© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas


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Possessive Adjectives How to show belonging… The information contained in this document may not be duplicated or distributed without the permission of.
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What is a “CASE”? in English: pronouns, certain interrogatives
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On the case of German has 4 cases NOMINATIVE ACCUSATIVE GENITIVE DATIVE.
DAS VIERTE DEUTSCHE KASUS Genitiv. Kasus ● What is a case? A case shows the grammatical function of a word. ● There are four cases in German. Up to now.
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Wie ist das Wetter? What is the weather like?
What is a “CASE”? Grammatical cases indicate how certain words function in a sentence. The case of a word is shown by the particular form of the word itself.
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
Volume 1, Chapter 12.
Accusative and Dative Cases
The Dative Indirect Objects.
Der, die das pronouns Deutsch I kapitel 3-2.
Dative and genitive cases
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Adjectival Nouns.
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© J. DeMair and H. Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
type / function / form type of words:
The Possessives.
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
School supplies.
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Strong endings carry the mark of the case and gender.
 Präsentation transkript:

© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites such as slideplayer.org as your own I understand: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I am totally into sharing teaching ideas (which is why this material is not on Blackboard) But: it is polite to ask for permission it is a demand of honesty to state that this is not content you created and if you like what I am doing, why don’t you contact me so that we might cooperate on developing better classes

Klasse 3-5 Heute ist Freitag, der 17. März © Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas Klasse 3-5 Heute ist Freitag, der 17. März Please have ready in front of you: Chapter Dialogues The Colorful German Chart Arbeitsblatt 3-4 von Mittwoch Quiz # 8 heute!

Wie ist (war, wird) das Wetter? Übung No. 2 Wie ist das Wetter in Zürich? Es ist Winter. Das Wetter ist schlecht. Es schneit. Es ist (sehr) kalt. Es hat/ist minus 15° Celsius

Wie ist (war, wird) das Wetter? Übung No. 2 Wie wird das Wetter morgen in München? Es ist Sommer. Das Wetter wird schön. Die Sonne wird scheinen (es wird sonnig). Es wird trocken. Es wird (sehr) heiß. Es wird 36° Celsius

Wie ist (war, wird) das Wetter? Übung No. 2 Wie war das Wetter gestern in Wien? Es ist Herbst. Es war wolkig und sonnig. Es war trocken. Es war warm. Es war/hatte 21° Celsius.

Die klitzekleine Spinne kriecht hoch aus dem Versteck. Da kommt der böse Regen und wäscht die Spinne weg. Dann kommt die liebe Sonne und leckt das Wasser auf. Und die klitzekleine Spinne krabbelt wieder rauf.

Übung No. 1 Es hat geregnet Es wird regnen. Es hat geschneit. Vergangenheit Gegenwart Zukunft   Es regnet. Es wird schneien. Die Sonne hat gescheint. Es windet. Es wird schwül werden. Es hat geregnet Es wird regnen. Es hat geschneit. Es schneit Die Sonne scheint. Die Sonne wird scheinen. Es hat gewindet. Es wird winden. Es ist schwül. Es war schwül.

Das deutsche Endungssystem Maskul. Femin. Neutr. Plural Nominativ R E S Genitiv Dativ M N Akkusativ

Das deutsche Endungssystem oder: Farbendeutsch!! In learning German, most students have the greatest difficulties with mastering the endings of articles and adjectives “Colorful” German (Farbendeutsch) is an artificial, simplified form of German that is making the logic of the German endings system easier to comprehend It was invented by Prof. Lange, with the gracious help of Prof. Dumbledore

Das deutsche Endungssystem oder: Farbendeutsch!! It is easiest to start with prepositions What is a preposition again? A short word that precedes a noun or a pronoun (it is pre-positioned, thus the name) expresses a relation between the noun and pronoun and another element of the sentence

Das deutsche Endungssystem oder: Farbendeutsch!! In learning Farbendeutsch, it makes sense to say that German prepositions have colors. Refer to the bottom of the Color German Chart The prepositions from the blue-green checkerboard are more complex and will be dealt with later. These colors determine which endings articles take

R E S M N mit d____ Frau mit d____ Frau Maskul. Femin. Neutr. Plural Welche Farbe hat mit? Maskul. Femin. Neutr. Plural Nominativ R E S Genitiv Dativ M N Akkusativ

R E S M N er mit d____ Frau mit d____ Frau Maskul. Femin. Neutr. Welches grammatische Geschlecht hat Frau? Maskul. Femin. Neutr. Plural Nominativ R E S Genitiv Dativ M N Akkusativ Femin.

Übung # 2: Partnerarbeit Farbendeutsch Übung # 2: Partnerarbeit ohne dies___ Mann without this man mit dies___ Frauen with these women wegen sein___ Schwester because of his sister bei mein___ Vater by/at my father für dies___ Kind for this child trotz dies___ Mädchens despite this girl

Übung # 2: Partnerarbeit Farbendeutsch Übung # 2: Partnerarbeit ohne dies___ Mann mit dies___ Frauen wegen sein___ Schwester bei mein___ Vater für dies___ Kind trotz dies___ Mädchens en er em es