Smart Versioning Targeting, Re-Targeting, Optimization.


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Smart Versioning Targeting, Re-Targeting, Optimization

Creative Production Tools Smart Versioning Geo-Location Publisher-Keyword Demografisch Targeting Website-Besucher Werbemittel-Interaktion Impression-Kontakt Re-Targeting Klick/Conversion Werbemittel-Interaktion Geo-Location Demografisch Publisher-Keyword Optimization Stock vector File #: 11812827 Creative Production Tools

Vier Schritte zur Smart Versioning Kampagne 1. Schritt: Master Ad Anlegen 2. Schritt: Zielgruppe(n) festlegen Creative - Geo - Keyword/Demo - Retargeting Media - By Placement 3. Schritt: Versioning Methode festlegen Manuell Excel Upload Data Feed 4. Schritt: Optimierung/Rotation festlegen Rotation Optimierung

Targeting Re-targeting Optimization Smart versioning combines several powerful capabilities: On-the-fly generation of hundreds to thousands different ad versions that differ by product, offer etc Targeting – the ability to apply business rules that will match specific target audiences (based on geography or demography) with a unique ad version Re-targeting – the ability to match users that have visited the advertiser site or have previously engaged with an ad with relevant and personalized ad versions based on their preferences Optimization – the ability to leverage machine learning to automatically match the most relevant ad version to a specific user based on their geography or demographic information

Lokale Händlerangebote – Dealership Mass Versioning Kunde: BWM Nordamerika Ziel 1: User sollen alle Modelle sehen (3er, 5er, 7er, Z4) Ziel 2: Verlinkung auf Händlerseite des Bundesstaates Ziel 3: Steuerinformation des Staates im Banner Ad California 3er Test Drive Brand 5er Maintenance Lease 0% Interest Arizona Z4 X3 Colorado 7er 6er X5 Ohne SV Pro: 53 Regionen x 7 Bannergrößen x 4 Produkte = 1484 Master Ads SV Pro: 7 Bannergrößen = 7 Master Ads Easy setup of business rules for thousands of versions Create and deliver customized Preview offers before campaign goes live Schedule when offers go live

Personalisierte lokale Informationen Lokale Ladeninfos Lokale Produkte Lokale Ladenangebote Lokale Coupons Smart Versioning can localize and target messages to specific regions within the same campaign Can be used in conjunction with other targeting rules

Publisher-Keyword Targeting Use to target specific keywords or keyword groups with a particular message. Planner buys media with specific keyword targeting, MediaMind filter through keyword lists and delivers correct ad to that audience at time of ad call. Can be used in conjunction with other targeting rules Targeting basierent auf Publisher- Keyword

Publisher-Keyword Targeting Spezielle Keywords werden vom Vermarkter übernommen: Demografisch: - Männlich - Alter 18-35 - Einkommen über 50.000€ p.A. Suchbegriffe: - “Smart phone” - “Flatrate” - “Prepaid” und/oder 2. Publisher übergibt Ad-Call mit Keyword-Identifier: MSN: male Yahoo: 18-35 ESPN: sports = “male” …id = “18-35” …id = “search = sports”

Demografisches Targeting Specific gender, income, age targeting is added on with publisher, MediaMind sorts the criteria and delivers the correct ad at time of ad call. Can be used in conjunction with other targeting rules Targeting aufgrund von 3rd Party Daten (z.B. Yahoo Smart Ads)

Control Consumer Creative Experiences Motiv-Auslieferung auf Zielgruppen (platzierungsübergreifend) Sequencing auf Zielgruppe 1 2 3 Ad Settings Sequencing Frequency Capping Geo-Targeting Retargeting Keyword Targeting Demo Targeting FC auf Zielgruppe Rich Rich Standard

Targeting Re-targeting Optimization Smart versioning combines several powerful capabilities: On-the-fly generation of hundreds to thousands different ad versions that differ by product, offer etc Targeting – the ability to apply business rules that will match specific target audiences (based on geography or demography) with a unique ad version Re-targeting – the ability to match users that have visited the advertiser site or have previously engaged with an ad with relevant and personalized ad versions based on their preferences Optimization – the ability to leverage machine learning to automatically match the most relevant ad version to a specific user based on their geography or demographic information

Mehrere Retargeting-Optionen Website Besucher Kampagnen- kontakt Werbemittel- interaktion *nur bei Smart Trading Einsatz von Retargeting-Tags

1. 2. 4. 3. Website-Besucher User besucht die Kundenwebsite… Produkt B User besucht Kundenwebsite User wird “getagged” User hat erneuten Mediakontakt User erhält Werbemittel entsprechend seinem Verhalten auf der Kundenwebsite 1. A. B. Produkt B Produkt C Produkt D Produkt A C. D. 2. 4. Customize messages served to audiences that have previously engaged with your ads or any digital content 3.

1. 2. 4. 3. Impression-Kontakt User hat Kampagnenkontakt User wird “getagged” User hat nächsten Kontakt Werbemittel wird entsprechend Sequenz erstellt 1. 2. 4. 3.

Werbemittel-Interaktion User führt Dwell aus User wird “getagged” User wird im AdExchange wiedergefunden Werbemittel wird entsprechend Sequenz erstellt 1. Consumer dwells on ad experience Audience is tagged Audience is found again, via exchange or premium Next message in sequence is displayed *only available using Smart Trading 4. 2. 3.

Consumer Purchase Cycle - Finance Targeted Frequency Funnel Group A Interesse wecken Funnel Group B Funnel Group C User Engagement beibehalten Funnel Group D Mortgage Interaktion, keine Conversion Post Conversion End of the Funnel Consumer Purchase Cycle - Finance

Targeting Re-targeting Optimization

Optimierungsalgorithmus Optimiert die “Best Performing” Version je ‘Zielgruppe’ Search Beahvior Previous Exposure (to Site, Ad, or Video) Age Geography Income Language Interest Category (Sports, Finance, Etc) Zielgruppe 1 Geo: Hamburg Besuch Kundenwebsite Optimierung: Conversions Zielgruppe 2 Geo: München Erstkontakt Optimierung: Klickrate Conversions Engagement Klicks Success Metrics Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5… Version …10000 Ziel gruppen Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5… Version …10000 Compared to many competitors Smart Versioning offers optimization at much higher level. Optimizing down to multiple placement settings within a single campaign. MOST COMPETITION only optimizes at the campaign level- this means that they would have single version ‘winner’ per campaign despite targeting preferences. SV can have an infinite amount. Target Audience Group = Any Combination of audience targeting settings including GEO, DEMO ,BEHAVORIAL data. Can be applied over a single placement or several placements or whole campaign.

Optimiert Produkte, Angebote oder sonstige Versionen nach Geo-Location Geo-Optimierung Optimiert Produkte, Angebote oder sonstige Versionen nach Geo-Location

Retargeting Optimierung Version #1: Nochmal Spielen Version #2: Packetangebot Version #3: Smartphone Customize messages served to audiences that have previously engaged with your ads or any digital content User besucht Kundenwebsite Interagiert mit Spiel Retargeting Kontakt wird optimiert

Optimization nach Demografie Männlich Daten von 3rd Party oder Publisher Weiblich

Keyword Optimierung Optimierung nach “Best Performing” Motiv je Keyword Gruppe

Wie funktioniert Smart Versioning? Um die Kampagnen effektiv zu optimieren, muss “Mass-Versioning” schnell und einfach umsetzbar sein Erstellung und Änderung der Banner per Excel- Upload Erstellung und Änderung der Banner per XML Data Feed