Frage des Tages Bin ich froh, wenn ich heute Abend ___ Hause bin!


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 Präsentation transkript:

Frage des Tages Bin ich froh, wenn ich heute Abend ___ Hause bin! a) nach b) zu

Objective Students will be able to identify parts of a care and identify when to use um and zu.

Order of events Review Autoteile Read handout on Fahrschule Intro um and zu

Infinitive clauses with zu and um…zu German has a kind of dependent clause that uses an infinitive form of the verb. These clauses are like clauses in English in which “to” appears in front of the verb. An infinitive clause must have the same subject as the main clause; that means the same person or thing needs to be doing both actions.

Infinitive clauses with zu and um…zu German uses zu in front of the verb in these clauses, or between the separable prefix and the main verb. Es wäre schön, lange im Bett zu bleiben. Es ist langweilig, ein Zimmer aufzuräumen.

Infinitive clauses with zu and um…zu German also uses um (in order to) to introduce infinitive clauses. Clauses with um…zu explain why a person is doing a certain action. Er kaufte den Computer, um E-Mails zu schicken Sie setzte sich hin, um einen Brief zu schreiben.