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IBM WebSphere Portal 6 Live Launch

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1 IBM WebSphere Portal 6 Live Launch
TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH T: Im Mediapark 2 F: D Köln M:

2 Agenda 13:00 - 13:20 Wie gut kennen Sie TIMETOACT?
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Agenda 13: :20 Wie gut kennen Sie TIMETOACT? 13: :00 Business-level overview of IBM WebSphere Portal 6 14: :15 WebSphere Portal Live! Vorführung 14: :00 Pause 15: :30 WebSphere Portal neue Features, technische Standards 15: :00 Technical Dive: Architektur, Infrastruktur, Integration 16: :15 Pause 16: :45 IBM® WebSphere® Portal, IBM WebSphere Portal solutions, and SOA Composite Applications Overview

3 Wie gut kennen Sie TIMETOACT ?

4 TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event
Mission TIMETOACT unterstützt seine Kunden in der Nutzung moderner Intra-, Extra- und Internet-Technologien um damit die Effizienz und Rentabilität des Kunden zu steigern.

5 TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event
Geschäftsfeld TIMETOACT ist Spezialist für Beratung und Abwendungs-Entwicklung auf Basis von IBM Software und offener Standards. Schwerpunkte sind Web Content Management, Portale, Anwendungs- und Systemarchitekturen.

6 TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event
Philosophie Für TIMETOACT steht der Kunde mit seinen Anforderungen und Bedürfnissen immer im Mittelpunkt. TIMETOACT strebt mit seinen Kunden eine langjährige und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit an. Ehrliche Beratung, Offenheit, Transparenz und Zuverlässigkeit stehen im Vordergrund, nicht der schnelle Profit. TIMETOACT achtet auf die positive Arbeitsatmosphäre und sorgt für die ständige Weiterbildung der Mitarbeiter - was eine extrem geringe Mitarbeiterfluktuation zur Folge hat und eine durchgängige Betreuung der Kunden sichert.

7 TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event
Anspruch Für TIMETOACT ist jedes Projekt ein Referenzprojekt: on target, on time, on budget. Für die hohe Kundenzufriedenheit ist TIMETOACT von IBM mit dem Beacon Award "Excellence in Customer Satisfaction" ausgezeichnet worden. Darüber hinaus wurde TIMETOACT Finalist für den IBM Beacon Award "Enabling the minds of e-Business". TIMETOACT – Unser Name ist Programm !

8 Fakten TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH hat
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Fakten TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH hat Premier IBM Business Partner Status 37+ Mitarbeiter, davon 33 Professionals Geschäftsführer, Gesellschafter: H. Ballé, F. Binsack Beiratsmitglieder: C. Baader, P. Kirn, J. Reuker Keine fremden Investoren, keine Schulden Solide finanzielle Basis – Voraussetzung für eine dauerhafte Partnerschaft

9 Neue Mitarbeiter TIMETOWEB 2005 bis September 2006:
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Neue Mitarbeiter TIMETOWEB 2005 bis September 2006: 17-19 neue Mitarbeiter (13 bis heute) 4 Praktikanten und studentische Aushilfen Davon alleine 5 Senior Software Engineers Planung September 2006: Ca. 40 Mitarbeiter 12 Java Mitarbeiter Entwickler / Berater

10 Neue Partnerschaften Technologiepartnerschaften Blackberry WebTrends
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Neue Partnerschaften Technologiepartnerschaften Blackberry WebTrends Neue Projekt- und Vertriebspartner Bechtle (Köln) Belsoft (Zürich, CH) ecoville (Wuppenau, CH) We4IT (Bremen) … Conis (Berlin) ?

11 Neue Kunden Daimler Chrysler OBI Toyota Provinzial Versicherung
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Neue Kunden Daimler Chrysler OBI Toyota Provinzial Versicherung viele neue Produktkunden Neue TIMETOWEB Anwender / Communities Fachhochschule Jena Universität Paderborn Fachhochschule Bocholt

12 Neue Leistungen Consulting und Engineering zu:
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Neue Leistungen Consulting und Engineering zu: Frameworks Cruise Control, Eclipse - Rich Client Platform, EJB 3.0, Hibernate, Java Server Faces, Log AspectJ, Struts, Spring Spezifikationen J2EE, JSR168, JSR286, LDAP, SNMP, JSR170, EAI - Enterprise Application Integration, EIS - Enterprise Integration Services Technologien Host On Demand, Java-Beans, Portlets, Servlet, JMX - Java Management Extensions, Rule Engines, XForms Tools ANT, Commons, CVS - Concurrent Versions System, JMeter, JMX - Java Management Extensions, MQ-Events, NAGIOS, Subversion

13 Neue Projekte: Eclipse
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Neue Projekte: Eclipse Große Versicherungsgesellschaft – Außendienst Beratungssoftware Größtes Eclipse Projekt diesseits des Atlantiks Technische Projektleitung Teilweise 19 Mitarbeiter in der Entwicklung Bis zu 7 TIMETOACT Mitarbeiter

14 Neue Projekte: CMS und Individual
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Neue Projekte: CMS und Individual Daimler Chrysler – Intranet, Fremddatenintegration (elektronisches Welt Produdtions Programm Berichtswesen) OBI – WebSphere Portal Anwendungsentwicklung, Consulting LANXESS – Globales Intranet, Personalisierung Provinzial Versicherung – J2EE Consulting Rundstedt – Internet, Extranet mit personalisierter Beratungsfunktion Toyota – Händler Extranet Viele weitere Projekte, Launches und Relaunches

15 Neue Produkte: SecureDomino
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Neue Produkte: SecureDomino SecureDomino 5.0 Neues User Interface SecureDomino 5.1 Password Reset bei Sperrung des Benutzers Definierte Anmeldezeiten: z.B. nur wochentags 8: :00 SecureDomino 6.0 Authentisierung über definierte Directories (z.B. Nur über ein definiertes LDAP) Protect Your Data!

16 Neue Produkte: TIMETOWEB
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Neue Produkte: TIMETOWEB TIMETOWEB XX Features, XX funktionale Erweiterungen, XX Bugs TIMETOWEB XX Features, XX funktionale Erweiterungen, XX Bugs TIMETOWEB Features, 11 funktionale Erweiterungen, 26 Bugs TIMETOWEB Features, 25 funktionale Erweiterungen, 71 Bugs TIMETOWEB Features, 29 funktionale Erweiterungen, 119 Bugs

17 Neue Perspektiven Sehr interessante TIMETOWEB Leads
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Neue Perspektiven Sehr interessante TIMETOWEB Leads Sehr gute IBM Strategie (Hannover, Sametime) Vorsprung in der Eclipse / Lotus Workplace Platform Weit vorne in der SOA / Portal Beratung und Entwicklung Weiterhin: Kontinuierliche Produktentwicklung Kontinuierliche Wachstum Kontinuierliche Orientierung am Kunden Verlässlicher Partner

18 IBM WebSphere Portal 6 Live Launch
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event IBM WebSphere Portal 6 Live Launch TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH T: Im Mediapark 2 F: D Köln M:

19 It´s all about innovation…
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event It´s all about innovation…

20 Was kommt nach dem Windows Desktop ?
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Die Trillion $ Frage Was kommt nach dem Windows Desktop ?

