
Ähnliche Präsentationen
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Separable Verbs There is a group of verbs in German called separable verbs = trennbare Verben.
Handy Verbs Future Tense With the Angry Family will.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Sprechen You have 5 min to prepare and study your notes. Then you will speak for 30 sec about yourself. Include as much information as you can. Some questions.
Meine Schulfächer.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
This presentation can be used for revision and use of vocabulary or grammar in a different and engaging way with either KS3 or 4 pupils. The revision.
Staatsballett Berlin Ein Verbesserungskonzept für den Social- Media Auftritt Your picture here.
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Separable Verbs Turn to page R22 in your German One Book R22 is in the back of the book There are examples at the top of the page.
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Was fragt Till?. Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change a sample image, select a picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in each.
Was wollen sie denn wissen?
3 2 1 Rot:0; Grün: 128; Blau: 128 Schriftgröße: 32
Konjunktionen & Indirekte Fragen {Conjunctions}
E STUNDE Deutsch AP. Freitag, der 19. April 2013 Deutsch AP (E Stunde)Heute ist ein G Tag Goal: to understand authentic written text, audio material and.
Page  1 YOUR LOGO This text can be replaced with your text. POLAROIDCHART.
Ordering Food A Guide. Im Restaurant An actual restaurant is the chance to use more formal ordering. “Ich hätte gern eine Pizza.” “Ich möchte eine Cola.”
The Journey to America… The Immigrant Experience.
E STUNDE Deutsch AP. Dienstag, der 23. April 2013 Deutsch AP (E Stunde)Heute ist ein B Tag Goal: to understand authentic written text, audio material.
COMMANDS imperative There are three command forms: formal familiar singular familiar plural.
COMMANDS imperative 1. you (formal): Sie 2. you (familiar plural): ihr
Page  1 YOUR LOGO Pro Arguments  Pro Argument 1  Pro Argument 2  Pro Argument 3  Pro Argument 4 Contra Arguments  Contra Argument 1  Contra Argument.
E STUNDE Deutsch AP. Dienstag, der 28. Mai 2013 Deutsch AP (E Stunde)Heute ist ein E Tag Goal: to understand authentic written text, audio material and.
Gregor Graf Oracle Portal (Part of the Oracle Application Server 9i) Gregor Graf (2001,2002)
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
E STUNDE Deutsch AP. Donnerstag, der 30. Mai 2013 Deutsch AP (E Stunde)Heute ist ein G Tag Goal: to understand authentic written text, audio material.
E STUNDE Deutsch AP. Donnerstag, der 11. April 2013 Deutsch AP (E Stunde)Heute ist ein A Tag Goal: to understand authentic written text, audio material.
Großvater Großmutter Großvater Großmutter Tante/Onkel Vater Mutter.
INDEX BAUSTEINE ConnectedKids im “Vernetzten der Zukunft” Paul Kral – – Bausteine zum.
Mitgliederzutrittsbereich (Member Access) Registrierung & Anmeldung (Login) Um bei dieser Präsentation die Diskussionspunkte, die aufgebracht werden, festzuhalten,
€100 €400 €300€200€400 €200€100€100€400 €200€200€500 €500€300 €200€500 €100€300€100€300 €500€300€400€400€500 KlamottenwollensollenRandom vocab. Pronomen.
What’s the weather like?. Look at the question above Turn it around and you have Das Wetter ist.... The phrase Das Wetter ist.... or Es ist.... can be.
Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change the sample image, select the picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in the placeholder.
LLP DE-COMENIUS-CMP Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser.
Your Logo Presentation Title Presentation Subtitle.
Interrogatives and Verbs
Partizipien genommengesungenbesuchtgebliebengeflogenbekommenaufgestandengeschwommenübernachtetgetrunkengegessengeschriebengekommengefundenbegonnen.
Einfügen der Vorlage in Ihre Präsentation
This is a placeholder text
Freizeit Thema 5 Kapitel 1 (1)
you: ihr ( familiar plural ) you: du ( familiar singular)
Titel des Posters Zeile 1 evtl. Zeile 2
LEAFCHART All phrases can be replaced with your own text.
Titel des Posters Zeile
Dropbox Assignment 3: Leseübung die Umwelt
Insert your own text here
Adjectival Nouns.
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
Talking about prices Pointing things out
Wie viel Uhr ist es? Telling Time.
CHAINCHART This is placeholder text. All phrases can be replaced with your own text. The text demonstrates how your own text will look when you replace.
Titellayout Untertitel.
The Conversational Past
The Conversational Past
What do you see? Looks like President Clinton and Vice President Gore, right? Wrong... It's Clinton's face twice, with two different haircuts.
Ich - Projekt Due Monday, September 19..
School supplies.
- moodle – a internet based learning platform
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
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SLIDE EXAMPLE – MAP 3D PRESENTATIONLOAD Addis Abeba Luanda Khartoum Cairo Tripoli Algiers Tunis Rabat Nouakchott Bamako Dakar Bissau Niamey N´Djamena Freetown Monrovia Yamoussoukro Ouagadougou Abuja Accra Porto–Novo Malabo Sáo Tomé Douala Bangui Libreville Brazzaville Kinshasa Luanda Windhoek Lusaka Harare Gaborone Pretoria Maseru Maputo Maroni Mogadishu Nairobi Addis Abeba Kampala Kigali Bujumbura Antananarivo Lilongwe Djibouti Asmara Dodoma Juba Luanda Luanda


SLIDE EXAMPLE – 3D CUBE AGENDA PRESENTATIONLOAD 1 This is a placeholder text. 2 This is a placeholder text. 3 This is a placeholder text. 4 This is a placeholder text.

SLIDE EXAMPLE – CIRCLE PUZZLE 3D PRESENTATIONLOAD DESCRIPTION 6 This is a placeholder text. This text can be replaced with your own text. DESCRIPTION 1 This is a placeholder text. This text can be replaced with your own text. DESCRIPTION TEXT DESCRIPTION TEXT DESCRIPTION 5 This is a placeholder text. This text can be replaced with your own text. DESCRIPTION 2 This is a placeholder text. This text can be replaced with your own text. DESCRIPTION 4 This is a placeholder text. This text can be replaced with your own text. DESCRIPTION 3 This is a placeholder text. This text can be replaced with your own text.

SLIDE EXAMPLE – TARGET Placeholder text here Placeholder text here PRESENTATIONLOAD Placeholder text here Placeholder text here GOALS Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder text here Placeholder text here

SET YOUR GOALS AND TARGETS PRESENTATIONLOAD If you don’t want to use the style and size of the fonts as used in this placeholder it is possible to replace it by selecting different options. The text demonstrates how your own text will look when you replace the placeholder with your own text. For replacing the placeholder text you need to click on the placeholder text and insert your own text. TARGETS



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