated the communication over distances. Berücksichtigung zufälliger Einflüsse Freie/starre Planspiele Art der Auswertung bzw. EDV-Integration Komplexitätsgrad (Anzahl der Entscheidungen) Grad der Verteilung der Gruppen

Einsatzmöglichkeiten Aus- und Weiterbildungsbereich Experimentelle Forschung Psychologie Organisationstheorie Betriebliche Praxis Unternehmensplanung (Prognose, Entscheidungsvorbereitung, Vergleich von Handlungsalternativen) Personalmarketing (Recruiting) Personalbewertung (Assessment Centers)

Potential von Planspielen 1: Anderson Consulting: that people who hear a lecture keep only 5 %; if the people 20 %; 75 % by learning by doing. Only by teaching 90 % 2: The real world the economy is a complex enviroment. Psychological people get insecure when they don’t know what happens through their desicionn In simulation games it is real world is simplified and as thomas said their a short game periods. Through the short play rounds people can see the result of their decision and through the fact of the game the people will make a decison. In the real world it takes time to see the consequences. If we want to find out what impact the descions have it would be too expensive and to complicated to analyze the relation of the decison and its impact. Also it is too dangerous to try somithin in the real econmie Gen: But at the moment not possible to get the proof that it is possible to transfer success from the game into the real world 3: Because people have to use a technology to interact with each other.  if the people can not meat each other 4: For training sociall skill their must be a possibility to meet each other pysically.  Vorteile Learning by Doing sehen der Auswirkungen Technologie Training Training von social skills

Vorteile von Planspielen 2: Integrated learning: By integrated learning the participants conect several things he learnt under won big point. As an example the participants learn in the simulation game financing, selling and accounting the see the correlation of this 3 points 3: Here the people will learn how the environment could possilbe react. This is not so clear in business simulation games as in example in a flight simulation game. Because there are to many variables in the real world which can not be calculated.  Constraint and pregognitions 3 principles aktives Lernen (Motivation / Interesse) Integriertes lernen Übermittlung von Systemeigenschaften

Hemmnisse und Vorkenntnisse 1: Defines how the simulation game is presentet to the learner. With word or with words and pictures When presenting with words there are also to ways. As a simple text or as an narration If the text is extended with pictures: simple picture, an illustration or an animation Advantage when presenting the context with pictures the particpants/learner has not to make his own picture of the situation For that reason the game should present the context with words and pictures 2: Here it depends where the picture is situated in the context in combination with words For the participants it is easy to recognize it when picture and word stand as near as possible and the don’t have to search for the combination 3: This means the e-learning system has to be independent from the system where it will be used. As example on a pc or mac If the company is spread all over the world their have to be different language or it will be presented in a generall language where people have problemens when they are not used to it.  constraints and precognitions didactic Multimedia Grundsatz Räumliche Darstellung Technische Voraussetzungen verschiedene User-Interfaces

Hemmnisse und Vorkenntnisse Next the precognistions in connection with the didactic. Who has the game to be 1: the game has to deal with a certain problem of the participants: Maybe how to sell more cars 4: because if to complex the participants loose the interest on the topic. But when the complexity is to low the people get tired of the game and the will not learn from the game 5: as more authentic and realistic the game is as more the participants will involve into the game 6: when the participants played the game a second or third time the situation should be different. That the particpants is not sure how the system will react. Problem orientiert erwecken von Interesse Kompletter Lernzyklus Möglichkeit der Komplexitätskontrolle authentisch und realistisch Präsentation verschiedener Situationen

Beispiele von Planspiele Produkt: Fotokopierer Simuliert: Marketing, Verkauf, Beschaffung, Logistik, Produktion und Forschung und Entwicklung Lernziele: Kennenlernen und Erarbeiten des wirtschaft + wirtschaftlichen Erfolg Erlernen von Grundsätzlichen Marketingstrategien Umgehen mit complexen Entscheidungen Modularer Aufbau: Verschiedenen Teile werden nach Bedarf hinzugefügt TOPSIM General Management 5 Firmen auf einen gemeinsamen Markt Bereiche die simuliert werden Lernziele Ablauf Modularer Aufbau Eingriffsmöglichkeiten 16

Beispiele von Planspiele Ähnlich vom Aufbauf wie Topsim: Märkte: EU, Russland, USA und Japan Produkte: Verbrauchsgüter, Dienstleistung und High Techprodukte jedes Produkt befindet sich in einem Unterschiedlichen Status des Produktlebenszyklus Abschicken: European School of Management and Technology at Schloss Gracht.  Führt Simulation durch Erhalten: der Ergebnisse  Erfolgreichste Team werden in einer Zeitschrift vorgestellt 3 Proberunden Ergebnisse der Proberunden nicht relevant Wettbewerb MARGA 4 Firmen 4 Märkte 3 Produkte Ablauf Start Situation Team Meeting Abschicken der Entscheidung Erhalten der Ergebnisse 17

Beispiele von Planspiele Mit joint-Ventures und strategischen Alliancen Mit Kollegen in anderen EU-Ländern Hintergrund: Missverständnisse und Konflikten CROCUS (cross-cultural management-simulation) eine Firma über Grenzen hinweg Idee unterschiedlicher kultureller Hintergrund Ablauf Zuteilung in eine Abteilung Analysieren der Firma gemeinsame Strategie 18

Evaluierung I Didaktik muss zur Firma passen because their exists serveral principles of didactic it depends on the participants: older  younger define function these depends on the purpose of the game, the client, the goal and the content Didaktik muss zur Firma passen durch die Hemmnisse und Vorkenntnisse Zwecks des Spiels

Evaluierung II Kosten Zeit Hardware Akzeptanz acceptance: can be proofed by the client himself Kosten Zeit Hardware Akzeptanz Möglichkeit zur Integration

Evaluierung III Komplexität Vernetzung Eigendynamik “Polytelie” complexity: amount of models cross linking: depending on the amount and kind of the realationship between the variables of the game momentum(Eigendynamik): changes on the model happens without an human Polytelie: is it possible to track several complex goals. as an example sell more cars and reduce the cost of the storage opennes: the state goal of the game is not exactly defined it can be adjusted by the instructor measure: current there is no psychological test which show how the quality of the game is. best is to check the model of the game. If the model is stable, consistend and well-engineered At least if it is possible to look for reputation. Komplexität Vernetzung Eigendynamik “Polytelie” Offenheit Messen der Qualität
