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COMENIUS MÖNCHENGLADBACH Wenn Jung und Alt sich neu begegnen.

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Präsentation zum Thema: "COMENIUS MÖNCHENGLADBACH Wenn Jung und Alt sich neu begegnen."—  Präsentation transkript:

1 COMENIUS MÖNCHENGLADBACH Wenn Jung und Alt sich neu begegnen

2 In our European society, everybody wants to stay young forever while the population is getting older every minute, which is a big contradiction.



5 WIE HOCH IST DER ANTEIL DER RENTNER/PENSIONÄRE AN DER GESAMTBEVÖLKERUNG? What is the percentage of pensioners in the total population? 1829 1725 22


7 DER RUHESTAND IM LÄNDERVERGLEICH 1. How is the age structure in our countries? Life expectancy is rising in every country  a lot of old people  a lot of money is needed to finance their pensions, their lives Rising life expectancy is positive for the pensioneers Negative for the finances While there are more and more older people and the number of births isn´t rising much, it becomes difficult to finance so many pensioneers. 2. Solutions for that problems : Less money for older people More taxes for working people work longer More births More immigration (of young people) Stop spending money on „unsual“ things ⇒ save money


9 WIE HOCH WAR DIE LEBENSERWARTUNG IN EUREM LAND BEI DER GEBURT DER JAHRGÄNGE: 1950, 1980 UND 2010, 2050? What was the life expectancy in your country in the years 1950, 1980 and 2010?

10 WIE WIRD DER RUHESTAND IN UNSEREN LÄNDERN FINANZIERT? How are pensions financed in our countries?

11 WIE IST DIE RENTE FINANZIERT (GESETZLICH? PRIVAT?) UND NACH WELCHEM SYSTEM ERFOLGEN EIN- UND AUSZAHLUNGEN? What are pension funds (Public? Private?) How do deposits and withdrawals happen? Pensions are funded according to the three-pillar strategy: compulsory public pension, pension provided by the company, private pension: We pay money to the state a month which the elder people get When we are old the young people pay our pension (Generation-Contract, pay-as-you-go system) In all the different countries the pensions are paid by the state. But also people have the possibility to have their own private pension contract. There is also the possibility to get a pension from your company.

12 AB WELCHEM LEBENSJAHR KANN MAN DIE RENTE/PENSION BEZIEHEN? At what age is a person eligible to receive a pension? NLBLDCZ 65 -age to receive pension rises every year 65 65 65-67 -people born in 1964 get pension at 67 Men: 62-63 Women: 59-61 -depends on how many children the women get -age to receive pension rises for people born 1977/+

13 WIE WIRD DER RUHESTAND IN UNSEREN LÄNDERN FINANZIERT? 1 Monatliche Durchschnittsrente in Euro Countries BNLLDCZ Single persons 138010341348984406 Married couples 1591147820221818812 Germany = 40-50% Conclusion: In Belgium, people are obtaining the highest percentage of their income (75%) when they are retired and in Germany the lowest (40- 50%)

14 2 Company pension The second possibility to save costs is the possibility that your work gives you a little extra for later when you´re retired. It exists in all our countries but it depends on the company where you work. 3 Private pension Private pensions are very common in Europe but there is also a difference. Belgium and Germany are the same and have an extra private income of 5% and 20%. In the Czech Republic this solution is just introduced. In Luxembourg it´s totally absent. And in the Netherlands it is an important part of the income.

15 Too many pensioners in comparison to active people Young people have to pay their pension Less progeny  Birthrate (2011)D:1,36 B:1,84 N:1,76 L:1,52 CZ:1,43 Today over three people pay for one pensioner 2060 probably 1,3 people pay for one pensioner  That affects the collapse of the public pension People have to pay more for private foundation and more for pension tax  Less money for taxpayers to have enough when they get old Problems of pension-financing

16 First solution: Taxpayer have to work longer o Rise of the retirement age o People really work until the retirement age  Stay fit/ keep being informed o Earlier enter in occupation  Less being at school Second solution: More worker affect more taxpayer o More incentives for working  Higher wages  Better working conditions o More incentives to get children  Longer, earlier, more care institutions  More money for parents o Young migrant workers which pay tax Solutions for financing problems

17 WIE HOCH IST DEMGEGENÜBER DER ANTEIL DER BEVÖLKERUNG IM ARBEITSFÄHIGEN ALTER? By contrast, what is the percentage of the population of working age? Arbeitet / working Belgium60,40% Netherlands63,93% Germany72,8% Czech Republic67,8% Luxembourg69%


19 WIE HOCH IST DER ANTEIL AN SOZIALFÄLLEN BEI RENTENEMPFÄNGERN UND WIE GEHT MAN IN EUREM LAND MIT SOLCHEN FÄLLEN UM? How many social cases are there with social pensioners? How do they deal with such cases in your country? Social cases of pensioners have a share of about 7% They can be applied for emergency assistance They can be applied for a housing, living allowance (when they have a low income) Allowances for disabled: - Mobility allowance - Allowance for special aid - Card for a person with disabilities

20 IN WELCHEM MAßE NEHMEN RENTNER/PENSIONÄRE IN EUREM LAND AM SOZIALEN LEBEN TEIL? WOHNSITUATION: How much do the pensioners take part in the social life in your country? Living situation:

21 WIE VIELE RENTNER LEBEN IN DER EIGENEN WOHNUNG/ IM SENIORENHEIM/ IN DER FAMILIE How many pensioners live in their own homes/retirement home/with their family?

