– how to overcome "symbiosis and passive behavior"


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 Präsentation transkript:

– how to overcome "symbiosis and passive behavior" Responsibility – how to overcome "symbiosis and passive behavior" Institute for systemic consulting, Wiesloch (Germany) www.isb-w.de

Roots and Transformations It is based on the TA-concept of symbiotic relationships and passive behaviors (Schiff et al. 1975). It is further developed for dealing with responsibilities in relationships and organizations.  Culture of responsibility

Symbiosis based on Schiff et al. Individuals try to become a whole person by using someone else Individuals avoid autonomy and integrity, (instead: "wooden leg", pathological regression, exclusion of parts of personality)

Types of symbiosis by Schiff EL ER K EL EL ER ER K K

Dysfunctional symbiosis Dysfunctional symbiotic relationships responsibility is not taken or responsibility is shifted or discomfort from missing responsibility is shifted or - in which potentials are not activated or not developed.  

Responsibilities in organizations Responsibility is to be defined competently; it is not "natural" or cultural Organization as a system of complementary responsibilities Each role and relationship is part of a whole system of responsibilities e.g. team: those who share responsibility Change through development and changes To be cultivated through dialogue day by day Contracted behavior, attitude and competence

Responsibility as Response-ability With reference to their positions at work, people: Want to respond (are dedicated to): a question of values are able to respond: a question of being qualified to respond Are allowed and have the resources to respond: a question of being sufficiently equipped Have to respond: a question of obligation

Four dimensions of a system of responsibility

Responsibility for.... Responsibility related to....

Types and effects of avoiding responsibilities (Schiff et al. 1975) Doing nothing Misadaptation Respond to illusionary request instead of what is contracted Agitation Overdone or not adequately directed activity + engagement Emergency Causing emergency concerning oneself or concerning responsibility Effects Invite others into doing instead Invite others into accepting "wrong" response or into correcting, clarifying inviting into exhausting co-agitation, avoiding or into taking over staying essential forcing others to take over

Responsibility Checklist for confrontation Identify and account discomfort Locate discomfort Relate to responsibility (of whom, for what?) Reflect reasons for not taking responsibility Request responsibility and dialogue on it Define self-caring strategy not to suffer Organize shifting of discomfort to those who should take responsibility Anerkennen des Unbehagens: Wohin gehört das Unbehagen? Verorten des Unbehagens: Worin besteht das Unbehagen? Auf welche Unklarheiten und Fragen verweist das Unbehagen? Hat es mit Verantwortungsstörungen zu tun? Verbindung mit Verantwortung herstellen: Wer hat welche Verantwortung bezogen auf das, was Unbehagen erzeugt? Wer müsste auf ungeklärte Fragen Antworten geben? Das Unbehagen muss in Verantwortungsdefinitionen umgewandelt werden. Um welche Dimensionen von Verantwortung geht es? Reflektieren der Beweggründe: Was sind möglich Beweggründe für Verantwortungsvermeidung? Worüber sollte mit wem gesprochen werden? Selbsthilfestrategie definieren: Notfalls müssen auch einseitige Maßnahmen zum Selbstschutz ergriffen werden, damit das Unbehagen nicht bei den Falschen hängen bleibt. Gibt es diese Möglichkeit? Zu welchem Preis? Die Übertragung von Unbehagen zu Verantwortlichen planen: Dies klingt ein bisschen vermessen, insbesondere, wenn die Verantwortlichen schwer erreichbar sind und viel mehr Macht haben. Dennoch ist es wichtig, zumindest Drehbücher für solche Inszenierungen schreiben zu können.