EU Research and Innovation: Horizon 2020


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 Präsentation transkript:

EU Research and Innovation: Horizon 2020 Alpeuregio Summer School, Brussels 27.06.2018

+ + - - Population Food Energy Climate +50% by 2050 +70% by 2050 Societal challenges require scientifc based solutions + Population Food +50% by 2050 +70% by 2050 + - Energy Climate WWF-Living Planet report 2012: die Menschheit braucht derzeit soviele natürliche Ressourcen, dass wir bald 2 Planeten benötigen, um den derzeitigen Lebensstil zu erhalten. Bei der gegenwärtigen Entwicklung würden wir rein rechnerisch bereits im Jahre 2030 2 Planeten benötigen. 1 Amerikaner braucht soviel Ressourcen wie 13 Afghanene. Seit 1950 hat sich die Weltbevölkerung verdoppelt und im Jahre 2050 werden laut Prognosen 9,3 Milliarden Menschen auf der Erde leben. Anstieg der Lebenserwartung: ein komplexes Zusammenwirken von steigendem Wohlstand, gesunder Ernährung, humanen Arbeitsbedingungen mit zunehmend geringerem körperlichen Verschleiss, verbesserte Hygiene und vor allenm bessere medizinische Fürsorge. Die FAZ vor ein paar Tagen: Jedes zweite heute in Deutschland geborene Kind wird 100 Jahre alt. Bill Gates: "Als der Pflug erfunden wurde, haben einige gesagt, das ist schlecht, dasselbe war der Fall beim Buch, beim Telefon, beim Auto, beim Fernsehen und bei fast jeder neuen Technologie. Das war immer so und wird immer so sein. Die nächste Generation hat die neuen Technologien dann aber fast jedesmal schon als völlig selbstverständlich betrachtet." +100% by 2050 +2o by 2050 - 2 2

Research and innovation – The main engines of future growth and jobs

The EU's share of world R&D expenditure is falling

The EU's share of world patents is falling

EU MS are far from reaching their R&D targets

KEY FEATURES OF HORIZON 2020 The first integrated programme, covering both basic research and close-to-market innovation. Total budget of ~ EUR 77 billion. Less than 10% of public R&D spending in the EU. A 3 pillar approach with one general objective: “To contribute to building a society and economy based on knowledge and innovation across the Union." #1 Research and innovation

Three main pillars of Horizon 2020 1. Excellence (€ 24 440 bn) - ERC (European Research Council) €13 182 - Future and Emerging Technologies € 3 087 - Marie Sklodowska Curie € 5 710 - European Research Infrastructure € 2 460 2. Industrial Leadership (€ 17 820 bn) - Key enabling technologies: €13 557 - Risk and venture capital : € 2 842 - Innovation in KMUs: € 616 3. Societal Challenges (€ 31 547 bn) - Health € 7 472 - Food Security and Safety € 3 851 - Energy € 5 931 - Transport € 6 339 - Climate change € 3 081 - Society € 1 309 - Security € 1 695 To maximise impact, all of the funding in Horizon 2020 is focused on three priorities: excellent science, industrial leadership and societal challenges.

ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2014-NOW WHERE WE STAND ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2014-NOW Spreading excellence: EUR 0.4 bn to 160 projects Science w/f society: EUR 0.2 bn to 101 projects Other: EUR 0.2 bn to 100 projects Excellent Science Pillar: EUR 12.1 billion to 10,789 projects 2,6% 37,9% 38,7% EUR 31,9 billion Societal Challenges Pillar: EUR 12,3 billion to 4,641 projects Industrial Leadership Pillar: EUR 6.6 billion to 3,104 projects 20,7% Additional priorities: on widening participation, including society, EURATOM and the pilot for fast-track-to innovation: Excellent Science: to reinforce and extend the excellence of EU’s science base and to consolidate the European Research Area Industrial Leadership: to speed up the development of the technologies and innovations that will underpin tomorrow’s new technology and help innovative European SMEs to grow into world-leading companies Societal Challenges: responds directly to grand societal challenges and aims to stimulate a critical mass of research and innovation efforts to help address these 25% of funding for SMEs (LEIT+SC) – well above the legal target of 20% Research and innovation

WHERE WE STAND APPLICANTS, PROPOSALS AND SIGNED GRANTS Over 176,000 proposals submitted requesting EUR ~447 billion ~19,500 proposals retained for funding Overall success rate was 11.93% Less than 1 in 4 high-quality proposals could be funded

Horizon Europe: Evolution not revolution Specific objectives of the Programme Foster all forms of innovation and strengthen market deployment Strengthen the impact of R&I in supporting EU policies Support the creation and diffusion of high-quality knowledge Optimise the Programme’s delivery for impact in a strengthened ERA Strengthening the European Research Area Reforming and Enhancing the European R&I system Sharing excellence Pillar 1 Open Science European Research Council Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Infrastructures Pillar 3 Open Innovation European Innovation Council European innovation ecosystems European Institute of Innovation and Technology Pillar 2 Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness Health Inclusive and Secure Society Digital and Industry Climate, Energy and Mobility Food and natural resources Joint Research Centre Clusters Horizon Europe is an evolution not revolution building on the extraordinary success of the current programme Horizon 2020. So Horizon Europe will keep the three pillar structure, be based on excellence and maintain the tested funding rules and procedure of Horizon 2020, but in a much simplified form.

Budget: €100 billion* The proposed budget of €100 billion will make Horizon Europe the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever. It is one of the few parts of the EU budget that the Commission proposes to increase. This increase to the current programme is 50% when taking into account the EU of 27 Member States. The proposed €100 billion for 2021-2027 includes €2.4 billion for the Euratom research and training programme. €3.5 billion will be allocated under the InvestEU Fund. The innovation window of InvestEU will provide loans, guarantees, equity and other market-based instruments in the order of € 11,5 billion to mobilise public and private investment in research and innovation. [Hence the financial envelope for implementing Horizon Europe will be €94.1 billion.] * This envelope includes EUR 3.5 billion allocated under the InvestEU Fund.

Lessons learned Horizon 2020 IntEv Key novelties Horizon Europe European Innovation Council Support breakthrough innovation R&I Missions Create more impact through mission-orientation and citizens' involvement Extended association possibilities Strengthen international cooperation Open science policy Reinforce openness For each of the novelties, the impact assessment assessed the expected impacts, risks and possible mitigation measures. New approach to Partnerships Rationalise the funding landscape