Prähistorische Kunst in Europa


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 Präsentation transkript:

Prähistorische Kunst in Europa Kapitel 1 Prähistorische Kunst in Europa Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Outline of Prehistoric Period Paleolithic Lower Middle Upper Neolithic

Paleolithic Age “Old Stone Age” - 2,500,000 – 10,000 BC Technological advancement from spear to bow/arrow = better hunting Appearance of Homo sapiens sapiens (-120,000) Cro-Magnon Man Europe Stone Ax = chop down trees & make boats Hunting large animals required 4-5 “bands” of people working together Chief status for leader Cave Paintings

Der homo sapiens sapiens

Schutzbau oder Architektur? Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Wohnstätten der Eiszeitjäger Dias und Konzept von Georg Capol FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Fundstätte einer Mammut-Knochen-Hütte Aus der Ukraine ca. 16 000-10 000 v. Chr.

Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Werkzeug oder Kunsthandwerk? Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Hohlenstein-Stadel, Deutschland Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Der Löwen-Mensch von Hohlenstein-Stadel, Deutschland ca. 30,000-26,000 v.Chr. Aus einem Mammutzahn geschnitzt 11 3/8 inch. hoch

Prähistorische Skulpturen Älteste menschliche Kunstwerke: aus Stein, Elfenbein, Geweih, Knochen Kultobjekt ? Löwenartiger Mensch als Motiv Teil einer Jagdwaffe ? geschnitzt und in dreidimensionaler Darstellung: also schon geistig hochstehende Gedanken-Kultur. Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Weibliche Figuren (Venus) Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Venus von Willendorf Oesterreich Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Venus von Willendorf Oesterreich ca. 28 000-25 000 v.Chr. limestone 4 1/4 inch. hoch

“Venus” von Willendorf Die meisten spätneolithischen Figuren sind Frauen-Darstellungen Sie sind meist rötlich gefärbt Grundgestalt : enorme Brüste, dickbauchig & stilsierter runder Kopf Kultfigur ? Fruchtbarkeitssysmbol ? Bedeutung ist unklar

Weitere weibliche Schönheiten Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Frau von Lespugue Aus einer Höhle in Les Rideaux, France ca. 20,000 v. Chr. Mammut-Elfenbein 5 3/4 inch hoch

Verschiedene Venus-Statuetten aus der Urzeit Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Verschiedene Venus-Statuetten aus der Urzeit

Moderne Formen der Uebertreibungen

Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Die Bedeutung der Höhlenmalereien Die ersten Gemälde entstanden etwa vor 15 000 Jahren Ur-Bilder von: Bison, Hirsch, Pferd, Kühen, Mammuts und Wildschweinen sind die Hauptmotive. Rituelle oder religiöse Geisteshaltung zur Steigerung des Jagderfolgs oder der Fruchtbarkeit.

Die Bedeutung der Höhlenmalereien Archeologists speculate the animal images were meant to guarantee a successful hunt Drawing a picture of it gave you power over it? Sympathetic magic Artwork has been depicted with realistic features that enables scholars to identify animals

Höhlenmalereien von Chauvet Vallon-Pont-d’Arc, Ardèche, France Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Höhlenmalereien von Chauvet Vallon-Pont-d’Arc, Ardèche, France ca. 30 000-28 000 v.Chr. Pigmentfarben aus Fels

Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Hände als Fingerprint im modernen Sinne ? Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Nicht für ewig gemalt? Hände als Fingerprint im modernen Sinne ? Höhlenmalereien aus Pech-Merle Lot, France ca. 22 000 v.Chr. Pigmentfarbe auf Stein

Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Höhlenmalerein von Lascaux Lascaux, Dordogne, France Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Höhlenmalerein von Lascaux Lascaux, Dordogne, France ca. 15 000-13 000 v. Chr. Pigmentfarbe aus Stein

Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Twisted Perspective – horns, eyes & hooves are shown as seen from the front, yet heads & bodies are rendered in profile

Prehistoric Art Tools Cave artists used charcoal to outline the walls; sometimes they incised the wall with sharp stones or charcoal sticks The “paints” used were ground minerals like red & yellow ochre The minerals were applied directly on the damp limestone walls Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Altamira Cave paintings Santander, Spain Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Altamira Cave paintings Santander, Spain ca. 12,000-11,000 B.C.E. pigment on stone

Bison Ceiling Artists used the irregularities of the cave to create sculptural effects by painting over them Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Neolithic Revolution End of Ice Age (100,000 – 8000 BCE) brought ability to search for new food Systemic Agriculture – Making the conscious decision to plant & grow food Domestication – Raising goats, sheep, pigs & cattle Development of permanent, year-round settlements (and eventually, civilization)

Skara Brae Architecture Neolithic settlement in northern Scotland 3100 and 2600 BCE Corbeling – layers of stones are piled on top of each other to form walls without mortar

Megalithic Architecture “Large stone” (mega + lithos) Powerful religious or political figures and beliefs was the impetus for these massive building projects 2 types: Dolmen – large, vertical stones with a covering slab like a giant table (mounded over with dirt to form a cairn) Menhir – single stone set on its end Positioned: Henge – circular arrangement of stones Alignment – in rows

Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Salisury Plain, Wiltshire, England Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Stonehenge Salisury Plain, Wiltshire, England ca. 2,550-1,600 B.C.E. sarsen and bluestone

Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Stonehenge: England’s First Rock Group Series of concentric circles & circular shapes Outer circle of 13 foot high gray sandstones, called sarsen stones, topped by a continuous lintel They weigh up to 26 tons each! Sarsen is a grey sandstone.

Built it and They Will Come?

How Did They Do That?! Lacked bronze or iron tools and, possibly, the wheel Transported the stones by barge or sled Heel stone standing upright, weighs 35 tons and was brought in from 23 miles away Raising of the stones was done in stages by prying the ends up and inserting timber beneath Added layer after layer and then removed the elevated scaffolding

Banksy Stonehenge Port-A-Potties Glastonbury, England 2008 metal and plastic Jim Reinders Carhenge Alliance, Nebraska 1987 metal

Could Coral Castle Provide an Answer?

Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights.

Menhir alignments at Ménec, Carnac, France Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Menhir alignments at Ménec, Carnac, France ca. 4,250-3,750 B.C.E.

various Menhirs Ireland, Scotland, England, France Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. various Menhirs Ireland, Scotland, England, France

Dolmens Ireland, Scotland, England, France Slide concept by William V. Ganis, PhD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY For publication, reproduction or transmission of images, please contact individual artists, estates, photographers and exhibiting institutions for permissions and rights. Dolmens Ireland, Scotland, England, France

Essential Questions What is prehistory? What are the problems and challenges of making meaning of prehistoric art? How is prehistoric art useful in understanding the human condition?