Über lernfähige Systeme


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 Präsentation transkript:

Über lernfähige Systeme Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Über lernfähige IT Systeme Copyright (c) György Varga, 2010 www.xplanet.hu Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved Im Voraus Mobiltelefonen Audio- und Bildaufnahmen Nicht eingeübt – Inhalt, Zusammenstellung Frage-Antwort: ein Satz Wer die Antwort kennt, soll ½ Minute warten Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved Inhalt Über lernfähige Systeme IT Architekturfragen Beispiele (IT Architektur) Wo wir noch lernen können (was machen wir falsch?) Zusammenfassung Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Über lernfähige Systeme Was ist Ihre Vorstellung über das Lernen? Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Der Grund der Anschauung ist die Glaube oder das Wissen Anschauung: die Art und Weise, wie man etwas betrachtet oder interpretiert oder über etwas denkt Denkweise: bestimmter Gedankenablauf, basierend auf Erfahrung, Gemützustand, äußere Einflüsse,... Denken: innere Beschäftigung, wenn wir versuchen eine Erkenntnis zu formulieren, basiert auf Vorstellungen, Erinnerungen und Begriffe Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Der Grund der Anschauung ist die Glaube oder das Wissen Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Lernfähig Wann ist ein System lernfähig? Wenn es sich zur ändernden Umgebung gut anpassen kann Lernen Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. wird gelehrt Eigene Entscheidung Verbesserung eigener Fähigkeiten andere sagen was und wie Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

I. Über lerhfähige Systeme 1 Steuerung und Regelung 2 Rückkopplungen 3 Analyse 4 Eigenschaften lernfähiger Systeme 5 Mathematik 6 Anschauungsprobleme 7 Was ausgeblieben ist 8 Technische Systeme 9 Zusammenfassung Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

1. Steuerung und Regelung Kybernetik: interdisziplinäre Forschung - 1944, Mathematik, Biologie, Technik, Gesellschaft - Norbert Wiener, Claude Shannon Wichtigste Ergebnisse: - Theorie der Steuerung und Regelung - Rückkopplungen - Informationstheorie (Signaltheorie) - Phasendiagramm (Phasenraum) Technik Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

1. Steurenung und Regelung Steuerung: ich gebe vor, was du machen muss Regelung: Einfluss auf Grund des Vergleiches „soll” und „ist” mache das mache das mache das Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Strecke Regler Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 1. Regelung Regelung: ausführliche Darstellung Störung geregelter Wert Strecke Regler diff ist Messung Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. soll Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 1. Modell bilden Modell: Wiedergabe der Wirlkichkeit – für uns zweckmäßig vereinfacht Strecke Regler Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Testmuster, Testreihen, Testsignal, Superposition Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 1. Regelung A Regelung A: konstanter Fluss aus einem Kessel Strecke Regler Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Strecke ist gegeben, sein Modell ist vollständig bekannt, das Modell ändern sich nicht Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 1. Regelung B Szabályozás B: Eigenschaften der Strecke änderbar Strecke Regler Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Strcke ist gegeben, sein Modell ist vollständig bekannt, mindestens ein Parameter der Strecke ist änderbar Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 1. Regelung C Regelung adaptiv: Strecke-Eigenschaften ändern sich Strecke Zustand Regler Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Modell der Strecke ist bekannt, die Eigenschaften der Strecke können sich ändern, die Änderung dieser Eigenschaften werden im Zustandsmodell erfasst Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 1. Regelung D Regelung D: nur die Strecke änderbar Strecke Regler Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Man kann nur die Parameter der Strecke ändern Beispiel: städtische Wasserversorgung, Flugzeug Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 1. Frage Warum wird in dem Luftverkehr bei Passagierflugzeugen kein Robotpilt eingesetzt? Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 2. Rückkopplungen – P N Zwei Arten von Rückkopplungen: negative und positive Negative: die innere Regelung in kontinuierlich arbeitenden Systemen ist immer negativ Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Positive: auch die minimalste Änderung bringt eine übergroße Veränderung mit sich Im Allgemeinen negative Assoziation Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

2. Rückkopplung - positiv Notwendigkeit der positiven Rückkopplung Ohne Regelung: Atombombe Mit Regelung: Atomkraftwerk  Energiegewinnung Biologie: Blutgerinnung Entblätterung (Apoptose) Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 2. Rückkopplung – P+N Positive und negative zusammen: Instabilität Instabilität: die Möglichkeit, dass das System nicht mehr steuerbar wird, oder in einem solchen Zustand festsetzt, was für und ungünstig ist und lässt sich aus diesem Zustand nicht mehr herausbringen Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. In einem Regelkreis – wo sowohl negative als auch positive Rückkopplungen vorhanden sind – ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Instabilität größer als Null Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 2. Rückkopplung – P+N Pozitive und negative zusammen: Möglichkeit der Oszillation Beispiel(~1890): Tierpopulation – Füchse und Hasen Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 2. Rückkopplung – P+N Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 2. Phasenraum Phasenraum Technik: die Paramter des Systems werden in einem abstrakten Raum dargestellt, in dem ein einziger Punkt den Zusand des ganzen Systems beschreibt Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 3. Analyse XVI-XVII. Jahhundert: Die Möglichkeit ein Verständnis über komplexe Systeme zu erwerben: nehmen wir es auseinander, untersuchen wir die Teile In der Biologie führt das nicht zum Ziel. Es existieren „emergente Eigenschaften” Solche Eigenschaften, deren Erscheinung auf Grund der Eigenschaften der Teile nicht hinreichend erklärt werden kann. Atome  Molerüle  Zellen  Organe Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Leibniz: Die Fähigkeit des Lernens ist eine „Eigenschaft des zum Ganzen zusammengesetzten Systems” Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

4. Eigenschaften der lernhähigen Systeme Lernfähige Systeme Diese Systeme besitzen am Anfang mehrere Stabilitätspunkte im dem Phasenraum Durch das „Lernen” wird das System aus einem stabilen Punkt in einen anderen, eventuell stabilen Punkt geführt Das Lernen setzt voraus: Selbstkenntniss und ein Modell über die Umgebung Selbstkenntniss hier: womit und wie reagiert das System, welche Rückwirkung hat die Reaktion auf das System Fähigkeit der Selbstreperatur was nicht mehr funktioniert, wird reapriert um besser reagieren zu können: funktionierende Einheit effizienter zu gestalten Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

4. Eigenschaften der lernfähigen Systeme Der Fall des sich sonnenden Einzellers (Tibor Gánti) Hier leben zu viele Zellen: weniger Essen und weniger Licht. Wo geht unser Freund hin? mehr Licht mehr Essen Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. weniger Essen weniger Licht Eine nichtdeterministische Entscheidung Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

4. Eigenschaften der lernfähigen Systeme Lernfähige Systeme Selbst-Verbesserung in der Biologie: zb. Der Bizeps Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Wie wachsen die Muskeln? (nur verbal=beide wollen: Zelle, Umgebung) Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

4. Eigenschaften der lernfähigen Systeme In lernfähigen Systemen Fähigkeit der Selbs-Verbesserung: „funktionierende Einheit effizienter zu machen” – kann ohen positive Rückkopplung nicht funktionieren In lenfähigen Systemen muss zwangsläufig positive Rückkopplung vorhanden sein Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Pozitive Rückkopplung  Instabilität Die lenfähigen Systeme sind – ohne Ausnahme – instabile Systeme Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

4. Wann ist ein System lerfähig? Wann ist ein System lernfähig? Wenn es sich zu ändernden Verhältnisse gut anpassen kann und in diesem Prozess auch nichtdeterministische Entscheidung gefällt wird Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Im jeden lernfähigen System findet man positive Rückkopplung, deswegen sind sie instabil. Lernen: Selbs-Verbesserung über nichtdeterministischen Entscheidungen Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

4. Zusammenfassung Eigenschaften der lernhähigen Systeme Lernfähige Systeme Diese Systeme besitzen mehrere Stabilitätspunkte im dem Phasenraum Durch das „Lernen” wird das System aus einem stabilen Punkt in einen anderen, eventuell stabilen Punkt geführt Das Lernen setzt voraus: Selbstkenntniss und ein Modell über die Umgebung Selbstkenntniss hier: womit und wie reagiert das System, welche Rückwirkung hat die Reaktion auf das System Fähigkeit der Selbstreperatur was nicht mehr funktioniert, wird reapriert um besser reagieren zu können: funktionierende Einheit effizienter zu machen Der Prozess des Lernens ist nichtdeterministisch und ist somit nicht reproduzierbar Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Mathematik 1 Nichlineare Gleichungen 2 Fraktale Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Mathematik Gefällt nicht jedem, aber notwendig: Mathematik der nicht linearen Gleichungen (Chaostheorie) Nichlineare Systeme: diese können mit linearen Gleichungen nicht beschrieben werden – Beispiel: turbulentes Verhalten der Gase Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Mathematik Herkömliche Sicht: lineare Gleichungen beschreiben das System – kontinuierliche Funktion, Derivat existiert Nichtlineare Systeme: diese können mit liearen Gleichungen nicht beschrieben werden Kann komplexes Systemverhalten nur mit Hilfe komplexer Funktionen beschieben werden? Nein: einfache deterministische Funktion Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Eine sehr geringfügige Änderung der Anfangsbedingungen kann eine große Menge verschiedene Antworten geben Das scheinbar chaotische Verhalten kann in bildhafte Strukturen geordnet werden, wobei sehr feine und schöne Bilder entstehen Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Matematika Rückkopplung und Iteration: einfache Iteration kann große Komplexität hervorrufen Beispiel: x  kx(1-x) , ahol 0 < x < 1 (Becker-Transformation) Es ist nicht möglich vorauszusagen, welchen Wert x nach bestimmten (genügend großer Anzahl von) Schritten annimmt Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Nich lineare Gleichungen: genaue Vorhersage des Verhaltens ist nicht möglich Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Matematika Edward N.Lorenz(1963): einfaches Gleichungssystem mit 3 Paramter für meteorologische Vorhersage Beobachtung: äußerst empfindlich gegenüber Änderungen der Anfangsparameter  Vorhersage ist unmöglich Schmetteling-Effekt: „Wenn ein Schmetterling heute über Brasilien einmal Flattert, kann sein, dass nach einem Monat ein Tornado über New York entsteht. Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. dx/dt = R(y-x) dy/dt = x(P-z) – y dz/dt = xy - Bz Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

5. Mathematik Beobachtung: die Unmöglichkeit der Vorhersage, im welchen Punkt des Phasenraumes sich der Zustand des Systems (Attracktors) in einem vorgegebenen Zeipunkt befindet Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Vorhersage unmöglich  chaotisches System  Chaostheorie Chaostheorie === Mathematik der nichlinearen Gleichungen Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

5. Mathematik - Fraktalgeometrie Benoit Mandelbrot: Untersuchung von selbstähnlichen Figuren (Wolke: Ähnlich bis zur 7 Größenordnung) Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Fraktale: sich selbst in in kleneren Form enthaltende Formen und Gestalten Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Fraktale - Beispiele Menger Teppich: Mitte des Quadrates – ein dritter von der Seite – wird ausgeschnitten Sierpinki Dreieck : Dreieck mit Loch in der Mitte Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Julia Mengen Gaston Julia (1918): Julia Menge Kc ist die Menge der komplexen Zahlen, bei denen die iterierte quadratische komplex Funktion Qc(z) = z2 + c beschränkt bleibt Kc := {c€C; lim |Qnc(z)| < 0-0} n0-0 Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Julia Menge Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Julia Menge Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Julia Menge Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Julia Menge Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

zersplitterte Bereiche, oder ein zusammenhändender Bereich 5. Fraktale Welche Unterschiede findet man zwischen den zwei letzten Bilder? zersplitterte Bereiche, oder ein zusammenhändender Bereich Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Julia Menge mit Anfangswert z=(0 + 0i) 5. Mandelbrot Menge Mandelbrot Menge: Menge der komplexen Zahlen, für welche mit dem Anfangswert z = (o + i0) die iterierte quadratische Abbildung Qc(z) = z2 + c beschränkt bleibt Kc := {c€C; lim |Qnc(0)| < 0-0} n0-0 Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Mandelbrot Menge: Julia Menge mit Anfangswert z=(0 + 0i) Julia Vermutung: diese Mengen bilden immer einen zusammenhängenden Bereich Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

