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The Bavarian Graduate School in Computational Engineering Ein Kooperationsprogramm der FAU-Erlangen-Nürnberg und TU-München im Elitenetzwerk Bayern Ulrich.

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Präsentation zum Thema: "The Bavarian Graduate School in Computational Engineering Ein Kooperationsprogramm der FAU-Erlangen-Nürnberg und TU-München im Elitenetzwerk Bayern Ulrich."—  Präsentation transkript:

1 The Bavarian Graduate School in Computational Engineering Ein Kooperationsprogramm der FAU-Erlangen-Nürnberg und TU-München im Elitenetzwerk Bayern Ulrich Rüde Technische Fakultät Lehrstuhl für Informatik 10 (Systemsimulation) Universität Erlangen Nürnberg www10.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/CE

2 Computational Science and Engineering (CS&E)
Wissenschaft Ingenieursaufgaben Beobachtung Experiment Prototyp Computerberechnungen Computersimulation Theorie Computermodelle in der Physik, Chemie Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau Materialwissenschaften Verfahrenstechnik, Bauingenieurwesen Virtuelle Experimente Virtuelle Prototypen Virtuelle Realität

3 Why Computational (Science and) Engineering now?
The way in which scientific and engineering research is conducted has radically changed in the past two decades as simulation and computation are being increasingly used to augment, and in many cases replace, physical experimentation and the construction of prototypes. In many instances, such as astro-physics or climate modeling, computational simulation is the principal method for exploring concepts and ideas. Complex human-made objects such as aircraft and new materials might be better designed through computational optimization and computer-based experimentation and testing. Computation is bound to play an ever more critical role not only in coping with advanced scientific and engineering challenges, but in solving societal and environmental problems and in improving economic productivity. High performance computer simulation is therefore quickly becoming a universal methodology that is equally as important as classical theory and experimentation. The advent of Computational Science marks a Breakthrough in the History of Science as Fundamental as the Invention of the Calculus by Newton and Leibniz

4 Was ist CSE - Ein Beispiel

5 Example Application: Metal foams Simulation with Lattice-Boltzmann methods
Diploma thesis: N. Thürey Dissertation project: T. Pohl Cooperation mit Department of Material Science, C Körner KONWIHR-Project FreeWihr

6 Metal Foams: lightweight and stiff materials with high damping
Bubble growth, coalescence, collapse, drainage, rheology, etc. are still poorly understood. Simulation as a tool to better understand, control and optimize the process

7 The breaking dam

8 Rising bubbles

9 Several rising bubbles

10 Simulation and Experiment
Simulations and experiments: Diploma Thesis N. Thürey

11 CE Studium Bachelor und Master (FAU Erlangen) Master with Honours im Elitenetzwerk Bayern (FAU Erlangen un TU München)

12 CE in Erlangen Master Program seit 1997 (initiiert mit DAAD- Förderung) Bachelor Program seit 1999 BS: 6 Semester überwiegend Deutsche Lehrveranstaltungen ca. 50 Studienanfänger jährlich MS: 4 Semester Kernlehrveranstaltungen englischsprachig bisher überwiegend aus dem Ausland, aber Anteil deutscher Studierender jetzt steigend Das CE-Programm an der FAU nimmt im internationalen Vergleich eine Spitzenstellung ein

13 CE Ausbildungsstruktur (in Erlangen)
Informatik Kernlehrveranstaltungen Vertiefung Mathematik Technische Anwendung jeder Studierende muss genau ein Anwendungsfach wählen

14 Technische Anwendungsfächer
Thermo- und Fluiddynamik Maschinenbau Elektrotechnik Nachrichtentechnik Mikroelektronik Sensorik Regelungstechnik Materialwissenschaften Mit der TUM: Bauingenieurwesen Mechanik

15 Bachelor Program 6 Semester Vorlesungen begleitend:
12 Wochen Industriepraktikun (im Anwendungsfach) Seminar 3 Monate Abschlussarbeit Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch + some English Ziel: Berufsqualifizierung nach sechs Semestern

16 Internationales Master Program
Unterrichtssprache English (+ Deutsch um das Angebot an Wahlveranstaltungen zu vergrößern) 1 Orientierungssemester (Pflicht) 2 Semester Vorlesungen (Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen) 1 Semester Masterthesis Deutsch als Fremdsprache Ca. 50 Studienanfänger jährlich, >2000 Anfragen, >120 eingeladene Bewerbungen nimmt seit 2003 auch eigene Bachelorabsolventen auf Auswahlverfahen für Quereinsteiger (internationale Studierende) Mehrstufiges Bewerbungsverfahren Interviews teilweise vor Ort: gemeinsam mit ausländischen Partner(- universitäten und Industrie) schriftliche Bewerbung komplexes Begutachtungsverfahren Strukturiertes PhD Program ab WS 04/05 (DAAD-Antrag bewilligt)

17 CE : Where do the students come from ?

18 Master Program: geplante Weiterentwicklung
Bavarian Graduate School in Computational Engineering startet im Herbst 2004 Master with Honours Abschluß gemeinsam mit COME und CSE an der TU München Zusatzausbildung für die Besten der Besten Erasmus Mundus Initiative der EU EU Programm um die Attraktivität des Europäischen Hochschulraums für for Nicht-EU Studenten zu erhöhen Kooperation mit Amsterdam, Stockholm, etc. angedacht … wird vermutlich nicht realisiert, da der erforderliche administrative Overhead zu groß ist.