21 TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event
Windows Desktop

22 Windows Desktop Teuer in Administration Teuer im Support
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Windows Desktop Teuer in Administration Teuer im Support Teuer in Lizenzkosten Nicht managebare Sicherheitsrisiken Herstellerabhängig Plattformabhängig Nicht integrativ Kein Browser UI Nicht Komponentenbasiert (Ganzes Programm für Mini-Funktionalität)

23 Windows Desktop Alternativen…
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Windows Desktop Alternativen… Next Windows Desktop ? Linux Desktop ? Browser CMS / Websites Browser Applikationen ? Browser Portale ? Rich Clients ? Gartner etc.: "High Performance Workplace" ? Was ist das ?

24 Websites / CMS Information präsentieren im corporate Style Guide
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Websites / CMS Information präsentieren im corporate Style Guide Integrieren einige Systeme Top bei UI, Performance, Auswertbarkeit, Kosten, Recherche etc. Aber: vergleichsweise wenig Manipulation Kaum n:n Integration TIMETOWEB Integrationsmöglichkeiten

25 Web Applikationen Keine applikationsübergreifende Integration
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Web Applikationen Keine applikationsübergreifende Integration Restriktionen Userinterface Zersplitterter Arbeitsplatz

26 Portale Integration n Systeme n : n Integration Zentrale Managebarkeit
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Portale Integration n Systeme n : n Integration Zentrale Managebarkeit Auch Manipulation

27 Full Blown (Desktop) Apps
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Full Blown (Desktop) Apps Power User werden weiterhin dedizierte Applikationen benutzen (Buchhalter werden auch zukünftig nicht im Portal buchen…)

28 ? Suchprofil… Situation Anforderungen
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Suchprofil… Situation Anforderungen Verschiedene Netze (Inter, Extra-, Internet) Hohe Grad an Redundanzen Hoher Wartungsaufwand Heterogene Backend-Systeme Integrationsleistung durch den Nutzer Rechteverwaltung durch die Anwendung Kostenreduktion Bereitstellung / Unterstützung von Vertriebskanälen Optimierung der Geschäftsprozesse Optimierung von Kommunikation & Kooperation Bereitstellung einer intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche Zielgruppengenaue Bereitstellung von Anwen- dungen und Informationen in den Bereichen B2X ?

29 Suchprofil… auf IBM-isch
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Suchprofil… auf IBM-isch Challenges … The business value of WebSphere Portal Employees interact with processes, information and people through customized composite applications Continuously improve employee productivity Quickly deploy self-service applications to customer and channel partners Increase customer satisfaction Deliver customization, collaboration and workflow services that can changed by authorized users Aligning IT & business goals Leverage existing assets and templates to quickly deploy and change applications when business conditions change Responsiveness and agility through IT

30 Windows Desktop Alternativen…
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Windows Desktop Alternativen… Meine Prognose: Das Portal wird kommen, Besser: Die Portale werden kommen, (wenn auch langsamer als antizipiert) Aber: Nichts wird verschwinden

31 …dann WebSphere Portal!
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Wenn schon Portal… …dann WebSphere Portal!

32 Warum WebSphere Portal?
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Warum WebSphere Portal? Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portal Products, 2005 (4 Years in a Row) WebSphere Portal Customer Growth 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 WebSphere Portal has been in the leadership position for many years and continues to see solid growth in it’s customer base annually, supporting enteprise and small/medium business portal requirements. More than 4,000 companies worldwide—including many of the largest banks, manufactures, retailers and government organizations—rely on the stability and performance of WebSphere Portal to run their business. 2001 2002 2003 2004 1H 2005 Market Share Leadership WebSphere Portal Market share = 21.6% (Gartner April 2005) WebSphere Portal Market share = 24.8% (IDC June 2005) May by Gene Phifer, Ray Valdes, David Gootzit, Kim Underwood, Laurie Wurster  

33 Warum WebSphere -> IBM-isch
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Warum WebSphere -> IBM-isch Improve Efficiency Improved operational efficiency with better use of resources 1 Increase Productivity Increased organizational productivity and responsiveness through collaboration 2 Accelerate implementation Accelerated implementation; based on an innovative services oriented architecture (SOA) 3 WebSphere Portal has been in the leadership position for many years and continues to see solid growth in it’s customer base annually, supporting enteprise and small/medium business portal requirements. More than 4,000 companies worldwide—including many of the largest banks, manufactures, retailers and government organizations—rely on the stability and performance of WebSphere Portal to run their business. Leverage IBM Leadership All delivered by a well established leader, IBM, in the enterprise portals market 4

34 Evolution WebSphere Portal
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Evolution WebSphere Portal 1. Version in ca. 2000 Version 5.0 Ende 2003 Version 5.1 Ende 2004 Version 6.0 Mitte 2006 Version 6.0 ist die 3. "production-ready" Version

35 Bedeutung von Portalen (05.12.03)
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Bedeutung von Portalen ( ) Noch in 2003 werden 85% der 2000 Global Enterprises ein Unternehmensportal eingeführt haben (MetaGroup). “Butler Group continues to believe that an Enterprise Portal is the most strategic IT investment that an organisation can make” (Butler Group Mai 2003). …bereits 2006 werden alle Großunternehmen Portale als Infrastruktur implementiert haben

36 Einführung: Leistungen von Portalen
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Einführung: Leistungen von Portalen Portale ermöglichen die Integration von Informationen, Kollaborations- und Kommunikationsfunktionen sowie Anwendungen auf einer einheitlichen Nutzeroberfläche. Sie unterstützen die Kommunikation und Kooperation von verteilten Standorten übernehmen die Integration von Anwendungen und Informationen am Front-End personalisieren den Zugang und entlasten dadurch den Nutzer vereinheitlichen das Look and Feel bieten nutzerspezifisch und situationsabhängig Anwendungen und Informationen für Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Partner basieren auf bekannten Web-Technologien (Browser) erweitern als Mittelschicht zwischen Browser und Backend die Nutzungspotentiale von Intra-, Extra- sowie Internet und ermöglichen den Zugang über verschiedene Endgeräte (drahtlose und drahtgebundene)

37 Einführung: Funktionen von Portalen
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Einführung: Funktionen von Portalen Benutzerverwaltung, Benutzerprofile (Präferenzen), Rollen- und Rechtesystem Präsentation Single Sign on, Authentifizierung Integration von Anwendungen Förderung von Zusammenarbeit Betrieb und Administration Content / Document Management Suche

38 Einführung: Funktionen von Portalen
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Einführung: Funktionen von Portalen Integrationsplattform Anwendungen Informationen Kommunikation & Kooperation Unternehmensportal Leistungen Intuitive Oberfläche Personalisierung / Single-Sign-On Rollen- & Rechte- Verwaltung Unterstützung verschiedener Endgeräte

39 Einführung: Presentation Layer
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Einführung: Presentation Layer

40 Einführung: Portlets-UI
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Einführung: Portlets-UI

41 Einführung: Integration
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Einführung: Integration

42 Einführung: Portlet-API
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Einführung: Portlet-API Die Portlet-API ermöglicht unter anderem: die Kommunikation zwischen Portlets und somit zwischen Anwendungen; den State von Portlet-Windows programmatisch zu verändern (z.B. maximieren, minimieren); den Zugriff auf User-Informationen; die Verwendung von Credential Vaults (Verwaltung von Berechtigungen, Passwörtern, etc.)

