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Patienten zentrierte Meta-Datenbank und Informations-System

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1 Patienten zentrierte Meta-Datenbank und Informations-System
für medizinisches Gesundheits-Management 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

2 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential
Ziele Steigerung der Qualität der Patientenversorgung Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung Integrieren des Patienten in den Versorgungs-Prozess Unmittelbare Identifizierung von Risikopatienten Interaktives Netzwerk des Gesundheitsfachpersonals mittels offener Plattform Dienstleistung von höchster Qualtät 24 / 7 Verfügbarkeit aller patientenbezogenen medizinischen Informationen und Dokumenten aus vertrauenswürdigen Quellen Schutz des Patienten durch Einbindung in ein Frühwarnsystem What is our objective? medXchange enables the rationalization of healthcare by giving physicians immediate access to a total spectrum of patient information and documentation. By reducing unnecessary and costly medical examinations and tests, hospitalization and delays in treatment, medXchange makes possible faster and better medical care for the individual while delivering substantial savings to those who fund and provide healthcare. Rationalisierung in der Gesundheitsversorgung Ermöglicht interaktiven Datenaustausch der Ärzte untereinander Verhindert Redundanz in der Gesundheitsversorgung (z.B. Verordnungen, Untersuchungen, Medikation, Röntgen) 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

3 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential
Philosophie Der Patient im Mittlepunkt Partnerschaftliche Medizin Hochstehende medizinische Qualität Kostenbewusste Medizin 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

4 Innovativer Weg zum Gesundheitsmanagement
Kommunikations-Drehscheibe für vertrauliche Patienten-Daten Alle patientenbezogene Daten 24/7 abrufbar (Aus sicheren Quellen wie Haus / Fachärzte, Spital, Labor, etc.) Verbindung zu klinischen Informationssystemen Biosensoren, Radiologie-/ Laborsystemen Medxchange ist damit auch eine Kommunikations-Plattform. Es erleichtert die Kommunikation zwischen Privatpersonen (Kunden), den Leistungserbringern im Gesundheitswesen,Ärzten, Spital, Reha und medizinischen Informationssystemen und ggf.auch Versicherern. Die Ablage der Informationen erfolgt elektronisch über das Internet auf einem zentralen Server mit Direktzugriff (bei Bedarf und Berechtigung). Das System bietet: Persönliche Informationen und Gesundheitsprävention für Privatpersonen Die laufende Erfassung und Abfrage von medizinischen Informationen durch den Leistungserbringer (Hausarzt, Spezialarzt, Chirurg, Spital, Therapeut) Eine gesicherte Verbindung zur klinischen Krankengeschichte, welche durch das Spital verwaltet wird. Eine elektronische Einspeisung der aktuellen Versicherungs-Deckung von Privatpersonen durch die Versicherer. Statistische Analyse von Gesundheitsinformationen Aktualisierte Erstellung von Patientenprofilen Und dynamische Anpassung Case -disease-Managementsystem Integration von Golden Standards und standardisierten Behandlungsrichtlienen 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

5 Medizinische & Gesundheits Informationen
Medizinische Informationen Medizinische Informationen aus sicheren Quellen (Untersuchungen, Labortests,Medikamente, Behandlungen usw.) Richtlinien für fachgerechte medizinische Behandlung (Dynamische Anpassung an die Situation des Patienten) Aktualisierte Evidence Based Medicine Behandlungs-richtlinien Gesundheits Informationen Alle patientenbezogenen Gesundheitsinformation wie: Krankengeschichte, Allergien, Unverträglichkeiten, Impfungen Umwelt/ Arbeitsplatzrisiken, persönliche Gewohnheiten, usw. Over 40% of health and medical problems are caused by an individuals’ lifestyle and influenced by factors such as smoking and drinking habits, amount of weekly exercise, sleep (or lack of it), stress, living environment, etc. Health information and management is considered to be the actual and historical information about a persons lifestyle and other factors influencing his health or preventive health actions he has taken. This information greatly assists the physician in determining the cause of a medical condition, the diagnosis and the best treatments to prescribe. Medical information and management is based on scientific or Evidence Based Medicin such as accurate description in medical terms of symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, lab test and examination results, prescriptions etc. An accurate Health and Medical documentation of the individual is required in order for the healthcare service provider to be effective and deliver a high quality of healthcare treatment. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

