Test 6 Put sentences in order: Steigen/ in das Auto/ heute morgen/ du?


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 Präsentation transkript:

Test 6 Put sentences in order: Steigen/ in das Auto/ heute morgen/ du?

Test 6 Know the vocabulary. Be able to write and translate the basic forms, be able to construct sep.prefix verbs out of their parts. der Zug - the train hinfahren – to drive there/away

Test 6 Be able to form commands in the formal familiar singular and plural for different types of regular and irregular verbs. Gehen Sie hinaus! Geh hinaus! Geht hinaus!

Test 6 Change commands to polite requests: Mach die Tür auf – Würdest du bitte die Tür aufmachen.

Test 6 Be able to conjugate the sep. prefix verbs and fill them into blanks. Hans _________ die Tür _______.

Test 6 Translate simple sentences into German using double prefixes (nouns will be given). Hans is going down the stairs (die Treppe away from speaker) Hans geht die Treppe hinunter.