43 Einführung: Portlet to Portlet Comm.
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Einführung: Portlet to Portlet Comm.

44 Einführung: Integration Legacy-Apps.
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Einführung: Integration Legacy-Apps. Integration über iFrames Integration durch Html-Parsing Integration als Portlet-Anwendung Integration existierender Java-Anwendungen

45 Dynamic Delivery of Interaction Services
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Dynamic Delivery of Interaction Services Presence Awareness Management Dashboards Natural, Intuitive, Adaptive User Experience Instant Messaging Sales Force Automation Business Alerts Customer Relation Management A portal combines portlets (application, user interfaces, collaboration, and/or content) together into one unified presentation. It is the contextual framework for these services to interact. These portlets are in fact services. The page itself represents the means for a “set of related & integrated services that support a business process built on an SOA” to be presented to end-users. The interface is tuned to a person’s role within the organization – whether that user is an employee, partner, supplier or customer. The interface delivers a personalized experience, considering the user's identity, role, personal preferences. Additionally it is used in the context of a business process not siloed to the side. So the aggregation and use of services is within the context of what a person is doing whether they are customer support reps, sales representatives, executives viewing performance of the organization, channel partners looking up status of parts and discussing product design considerations, or customers viewing order status. So the services are delivered within the context of the process. And finally there is separation of site design, site/page assembly/administration, from application design – fundamental SOA concept. Communication E-Forms role-based Services process- driven Content Management Document Management Collaboration in context E-Learning eHR Composite application or view, that delivers services in the form of portlets , within a security rich environment, in the context of a business process ERP Information Composite products Workflows Syndicated Rates

46 Choice, Openness, Flexibility…
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event Choice, Openness, Flexibility… Natural, Intuitive, Adaptive User Experience Customers Rich Clients role-based process- driven in context Browser Employees Composite application or view, that delivers services in the form of portlets , within a security rich environment, in the context of a business process Mobile Clients Partners / Suppliers

47 WebSphere Portal 6 Neuerungen
TIMETOACT > Portal 6 Live Launch Event WebSphere Portal 6 Neuerungen Fokus Neuerungen: User Interface Integration collaborativer Anwendungen (Lotus Workplace Collaboration Services) Frontend Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Einfachere Anwendungsentwicklung

48 Updated WebSphere Portal 6 interface speeds time to deployment
New and Updated Themes & Skins Roll over Menus Vastly updated user interface makes it easier to navigate across and configure portal component areas. Themes and skins have been improved and the underlying architecture streamlined for easier custom branding. Drag and drop portlets from an available list palette on to desired location on portal pages. Help increase productivity through usability improvements. Pervasive Drag and Drop Support Customize your page, your way Integrate content from other applications Fly Out Menus and Page Navigation Easily find key elements and execute functions Portlet Palette Updated Look and Feel More easily navigate and work Align usability and navigation with commonly used end-user applications Quick Links – URL pages to other site areas Simply grab a portlet on the page or from the slide out palette and drag to the desired location on the page

49 Flyouts for common tasks (Portlets, Contacts, Help,…)
IBM WebSphere Portal provides everything needed to effectively build, customize and manage a portal solution. In the new release access to these capabilities becomes just easy. Flyout menus display portal applications in context of business operations, making more effective use of the interface to support user and organizational goals.

50 Portal Document Manager new look and feel
Look & Feel Native MS Office Icon Icons show document state Ease of Use Drag & Drop in the Browser One Click Edit button Search results and file lists paginated for easier navigation Admin Multiple file import Customize the “New” Menu Performance Improvements via cached rendition rendering Document 1st page preview Portal Document Managemer (PDM) is a place where users can contribute, edit, view, share and search documents with others in their community by uploading files and organizing them into business relevant categories. Specifically, PDM allows authorized users to define a document library, create folders and documents within that library and grant access to other users so that they can navigate the folder hierarchy, view, add, delete, and edit documents and folders. PDM uses Portal’s access control facility to manage user and group authorization on documents and folders. PDM supports document versioning as well as document approval workflows. Presence awareness is built in to the application enabling project teams to collaborate when working in the context of shared document projects. Users can perform full text and parametric searches of the entire document library or a specific folder within a document library. Portal includes integrated document viewers supporting over 250 file types, making it easy for users to view and search attachment types while working in PDM. Many new features have been added to PDM with WebSphere Portal 6, including integration with Microsoft Explorer and file content, enabling secure drag and drop of content from a user’s C drive folder to a PDM project folder. This makes it easy for users to leverage familiar file system interfaces when contributing content to be shared with teams in Portal.

51 Microsoft Integration
Microsoft Office Integration Power Point, MS Word & Excel Check in, check out Microsoft Windows Drag & Drop Right click support Business Value Security-enhanced Storage & File level security Leverage existing MS products (MS Office 97 & Higher) Windows Explorer namespace extension allows manipulation of PDM library documents from the file explorer. MS Office Add-in provides PDM document functions from within Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. File system monitor automatically uploads documents added or updated through any local applications. Monitor runs as a separate process with a UI available from the system-tray. Supports multiple servers. Supports multiple libraries. Can create/manipulate documents and folder like in the portlet

52 Easily Deploy Content with IBM Workplace Web Content Management Version 6.0
Improved authoring usability: Welcome page to help new users get started Inline Editing for infrequent users User-friendly, simpler templates for entering content Full text, attribute and taxonomy search and searches within searches Simplified process for including personalization rules in content and layout New views allow users to find their content easily User interface can be customized easily to provide tailored experience WWCM 6.0 starts by adding a new user friendly “Welcome Page” entry point for content authors, editors and managers. This new design provides a simplified authoring environment with access to templates, search, libraries, personalization, task bar and help information. Improvements to the Web Content Management authoring portlet An improved user interface provides easier navigation and improved search and filtering options. Collaborative authoring has been improved with the addition of referential integrity features that prevent the creation of broken links in your Web content when moving or deleting items. Web Content Management authoring template enhancements The design of content item forms are now customizable using authoring templates. Custom help for content item forms, and each field and element displayed within a content item form, can be specified in an authoring template. Web Content Management menu enhancements The new paging element is added to menu designs to add navigational tools to a menu.