6 Der Patient im Mittlepunkt
What do we do? medXchange centralizes key health and medical data of the individual and manages the interfaces to distributed sources of specialized health and medical data. (e.g. interfaces to health insurance information, hospital records, specialized clinical data servers, Clinical Laboratories etc.). A number of centralized databases and applications support the physician in Evidence Based Medicine, EBM, Therapy Planning and Case - Disease Management. The medXchange approach is to link all healthcare professionals involved in the treatment and care cycle of a patient through “hubs of medical expertise” to “patient centric” meta databases for medical and health management. Meta Database 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

7 Kontinuität der Gesundheitspflege
Patient Arzt Beratungsfacharzt Zweitgutachten Spital & Klinik Labor Integrierte Elektronische Krankheits-Geschichte IEMR The medXchange “Patient Centric” medical documentation and information management will greatly assist in rationalizing the healthcare process, thereby directly influencing the cost and quality of healthcare. Verordnungen Therapie 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

8 Kontinuität der Gesundheitspflege
Gemeinsamer, interaktiver Zugriff auf relevante Patienten-Informationen und Dokumentationen für: Spital und Klinik, behandelnde / beratenden Ärzte, Laborärzte, Therapeuten, Apotheker, Rehabilitations-Kliniken und Zentren wie: Dialyse, Herz, Leber, Lungen- Transplantationszentren Rationalisierung bei der Patientenversorgung Reduzieren von überflüssigen Untersuchungen Eliminieren der Doppel-Verordnungen Reduzieren von Interaktionen und Nebenwirkungen Optimierung des Krankenhausaufenthalt Vermeiden von Behandlungsverzögerung Optimale medizinische Versorgung Reduzieren des Risikos von medizinischen Kunstfehlern What do we mean by continuity of healthcare? Continuity of healthcare means that the treating physician, consulting physician, hospital and clinic, laboratory, therapist and pharmacist can share relevant patient information and documentation thereby enabling them to rationalize the healthcare process. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

9 Patienten zentrierte Meta-Datenbank
Arzt Krankengeschichte Specialisierte Krankengeschichte klinische Krankengeschichte Meta Database abgegebene Medikamente Laborbericht Eingabe Eingabe medXchange provides an information system that centralizes key health and medical data of the individual and manages the interfaces to distributed sources of specialized health and medical data. (e.g. Interfaces to Health Insurance information, Hospital records, specialized Clinical data servers, Clinical Laboratories etc.). medXchange also provides a number of centralized data bases and applications to support the physician in Evidence Based Medicine, EBM and Therapy Planning and Case – Disease Management. Leistung Leistung Gesundheits- profile Implantat- register Optic Card Dental Card I E M R 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

10 Patienten zentrierte Meta-Datenbank
12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

11 Risiko Patientmanagement
Case – Disease management Benutzt EBM und stets aktualisierte Behandlungsrichtlinien Schnittstellen oder Daten- Migration aus anderen medizinische Informationssystemen wie: Bio-Sensoren, Labor-, Spital-informationssystemen Medizinische Dokumentationen aus Orthopädie, Kardiologie, Nephrologie, Radiologie, Medizinprodukte-Datenbanken The medXchange meta database and Medical applications support the physician in Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and case – disease management of his patients. Templates are used to create specialized health and medical documentation entries in the IEMR such as: Ø       Orthopedic Record Ø       Cardiology Record Ø       Nephrology Record Also, highly specialized applications are available to the physician such as: Ø       Planning and tracking of patients with medical implant devices. Ø       Collection of medical information through biosensors and direct transmission by the patient through a mobile telephone. Ø       Direct interface and input to the patient IEMR (Integrated Electronic Medical Record) of laboratory test results, X-rays, scans, etc. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

