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„Outreach“ Aktivitäten Teilchenphysik Michael Kobel, Uni Bonn, EPOG HEP Jahrestreffen, Bad Honnef, 21.11.2003 Outreach Organisation in D Outreach Verantwortliche.

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Präsentation zum Thema: "„Outreach“ Aktivitäten Teilchenphysik Michael Kobel, Uni Bonn, EPOG HEP Jahrestreffen, Bad Honnef, 21.11.2003 Outreach Organisation in D Outreach Verantwortliche."—  Präsentation transkript:

1 „Outreach“ Aktivitäten Teilchenphysik Michael Kobel, Uni Bonn, EPOG HEP Jahrestreffen, Bad Honnef, 21.11.2003 Outreach Organisation in D Outreach Verantwortliche / Verteilerliste Web Page Status KET report Finanzen Physics on Stage  Science on Stage e.V. Deutschland European Linear Collider SG: Outreach Subcommittee EPOG Masterclasses im „Welt Jahr der Physik“ WYP 2005 50 Jahre CERN, Oktober 2004

2 0) Generelle Kommentare Auch nach wieder steigenden Anfängerzahlen an den Unis: „Outreach“ bleibt wichtig für Schüler/innen (direkter Kontakt mit Wissenschaftlern) Lehrkräften (Multiplikatoren, Nachhaltigkeit) Öffentlichkeit („Scientific Literacy“, Meinungsbildung, XFEL, TESLA) Veranstaltungen / Materialien etablieren sich Austausch wichtig: Materialien ( http://www.teilchenphysik.info )http://www.teilchenphysik.info Erfahrungen ( Evaluation! ) Erfolgreiche Konzepte breiten s. aus: Physik am Samstag Morgen Praktikum „Physik Begreifen“ DESY HH  DESY Zeuthen „Schnuppertage“ „Masterclasses“ etc... Zeuthen, 25.2.2003

3 1) Outreach Organisation D Informationen und Mailing Liste Bisher: Mails an meine „private“ Outreach Mailing Liste (maintenance!?) Outreach Institutsverantwortliche (NEU!) - verantwortlich für Ankündigungen in teilchenphysik.org (user und pass), - verantwortlich für Rückmeldungen pro Institut (e.g. CERN50) => mailing Liste für Outreach Representation der Institute Th.Hebbeker (RWTH Aachen), C. Stegmann (HUB Berlin), E. Laermann (Uni Bielefeld), H.Koch (RU Bochum), M.Kobel (Uni Bonn), P.Folkerts (DESY Hamburg), U.Behrens (DESY Zeuthen), I. Peter (GSI), C. Goessling (Uni Dortmund), J.Brose (TU Dresden), W.Schneider (Uni Erlangen), K.Königsmann (Uni Freiburg), R.-D. Heuer (Uni Hamburg), N. Dragon (Uni Hannover), M. Schmelling (Heidelberg MPI), K. Meier (Uni Heidelberg), H.-C. Schultz-Coulon (Uni Heidelberg), W.Rühl (Uni K‘lautern), P. Plischke (FZKarlsruhe), G. Quast (Uni Karlsruhe), B.Schrempp (Uni Kiel), K. Sibold (Uni Leipzig), Th.Trefzger (Uni Mainz), R. Männer (Uni Mannheim), M.Altmann (MPI München), R.Nisius (MPI München), Th. Nunnemann (LMU München), M. Lindner (TU München), D. Frekers (Uni Münster), R.Waldi (Uni Rostock), W.Walkowiak (Uni Siegen), D.Wicke (Berg. Univ. Wuppertal), R.Rückl (Uni Wuerzburg) => Mails bitte ggflls institutsintern weiterleiten! Liste DPG Kontaktpersonen - Weitergabe allgemeiner Outreach Informationen an HEP Community - „Schneeball“ Information an Lehrkräfte Einverstanden? Bitte Nachricht, falls zusatzliche Einträge in Institutsliste erwünscht!

