1 Wirtschaft & Kommunikation Schlankreye Welcome to our School Berufliche Schule für Wirtschaft Hamburg-Eimsbüttel Schlankreye 1 20144 Hamburg Principle:


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 Präsentation transkript:

1 Wirtschaft & Kommunikation Schlankreye Welcome to our School Berufliche Schule für Wirtschaft Hamburg-Eimsbüttel Schlankreye Hamburg Principle: Mrs. Gunta Spreckelsen Vice-Principle: Mathias Heß Project SWORD

2 Wirtschaft & Kommunikation Schlankreye Dual VET in Hamburg The Vocational School for Economy and Administration Schlankreye Gunnar Binda Berufliche Schule für Wirtschaft Hamburg Eimsbüttel

3 Wirtschaft & Kommunikation Schlankreye GB Structure :Two sites (Schlankreye and Lutterothstrasse) :Dual VET.Industrial Clerk.Estate Agents :Vocational Preparation :Migrants :Merging with another vocational school in 2015

4 Wirtschaft & Kommunikation Schlankreye GB Legal basis :Vocational training act :School Law Hamburg :Ordinance of vocational occupation Industrial Clerk :Training regulations for IC :Framework curriculum for IC

5 Wirtschaft & Kommunikation Schlankreye GB School activity :Time schedule for the sequence of learning fields assigned to subjects :(school curriculum) :Individualized learning :- room and equipment :- continuouse guidance and coaching :- complex tasks :- media (smartboard/laptops)

6 Wirtschaft & Kommunikation Schlankreye Dual Collaboration :School board.Principle.Employers.Employees.Teachers.Apprentices GB

7 Wirtschaft & Kommunikation Schlankreye Dual Collaboration :LOK – Lernortkooperation.Conference of teachers and trainers (at least once per year) GB

8 Wirtschaft & Kommunikation Schlankreye Arising Problems :Importance of School Certificate Depends on the Reaction of Companies :The Expectations of Companies Have Changed to More Demanding Performance of People.Creativity.Flexibility.Abstract knowledge GB