53 Automate Departmental tasks with Workflow Builder
Business-User Tool for Simple, Vital Workflows Streamline and optimize processes handled via ad-hoc today Automate best practices or infrequent tasks Workflow definition: Roles, Tasks, Actions Workflow Binder includes all related documents for a given workflow Utilizes BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) engine Part of application template model A new Workflow Builder extends the power of workflow automation to business users, without requiring BPEL scripting knowledge. The Workflow Builder allows for the definition of user roles, tasks, and actions, all via an easy-to-use form-based interface. The ability to extend the creation of workflows to the business users most familiar with the actual business processes needing automated helps deliver significant business value through error reduction and better decision making. Example: Bringing new employee on board

54 IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Helps Accelerate Deployment of WebSphere Portal Version 6.0
Workplace Dashboards Available Dashboards Executive Sales Accelerate: Portlet Factory allows for faster WebSphere Portal deployment, requiring lower-order development skills than other tools Respond: Help organizations large and small to create dynamic portal solutions, that are easy to modify as market conditions dictate Strengthen: Fortify the overall IBM SOA tooling advantage with the compelling value of Portlet Factory Alerting Charting Reusable Design Components Business User Configuration Common Administration Dashboard Framework As we said, companies understand that portals are a key and early part of business processes. To make it even easier to create those applications in the context of a business process we acquired Bowstreet Inc. in December of 2005 IBM the leading maker of rapid portal development tools. We are integrating the iterative development tools and connectors with WebSphere Portal. With this acquisition, WebSphere Portal can deliver even more, faster. WebSphere Portlet Factory Version 6.0 is a dedicated portlet development environment that helps speed WebSphere Portal deployment by dramatically simplifying the creation if custom portlets - allowing all developers of any skill level to have a role in portal/portlet deployment, as well as its fostering of SOA for organizations looking for an entry point to this flexible, reusable architectural ideal. There are four primary value propositions delivered by WebSphere Portlet Factory: 1) AUTOMATION: Portlet Factory eliminates the complexity of J2EE development of custom portlets by automating the development through reusable wizard-like components called Builders. Builders, like those that allow direct SAP and Domino integration, as well as low level builders which perform even the most rudimentary developments tasks, automate development while also allowing consistent development. This automation helps ease and speed portlet development for faster portal deployment and time-to-value for deployed applications. 2) CHANGE: The automation and speed provided by Portlet Factory, while a significant value, is really only one part of overall value proposition however. The same automation builders provide to generate portlets, also enable changes, during design or after deployment, to portlets without having to re-deploy and regression test code – providing tremendous efficiency for IT and the line of business to respond to changing needs of the business. 3) REUSE: Portlet Factory features a patented Profiling mechanism that can generate multiple portlet variations from one code base. This feature enables developers to quickly vary portlets across multiple user dimensions (roles, geography, brands) and greatly simplifies code maintenance, by automatically propagating changes in the base Model to each portlet variation – without any additional coding. By reusing existing portlet code bases to meet new and evolving portal requirements, without the burden to IT, companies get more value from their portal investment and can derive more value by meeting all the needs of the business that can benefit from composite portal solutions. 4) SOA: The last value proposition is Portlet Factory’s ability to provide an entry point to SOA for organizations, or to help further deliver it in those organizations that may already be on an SOA path. Providing a flexible data services layer allows a developer to create a well defined interface that separates the user interface from the back end data. There are a number of valuable benefits to this architecture, including application flexibility, reuse of assets, and increased productivity. With Version 6, IBM has expanded WebSphere Portlet Factory with additional automated portlet development capabilities to further help customers achieve even faster time-to-value, more efficiently, for their WebSphere Portal applications. Focused on improved developer proficiency and success, WebSphere Portlet Factory Version 6.0 features new "getting started" enhancements, including new wizards, tutorial and examples to help developers realize success with WebSphere Portlet faster. Additionally, new automated capabilities for creating portlets that access WebSphere Portal's content repository, streamline cooperative portlet creation and leverage WebSphere Portal's new Edit Defaults capability, help developers deliver all these, plus other, portlet requirements as needed. Version 6 New Features/Enhancements Developer Success Improved/new wizards, examples and tutorials designed to help developers achieve proficiency faster Content Repository Support Quickly and easily build custom portlets that can read from and write to the WebSphere Portal content repository Cooperative Portlets Support Simplifies the creation of portlets enabled with inter-portlet (portlet-to-portlet) communication, creating cooperative portlets implemented by WebSphere Portal’s portlet wiring capability for improved end-user experience Edit Defaults Support Enables portlet profiles to be easily exposed by WebSphere Portal administrators as default portlet configuration values; values that an administrator can choose to allow a user, or users, to edit selectively Portlet Factory Tooling Rapid App Dev (RAD) Service-oriented architecture Integration Extensions including Domino Profiling engine

55 A Compelling Duo! IBM Workplace Forms and WebSphere Portal Version 6.0
Opens the door to the exciting new world of streamlined business processes Eliminates unnecessary and low-value process activities Directs and focuses the information within a dynamic organization Portal delivers forms processes within the productivity worker's desktop Forms are the lifeblood of most organizations. Forms direct and focus information and activities, and are the core enabler for changing organizational direction in the face of new markets, threats, and regulations. More than just simple electronic representations of paper-based forms, Workplace Forms simplifies form development, delivery, and processing. Workplace Forms eliminates unnecessary activities, such as time intensive manual transportation of forms, and eliminates low-value activities by aggregating and automating business data retrieval and submission through back end systems. Workplace Forms reduces the time and cost involved in completing forms, helping to improve organization responsiveness and flexibility. Workplace Forms opens the door to the exciting new world of streamlined business processes delivered through Portal. Forms is the entry point to your process-driven portal, eliminating wasted search time by delivering the right forms to the right people at the right time. Portal delivers forms processes within the productivity worker’s desktop. Real-time business connects users. What does a business have more than users? Forms. And more Forms. Don’t you just love forms? Behind every paper form is a business process. The reality is, paper based forms are one of the most prevalent business process instruments used today. In keeping with our approach of helping you work the way you want to work, last year, IBM made a strategic move and acquired the leader in XML-based electronic forms, Pure Edge Solutions. Coincidentally, they co-authored the W3C Xforms specification. Because PureEdge was built on Eclipse and J2EE standards, we have already completed the integration of the technology into our portfolio. This let’s us help you, automate forms based processes. There are many exciting elements to IBM Workplace Forms, many of which you see here! IBM is investing heavily in the eForms market space Acquisition of PureEdge Creation of IBM Lab dedicated to eForms product development New product releases - Workplace Forms 2.6 Creation of a Forms Developer Community Workplace Forms is open and interoperable Fits with customers’ heterogeneous environment leveraging XForms, XML and SOA standards Workplace Forms 2.6 will include an Eclipse-based Workplace Forms design environment Will release free XForms Design Tool via alphaWorks Part of IBM’s overall composite application programming model Expanding availability and integration options Will be available worldwide in 22 languages and expanding into mid-market integration with Workplace Services Express Integration kits for WebSphere Portal and IBM Content Manager More than just simple electronic representations of paper-based forms, Workplace Forms simplifies form development, delivery, and processing. Workplace Forms HELPS eliminates unnecessary activities, such as time intensive manual transportation of forms, and HELPS eliminate low-value activities by aggregating and automating business data retrieval and submission through back end systems. Workplace Forms HELPS YOU reduce the time and cost involved in completing forms, helping to improve organization responsiveness and flexibility. Workplace Forms opens the door to the exciting new world of streamlined business processes delivered through Portal. Forms is the entry point to your process-driven portal, HELPING eliminate wasted search time by delivering the right forms to the right people at the right time. Portal delivers forms processes within the productivity worker’s desktop. U.S. Army Workplace Forms and WebSphere Portal 100,000 different types of forms, used by about 1.4 million Army personnel $1.3 billion anticipated savings annually in administrative processing costs

