Cluster Mapping A tool for regional and national policy makers


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 Präsentation transkript:

Cluster Mapping A tool for regional and national policy makers Dr. Petra Püchner Managing Director Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum

Competitiveness of nations Michael Porter Competitiveness of nations Agglomeration of industry = Cluster Statistical data define clusters = Different understanding of cluster (agglomeration and not necessarily cooperation) in the US

Cluster observatory Works according to the US understanding with statistics

Bottom up cluster mapping approach Cluster Definition Baden-Württemberg Bottom up cluster mapping approach Cluster Definition Cooperation of business and research Targeted to innovation > 140 clusters identified in the cluster map (Cluster Atlas) Has to be understood in the innovation policy history of Baden-Württemberg with higher education, universities of applied sciences and applied research infrastructures for SME

Universities and Academies of higher education Baden-Württemberg has the most dense and the most modern structure of Universities and Academies for higher education, including: 9 Universities (of which, four „Elite Universities“ in Heidelberg, Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Constance – have won an award in the „Excellence Initiative“ 2006/2007) 41 Universities of Applied Sciences 8 Vocational Academies 21 Private Universities A network of technology transfer centers (Steinbeis-transfer centers) provides the bridge between private industry and research institutes and guarantees rapid access to new results. Universities Universities of Applied Sciences Vocational Academies Private Universities Elite Universities Source: Ministry of Economics Baden-Württemberg

A Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Research and Development Institutes The State provides a unique research infrastructure consisting of 3 Large-scale research institutes 12 Max-Planck-Institutes* 14 Fraunhofer Institutes* 13 Contract research institutes * incl. subsidaries of institutes with headquarters outside Baden-Württemberg ** incl. an institute with two locations Source: Ministry of Economics Baden-Württemberg

Cluster Policy Support Mechanisms Establishment of Baden-Württemberg wide networks Strengthening regional clusters Supporting internationalisation of clusters Enhancing Cluster Dialogues with policy and practitioners

Targets / Potentials of Baden-Württemberg´s policy sectors cross-cutting technologies Ermittlung der relevanten Technologie- und Kompetenzfelder sowie Querschnittsbereiche in einem mehrstufigen Verfahren Bewertung 18 Zukunftsfelder Politik seit 2000 Nicht abschließend In zwölf gibt es noch keine landesweiten Innovationsplattformen/Technologienetzwerke Damit können wertvolle innovative Impulse nicht gegeben werden, wenn man bedenkt, welche Aufgaben solche landesweite Plattformen/Netzwerke wahrnehmen können

Thank you for your attention ! Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum Haus der Wirtschaft Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19 70174 Stuttgart Tel.: +49-711-123 4010 Fax: +49-711-123 4011 Haus der Wirtschaft Erbprinzenstr. 4-12 76113 Karlsruhe Tel.: +49-721-935 190 Fax: +49-721-395 1920