12 Integrierte Elektronische Krankengeschichte: IEMR
Allgemeinverständlich für Gesundheitsfachpersonal weltweit mehrsprachig Ergonomische nach ärztlicher Arbeitsweise strukturiert A secure and effective sharing of patient health and medical data between the treating physician, consulting physician, hospital and clinic and other Healthcare Professionals is provided through the Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR. The Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR consolidates all health and medical data of the individual. The IEMR can easily be extended and customized to meet the needs of Health Care Professionals. Each section of the IEMR has secure keys so that the physician who has provided the medical data may decide if this data can be viewed by the patient and can be shared with other Healthcare Professionals. medXchange has implemented a number of unique features to manage, track and certify medical information. Medical data is flagged to indicate that an accredited healthcare professional has certified it. All certification is recorded and tracked to ensure medical credibility. Certain data may only be entered and updated by accredited healthcare professionals. Changes to the individual’s record are tracked and an electronic notification of such changes is sent to the individual. Verständlich auch für den Patienten 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

13 IEMR: Ergonomische Strukturen
Ergonomische nach ärztlicher Arbeitsweise strukturiert Umfassende, aktuelle medizinische Daten- und Dokumenten-sammlung An das persönliche Patienten-Profil dynamisch angepasst Beispiel: Diabetes/ RR Patient Blutzucker Blutdruck Blutgerinnung Herzrhythmus A secure and effective sharing of patient health and medical data between the treating physician, consulting physician, hospital and clinic and other Healthcare Professionals is provided through the Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR. The Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR consolidates all health and medical data of the individual. The IEMR can easily be extended and customized to meet the needs of Health Care Professionals. Each section of the IEMR has secure keys so that the physician who has provided the medical data may decide if this data can be viewed by the patient and can be shared with other Healthcare Professionals. medXchange has implemented a number of unique features to manage, track and certify medical information. Medical data is flagged to indicate that an accredited healthcare professional has certified it. All certification is recorded and tracked to ensure medical credibility. Certain data may only be entered and updated by accredited healthcare professionals. Changes to the individual’s record are tracked and an electronic notification of such changes is sent to the individual. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

14 IEMR: Monitoring eines Diabetikers
Erfassen von Blz und HbA1C Werte mit Tages/ Monatsprofile Alle Werte können auch vom patienten eingetragen werden Glucose Ketone Insulindosis Kalorienzufuhr Aktivitätslevel A secure and effective sharing of patient health and medical data between the treating physician, consulting physician, hospital and clinic and other Healthcare Professionals is provided through the Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR. The Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR consolidates all health and medical data of the individual. The IEMR can easily be extended and customized to meet the needs of Health Care Professionals. Each section of the IEMR has secure keys so that the physician who has provided the medical data may decide if this data can be viewed by the patient and can be shared with other Healthcare Professionals. medXchange has implemented a number of unique features to manage, track and certify medical information. Medical data is flagged to indicate that an accredited healthcare professional has certified it. All certification is recorded and tracked to ensure medical credibility. Certain data may only be entered and updated by accredited healthcare professionals. Changes to the individual’s record are tracked and an electronic notification of such changes is sent to the individual. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

15 IEMR: Ärztliche Beratung
Anmerkungen und Einstellungsverbesserungen können durch den behandelnden Arzt vorgenommen werden A secure and effective sharing of patient health and medical data between the treating physician, consulting physician, hospital and clinic and other Healthcare Professionals is provided through the Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR. The Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR consolidates all health and medical data of the individual. The IEMR can easily be extended and customized to meet the needs of Health Care Professionals. Each section of the IEMR has secure keys so that the physician who has provided the medical data may decide if this data can be viewed by the patient and can be shared with other Healthcare Professionals. medXchange has implemented a number of unique features to manage, track and certify medical information. Medical data is flagged to indicate that an accredited healthcare professional has certified it. All certification is recorded and tracked to ensure medical credibility. Certain data may only be entered and updated by accredited healthcare professionals. Changes to the individual’s record are tracked and an electronic notification of such changes is sent to the individual. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