56 WebSphere Everyplace Deployment: Extend Composite Applications to Portal-Managed Clients (2H2006)
Portal applications available on managed clients, whether connected or disconnected Enhanced role-based portal administration Increased User Productivity through access to enterprise portals Help lower TCO through remote deployment and maintenance Operational efficiency means working wherever we need to work – whether that’s at a customer site, traveling to customer, or in many other places and environments. Our place is any place. And that means having key information, applications – not just access in a variety of settings and in a variety of modes – Portal applications available on managed clients, whether connected or disconnected Access to critical applications Where needed... safely and securely Rich client UIs and browser-based UIs Tools to take portlets offline with little effort Enhanced role-based portal administration Portal admin can remotely deploy managed apps for users, based upon roles Business Value Help increased user productivity through access to enterprise portals regardless of network availability Help lower TCO through remote deployment and maintenance and reuse of assets and programming skills Consider all of the enterprise information and applications that a portal delivers so that your employees can conduct business in the context of what they are working on. Now consider having these resources available to your office workers, your Sales Force and other knowledge workers “on the go” whether they are connected or disconnected. In 2006 IBM plans to also offer offline portal support, allowing you to extend composite applications to portal-managed clients. With this support end users will have access to critical applications and information through portlets, whether managed client is connected or disconnected. Business logic will be moved to where it is needed, safely and securely. And both rich client and browser-based user interfaces can be used. Tools will be available to take portlets offline with little effort from a portlet developer. All of this will be managed with enhanced role-based administration. The portal administrator can use a single portal administration console for Portlet deployment and management, based upon roles -- regardless of target client profile. This support will build on currently-available server-managed capabilities, including the download, installation and update of platforms and applications – including composite applications – to all clients. Users have a single point of access control and can rely on security-rich data storage and synchronization and transactional integrity across networks. With portals and offline portlets a company’s Service Oriented Architecture is extended to the edge of the network.. on desktops, laptops, mobile clients and embedded clients. Using these capabilities can help increase end user productivity by enabling access to enterprise resources regardless of network availability. And the implementation can help lower the total cost of ownerships through remote deployment and maintenance – and by using the same programming model as the rest of the IBM Foundation products, allowing you to reuse assets and programming skills.

57 Improved Search raises productivity
New Search Enhancements: Improved search of Workplace Web Content Management (WCM) author, published and site content Search Center improvements UI enhancements, Scope definitions Search performance improvements on indexing throughput Search and Index API (SIAPI) published Search Domino and File system content via HTTP Improved External Search of Portal Content Enhanced search results from Google and other search engines Site map provides security-rich “outline” of Portal hierarchy for public URL portal content index control Search services are an increasingly important component of portal solutions. The abilty to quickly search across portal and key web sources and identify relevant information supporting business operations – as content sources grow – is critical. WebSphere Portal 6 introduces many search improvements: Improved search of Workplace Web Content Management (WCM) author, published and site content - now with indexed Portal access control lists and WCM content access from Search Center portlet. Content authors may search content components and content attributes such as custom metadata within the authoring environment. And search is enabled within individual published content sites. Search Center improvements UI enhancements, Scope definitions (ability to define specific queries and run across single or multiple source collections). Query can include location and collection, document type, string and metadata search preferences Search performance improvements on indexing throughput Search and Index API (SIAPI) published externally for development of custom PSE search applications Search Domino and File system content via HTTP Improved External Search of Portal Content Enhanced search results from Google and other search engines – the Portal now can detect crawling from 50 popular search agents (published list of approx 50 ‘web agents’) and in turn will publish meaningful URL’s of public content (only) for crawl and index by the specific external search source. This can be used in tandem with a robots.txt exclude list, which can point to the new Portal 6 site map portlet. Customers may define specific URL’s that should be crawled externally by search engines and limit their crawl of public content in that way, influencing the quality of content provided and subsequent ranking by external search engines. Site map provides security-rich “outline” of Portal hierarchy for public URL index control

58 WebSphere Portal 6 Search Center updates
Find what you are looking for anytime and anywhere Search box in theme, always available at the top of the site. Search scopes. Search all sources or in more targeted areas. Scopes can be defined by Admin. Add external links. Search results page. Heterogeneous clickable search results.

59 Helping to Accelerate Deployment
Optimized Deployment of Custom Pages and Portlets through Advanced Personalization Policy Management Streamlines Deployment Reuse Portal deployments both inside and outside firewall using Virtual Portal function Enhanced Management of WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 in a Clustered Environment Attribute-base administration enhancements provides a way for you to customize the layout of a page for individual users. you can tell WebSphere Portal to show or hide pages and portlets based on dynamic characteristics that are determined at runtime. Policies for managing portal resources Use the Resource Policies portlet to use policies to manage portal resources: users, groups, applications, client types, and page themes. A policy is a collection of settings that influence the behavior of a portal resource and the experience that users will have when working with the resource. Policies simplify the management of portal resources because the policy settings for a resource can control the behavior of the resource for a class of users. Policies improve both the administration and the use of portal resources. Policies are grouped according to the types of resources that apply the policies. Administrators can refine the main policies that are provided for portal resources by creating child policies that inherit or override the policy settings of the parent policy. Policies for particular types of portal resources are defined by rule-based business logic that uses conditional expressions. When you work with policy rules and conditions, you use the Personalization rule editor and rule selector. For high availability production environments, set up a clustered deployment of multiple servers running IBM® WebSphere® Portal for Multiplatforms

60 The Interface for SOA

61 Enterprise Portals Represent a Compelling First SOA Project
“Through 2007, an enterprise portal will be the first major application of SOA concepts for more than 50 percent of enterprises (0.6 probability).” Analytical source: Gene Phifer, Gartner Research; Publication Date: 12 October 2005/ID Number: G Gartner 10/12/05 That’s an overview of WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 and we will take you through more of the details within the tracks we have planned throughout the rest of the day, but I want to take a few minutes to put some context around Portal and SOA – or Services Oriented Architecture. It's important to realize that SOA requires a holistic strategy and approach. It can start from the back end through integration and business process modeling and optmization. But a holistic approach extends to, or can start from the front end. This is where people experience an SOA in a very practical way. The front-end represents a key integration point. So it's imperative to have a vendor that provides a comprehensive end-to-end, back-to-front end, front-to-back end solution. This is validated by leading analysts. A portal is a composite application – one assembled at the front end. It is an aggregation point for services – delivered through portlets. The other side to this is that implementing an SOA is not a single product or single initiative thought. It is a multi-step initiative. One requiring a number of phases and requiring success at each step of the way. That’s why it’s imperative to start with a project that has a high likelihood of success and visibility. That’s where a portal comes in – it’s visible, experiential, a clear example of the benefits of SOA – providing a high likelihood of success with potentially high ROI.

62 … service oriented architecture (SOA)?
The Basics of SOA … a service? A repeatable business task – e.g., check customer credit; open new account … service oriented architecture (SOA)? An IT architectural style that supports integrating your business as linked services And there are some basics to review around SOA . Main Point: Services are repeatable business tasks. Business processes are a series of services snapped together like building blocks. SOA is an architectural style that makes this possible As Gartner says - SOA impacts every aspect of IT and Business. It touches everything that a company does. Let’s start by looking at some base-line definitions so we’re all talking about in the same terms. First of all, what is a service? <read definition> It’s important to stress that we’re talking about a part of a business process here. Don’t think about software or IT. Think about what your company does on a day to day basis and break those business processes up into repeatable business tasks or components. If you look at the graphic in the middle, this is the analogy of building blocks <do NOT use the word “Legos”> snapping together to build a structure. Services are the building blocks and they are snapped together into a business process. So SOA is just an IT architectural style that supports integrating your business as linked services. SOA makes it easy to snap together services into a business process just like snapping together building blocks into a structure. "SOA impacts every aspect of IT and business.”

63 WebSphere Portal Version 6
WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 as platform for Approachable Composite Applications Easily Build and deploy composite applications using portal services Personalization, collaboration, search, orchestrated workflow,…. Portal framework provides aggregation and integration New Concepts: Portlet Factory; Templates; Application Context; Membership/ Community; Application Roles Business Value Reuse critical assets Business flexibility since it is easier to make changes We said earlier that the requirements for portals has evolved, and that business users are partnering with IT in a model of managed autonomy to build portal based applications for their communities. There are a number of things we did with WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 to meet those business requirements. And they focus around creating and deploying Approachable composite applications and doing so easily. Templates provide application assembly features for business analysts, application managers, and application designers. The business components that constitute an application can be portal resources, J2EE resources, or other resources, for example, Eclipse plug-ins. Templates define the properties, pages, roles, and parameters of applications belonging to a particular category and the components that are deployed on each page of an application. From templates, users can create multiple applications that share a common definition. Templates that users create and customize are listed in the Application Template Library. Access to templates is controlled by user roles that are assigned in Resource Permissions. Applications assembled from templates are listed in the application catalog. Each application includes an information portlet, a membership portlet, and one or more components that users work with. Applications can be customized and saved as new templates. Access to applications is controlled by user roles that are assigned in Resource Permissions. The foundation of a service-oriented architecture is the concept of ‘reuse’, creating business applications and processes that can be reused as needed like any other service. WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 delivers significant SOA enhancements through tools like WebSphere Portlet Factory that allow composite applications to be developed and deployed by business users (versus J2EE developers), as well as templates that allow for composite portal applications to be reused and replicated. Other SOA enhancements include support for application context, application roles, and the concept of membership and community.

64 Multi-page, Complex Portlets without Coding
Developers of all skill levels can rapidly build multi-page, complex portlets (search, create, update, and delete) without writing any java code. * Generated Method [_pageDispatcher] * Generated by builder call [bc21] */ public void _pageDispatcher(WebAppAccess webAppAccess) { com.bowstreet.webapp.JSPSupport.dispatch(webAppAccess); } /** * Generated Method [getFlights_PagingGetImgName] public String getFlights_PagingGetImgName(WebAppAccess webAppAccess, String button, String position) PagingAssistant asst = (PagingAssistant)webAppAccess.getVariables().getObject("getFlights_Paging"); String img = button + position; if ((button.equals("First") || button.equals("Prev")) && !asst.hasPreviousPage()) img = button + "Disabled"; if ((button.equals("Next") || button.equals("Last")) && !asst.hasNextPage()) return webAppAccess.getVariables().getXmlText("getFlights_PagingButtonImages", img); Wizard-driven Builders …generate J2EE-compliant code automatically Multi-page Portlet 3 …create a drill down page… 1 Create new records… Multi-page, complex portlets without coding - WPF includes wizard-driven automation components that enable developers of all skill levels to easily build complex, multi-page portlets (search, view, create, update, and delete) without writing any code. Builders Simplify J2EE coding and application integration complexity through graphical, wizard-like interface Generate error-free J2EE-compliant code automatically Speed development up to 12x, through development and test time savings Automatically generate new code when inputs change enabling free iteration and routine maintenance Builder: Builders offer easy-to-use, wizard-like user interfaces, which make it both fast and easy to develop portlets. The Builder actually generates all of the application code including Java, XML Schemas, Variables, etc based on the inputs given. Builders are also used throughout the entire development process allowing developers to go back and change a Builder’s input values and have the entire portlet application update instantly. Profile: A profile contains a set of parameters that vary the way an application behaves. A profile feeds values into Builders based on the user’s identity or other contextual information such as language, geography or group membership. Then, once the profile is automatically applied, the application regenerates itself to adapt to that specific user which may include changing the backend datasource, the underlying business logic, the amount of data accessed or even the presentation. Model: A Model is simply the container that holds the ordered list of Builder calls. Typically, when a developer wants to create a new portlet, he will create a new Model and then add the appropriate Builders to the Model. It is also important to understand that Portlet Factory extensible and not limited to the Builders provided out of the box. For example, J2EE developers can capture an organization’s proprietary APIs as a custom Builder that they can then add to the Builder palette so other developers may use it. In doing this, they can ensure all developers are accessing and using the API the same way, enforcing consistent design patterns and acrhitecture. 4 …build-in support for delete and edit… 5 …and save or cancel changes. 2 …create a results page…

