Higher Education in Russia under Transition: a Part of Europe or apart from Europe? Prof. Dr. Pevzner Mikhail Dr. Kaminskaja Elvira Dr. Shirin Alexander.


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 Präsentation transkript:

Higher Education in Russia under Transition: a Part of Europe or apart from Europe? Prof. Dr. Pevzner Mikhail Dr. Kaminskaja Elvira Dr. Shirin Alexander

Priorities in higher education To raise the quality of higher education To develop the system of Life Long Learning To make the sphere of education more attractive for investments

Higher education in Russia under transition: tendencies and trends Development of new relationship between the state and institutions of higher education Transition to the market and second academic revolution: integration of teaching, research, and commercial activity Contradictions between universities autonomy and state control Growing competition between universities in the sphere of admissions, education quality, financial and human resources Continuing argument between Euroskeptics and Eurointegrators

Arguments against European integration Russian system of higher education was internationally recognized as one of the best models, and there is no need for radical changes Bologna process is connected with the threat of globalization, loss of national identity together with historical roots and original cultural values European integration will speed up the process of brain drain Russias membership in World Trade Organization would open doors to foreign service providers who may push Russian universities out of educational market Russian employers are not ready to deal with those graduates who have Bachelor Degree Bologna process can undermine the traditional system of post-graduate degrees in Russia where we have Candidate and Doctor Degrees

Levels of internationalization in higher education 1. 1.International contacts in the sphere of culture and education 2. 2.Cooperation in research and education 3. 3.International strategic partnerships

Level 1: International contacts in the sphere of culture and education Faculty, student and post-graduate student exchange programs Inviting visiting scholars from abroad Organizing international conferences, workshops and master-classes

Level 2: Cooperation in research and education development of cross-cultural educational programs implementation of new educational technologies recruiting and training international students organization of practical training abroad the system of bilingual education the use of international quality assurance systems

Level 3: international strategic partnerships Institutions situated in two or more different countries which are linked by: Long-term cooperation agreements Joint projects in research and education Partial integration in facilities, human and information recourses that helps the fulfillment of strategic objectives.

Staatliche Universität Nowgorod Stiftung Universität Hildesheim Kooperationsvertrag seit März 2004 Vertrag über die Vergabe eines Doppeldiploms im Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang Erziehungswissenschaft seit September 2004

Vergleich der Module in den Partneruniversitäten Module an der Uni Hildesheim Module an der Uni Nowgorod Einführung in die Allgemeine Pädagogik Einführung in die pädagogische Tätigkeit Angewandte Pädagogik Einführung in die Allgemeine Didaktik Allgemeine Pädagogik Grundlagen der Soziologie und Sozialstrukturanalyse Soziologie Allgemeine Pädagogik IErziehungswissenschaft Organisationspädagogik Forschungsmethoden Pädagogisch-psychologische Forschungsmethoden Grundlagen der PsychologieAllgemeine Psychologie Allgemeine Pädagogik II Geschichte der Pädagogik Ethnopädagogik Pädagogische Handlungskompetenz Sozialpädagogik Familiäre Sozialisation

6 Einf ü hrung in die Sonderp ä dagogik 6 Entwicklungs- psychologie 2 Sozialp ä dagogik 6Sozialpsychologie 6 P ä dagogische Psychologie Cre-ditsModule Ergänzungselement für deutsche Studierende Allgemeine- und Fachsprache Russisch Nebenfach 54 Credit In Nowgorod 10 Kultureller und gesellschaftl. Kontext 8 Statistik und empirische Forschungsmethoden 6 Rechtliche Bedingungen Cre- dits Module Ergänzungselement für russische Studierende Allgemeine- und Fachsprache Deutsch Studium Generale 56 Credit In Hildesheim Gemeinsames Curriculum in Erziehungswissenschaft 20Bachelor-Abschlussarbeit 10Praktikum 6 Pädagogische Handlungskompetenz 10 Allgemeine Pädagogik II 6 Grundlagen der Psychologie 12Forschungsmethoden 6Organisationspädagogik 6 Allgemeine Pädagogik I 6 Grundlagen der Soziologie 8 Allgemeine Didaktik 10 Einführung in die Allgemeine Pädagogik Cre- dits Module Kernelement (in Nowgorod und in Hildesheim) Insgesamt 180 Credits Insgesamt 180 Credits

Precondition for establishing of Scandinavian and Baltic Center Historical heritage and cultural traditions of Novgorod the Great The real cooperation of many subdivisions of the Novgorod State university with many Scandinavian universities in such direction as economics, archeology, ecological protection, culture, technological education and etc. The dessimination of the significant results of the project work between the Novgorod State University Interest of many Baltic and Scandinavian universities to cooperate in the frames of the Center

Center for cooperation with Scandinavian and Baltic countries

Field of interests Northern countries – Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland Baltic countries – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Russian regions – Archangelsk, Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov regions and the republic of Karelia

Cooperation in the sphere of education Introduction of NORMAN school experience in NovSU educational process Joint bachelor-degree programs (economics, management, pedagogics, psychology, etc.), including the conferment of joint degree or double degree to the graduates International master degree programs (Master of Business Administra- tion – MBA, finance – Master in Finance, management in education) International educational programs of training and retraining of administrative personnel Distance Learning in NovSUDistance Learning in NovSU Library of research and educational literature, including on-line libraryLibrary of research and educational literature, including on-line library Joint programs of Life Long LearningJoint programs of Life Long Learning Development of criterion and conditions of mutual recognition of diplomas and courses in the course of Bologna processDevelopment of criterion and conditions of mutual recognition of diplomas and courses in the course of Bologna process Assistance in NovSU students and teachers mobilityAssistance in NovSU students and teachers mobility Joint programs for education quality systemsJoint programs for education quality systems

Scientific research Joint research projects in strategically significant directions: bioenergetics, environmental protection, sustainable development of the region, public health, social well-being, environmental policy and use of resources, environmental education and upbringing, archeology, history, culture studies, pedagogics and education, psychology, sociology Joint conferences (including video-), symposiums, exhibitions Joint academic publications Scholarship programs, exchange programs for students, researchers, post-graduate students, teachers and persons working for doctors degree

Infotainment Business contacts and information exchange with international organizations and associations, international institutions, businesses Information about the countries, which are in the sphere of Centers interests, international educational, technical and innovation programs and projects Interaction with international and Russian funds and organizations that provide sponsorship for international cooperation in the sphere of education, science and technology, including exchange programs

Culture exchange and teaching of foreign languages Support of exchanges in the sphere of culture between countries which are in the sphere of the Centers interests Exhibitions, festivals, fairs, recitals and readings, contests, that reflect cultural peculiarities of the countries Support for Scandinavian and Baltic countries language teaching (basic and additional specialties, courses of choice) Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian language courses as a part of additional education Summer Language Schools in the universities-partners of Northern European countries and in NovSU Programs like Foreigners in Norway providing intensive language courses

Other activities of the Center Support in carrying out specialized research work in the region for enterprises and universities on the basis of individual agreements Creation of data-base that would include information about business structures, investment projects, support in the search for business partners, creation and assessment of the projects Other activities that are not forbidden by the legislation of Russian Federation, including licensed activities

Subdivisions of NovSU cooperating with Baltic and Scandinavian country NORMAN business school Interdisciplinary workgroup in Economics and Management Department of Northern languages Nordistics laboratory Project group Training technology teachers for general and vocational education Laboratory for comparative research in education Research group in environmental protection

Thank you for your attention!