22 WIE VIELE RENTNER LEBEN IN DEN STÄDTEN/AUF DEM LAND? LEBEN SIE DORT UNTERSCHIEDLICH? How many pensioners live in cities/on the countryside? Do they live here in a different way? The Netherlands & Belgium: there are more pensioners living on the countryside. Luxembourg : ? Czech Republic : 700 050 lives on the countryside, 2 200 000 lives in the city  More pensioners living in the city. Germany : In the city: 16 200 000 and 3 800 000 on the countryside.  More pensioners living in the city.

23 WIE TEUER IST EIN PLATZ IM SENIORENHEIM? (WOHNUNG/ZIMMER) How much does a place in a retirement home cost? (Service flat/room)

24 WIE HOCH SIND DIE LEBENSHALTUNGSKOSTEN FÜR RENTNER IN DER STADT/AUF DEM LAND? MOBILITÄTS- UND FREIZEITANGEBOTE FÜR „FITTE“ RENTNER How high is the cost of living for pensioners in the city/on the countryside? Belgium & Czech Republic : The pensioners who live on the countryside pay less than the pensioners living in the city Germany : on the countryside 468 euros, in the city 550 euros (for 1 month) Luxembourg & The Netherlands: ?

25 MOBILITÄTS- UND FREIZEITANGEBOTE FÜR „FITTE“ RENTNER Mobility and leisure for "fit" pensioners

26 GIBT ES BESONDERE ANGEBOTE (FREIZEITGESTALTUNG?, KULTUR?, MOBILITÄT?) FÜR RENTNER/PENSIONÄRE? Are there any special offers for pensioners? (leisure activities, cultural activities, transport) Senior clubsActivitiesSenior cards Public transportation Germanyx xx The Netherlands x x Luxembourgxx x Czech Republic x xx Belgiumxx x

27 GIBT ES BESONDERE MEHRGENERATIONEN-ANGEBOTE, D.H.: WO WERDEN JUNGE UND ALTE MENSCHEN ZUSAMMENGEBRACHT? Are there places where people of different ages/generations meet/do activities together? Belgium : youngsters and the elderly can come together in the Triamant college. They can choose where they stay in the college for a short or long period. The elderly can help and guide the youngsters in a combined project. The Netherlands : They are projects where children go to the retirement homes. Czech Repulic : Volunteers in retirement houses, religion, children from primary school visit the retirement houses. Luxembourg : the initiative Babuschka, where youngsters and pensioners live together. Germany : more generation houses

28 GIBT ES ORTE/EINRICHTUNGEN, AN/IN DENEN ÄLTERE MENSCHEN IHRE ERFAHRUNG UND IHR WISSEN AN JÜNGERE MENSCHEN WEITERGEBEN? 1/2 Are there places, where old people can share their life experiences with younger people? Belgium: Guiding in museums Sharing their life experiences (war, studies …), elderly are coming to schools The Netherlands: Sharing their life experiences, elderly are coming to schools Czech Republic: Young people sing for elderly Sharing their life experiences, elderly are coming to schools Arts together

29 GIBT ES ORTE/EINRICHTUNGEN, AN/IN DENEN ÄLTERE MENSCHEN IHRE ERFAHRUNG UND IHR WISSEN AN JÜNGERE MENSCHEN WEITERGEBEN? 2/2 Are there places, where old people can share their life experiences with younger people? Luxembourg: Sharing their life experiences, elderly are coming to schools Helping with school Germany: Sharing their life experiences, elderly are coming to schools Helping with work in and around the house

30 Our experiences with seniors

31 ARBEITSANGEBOTE FÜR „FITTE RENTNER“ Job opportunities for pensioners

32 GIBT ES BEI EUCH ARBEITSMÖGLICHKEITEN FÜR „FITTE RENTNER“? Are there job opportunities for pensioners? Belgium : As a pensioner you can do any profession: The activity should be reported in advance or within 30 days. The income form the activity cannot exceed a certain limit. The Netherlands : they can volunteer, special agency for retired people that still want to work Czech Republic : there are job opportunities for active pensioners. 9% of the total number of pensioners works. They want to work and earn extra money for their monthly pension. Luxembourg : ? Germany : they can work in garden they can clean they can work in a library

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