19 Bavarian Graduate School in Computational Engineering
Computational Engineering ist bislang der einzige(!?) technik-orientierte Studiengang, der zur Förderung ausgewählt wurde.

20 Bavarian Graduate School in Computational Engineering (2)
TU München Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) Prof. Dr. Zenger, Informatik Computational Mechanics (COME) Prof. Rank, Bauingenieurwesen FAU Erlangen Computational Engineering

21 Bavarian Graduate School in Computational Engineering (3)
Elitestudium baut auf einem der drei existierenden Masterstudiengänge auf Zusatzlehrveranstaltungen (im Umfang eines weiteren Semesters, aber ohne Studienzeitverlängerung) Projektarbeiten (in Teams, teilweise mit Einbindung der Industrie) Soft Skills Kompaktkurse, Ferienakademieen Führungsqualifikation Auswahlsemester Start: Wintersemester 2004/05

22 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
Bavarian Graduate School in CE Auswahlverfahren für den Master of Science with Honours Honourskommission besetzt von TUM: 4 Mitglieder und FAU: 2 Mitglieder Zulassungsvoraussetzungen Bachelor Vordiplom, mindestens 6 Sem. Studium Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren schriftliche Bewerbung Auswahlgespräch Auswahlsemester Studienkonzept >25 ECTS Notenschnitt besser 2,0 keine Einzelnote schlechter als 3,0 Slide 12: Additional Information First of all, I have to point out that at German Universities, there are no tuition fees. We are quiite proud that in our society basic education, including university study is free of charge. This also applies to foreign students. Only a minor amount for administrative things has to be paid, approximately 30 Euro per semester. However, german authorities, (the authorities responsible for aliens) require that when you come to Germany you have to account for sufficient money to afford normal living costs. The required amount is about 500 Euro per month. And foreign students have to prove evidence that they have funds for one year or at least for 6 month. There is a possibility to apply for scholarships from German authorities. Please contact the DAAD which is the German Academic Exchange Service. However, the competion is pretty high! There is e.g. a DAAD-Siemens Scholarship for Master students from Eastern Europe. There are a few local scholarships available for the best students of the orientation semester Please note, that foreign students do not have the permission for working and earning money in Germany. Only minor jobs at the Universitiy or at Frauenhofer Institute are allowed.

23 Bavarian Graduate School in CE Honoursprüfung (zusätzlich zum regulären Masterstudium)
10 ECTS Projektarbeit 10 ECTS überfachlich („soft skills“) 10 ECTS aus den Partnerstudiengängen als Kompaktkurse in Form von Ferienakademien etc. Studierende müssen einen Notendurchschnitt (in allen Prüfungen) von mindestens „gut“ nachweisen und dürfen die Regelstudienzeit um maximal ein Semester überschreiten Slide 12: Additional Information First of all, I have to point out that at German Universities, there are no tuition fees. We are quiite proud that in our society basic education, including university study is free of charge. This also applies to foreign students. Only a minor amount for administrative things has to be paid, approximately 30 Euro per semester. However, german authorities, (the authorities responsible for aliens) require that when you come to Germany you have to account for sufficient money to afford normal living costs. The required amount is about 500 Euro per month. And foreign students have to prove evidence that they have funds for one year or at least for 6 month. There is a possibility to apply for scholarships from German authorities. Please contact the DAAD which is the German Academic Exchange Service. However, the competion is pretty high! There is e.g. a DAAD-Siemens Scholarship for Master students from Eastern Europe. There are a few local scholarships available for the best students of the orientation semester Please note, that foreign students do not have the permission for working and earning money in Germany. Only minor jobs at the Universitiy or at Frauenhofer Institute are allowed.

24 CE : Information ? WWW: www.cs.fau.de/CE
Fragen? Slide 12: Additional Information First of all, I have to point out that at German Universities, there are no tuition fees. We are quiite proud that in our society basic education, including university study is free of charge. This also applies to foreign students. Only a minor amount for administrative things has to be paid, approximately 30 Euro per semester. However, german authorities, (the authorities responsible for aliens) require that when you come to Germany you have to account for sufficient money to afford normal living costs. The required amount is about 500 Euro per month. And foreign students have to prove evidence that they have funds for one year or at least for 6 month. There is a possibility to apply for scholarships from German authorities. Please contact the DAAD which is the German Academic Exchange Service. However, the competion is pretty high! There is e.g. a DAAD-Siemens Scholarship for Master students from Eastern Europe. There are a few local scholarships available for the best students of the orientation semester Please note, that foreign students do not have the permission for working and earning money in Germany. Only minor jobs at the Universitiy or at Frauenhofer Institute are allowed.

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