© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas


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Interrogatives and Verbs
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Sentence Structure Questions
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Jetzt machen Venues aufmachen!!! Geh zu
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© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
© J. DeMair and H. Lange, University of Central Arkansas
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas
The Conversational Past
The Conversational Past
Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites.
Explanations and Classwork Practice
 Präsentation transkript:

© Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas Users outside of UCA Dear Elke Kerner, if this is your real name, and others: you have downloaded my PowerPoints and posted them on public access websites such as slideplayer.org as your own I understand: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I am totally into sharing teaching ideas (which is why this material is not on Blackboard) But: it is polite to ask for permission it is a demand of honesty to state that this is not content you created and if you like what I am doing, why don’t you contact me so that we might cooperate on developing better classes

Klasse 3-1 Heute ist Montag, der 15. Oktober © Horst Lange, University of Central Arkansas Klasse 3-1 Heute ist Montag, der 15. Oktober Bitte haben Sie bereit: Elemente für Dialoge Kapitel 2 und 3

Fritz Langs M Das war ein Exzerpt aus dem Film M von Fritz Lang aus = from Dieser Film ist über die Panik in einer Stadt, wo es einen Serienkindermörder gibt über = about die Stadt = city der Mörder = murderer Viele Filmkritiker sagen: M ist einer der zehn besten Filme aller Zeiten

Fritz Langs M Es war der erste deutsche Tonfilm erst = first der Ton = sound Fritz Lang (1890-1976) war der wichtigste und innova- tivste Filmregisseur der Weimarer Republik (1919- 1933) der Regisseur = director Ab 1934 hat er im Exil in Hollywood gelebt und dort Filme gemacht ab = starting in dort = there

Fritz Langs M Thea von Harbou (1888- 1954) hat das Drehbuch für den Film geschrieben das Drehbuch = screenplay schreiben = to write Sie war die Frau von Fritz Lang von 1922 bis 1933 Ab 1933 hat sie Filme für Hitlers Propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels gemacht! Der Film M hat den Schau- spieler Peter Lorre berühmt gemacht. der Schauspieler = actor berühmt = famous

Bevor wir beginnen This is the movie shown this Friday Dinner and a movie at my house: 6 p.m. Directions are on the back of the flier Please sign in only sign in if you are sure you will attend There will be a meat dish and a vegetarian alternative Friends are welcome unless too many people sign in Bring your own (non-alcoholic) beverage!

Bevor wir beginnen Starting next Monday, we will have our first oral tests You and your partner come to my office and perform a dialogue Refer to the handout for guidance Sing in, with your partner, for a proper slot Practice, practice, practice Until you took your test, you can choose to practice the new dialogues in class, or work on the old ones. But then you have to move on!

Bevor wir beginnen Increased usage of German Homework instructions often in German Worksheet instructions often in German To help, we have Vokabular – Lieferung No. 5 On worksheets, look for the ☞ If you and your partner(s) attempt to go “all German,” you have to address me with the phrases provided

☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ Die Hausaufgaben 3-2 Übung No. 1 Benützen Sie Vokabular – Lieferung No. 6 ☞ ☞

Die Hausaufgaben 3-2 What you are supposed to do What you need Learning goals Translate the sentences into English Lession 3-2 and 3-3. Vocabulary – Installment # 3 and 4 To understand the informational past and the future tense.

Die Hausaufgaben 3-2 Translate into German

Die Hausaufgaben 3-2 Read the dialogue and determine, which sentences are right or wrong. The difficult “little words” are underlined. Better reading comprehension; “little words;” small talk; talking about the weather in the present tense, the past, and the future tense.

Die Hausaufgaben 3-2 Read Vocabulary – Installment # 5 very carefully and translate the sentences into English. Find the underlined expressions in Installment # 5 Expressions for the classroom and homework
