Project Z1b Theological Ethics and Pastoral Psychology


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 Präsentation transkript:

Project Z1b Theological Ethics and Pastoral Psychology Prospects for Xenotransplantation. Identifying psychosocial and pastoral challenges Project Z1b Theological Ethics and Pastoral Psychology Prof. Dr. Dr. Jochen Sautermeister Dipl.-Theol. Richard Mathieu, Dipl.-Theol. Veronika Bogner Endowed professorship for moral Theology with particular emphasis on moral psychology LMU Munich Munich, 23.10.2014

Overview of completed objectives – symposia, seminars, etc. Looking back – I Overview of completed objectives – symposia, seminars, etc. Symposium „Xenotransplantation as a theological-ethical challenge“ (Munich, Advanced Seminar – Xenotransplantation as a theological- ethical challenge (LMU, Fall 2013) German Ethics Council on Xenotransplantation (Simulation with high school students, Stiftsgymnasium Sindelfingen, April 2014) Xenotransplantation – social and ethical debates on new biomedical possibilities (continuing education program for teachers, March 2014) # 2

Looking back – II # 3 Overview of completed objectives – Publications Themenheft „Xenotransplantation als theologische Herausforderung“: Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift 65 (2014) Heft 1 zur debatte. Themen der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern 2014, Heft 3, 19-44 J. Sautermeister, Xenotransplantation. Legitimation und Akzeptanz aus theologisch-ethischer Sicht, in: zur debatte 3/2014, 40-42 J. Sautermeister, Einführung, in: MThZ 65 (2015) 1 J. Sautermeister, Xenotransplantation aus theologisch-ethischer Sicht, in: MThZ 65 (2014) 16-26 V. Bogner, Xenotransplantation in der deutschsprachigen Presse, in: MThZ 65 (2014) 62-78 J. Sautermeister, Xenotransplantation, in. K. Hilpert, J. Sautermeister (eds.), Akt der Nächstenliebe oder Eingriff in den Lebensschutz. Die neue Diskussion um die Organspende, Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder 2015, 360-372 (in preparation) J. Sautermeister (ed.), Xenogene Transplantation von Zellen, Geweben und Organen, Paderborn: mentis 2015 (in preparation) J. Sautermeister, Xenotransplantation from the perspective of theological ethics, 2014 (in preparation) J. Sautermeister, V. Bogner, R. Mathieu, Xenotransplantation – theological-ethical considerations in an interdisciplinary symposium, 2014 (in preparation) V. Bogner, R. Mathieu,J. Sautermeister Catholic attitudes towards Xenotransplantation 2014/2015 (in preparation) # 3

Looking ahead – I Being on schedule # 4 # 4 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 WP1a: Theological-ethical analysis of xenotransplantation WP1b: Theological-ethical conference WP1c: Theological-ethical recommendations WP2a: Pastoral-theological analysis of xenotransplantation WP2b: Pastoral-theological conference WP2c: Recommendation and concept for clinical pastoral care # 4 # 4

Editing and publishing of conference results Looking ahead – II Upcoming objectives: Identifying and reflecting psychosocial, pastoral and spiritual problems of xenotransplantation Interdisciplinary conference, working title: „Animal cells and organs – a remedy for humans? Xenotransplantation as a Challenge for Identity and Lifestyle“ Editing and publishing of conference results Developing a differentiated pastoral care/counseling concept # 5

Looking ahead – III Identifying psychosocial and pastoral challenges – Issues that may come up: Individual Social/Societal Religious/ideological self-conceptions Self- ascriptions/self-interpretations Integration of xenograft into personal identity Biographical preconditions of acceptability etc. Sociocultural interpretative patterns Social/sociocultural preconditions of acceptability Sociocultural creeds Transgression of species-boundary etc.

Looking ahead - IV Symposium: „Animal cells and organs – a remedy for humans? Xenotransplantation as a Challenge for Identity and Lifestyle“ Establishing continuity with symposium 2013 Allotransplantation – a sphere of experience Medical, socio-scientific and anthropological approaches to XT Psychosocial and pastoral approaches to XT