4 Outreach Web Pages http://www.teilchenphysik.info or.org and new:.de http://www.teilchenphysik News and events News and events to be announced remotely by each institute News and events archive for each year available well accepted by organizers Forum for teachers Forum for teachers discuss particle physics in high school feedback on available school material not used… Publicize Site wore widely Feb.03 150  750 visits/month 4Mb  50 Mb transfer /month

5 KET Report on Future of HEP in Germany Very useful for outreach! Complete Review of current state and future Suggested and funded by research ministry NOW: available printed and on CD in English Written by physicists +1 science writer: 120pg. NOW: available printed and on CD in English http://www.dpg-physik.de/fachgremien/t/ket/ketStudie/ket-study.html http://www.dpg-physik.de/fachgremien/t/ket/ketStudie/ket-study.html For: scientists (non-physicists) colleagues physics students scientific educated public funding agencies and advisory panels Graphics by DESY (HH/Zeuthen) + graphics bureau very nice graphics for outreach! http://www.dpg-physik.de/fachgremien/t/ket/ketStudie/bilder.html http://www.dpg-physik.de/fachgremien/t/ket/ketStudie/bilder.html Publically presented in a symposium on 22.11.02 in Bonn talks (in German) available on the web http://www.dpg- physik.de/fachgremien/t/ket/veranstaltungen/hep_symposium.html http://www.dpg- physik.de/fachgremien/t/ket/veranstaltungen/hep_symposium.html

6 Outreach funding in Germany April 2003: first official outreach application to BMBF 23 k€ / year corresponding to 0.2% of total HEP support (equiv. to 1 Ph.D. student position) seems to have been in largest parts successful (final word pending) Projects: maintenance of www.teilchenphysik.orgwww.teilchenphysik.org particle physics experiments for schools: Kamiokanne measurement of cosmic muons: –angular distribution –life time of muons material CD for schools masterclass competition WYP 2005 (travel) support for physics teachers at CERN to be mentioned in reply to EPOG outreach financing survey / memo Th. Trefzger (Uni Mainz)

7 Outreach financing survey memo  Funding bodies (Nov 03) … To be successful, scientific outreach activities have to be done in a professional way. Leading scientists with their specialist knowledge can form a powerful team with educators and those familiar with modern techniques in disseminating information to a large public. To be successful, scientific outreach activities have to be done in a professional way. Leading scientists with their specialist knowledge can form a powerful team with educators and those familiar with modern techniques in disseminating information to a large public. However, as we are competing with TV and other leisure pursuits, outreach activities require proper funding to be able to produce an attractive and engaging image of the natural sciences. We urge the science research councils and other funding bodies to recognize scientific outreach as an important and natural part of the research process and to make financing available to scientists to allow them to engage in professional outreach activities We urge the science research councils and other funding bodies to recognize scientific outreach as an important and natural part of the research process and to make financing available to scientists to allow them to engage in professional outreach activities. We recognise that in some countries the importance of scientific outreach activities has already been recognised and is regarded as a natural part of the research activity. A particularly good example is the awareness in the US of the importance of outreach activities, which has resulted in an organised funding of these activities. However, in many other countries this is still not the case and we believe that organised and proper funding of outreach activities are crucial for an increased interest in and awareness of science and technology. We would very much appreciate learning about your current and proposed future support for scientific outreach activities We would very much appreciate learning about your current and proposed future support for scientific outreach activities ; please reply to Erik Johansson. Yours sincerely Brian Foster Erik Johansson Jose Bernabeu ECFA chair EPOG chair HEPP-EPS chair

8 2) Physics on Stage 3  Science on Stage 4 Europaweites Programm für Physiklehrkräfte und -didaktiker Initiiert 2000 von CERN, ESA, und ESO NEU: EMBL, ESRF, EFDA, ILL (  EIROforum) Teilnahme von 22 Europäischen Staaten Gemeinsame Ziele: Aufmerksamkeit auf niedrige „scientific literacy“ lenken Europaweiter Austausch von Ideen insb. für den Schulunterricht Workshops: Empfehlungen erarbeiten und national diskutieren Über europaweites Netzwerk Materialien sammeln und verteilen PoS3 Festival 8.-15. November 2003: ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk: 2 (von 6) „onstage performances“ aus D 22 deutsche Projekte in der Ausstellung Preis für „most exciting project“: Ralf Gieße, Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium, Daun: Supraleitende Magnetschwebebahn mit einfachen Mitteln Ab 2004: „Science on Stage 4,5,6…“ ausgerichtet von „European Science Teachers Initiative“ (ESTI)“ in FP6 (EIROforum beantragt größte EU Einzel-Bildungsinitiative) „Science on Stage 4“ Festival 2005, ESRF, Grenoble oder CERN, Genf