16 IEMR: Patienten Profil
Das Blutzucker-Profil und andere wesentlichen Angaben werden in Tages / Wochen / Monats-Tabellen dargestellt. A secure and effective sharing of patient health and medical data between the treating physician, consulting physician, hospital and clinic and other Healthcare Professionals is provided through the Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR. The Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR consolidates all health and medical data of the individual. The IEMR can easily be extended and customized to meet the needs of Health Care Professionals. Each section of the IEMR has secure keys so that the physician who has provided the medical data may decide if this data can be viewed by the patient and can be shared with other Healthcare Professionals. medXchange has implemented a number of unique features to manage, track and certify medical information. Medical data is flagged to indicate that an accredited healthcare professional has certified it. All certification is recorded and tracked to ensure medical credibility. Certain data may only be entered and updated by accredited healthcare professionals. Changes to the individual’s record are tracked and an electronic notification of such changes is sent to the individual. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

17 IEMR: Patienten Dokumentation
In der integrierte elektronischen Krankengeschichte können weiter erfasst werden: Ärztliche Aufzeichnungen, Briefe und andere Dokumente documents Labortests, Untersuchungsergebisse Alle bildgebenden Untersuchungs-verfahren wie Röntgen,Scans,MRI EKG, Ultraschall, Angiographien AugenhintergrundsuntersuchungenDoppler, EMG ,NLG usw. A secure and effective sharing of patient health and medical data between the treating physician, consulting physician, hospital and clinic and other Healthcare Professionals is provided through the Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR. The Integrated Electronic Medical Record, IEMR consolidates all health and medical data of the individual. The IEMR can easily be extended and customized to meet the needs of Health Care Professionals. Each section of the IEMR has secure keys so that the physician who has provided the medical data may decide if this data can be viewed by the patient and can be shared with other Healthcare Professionals. medXchange has implemented a number of unique features to manage, track and certify medical information. Medical data is flagged to indicate that an accredited healthcare professional has certified it. All certification is recorded and tracked to ensure medical credibility. Certain data may only be entered and updated by accredited healthcare professionals. Changes to the individual’s record are tracked and an electronic notification of such changes is sent to the individual. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

18 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential
HealthCard OptikCard DentalCard AllergieCard OrthoCard KardioCard NephroCard Through use of templates, specialized medical profiles are created to cover different needs of physicians, consulting physicians, clinical studies, medical implants, workplace and occupational health risk management and personal health and medical management. These templates are also used to create a large number of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) applications that assist the physician in case – disease management. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

19 Medizinische Datenschutz & Sicherheit
der Patient ist Eigentümer der Daten im IEMR der Patient kontrolliert die Zugriffsrechte Patient kann Richtigstellung der Daten fordern Anonymisierung der Daten Absoluter Schutz der Privatsphäre Arzt - Patient Personal health data should only be stored on the express consent of the individual and the healthcare professional. The individual should be able to directly or indirectly access his own medical data. The individual owns, and should be able to control all information within his/her health record with the input of a healthcare professional for medical credibility and accuracy. Registered healthcare professionals with the express permission of the individual should enter all medical data. The individual should be able consult his own medical information and request the healthcare professional for any rectification of inaccurate medical data in the case of a contest. Medical data should not be nominative and is only identifiable by codes known only to the individual and the healthcare professional of choice. Medical data can only be disclosed with the express permission and under control of the individual. Anonymous medical data can be processed for statistical and research purposes. Medical data and statistics cannot be linked to an individual. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