65 Robust Integration Capabilities Deliver SOA
Pre-built Extensions enable companies to quickly create composite portlets and applications that leverage data and processes from multiple backend systems via SOA. SAP SAP and Siebel Web Service There are numerous features of Portlet Factory specifically intended to ensure the unsurpassed competitive differentiation of WebSphere Portal, as well as contributing to increased customer success and satisfaction. With its tight WebSphere Portal integration and automation via Builders it dramatically simplifies the development of complex portlets – including multi-page transactional composite portlets via integrations to existing applications and systems like SAP and Domino, among others. In addition, Portlet Factory’s patented Profiling technology generates multiple portlet variations from one code base. This feature enables developers to quickly vary portlets across any number of multiple user dimensions (roles, geography, brands) and greatly simplifies code maintenance, by automatically propagating changes in the base Model to each portlet variation. Finally, developers can target multiple computing environments (portal, web, rich-client, phone, PDA) from a single Model, which means developers can repurpose applications with minimal development effort. Portlet Factory includes integration adapters for other applications and IT assets besides Domino, inclusing PeopleSoft, Siebel, SAP R/3, SAP Business Warehouse, Hyperion, databases, and web services. These adapters make it fast and easy to create sophisticated portlets that leverage data from one or more applications for composite portlets that integrate data from multiple systems into one portlet application. Since these adapters automate the process of connecting to the back-end data and building out a custom portlet, they eliminate the need to code directly to the vendor’s APIs. In addition, Portlet Factory’s data services layer provides for a true SOA, which allows developers to quickly swap out the back-end data source of a portlet without effecting other aspects of the portlet, such as the user interface. Domino

66 Change Requires a Business Centric View of SOA Drive Innovation Priorities Through People, Process, and Information Extend the ability to collaborate inside & outside Enhancing people to people collaboration Support multi-channel delivery “Technology is certainly key to a successful SOA integration, [but] it is the coalescence of the people, process and information [with] business insight and emerging best practices for overall organizational change through SOA." Main Point: Innovation requires Change - A recent study of over 500 customers showed SOA starting points of people, process, information or a combination of all three SOA entry points help businesses pursue SOA the right way: by taking a project-based approach and demanding that each project deliver real business value on its own. A recent study of over 500 companies conducted by Mercer Management Consultants showed that these companies are approaching SOA from starting points of integrating people, process, information or a combination of all three. [REFERENCE IF PUBLIC, PERMISSION IF NOT] IBM helps its customers utilize these entry points as well as helping lay the technical groundwork by offering entry points for Connectivity and Reuse. Linking people, process, and information through SOA is even more valuable than you realized. Entry points for clients to get started with SOA projects can deliver significant value on their own. People-, process-, and information-centric approaches will yield results that can deliver strong ROI. However, the power can be exponential when clients apply SOA capabilities to people, process, and information aspects of a business in combination. We call this the Multiplier effect and it will change the way you approach SOA. The multiplier effect promises to deliver even greater value to clients by linking People, Process, and Information through SOA. The promise is that businesses will not only be integrated but also built for change - built to adapt as market conditions demand greater attention by all parts of the business and a shift in resources in another. It's no great accomplishment to hard-wire a few databases to a user-interface which, in turn, presents information mapped to a particular process. The real value is creating flexible linkages of all three in a dynamic environment. Clients are continually upgrading and changing processes, applications, databases, and views into the business...and through SOA, all parts of the business, its people, the key processes, and the critical information, can stay linked and supported through that continual change. The reality of today's climate means clients are cleansing, presenting, and integrating information across multiple processes, and then presenting that information in context, based on employee roles, and doing so in a lightening [SPELLING] fast environment. The exponential value of people, process, and information, all linked together through an SOA, is the real game-changer that clients should bet on. Business model & process innovation Seamless coordination between automated and people/information driven business processes Increase organizational effectiveness Leverage information for business optimization Deliver trusted information real time and in context Reduce risk and improve visibility into business operations Source: IBM Global CEO Survey, 2006

67 Getting More from a WebSphere Portal Investment with IBM Workplace Composite Products
SOA is not a fad – it is real and is being recognized by IT, Line-Of-Business and an Executives as a real “game changer’. And WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 can play a vital role as you start down an SOA path. So now that we have a good grasp on the role that Portal and Role-Based workplaces play in the context of SOA – I want to focus our attention on another front-end element. It’s around how do you use WebSphere Portal from a foundational perspective….as a platform to deploy new value add applications. I recently spoke to a customer who had this to say: “My business driver is to deliver more capability to more audiences on top of the Portal – while decreasing the hardware infrastructure footprint. So I need to get as much out of a portal box as possible.”-- Energy Company Portal Manager So lets look at how to get even more from a WebSphere Portal Investment.

68 IBM Workplace Composite Products
Extending Portal to solve specific business needs IBM Workplace Composite Products help to accelerate the value that you can get from your WebSphere Portal deployment. A composite application is a set of related & integrated services that support a business function and enable extended business functions to be composed out of smaller more primitive functions. WebSphere Portal provides the ability to deploy composite applications that support roles-based workflows spanning disparate applications. IBM Workplace Composite products can speed the business value of a portal deployment by providing the ability to… Focus: On a particular business problem vs a functional component Accelerate: A customer’s “time to value”, and utilize Composite functions/services in context to address the problem Benefit: “Out of the box” end user product including infrastructure and tools to extend capabilities Focused: On emerging business needs Focus Solving a Particular Business problem vs a functional component Accelerate A customer’s “time to value” Benefits “Out of the box” end user product Maintains flexibility with SOA platform & tools to Extend capabilities Business Oriented Focused on emerging business needs

69 IBM Workplace for Business Strategy Execution Simply a better way to manage your business objectives
Translates company strategy into specifics for execution Cascades, interlocks and links objectives Supports real time management of interactions, metrics, and dependencies Rapid resolution of existing and projected gaps in plans Studies show that a mere 10 percent of organizations are actually able to implement their strategy.1 This is clearly not a formula for success in an era of increasing globalization and competition. IBM® Workplace™ for Business Strategy Execution software helps translate a company’s strategy into concrete, actionable, measurable objectives. This product was designed to take output from a company’s strategy session, where leaders decide what they need to achieve for next quarter, or the next few years. They may set targets like: expand business in Asia Pacific, improve customer satisfaction by 10% or introduce a new product. These become the objectives for an organization. Workplace for Business Strategy Execution allows you to cascade & interlock with the right people that have contributions that help to make reaching these objectives possible. It allows objectives to be linked together, and is supported with real time metrics & interactions – dependencies inside & outside the organization are managed effectively. We have embedded collaboration capabilities inside the product to bring people together to resolve gaps in plans – you will see instant messaging, team rooms, and expert finders. All of these tools allow you to rally the right resources to fix issue before they become real problems. With acquisition of Bowstreet at the end of 2005, we now have capabilities to build customized dashboards, connect to various back end sources such as siebel, sap, and peoplesoft, pull data into the system from databases such as oracle and db2, as well as bring information into system from spreadsheets. So, this product allows you to have the right information presented to view your forecasts to see if you are going to meet your objectives, as well as the actual measurements and metrics to see if you are on or off course. This product leverages the industry’s leading collaboration tools, and the industry’s leading Portal technology – WebSphere Portal. A dynamic change management system to quickly push, reach agreement, and implement modified objectives Embeds collaborative services to support correcting objective shortfalls Tools to rapidly build and link composite, role-based dashboards