9 Science on Stage Deutschland e.V. (SonS) Alte Deutsche Tradition: “Clubbing” April 2003 Gründung von “Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.” Mehr öffentliche Sichtbarkeit, Einfachere Sponsorensuche Erster öffentlicher Auftritt bei den Science Days im “Europa-Park Rust” vom 16.-18. October 2003 Mehrere 10,000 Besucher (Schulklassen, Familien, etc.) Teil der deutschen Beiträge zu POS 3 ausgestellt NEU Seit 1.10.2003 Geschäftstelle mit Geschäftssführerin: Stefanie Zweifel (finanziert durch Gesamtmetall: Think Ing.) Poststraße 4/5, 10178 Berlin Tel.: 030/400067.40 Fax.: 030/400067.35 info@science-on-stage.de

10 3) European Linear Collider Steering Group Outreach Subcommitee ELCSG Membership: Brian Foster (Chair), Luciano Maiani, Albrecht Wagner, David Miller, Sergio Bertolucci, Francois Richard Has formed sub-committees in areas of: Physics and Detector (  ECFA Study) Accelerator Organisational Structures, e.g. Global Accelerator Network (G. Kalmus et al) Outreach: June 2003 Considerable and substantive discussions between ELCSG, USLCSG, and ALCSG

11 ELCSG outreach sub-committee One person per CERN member state (i.e. 20 members), nominated by RECFA, to adopt a country-by country strategy (currently 16 nominated, Austria, Portugal, Slovac, Bulgaria missing) ELCSG: Ask the group to tackle three issues: Immediate strategy aimed at politicians Strategy aimed at other scientists, more relaxed timescale Strategy aimed at the general public order does not reflect the importance, but the urgency. strategy should include the whole spectrum of media available. deadline for the achievement of the political strategy by end of 2003. Coordinators (appointed by ELCSG) Phil Burrows (London), Giorgio Chiarelli (Pisa), Francois le Diberder (Paris), Michael Kobel (Bonn) responsability for implementation of the strategy on the country level with the help of the ELCSG

12 Actions so far several video/phone conferences of organizers First sub-committee meeting, Aachen, 18./19.7.03 present: 9 members, + 5 remote contributions collect info on national activities establishing a web site http://glcp.lal.in2p3.frhttp://glcp.lal.in2p3.fr session proposal at ESOF 2004, Stockholm (see later) outreach day + exhibition at LCW04 Paris, April 04 (see later) posters (2 posters, to show in foyers of all institutes involved in LC, e.g. to visiting politicians..) cooperation with http://www.interactions.orgwww.interactions.org misc (school material, WYP05 etc) Second sub-committee meeting, Montpellier, 15.11.03 progress on all items above focus on how to reach politicians (material, events, industry…) start to draft an outreach strategy document

13 Linear Collider Workshop LCWS04, Paris Exhibition in Palais de la Decouverte (19 - 24 April 2004) ground floor http://www.palais-decouverte.fr/virtuel/planpalais.htm The Material will be of two types: http://www.palais-decouverte.fr/virtuel/planpalais.htm for the public at large to explain how HEP-things work for the Politics and Media and the public to show that 1) HEP-LC is cutting-edge science and technology 2) a considerable amount of work has already been done 3) the project is well within the current trends in HEP+Cosmology 4) there is a world wide effort and consensus (including CERN) 5) there is spin-off from HEP (xFel, DataGrid, etc.) Conferences (Saturday the 24th) for the public, 220 seats participants from LCWS04 will join, and meet the public. one LC talk one Astroparticle talk one overall HEP talk Organizing group from Europe, USA, Japon involving help from DESY, etc.

