Schnappt sie euch! Get her!.


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Die deutsche Satzstellung

Any guesses what these mean?
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Ziel: To learn how to form the future tense in German.
The Future Tense German 1.
Future Tense Future Tense. Future Tense In expressing events that will take place any time after the present, you may use the future tense. In expressing.
Haben – to have ich habe du hast er/sie hat es hat man hat wir haben
The Simple Past Tense.
The German Future Tense
die Zeiten (The Tenses) das Aktiv (Active Voice)
Do as I say – Part Two Imperatives with Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face (who is not so mildly angry anymore)
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Ich mache das gern! Deutsch Eins.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Do as I say – Part One Must + Have to with the Angry Family.
Imperfekt (Simple Past) Irregular or strong verbs
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Quick Review! Pronouns Ich = I Du = you Er = he Sie = she Es = it
The most obvious or direct use of auch is to mean also. Ich möchte auch Gitarre lernen. Auch ich möchte Gitarre lernen. I would like to learn Guitar. Someone.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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Der formelle Imperativ – the Imperative
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Weak pushover verbs..... lieben kaufen spielen suchen....are verbs that do exactly as they are told. They stick to a regular pattern that does not change!
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Schreiben Sie fünf Sätze aus diesen Elementen. [Beispiel
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
Imperfekt (Simple Past) Irregular or strong verbs
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Guten Morgen, Deutsch 1! Heute ist der 30. September. Jetzt: Mach das Kreuzwort! Nimm die Hausaufgaben heraus. Nimm die Hausaufgaben heraus. Später: Lernen.
VERBEN KONJUGIEREN. What is a verb? An ________ _______, mental __________ or ________.  Examples of verbs:  __________________________ actionword state.
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The FUTURE to boldly go where no man has boldly gone before!
...und zwölf. ...and twelve..
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you: ihr ( familiar plural ) you: du ( familiar singular)
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Was hast du gemacht? What did you do?
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School supplies.
 Präsentation transkript:

Schnappt sie euch! Get her!

Vocab Mental Crown Moon Cake Gold Homework Toilet paper Supermarket Water pistol übergeschnappt die Krone der Mond der Kuchen das Gold die Hausaufgaben das Toilettenpapier der Supermarkt die Wasserpistole

The imperative The imperative is an order, for example ‘do this’, or ‘don’t do that’. In German it works like this: The du-imperative for most verbs is simply the verb stem without an ending:

The du-imperative Wake up and wash the dishes! Wach auf und spül das Geschirr! Stop playing guitar! Hör auf Gitarre zu spielen! Play football outside! Spiel draußen Fußball!

The ihr-imperative The ihr-imperative is identical to the present-tense ihr-form but without the pronoun: Buy me a crown! Kauft mir eine Krone! Help me with my homework! Helft mir bei meinen Hausaufgaben!

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