70 IBM Workplace Dashboard Framework and Workplace Dashboards
Workplace dashboards and Workplace Dashboard Framework extend WebSphere Portal to drive faster time-to-value, enabling accelerated deployment of role-based dashboard solutions. Automation Change Action IBM® Workplace™ Dashboard Framework and IBM Workplace dashboards are products that come directly from the acquisition of Bowstreet in late December of last year. Many of you probably knew Bowstreet for their rapid portlet creation environment, which is now called WebSphere Portlet Factory. But Bowstreet also provided frameworks and pre-built portal solutions for different applications, like dashboards. IBM® Workplace™ Dashboard Framework is a powerful and flexible tool for rapidly building role-based dashboards on top of a service-oriented architecture. Workplace Dashboard Framework augments the capabilities of IBM WebSphere® Portlet Factory, adding dashboard-specific features, such as a robust alerting module, hi-fidelity charting, flexible filtering technology, and a set of dashboard-specific design components. By leveraging Workplace Dashboard Framework, companies can quickly deploy highly tailored dashboards that consolidate data and processes from multiple back end systems. In addition, companies can facilitate problem resolution by enabling action right from the dashboard. As a result, with Workplace Dashboard Framework, companies can help dramatically reduce their development costs and speed the time-to-value for their dashboard initiatives. IBM® Workplace™ dashboards are standards-based, active dashboards that contain prebuilt portlets that display best-practice Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Unlike traditional dashboards that display the same static information to all users, IBM Workplace dashboards are composite applications that display highly customized and dynamic data, giving decision makers the real-time visibility they need to drive results. In addition, IBM Workplace dashboards tie metrics to the underlying business processes, empowering users to take immediate and effective action based on changes in thresholds or important business events. Through these capabilities, IBM Workplace dashboards help executives and managers to proactively monitor business performance, make more informed decisions and quickly resolve business issues. Together, Workplace Dashboard Framework and Workplace dashboards drive faster to value for WebSphere Portal and help accelerate the deployment of role-based dashboard solutions. Workplace Dashboard Framework and pre-built Workplace Dashboards help executives and business users to proactively monitor business performance, make more informed decisions, and quickly resolve business issues.

71 IBM Workplace for Business Controls & Reporting Provides a simple way to navigate and monitor control activity across your business See business control organization and ownership over units Follow business processes for each unit See controls and evaluation histories Global shared controls and documentation to reduce ambiguity Integrated collaborative tools teams remediate issues Audit trail to track changes and increase transparency IBM Workplace for Business Controls and Reporting is another IBM Composite product that helps to provide a common platform for companies to easily document, evaluate and report the status of controls management across multiple initiatives their organization. IBM Workplace for Business Controls and Reporting simplifies risk assessment and control management by addressing a wide range of regulatory and business control related challenges. This product marks a dramatic step forward to help companies lower the total cost of compliance with a sustainable platform built to address your needs. Our product enables organizations to address various regulatory initiatives with the ability to manage financial, operational, compliance, and governance controls. The integrated collaboration tools allow users to take action quickly and easily, and it also provides the ability to track changes when they are made and have a consistent audit trail for future reference.

72 IBM® Workplace™ for SAP® Software
Offers SAP customers new ways to extend, enrich, & complement existing investments…in an SOA environment Faster, less-expensive integration with SAP and non-SAP processes and data sources Greater productivity with world-class dashboard & collaboration capabilities IBM Workplace for SAP Software offers SAP installed customers new ways to extend, enrich, & complement their existing investments…in an SOA environment It provides SAP customers with pre-integrated workplace products, solutions, and frameworks that lower the cost, automate the assembly, and speed the delivery of integrated collaborative composite applications for employees, customers, partners, and supplier business processes. By integrating key business functions into a single contextual view, streamlining processes and simplifying collaboration, IBM Workplace for SAP Software will dramatically enhance employee productivity. IBM Workplace for SAP Software does this by providing a user-friendly, role-based work environment where all applications are accessed from a simple, intuitive interface that can be easily personalized by an end-user. Assembly of information from disparate systems allows instantaneous visibility into complex business operations, enabling better interaction and optimized business processes in support of organizational objectives. While many applications provide unique views of data, IBM Workplace for SAP Software delivers real transactional capability through a user-centric interface, a “single lens”—allowing users to update data in real-time and in one place, without having to understand and navigate each individual application. Mobile employees can easily and securely update systems. Composite applications, constructed from a combination of many SAP and non-SAP applications and services, enable innovation to create new business processes—and a whole new level of functionality for users. IBM Workplace for SAP Software achieves this through: - Pre-built integration adapters and tools for SAP and non-SAP application Software, and data sources - Patented roles-based personalization and profiling across heterogeneous applications through a single, simple, easy-to-use interface - Reusable dashboard service-oriented components, robust administration tools, and dashboard-specific features that speed the creation of standards-based, active dashboards. Included are pre-built, customizable dashboards for sales, managers and executives - Event-driven alert capability for proactive, real-time notification about important issues and events that affect a user’s specific role and responsibilities. - In-context information presented via customized scorecards and dashboards allowing better business strategy execution across an organization - Collaborative capabilities including instant messaging, , web conferencing, team rooms, and presence awareness embedded in applications—to extend business processes and drive business model innovation - Composite application for employee self-service and manager self-service functions including layouts, themes, and roles. This includes tools for centralized administration with wizard-driven adapters that leverage and enrich SAP ERP capabilities - Documents and content presented in context of business processes - Administration tool set enabling end-user enhancement and personalization of employee self-service and manager self-service functions including layouts, themes, and roles. This centralized set of capabilities includes wizard-driven adapters that leverage and enrich SAP ERP capabilities to suit the specific needs of an organization - Advanced development tools to more rapidly create, customize, deploy, and maintain portlets that leverage existing enterprise applications, databases, and other IT assets – including IBM Lotus® Domino®, SAP®, and Web Services for service oriented architecture (SOA) portlets. ALSO Right side of chart: Center: Left: Pre-built functions utilize SAP & other applications to enable better business strategy execution Rapid application development environment with many pre-built assets Flexible, new capabilities via intelligent, interactive Web-based forms

73 Final Thoughts An now some final thoughts. Lets first look at some next steps you should consider to better understand the value of WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 and more broadly IBM Workplace.

74 Showcase Partner Recognition
Manuel Mandler Michael Geers Hermann Ballé Remind people of the partners in the showcase and invite attendees to meet and discuss things with them.

75 WebSphere Portal Version 6.0 Your World. Your Way.
Thank You!

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