14 Euro Science Open Forum 2004, www.esof2004.org Stockholm, 25.-28.8.2004 www.esof2004.org Aim:highlight science in Europe present science and the humanities at the cutting-edge stimulate scientific awareness foster debate on science and society Participants in 2004 will be academics, policy makers, politicians and representatives from media and the science based industries. In the name of ECFA the outreach subcommittee coordinators of the ELCSG have prepared a session proposal in collaboration with EPOG: „From Quarks to Galaxies“ (3h session w/ 5 talks + exhibition)session proposal Gerard t‘Hooft (Utrecht): The Nature of Matter and Forces Licia Verde (Pennsylvania): The Cosmic Connection Ugo Amaldi (CERN/Mailand): From Accelerators to Cancer Therapy Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala): Theories Spanning Time and Space of the Universe Albrecht Wagner (DESY): Tools for the next Decades Decision of Organisers: by December Funding: Application Stifterverband Germany: 9600€+7500 €(speakers+organizers+exhibition) joint „PUSH“ action of German industry for German session organizers

15 4) European Particle Physics Masterclasses for the World Year of Physics 2005 Particle Physics Masterclass (MC) Students (16-18 year olds) spend 1 day at university / institute listen to lectures (introduction to particle physics) work like real scientists European Organisation for WYP 2005 One or more MCs in each country (30-50 students each) Currently about 60 institutes from 16 countries willing to participate Whole activity w/in 2 weeks: March 7 to March 18, 2005 (2 days overlap with DPG central WYP spring conference) 4-6 masterclasses join in video conference at the end of the day Discuss results and differences Combine results (better accuracy) Maybe final video conference at end of the two weeks

16 Typical Agenda: morning LECTURE HALL 9:30 Welcome: The World Year of Physics 2005, and the WYP Masterclasses 10:00 First Lecture: Preparation for the afternoon PC Exercise 1 Particle Physics, Accelerators, Detectors, Standard Model: Building Blocks and Forces. Discussion 11:00 Second Lecture: (free choice, typically related to the institutes activities) e.g. more details on one special particle physics experiment, particle physics and cosmology, spin-off effects of particle physics etc. Discussion 12:00 Local Information: (optional) e.g. facts about the lab, or information about studying physics CANTINE 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch including informal discussions with lecturers and student tutors

17 Typical Agenda: afternoon PC Pool (and Lab) 14:00 – 16:00 PC Exercise 1: Measuring Z branching ratios at LEP 14:00 Introduction 14:30 Students working in pairs themselves at the PC 15:30 Collection of results, discussion and interpretation Short Pause with refreshments 16:00 – 17:30 Free session, chose one from the following - PC Exercise 2: e.g.Lancaster teaching system - Lab experiment: Cosmic ray measurements with the “Kamiokanne” - Ask a scientist: Open Q&A forum about big bang and particle physics - Guided Tour through the Lab Video Room 17:30 Daily European Video Conference Introduction of participants (typically 4-6 classes) Sharing Experiences Combining Results on Z branching ratios Discussion, maybe some competition -> winner? 18:30 END, souvenir distribution: e.g. brochures, CDs, T-shirts…

18 Workshop exercises http://www.teilchenphysik.org  Hep Physiker  Schülerworkshops Workshop exercises http://www.teilchenphysik.org  Hep Physiker  Schülerworkshops http://www.teilchenphysik.org OPALOPAL, (Manchester) Identification of Particles and Events Measurement of Z branching ratios Identity of e, mu, tau 5 quarks in 3 charge states, each Bonn: partial translationpartial translation, excel analysis tool AlephAleph, (Lancaster) Laws of collision e+e- annihilation Particles in an magnetic field momentum messung Event classes

19 Special Idea in Germany Initiate a high school student competition 15 winners (5 times 3) will win travel and accomodation for a masterclass at following centres DESY Hamburg DESY Zeuthen GSI Darmstadt Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe CERN funding for this (about 4000 €) applied for at BMBF other participating institutes Bonn, Dortmund, Mainz… Your Institute? Austria2Graz, Wien Belgique5 Antwerpen, Brussel VUB, Bruxelles ULB Mons-Hainaut, Louvain CERN1 Czech Rep.1Prague Denmark1Copenhagen Finland3Jyväskylä, Oulu, Helsinki Germany8 Bonn, Mainz, Dortmund, DESY-HH, DESY-Zeuthen, GSI Darmstadt, FzKarlsruhe, N.N. Greece5 Athens Univ, Athens Nat. Technical Univ Nat research Center Demokritos, Ioannia,, Thessaloniki Hungary2Budapest, Debrecen Netherlands4 Amsterdam (x2) Nijmegen, Utrecht Norway3Oslo, Lund, Bergen Poland4 Katovice, Lodz Krakow, Warzaw Slowaky4 Bratislava, Zilinia Kosice Univ., Kosice SAS Spain4 Santiago de C., Cantabria Barcelona, Valencia Sweden3 Lund, Stockholm(x2) Uppsala UK5N.N.

20 Financing of WYP Masterclasses Overview (for 50 masterclasses) No cost: University/ research centre infrastructure (video conf, PCs, lecture halls) Scientists, Copies for work sheets „salary“ for student tutors (40€ x 5 tutors = 200 €) lunch / refreshments for participants (50 x 5€ = 250 €) Printed material / CD to take home (50 x 4 € = 200 €) Total: 37,500 € 50 MCs x 650 € = 32,500 € central planning, material 5000 € Sources partially from EPS (application sent, positive response) partially from national sources (D: application sent, positive response) partially from other European sources

21 5) 50 Jahre CERN 2004 Vorbereitungen im CERN Bisheriges Management: nur erste Vorbereitungen Nächstes Management: Konkrete Schritte Steering Committee for the Preparation of the 50th Anniversary of CERN (15 Pers.) u.a. Hans Hoffmann, Chris Fabian, Juan A. Rubio, R. Landua, J Gillies, P. Catapano… To oversee and to prepare the programme, actions and resources for decision by the Director- General and subsequent execution by the Project Team. (Executive Committee to be elected) prepares the meetings with the delegates chaired by the Director-General, the communications with the local area and assists the Director-General for his communications to Council and to the Member States. Logos: Euro Münze? NEIN! Sonderbriefmarke Ja: CH Vielleicht: I Nein: D, A, F

22 Geplante Aktivitäten am CERN March 2004: special CH stamp launch, Globe of Innovation groundbreaking http://info.web.cern.ch/info/ES/globeofinnovation/ http://info.web.cern.ch/info/ES/globeofinnovation/ 16 October 2004 (?): CERN Open Day a.m., Local Communities day p.m. (many popular activities in and outside CERN in Canton de Genève and local F) 18 October 2004: "Austrian Day in Geneva" (Concert, Cocktail hosted by Swiss Ambassador + DG UN) 19 October 2004: VIP Day at CERN: official commemorative Ceremony keynote speeches heads of states and ministers: visit, meal, short address cultural event, Grid event? 21-23 October 2004: 18th International Conference "Informatics for Environmental Protection" (Enviro-Info 2004) organised by the Canton de Genève Government and hosted by CERN (Globe of Innovation) Publication of three books/articles on CERN 50 years anniversary book (pictures  posters) 50 years science at CERN (general audience) Physics Report 1979-2004 (complementing the one 1954-1979) Souvenirs (calendar, a special CERN's 50th Anniversary Geneva wine bottle, etc.)

23 Derzeit geplante Aktivitäten in Ländern work site: http://info.web.cern.ch/info/ES/CERN50Work/Welcome.html http://info.web.cern.ch/info/ES/CERN50Work/Welcome.html Italy (Firenze, Napoli, Milano, Genova): events with young people, in museums, exhibitions... France: Cosmophone at CERN http://cosmophone.in2p3.fr/ available for exhibitions after 19.10.04http://cosmophone.in2p3.fr/ Greece: Event "Scientists meet Society in Schools" UK: RAL Science seen by Artists competition, 1st prize = one week at CERN

24 Pläne in Deutschland In Charge derzeit: Gregor Herten (Cern Council), M.K. (EPOG), Metzger (BMBF) Die Rückmeldungen zu 50 Jahre CERN auf unsere e-mail Anfrage lassen sich folgendermassen zusammenfassen: (Ca 2/3 der Institute hat geantwortet) Nur zwei Institute (MPI München) haben bisher konkrete Pläne MPI München: CERN50 zentrales Thema beim Open Day DESY: Abendveranstaltung 50 Jahre CERN aus DESY Perspektive Die meisten Institute sind für eine Konzertierte Aktion und würden diese mitmachen, wenn es nicht zuviel Personpower kostet. Fast alle sind für dezentrale Veranstaltungen an den jeweiligen Instituten, zeitlich in der ersten Oktoberhälfte konzentriert, teilweise verbunden mit dann dort sowieso statt findenden Veranstaltungen (e.g. Open Day am MPI München, Herbstakademie in Dortmund und Bonn und anderen NRW Universitäten). Die Gesamtheit der Veranstaltungen soll auf den Outreach Seiten und in den Medien bekannt gemacht werden.

25 Details: Vorschläge / Pläne der Institute Freiburg: CERN Fahrt, Saturday morning lectures, Abendvortrag anläßlich der ATLAS Overview Week in FR (3-7 Okt. 03) MPI München: Schwerpunkt CERN50 beim Open Day, Vorträge, Vorschlag: Posterserie CERN50 Würzburg: CERN50 innerhalb des Open Day und Saturday Morning Physics (allerdings nicht im Oktober) Mainz Abendvortrag (Schopper) bei der DPG Frühjahrstagung Vorschlag: Wanderausstellung durch die Institute, evtl unterstützt vom CERN (kann nicht CERN Wanderausstellung sein, M.K.) MPI Heidelberg: Zusammen mit Uni Heidelberg Eine Veranstaltung a la Saturday morning physics (Vorträge, Imbiss, Laborbesichtigungen, Experimente wie Nebelkammer, Rutherford, Auflösungsvermögen...) Uni Heidelberg Wanderausstellung, herumreisende Vorträge Dortmund: Herbstakadmie NRW unter dem Motto CERN50 Bonn Herbstakademie NRW unter dem Motto CERN50 mit evtl ausgeweitetem Zielpublikum (normales Zielpublikum: Schüler, "Masterclasses" am PC) Leipzig macht mit, wenn zentral Material zur Verfügung gestellt wird, Vorträge Uni Karlsruhe macht mit, keine Vorschläge FZKarlsruhe macht mit, keine Vorschläge Wuppertal macht mit, keine Vorschläge LMU München macht mit, keine Vorschläge Rostock macht mit, wenn personpower verfügbar (noch nicht klar) HU Berlin keine CERN Beteiligung, macht nicht mit DESY öffentlichen Abendveranstaltung (letzte Oktober-Woche), Titel: "50 Jahre CERN aus der DESY-Perspektive". Gedacht ist, mehrere DESYaner zu Wort kommen zu lassen, die in verschiedenen Funktionen längere Zeit bei CERN verbracht haben.

26 Summary Vorschläge CERN50 A) Zentral Material zur Verfügung stellen: -- Poster (Fotoposter vom CERN anniversary book verfügbar) -- Filme (e.g. ATLAS Film) -- PC Workshops ("masterclasses") -- Wanderausstellung (machbar?) --.. B) Detaillierte Ausgestaltung den Instituten überlassen C) Durch konzertierte Aktion Medien und Öffentlichkeit interessieren, erste Oktoberhälfte bietet sich an D) TV coverage: -- ARTE Themenabende: 2004 + 2005 ausgebucht! -- derzeit Kontaktversuche zu NDR und ZDF -- NANO, Quarks und Co Anfang 2004 kontaktieren E) Erstellung/Zusammenstellung von Neuen Materialien bräuchte Person Power (außer M.K. und G.Herten) und extra Geld (BMBF?)

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