5. Mandelbrot: Apfelmännchen Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

5. Apfelmännchen Abschnitt Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

5. Apfelmännchenabschnitt Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

5. Warum ist dieMandelbrot Menge interessant? Julia Menge können wir auch als ein Phasendiagramm betrachten Es sind nur die Julia Mengen interessant, wo die Elemente in einem zusammenhängenden Bereich liegen Solange wir einem System Zustände nur innerhalb dieses Bereiches erlauben, das System kann arbeitsfähig (beschränkt) bleiben Die Stabilität eines – wohl mit nicht linearer Gleichung beschiebenen – Systems ist stark von empfindlichen und genauen Anfangsbedingungen anhängig Bemerkung: hier ist keine Aussage über die Anzahl der Sammelpunkte – Lorenz Attraktor: 2 Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Am Rand der Mandelbrot Menge findet man Fraktale Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 5. Fraktálok - kép Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

6. Anschauungsprobleme Ein Teil der Entschedungen ist – im Prozess des Lernens – nicht deterministisch Beispiel: Flughafen, zwei Ausgänge Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Im Leben ist ein Teil der wirklichen Entscheidungen nicht vorbestimmt. Diese Tatsache trägt dazu bei, dass wir lernen (anpassen) können Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Das ist der Punkt, wo der technische Fachman kapituliert! 6. Anschauungsprobeme Ein Teil der Entscheidungen ist im Prozess des Lernens nicht deterministisch wenn die Entscheidung sich nicht in einem inneren oder äußeren Modell manifestiert der „Schöpfer” wird nie erfahren, wann und warum das System sich so entschieden hat  der vollständige Prozess des Lernens kann nicht deterministisch wiederholt werden Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Das ist der Punkt, wo der technische Fachman kapituliert! Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 7. Was ausgeblieben ist Was ist die Erscheinung oder der Prozess, was sich zu dem Lernprozess gehört, und noch nicht angeprochen wurde? Worauf trinkt man? Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 7. Was ausgeblieben ist Wahrnehmung Lehre Kneipe Diskussion keine Lehre Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Vergessen Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Es muss die Unterscheidung „wichtig/unwichtig” gertoffen sein 7. Was ausgeblieben ist - In einer neuen Umgebung ist ein Teil der Reaktionen einfach überflüssig - Was nicht gebraucht wird: das muss vergessen sein Das Vergessen kann – und ist auch oft – mit der Wille des Vergessens verbunden sein Es muss die Unterscheidung „wichtig/unwichtig” gertoffen sein Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

7. Was ausgeblieben ist Unwichtig – Vergessen - Wahrnehmung Das, was wir für wichtig halten, beeinflusst auch unsere Wahrnehmung. Dieser Einfluss ist sehr stark. Beispiel? Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Die Wahrnehmung wird von unserem Bewusstsein – auf Grund der Einordnung wichtig/unwichtig –wesentlich beeinflusst Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 8. Technische Systeme Reproduktion lernfähiger technischen Systeme (kopieren): - Reproduktion lernfähiger Systeme ist einfach - Reproduktion eines „schon gelernten Systems” ist nur dann eifach,wenn das System auch während der Arbeit von der Umgebung physikalisch gut abgrenzbar und abtrennbar ist Beispiel: gelehrte Nervensystem-Simulation (männlich-weiblich) Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved 8. Technische Systeme Selbstreproduktion technischer Systeme: - wird nicht behandelt Komputerviren: adaptierungsfähige „Werke” - Frage: wie prüfen sie, ob der Wirt-Kompuer (Wirtzelle) von diesem Virus befallen ist, oder nicht? Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

9. Zusammenfassung Lernfähige Systeme Umgebung Wahrnehmung Eingriff Vergessen Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation. wichtig Enscheidung d/n Änderung Irrtum Gedächtnis negative und positive Rückkopplungen, instabile Teile Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Architekturfragen der IT Systeme Jetzt wird es technisch. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Beispiel (IT Architektur) Haben Sie noch nicht genug? Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Wo wir noch lernen können (was machen wir falsch?) Das gemeinsamme Wissen ist auch ein gemeinsammer Schatz. Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

Was ist Ihre Vorstellung über das Lernen? Danke Ihre Geduld und Aufmeksamkeit! Copyright (c) 2010 Varga György All rights reserved

E N D E Sans Serif fonts are the easiest to read especially from a distance and for titles and headings. Make sure your text can be read from a distance Long titles can confuse. Try to avoid them. These sizes are easy on the eye. Common practice punctuation can be confusing and distracting on screen. Remember, you are not writing a book. DON’T use too many styles for the same reason as not using too many animations. Only use jargon etc when you know your audience will understand without explanation.