Welche Filme magst du? Mittwoch, den 3. Juni WALT: learn the names of different types of tv programmes. WILF: to be able to have a discussion about which.


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 Präsentation transkript:

Welche Filme magst du? Mittwoch, den 3. Juni WALT: learn the names of different types of tv programmes. WILF: to be able to have a discussion about which tv programmes that you like with reasons why.

a detective series a film a cartoon a sports programme a game show the news the weather forecast a soap opera a documentary a variety programme der Krimi der Film der Trickfilm die Sportsendung die Spielshow die Nachrichten die Wettervorhersage die Seifenoper die Dokumentation das Unterhaltungsprogramm How will you remember these words:

der Krimi der Film der Trickfilm die Sportsendung die Spielshow die Nachrichten die Wettervorhersage die Seifenoper die Dokumentation das Unterhaltungsprogramm a soap opera a documentary a film the news a sports programme a variety programme the weather forecast a game show a cartoon a detective series Match up the films

Now it‘s up to you. Klassen Umfrage : Magst du gern der..... ? Use the questionnaire sheet and find three more people who like the different tv programmes.

Ich mag gern der Krimi. What I like and don‘t like? Ich mag nicht gern der Krimi. Ich mag gern der Trickfilm. Ich mag nicht gern der Trickfilm. I like the cartoon. I don‘t like the cartoon. I like the detective series. I don‘t like the detective series.

Ich mag gern der Trickfilm, weil es... lustigfunny spannendthrilling interessant interesting langweilig boring blöd stupidsuper... ist. nicht How do you say: I don‘t like the cartoon, because it is stupid.

Homework for Friday is to complete the worksheet on tv programmes.

Was magst du gern ? Plenary: