Talking about prices Pointing things out


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 Präsentation transkript:

Talking about prices Pointing things out Kapitel 4-Stufe 3 Talking about prices Pointing things out

Wortschatz Was kosten die Schulsachen im Schul-Shop? Kapitel 4-Stufe 3 Wortschatz Was kosten die Schulsachen im Schul-Shop? Video--die Schulsachen

How much do the school supplies cost? Was kosten die Schulsachen?

dictionary das Wörterbuch

school bag/back pack die Schultasche

cassette die Kassette

calculator der Taschenrechner

notebook das Heft

eraser der Radiergummi

pencil der Bleistift

pen der Kuli

schedule der Stundenplan

Video--Plurals in German

Grammatik Noun Plurals Kapitel 4-Stufe 1 Grammatik Noun Plurals

das Wörterbuch die Wörterbücher

die Schultasche die Schultaschen

die Kassette die Kassetten

der Taschenrechner die Taschenrechner

das Heft die Hefte

der Radiergummi die Radiergummis

der Bleistift die Bleistifte

der Kuli die Kulis

der Stundenplan die Stundenpläne

der Stuhl die Stühle

der Keks die Kekse

Talking about prices So sagt man das! Kapitel 4-Stufe 3 Talking about prices So sagt man das!

If you and your friend are in a store, you might ask one another about the prices of various items.

You might ask: How much does the calculator cost? Was kostet der Taschenrechner?

The response might be: It only costs 16 euros. Er kostet nur 16 Euro.

You might ask: What do the pencils cost? Was kosten die Bleistifte?

The response might be: They cost 90 cents. Sie kosten 90 Cent.

After you hear the price you might comment to your friend: That is (rather) expensive. Das ist (ziemlich) teuer!

After you hear the price you might comment to your friend: That’s (very) cheap. Das ist (sehr) billig!

After you hear the price you might comment to your friend: That’s a (really) good deal! Das ist (sehr) preiswert!

Euro Explanation

Personal Pronouns-Nominative

Kapitel 4-Stufe 2 Er, Sie, Es Ein wenig Grammatik This template can be used as a starter file for presenting training materials in a group setting. Sections Right-click on a slide to add sections. Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors. Notes Use the Notes section for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. View these notes in Presentation View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production) Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes. Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale. Graphics, tables, and graphs Keep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors. Label all graphs and tables.

Schon bekannt—Already known! In Kapitel 3 you learned that the pronouns er, sie, es, und sie (pl) can refer to objects.

The couch is new. Die Couch ist neu.

It is comfortable. Sie ist bequem.


Pointing things out So sagt man das! Kapitel 4-Stufe 3 Pointing things out So sagt man das! Was ist das?

You might ask: Entschuldigung, wo sind die Schultaschen? Excuse me, where are the school bags? Entschuldigung, wo sind die Schultaschen?

The response might be: Look! Over there! Schauen Sie! Dort drüben!

You might ask: And calculators? Where do I find them? Und Taschenrechner? Wo finde ich sie?

The response might be: There! Dort!

You might ask: Also the pens? Und die Kulis auch?

The response might be: Nein, they are over there! Nein, sie sind dort drüben!

You might ask: Wo sind bitte die Kassetten? Where are the cassettes, please? Wo sind bitte die Kassetten?

The response might be: Cassettes are in the back. Kassetten sind da hinten.

You might ask: And also the notebooks? Where are they please? Und dann noch Hefte. Wo sind die, bitte?

The response might be: They are up there in the front. Die sind hier vorn.

