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Eins zu Eins Jens Sparschuh Function of Maps. The Power of Maps Denis Wood They make present - they represent - the accumulated thought and labor of the.

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Präsentation zum Thema: "Eins zu Eins Jens Sparschuh Function of Maps. The Power of Maps Denis Wood They make present - they represent - the accumulated thought and labor of the."—  Präsentation transkript:

1 Eins zu Eins Jens Sparschuh Function of Maps

2 The Power of Maps Denis Wood They make present - they represent - the accumulated thought and labor of the past... about the milieu we simultaneously live in and collaborate on bringing being. Maps enable the past to become part of our living...now...here. The maps effectiveness is a consequence of the selectivity with which it brings this past to bear on the present. This selectivity, this focus, this particular attention, this...interest...is what frees the map to be a representation of the past. The map doesnt let us see anything, but it does let us know what others have seen or found out or discovered...

3 1. Grubers search for his cartographer colleague Wenzel [...]ich[...]sah über sie hinweg. Mein Blick lag auf den grauen Feldern, Wäldern und Sümpfen der Mark Brandenburg, die sich hinter ihrem Rücken auf der großen Oesfeld- Wandkarte von 1778 breitmachten. p.12. Wenzel was a kind of Hobbyexperte für die Geschichte der Mark Brandenburg. p.22. Once Gruber realises that Wenzel is following a planned route, he goes on the search for the ruins of the Wendish pagan temple of Rethra (destroyed in 1068-69) in the hope to find him. Whilst trying to find where Wenzel has disappeared to, Gruber uses the sheet Wohin des Wegs as a kind of map. Es ist ein Kreuz! Die Kirchen - ohne es zu wissen - sind der Schlüssel! p.74. Each of Wenzels Landkarten are annotated and surveyed. Gruber attempts to define the letters which Wenzel has allocated to certain destinations and noted on his maps, Alle Wege führen nach R. p.324, which is evidently to the temple of Rethra.

4 2. The Transformation of East German identity since reunification p.317, Westberlin war ein weißer Fleck auf der Karte, eine terra incognita - unknown land to them. p.318: Damals, als es noch diese verbotene Stadt in Berlin gab, die eingemauerte, nicht zu betretende Stadt in der Stadt, schien mir Berlin größer zu sein. Es gab noch etwas, das man nie im Leben erreichen konnte. Wie das Unendliche. Little changes, Früher, im Osten, haben die mich Chef genannt. Jetzt, im Westen war ich plötzlich der Brigadier geworden. On p.365, Gruber arrives at a Küchenstudio, where a man is exploiting the areas Wendish history in order to sell his food. The man is wearing a Mickey mouse tie, which is a well-known mascot of Capitalism. Gruber gets angry, Der ist ja pervers, dachte ich, fehlt bloß noch ein Schürzchen an diesem Hampelmann. p.366

5 3. Grubers attempt to unearth the hidden cultural heritage of the Wenden (archaeological search) Die Wenden were an ancient Slavic people who lived over a thousand years ago and were inhabitants of Mark Brandenburg, but unusually they disappeared, not leaving much of a trace behind. Their disappearance can be likened to that of Wenzels. The motivation for Grubers journey gradually changes as he becomes more interested in the prospect of uncovering the history of the Wenden. Er hatte da eine Geschichte ausgegraben, die genau das hatte, was andersWandern und leider auch allen meinen bisherigen Konzeptionen völlig fehlte: ein Hinterland, das noch kaum erforscht war und das jede Menge Geheimnisse barg. p.52. Bei meiner Durchsicht hatte ich bemerkt, daß überall in Wenzels Papieren, wo won Rethra die Rede war, die jeweiligen Seiten mit Lesezeichen oder farbigen Büroklammern versehen waren - und das Wort selbst hatte er an allen Stellen, wo es auftauchte, dick mit Bleistift eingekreist., p.100. It was destroyed, and then rebuilt, then in 1150 it was destroyed again by Heinrich dem Löwen. Since then it has been regarded as disappeared. There are supposedly 30 different places where Rethra could be situated, according to Wenzels documents. ein Volk, das beinahe spurlos im Frühnebel der Geschichte verschwunden ist.. p.101. They had fourteen Gods. They were mostly fishermen and hunters. They hunted the land between the Elbe and Oder because it bestand ja hauptsächlich aus Flüssen, Seen und Wäldern. p.55.

6 1:1 Mapping 1 st hand: full scale 1Km=1Km Notion was criticised as Romantic Uses of maps are not undermined – Gruber uses real maps to travel Refers to oneself, building experiences with the aid of maps Die einzig wahre Karte, die Krönung aller Kartenwerke, das Hauptwerk überhaupt - das wäre mein Weltplan im Maßstab 1:1! Alles andere ist Stümperei.p.408 Does not mean that there is a need for one defining map as they are all different and give different cultural backgrounds e.g: Eine Straße in den Wald sah ich nicht, natürlich nicht. Sie hätte, falls es sie gegeben hätte, bei diesem Maßstab ja auch eingezeichnet sein müssen. Wahrscheinlich hatte ich mir das nur eingebildet. p.181 Various encounters and different references which are not restricted to one definition help build a cultural picture. Mind Mapping Mosaic- Effect

7 Enzensberger The authenticity of nature promises an individualistic experience, just as andersWandern attempts to offer unique, alternative hiking tours to its customers. This is an example of the paradoxical promise made by the tourist industry that it can organise an authentic experience for us. The question arises as to whether it is possible to make an authentic experience or not. Essentially marketing authentic experiences for economic gain Throughout the novel, competing ideas of tourism are evident. andersWandern, the post-Wende Verlag which produces maps, has ultimately transformed into a tourist outfit. The transformation began after Germanys reunification. The companys initial interests are economic and cultural. The agency itself was founded in 1990 by a West German businessman, who took over a DDR map-publishing enterprise which dated back to 1953.

8 Kehlmann In this narrative, the dislocation is caused by the shift from the DDR to the reunification of Germany, in comparison to Die Vermessung der Welt (Kehlmann) whose narrative-dislocation is caused by the integration of both fact and fiction within the narrative. In a similar manner, there are numerous inter-textual conversations within Eins zu Eins, with archaeologists and with Fontane (figuratively), which can be likened to the inclusion of historical figures within Die Vermessung der Welt as Kehlmann draws on elements of their biographies. In both novels there is an attempt by the protagonist to discover new people and lands. Humboldt focuses on categorisation and Grubers concern is less scientific

9 Conclusion Wenn ich etwas bei andersWandern gelernt habe: man kann nie genug Karten von einer Gegend haben, jede ist anders, immer wird man etwas Neues entdecken. - every map is different, even if it is of the same place. Keine Karte stimmt oder ist wahr. p.183.

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