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Recht der Internationalen Organisationen -7- Internationale Gerichte.

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1 Recht der Internationalen Organisationen -7- Internationale Gerichte

2 ICJ - Art. 92 UNC The International Court of Justice shall be the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It shall function in accordance with the annexed Statute, which is based upon the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice and forms an integral part of the present Charter. 2

3 ICJ – Zuständigkeit Art. 36 IGHSt. 1. The jurisdiction of the Court comprises all cases which the parties refer to it and all matters specially provided for in the Charter of the United Nations or in treaties and conventions in force. 2. The states parties to the present Statute may at any time declare that they recognize as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other state accepting the same obligation, the jurisdiction of the Court […] 3. The declarations referred to above may be made unconditionally or on condition of reciprocity on the part of several or certain states, or for a certain time. [...] 3

4 IGH - Zuständigkeit Nur zwischenstaatl. Streitigkeiten, Art. 34 I IGHSt. Weder die UN, noch Ihre Organe und SOs sind parteifähig! Insoweit nur... -Erstellung von Gutachten, Art. 96, unverbindlich -Berufungsinstanz für Entscheidungen des UNAT Fakultative Gerichtsbarkeit, Art. 36 I durch bilateralen Vertrag durch multilateralen Vertrag durch rügelose Einlassung, forum prorogatum durch einseitige Staatenerklärung (Fakultativklausel, Art. 36 II) Häufig mit Vorbehalten versehen z.B. andere Streitschlichtung, vgl. Art. 95; z.B. Connally-Vorbehalt Häufig zeitlich befristet 4

5 ICC – Organisation Article 1 The Court An International Criminal Court ("the Court") is hereby established. It shall be a permanent institution and shall have the power to exercise its jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of international concern, as referred to in this Statute, and shall be complementary to national criminal jurisdictions. The jurisdiction and functioning of the Court shall be governed by the provisions of this Statute. 5

6 ICC – Organisation Article 4 Legal status and powers of the Court 1.The Court shall have international legal personality. It shall also have such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes. 2.The Court may exercise its functions and powers, as provided in this Statute, on the territory of any State Party and, by special agreement, on the territory of any other State. 6

7 ICC – Organe Article 34 Organs of the Court The Court shall be composed of the following organs: (a) The Presidency; (b)An Appeals Division, a Trial Division and a Pre-Trial Division; (c) The Office of the Prosecutor; (d) The Registry. 7

8 Fragmentierung IGH: gesamtes Völkerrecht Aber nur, so weit die Parteien nicht ein anderes Gericht für ausschließlich zuständig erklärt haben Vgl. WTO oder den Internationalen Seegerichtshof Insbesondere auch den EuGH Bei Beschränkung der Jurisdiktion sind Konflikte der Entscheidungen nicht ausgeschlossen Vgl. den Mexican Soft Drinks – Fall der WTO (WT/DS308/AB/R) Vgl. die Zuständigkeiten der WTO DS und des Seegerichtshofs

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