Was hast du gemacht? What did you do?


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Das Perfekt (Present Perfect Tense). Think of 5 things you did in your holidays but think of sentences in the PRESENT TENSE. 1.Am Montag schlafe ich viel.
You use the Perfect Tense to talk about things that happened in the PAST.
Lesson 1 – the Past Tense (das Perfekt)
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Was machst du in der Freizeit? Hast du Hobbies? Unless otherwise noted, pictures in this presentation are from openclipart.org, CCO Public Domain Dedication.
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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Das Perfekt – past tense In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to say what you have done at a certain time in the past.
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Konjugier,,sein”! ichwir du ihr er, sie,essie, Sie.
Das Perfekt Conversational Past Tense Present Perfect Tense Weak Verbs 1. Conjugated form of haben 2. Past participle (z.B. gehört)
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Deutsch 3 Frau Snell.
The perfect tense Vital for a good grade!!. There are 2 parts to the perfect tense 1)The correct part of haben (or sein) 2) + the past participle.
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To form the present perfect tense in German you need an auxilliary verb HABEN or SEIN as a rule HABEN is used. SEIN is used with intransitive verbs indicating.
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The „Perfekt“ tense The German „Perfekt“ tense is a past tense that is similar to the English present perfect. For weak German verbs the rule for forming.
© 2015 AQA. Created by Teachit for AQA In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to talk about what you have done in the past. In German it is.
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Conversation Past Wie sagt man das?. war sein 1. Ich ______ klein. war.
Use the imperfect tense in German when you want to say… I did something Ich machte etwas.
Gekauft kaufen. machen gemacht kochen gekocht arbeiten gearbeitet.
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Die Vergangenheit Das Perfekt unregelmäßige Verben.
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Das Perfekt In German you use the perfect tense (das Perfekt) to say what you have done at a certain time in the past.
ich stem +e du stem +st er/es/sie stem +t wir stem +en ihr stem +t
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The perfect tense (haben)
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The Perfect Tense in German
Im Tierpark Photo from Agadez, GNU Free Documentation License, Creative Commons.
Wohin bist du gegangen? Where did you go?
Andere Tiere.
The Perfect Tense with ‘sein’
Was hast du gemacht? What did you do?
Ich spiele .... Basketball Baseball Golf Racketball Volleyball Tennis
Conjugation of Regular Verbs in the Present Tense
The Conversational Past
The Conversational Past
The Perfect Tense with ‘haben’
The pluperfect tense in German
Einheit 3 – Wir haben frei
The Perfect Tense.
 Präsentation transkript:

Was hast du gemacht? What did you do? Expressing things in the past tense. Unless otherwise noted, pictures in this presentation are from openclipart.org, CCO Public Domain Dedication.

In this lesson, we will learn how to: Form perfect participles Combine them with the verb haben to make coherent past tense sentences. Express things in the conversational past tense Then you will do an online practice quiz.

Also, fangen wir an! (Let’s get started!)

One of the ways to express past tense in German is with the "conversational past tense". Conversational past tense for regular verbs is formed in the following way:   First you take the stem of the infinitive: spielen spiel Next you add a ge- prefix and a -t suffix: gespielt Gespielt is called the perfect participle. It is a past tense form of spielen.

Let’s practice forming some perfect participles, or past tense forms of german verbs. I’ll give you the verb in present tense, you tell me what it is in past tense. (The perfect participle) sagen kochen bauen tanzen segeln basteln gesagt gekocht gebaut getanzt gesegelt gebastelt

Let’s practice forming some perfect participles, or past tense forms of German verbs. I’ll give you the verb in present tense, you tell me what it is in past tense (the perfect participle). kaufen   spielen machen fragen haben sammeln gekauft gespielt gemacht gefragt gehabt gesammelt

Now you are ready to put it into a sentence Now you are ready to put it into a sentence! To do this, combine the past participle with the present form of haben that matches the subject. The perfect participle , or gekauft, is “kicked" to the end of the sentence. Here are some examples: Ich kaufe ein Auto. (right now)   14. Er hat einen Hund. 15. Ich spiele Baseball. 16. Ich mache nichts. 17. Was sagen Sie? Ich habe ein Auto gekauft. Er hat einen Hund gehabt. Ich habe Baseball gespielt. Ich habe nichts gemacht. Was haben Sie gesagt?

On the following slides, express the sentence in the past tense. The first one is done for you.

18. Er spielt Basketball. Er hat Basketball gespielt.

19. Er spielt Baseball. Er hat Baseball gespielt.

20. Sie macht Tiere aus Knete. Image: © Nevit Dilmen found at Wikimedia commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Play_dough_04799.jpg, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Sie hat Tiere aus Knete gemacht.

21. Sie hat einen Goldfisch. Photo from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Shubunkin_Goldfish.JPG, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported Sie hat einen Goldfisch gehabt.

22. Spielst du die Gitarre? Hast du die Gitarre gespielt?

23. Wir kaufen ein neues Auto. Photo from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Best_New_car.jpg, Public Domain. Wir haben ein neues Auto gekauft.

Sie haben Bilder gemalt. 24. Sie malen Bilder. Image from National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under the ARC Identifier (National Archives Identifier) 281621., Public Domain. Sie haben Bilder gemalt.

Das war sehr gut. Das ist’s für jetzt! Bis nächstes Mal. Tschüs!