20 Datensicherheit & Zugriff-Management
EC Chipkarte oder USB “Zugangsschlüssel” Vergabe von Zugriffsrechten durch Patient Aktualisierung von gewissen Daten durch Patient Selfmonitoring von Blutzucker / Blutdruck Medizinischen Daten überpüft durch Arzt Alle Daten sind zurückzuverfolgen bis zur Quelle Arzt kann Zugang zu Daten beschränken (mit Patienten- Einwilligung) The information within medXchange applications does not contain any nominative data such as name, address or any other identifying information in order to ensure anonymity. medXchange has implemented a number of unique features to provide secure access, manage, track and certify medical information. Access to patient medical records is only through the Physician and Patient Smart Card, Password - User ID or through Patient Recognition. Certain data may only be entered and updated by accredited healthcare professionals. All updates are recorded and tracked to ensure medical credibility. Medical data is flagged to indicate that an accredited healthcare professional has certified it. Changes to the individual’s record are tracked and an electronic notification of such changes is sent to the individual. Arzt & Patient werden benachrichtigt über Update 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

21 Integrierte Elektronische Krankengeschichte Risiken werden minimiert
24 / 7 Zugriff auf Integrierte Elektronische Krankengeschichte ermöglicht optimale Behandlung. Diagnose- und Behandlungsprozesse Werden optimiert und Risiken werden minimiert 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

22 Rationalisierung der Gesundheitspflege
Spital & Klinik 50% Administrative Effizienz bei Krankeneinweisung 20% Reduzierte Untersuchungen und Tests 30% Effizienz der Notfall Diagnosen Key motivations for Healthcare Professionals Simplification of patient documentation and medical record management making the consultation process more efficient and improving the effectiveness of the physician. Provide continuity of healthcare to patients through sharing of key health and medical data with medical consultants, hospitals and clinics. Improve the quality of healthcare by avoiding unnecessary medical exams, tests, and medications. Support in case - disease management and creating individualized pro- active healthcare programs for patients. Hospitals and Clinics Increase administrative efficiency through electronic access to complete patient documentation including health insurance coverage information. Increase the efficiency and continuity of medical treatments through a shared Electronic Medical Documentation between the family physician, consulting physician and hospital healthcare specialists. Increase the efficiency of emergency medical treatments through immediate availability of key health and medical information. Increase the efficiency of medical treatments for high-risk patients and chronic illnesses through electronic documentation support for case - disease management. Arzt 30% Optimale Recherche der Anamnese 20% Reduzierte Patienten Diagnosezeit 20% Abnahme bei Untersuchungen und Tests 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

23 Rationalisierung der Gesundheitspflege
HMO 20% Reduzierte Notfall Behandlungen 25% Reduzierte Untersuchungen und Tests 30% RisikoAbnahme ( Doppelmedikation u.a.m. ) Advantages to the general healthcare system Through the availability of complete and accurate health and medical documentation of patients, the delivery of healthcare services can be rationalized thereby improving the quality and efficiency. This is particularly noticeable in the areas of emergency medical treatments, elimination of redundant medical exams and tests and less risks of contra-indications and negative reactions to medications and treatments. Benefits to Clinical Research medXchange provides pharmaceutical companies the data and information system support for patients and healthcare professionals participating in clinical and medical studies. The medXchange services for participating patients and healthcare professionals provide better and more efficient tracking and reporting of trials and studies. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

24 Rationalisierung der Gesundheitspflege
Gesundheits Versicherung 40% Reduktion bei der Anamnese-Erhebung 10% Reduktion von malpractice 10% und mehr Reduktion bei der medizinischen Versorgung Advantages to the general healthcare system Through the availability of complete and accurate health and medical documentation of patients, the delivery of healthcare services can be rationalized thereby improving the quality and efficiency. This is particularly noticeable in the areas of emergency medical treatments, elimination of redundant medical exams and tests and less risks of contra-indications and negative reactions to medications and treatments. Benefits to Clinical Research medXchange provides pharmaceutical companies the data and information system support for patients and healthcare professionals participating in clinical and medical studies. The medXchange services for participating patients and healthcare professionals provide better and more efficient tracking and reporting of trials and studies. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

25 Rationalisierung der Gesundheitspflege
Patient Zusätzliche medizinische Sicherheit, ein komplettes IEMR Keine Behandlungsverzögerung durch fehlende Dokumente Qualitäts/ Effizienzsteigerung in der Patientenversorgung Optimieren in Gesundheitsfürsorge: Sicherheit, dass gesetzliche Richtlinien eingehalten werden Frühwarnsystem bei Problemen mit Implantaten und Medikamenten medXchange allows the individual to file his critical health, medical and health insurance information and ensure it is up-to-date and immediately accessible. It also allows him to track his health and initiate with Healthcare Professionals customized health programs. Key benefits are: Greater medical security through easy access to up-to-date medical and health insurance coverage information. Improved healthcare treatment through continuity of health and medical information across healthcare professionals, organizations and institutions. Improved quality of health through customized pro-active health programs and tracking of health. Optimization of the quality and delivery (including 2nd opinion) of healthcare services through better communication with healthcare providers. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

26 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential
medXchange heute Operationelle Datenbank und Anwendungssoftware Schnittstellen zu Vitodata, Unilabs, portabel EKG-Gerät… Verschiedene Output Optionen: Internet-zugängliches IEMR, Patienten-Risiko-Profile, Medizinprodukte Register, Mini-CD Mehrsprachige Anwendungssoftware (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch*) Integrierte Daten Migration Technologie, DMT Integriertes Tracking System GOTS Integration (nicht ersetzende) bestehender IT Strukturen *fast abgeschlossen 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

27 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential
medXchange heute Operatives medizinisches Trust-Center Medizinisches Clearinghaus für Datamining und Statistiken Kompetenz- Zentrum für medizinische Daten Weltweit medXchange Kompetenz-Zentren für unsere Patienten als Anlaufstelle im Krankheitsfall im Ausland 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

28 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential
medXchange heute Register für medizinische Produkte mit Frühwarnsystem Unterstützung im Vigilance-Fall Verbraucherschutzsystem bei Problemen mit Medizin-Produkten General Object Tracking System, GOTS Krankheitmanagement und second opinion System Swiss OpticCard, DentalCard, NephroCard, OrthoCard MyHabit Patientenmanagement System 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

29 Patienten zentrierte Meta-Datenbank
Patient autorisiert Zugriffsrechte Plattform für Dienstleister im Gesundheitswesen Offener Standard für medizinischen Datenaustach Integration von bestehenden Technologien Schutz von getätigten Investitionen integrieren bestehender Ärzte-Netzwerke und Systeme I would like to summarize by stressing the following: We provide a patient centric meta database that protects the confidentiality and privacy of the patients health and medical data. Our approach to medical documentation management and case - disease management is based on Evidence Based Medicine and oriented to the physician and healthcare professional. We use Internet and Web centric approach to secure medical data exchange Through sophisticated data base migration techniques we protect existing investments and technologies. We integrate the patient centric meta database and health and medical management applications with existing medical practice and hospital and clinical information systems. We compliment and do not replace current systems used by physicians and healthcare professionals. 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

30 Warum eine Integration?
Kontinuität und steigende Qualität der Gesundheitsfürsorge Patienten zentrierte medizinische Dokumentation und Information Optimierung & Effizienz der Gesundheitsfürsorge Qualitätsteigerung in der Patientenversorgung Integrieren des Patienten in den Versorgungsprozess Fördern eines effizienten Gesundheits-Managements Identifizierung der Risiko Patienten Optimierung von Untersuchungen und Behandlungen Identifizierung optimaler Verfahren, Nutzung von EBM 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

31 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential
Warum eine Integration mit: Krankenhäusern, Ärzten, Gesundheitsfürsorge? Kontinuität und steigende Qualität der Gesundheitsfürsorge Patienten zentrierte medizinische Dokumentation und Information Optimierung & Effizienz der Gesundheitsfürsorge Qualitätsteigerung in der Patientenversorgung Integrieren des Patienten in den Versorgungsprozess Fördern eines effizienten Gesundheits-Managements Identifizierung der Risiko Patienten Optimierung von Untersuchungen und Behandlungen Identifizierung optimaler Verfahren, Nutzung von EBM 12 August, 2003 medXchange© 2003 Private & Confidential

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