Z Corp Customer Examples

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1 Z Corp Customer Examples
Design Study and Iteration Customer Communication Presentation Models The principal uses for 3D printed architecture models are design study, customer communication and creation of elements for presentation models. Pictured here is a model of a large sports stadium bowl developed by a leading architecture firm in the US Large sports stadium bowl developed by a leading architecture firm in the U.S.

2 Design Study and Iteration
Massing Models for concept development 3D Print directly from CAD data Accurate, repeatable models Inexpensive (>$1/in3) and fast This is an early form study, or massing model of a stadium. 3D printing quickly produces accurate, repeatable models directly from CAD data. Design iterations in early study can be performed quickly and inexpensively. This design can be printed in a few hours for a material cost of less than $1 per cubic inch. Early form study, or massing model of a stadium

3 Design Study and Iteration
Design Study of Critical Elements Communicate high definition detail and surface finish In early design exploration, many architects will use the printer to study a particular design element, rather than the complete finished design. In this case, the bowl of the stadium and the points of entry to the stadium are critical design elements. Study of stadium bowl and points of entry to a stadium

4 Customer Communication
Rapid production of communication models for clients in design review process Easily create ‘inset’ detail models Cross section of a public stadium being proposed for construction in Rio De Janeiro The parts have impact with customers. Often these parts are used to get customer buy-in on key design elements. Pictured above you see a cross section of a part of a public stadium being proposed for construction in Rio De Janeiro.

5 High Quality, Finished Presentation models
3D Printing enables rapid manufacturing of high quality, detailed, presentation models Full color models add extra dimension in communication power and customer impact Can be combined with other elements to achive desired effect Easily, quickly and inexpensively make duplicates Full color parts also add an extra dimension in communication, and can be integrated with other elements to make a presentation model. The model pictured below is a proposed concept for an apartment group in Italy. Proposed concept for an apartment group in Italy

6 Case Study: Morphosis Differentiator to gain business
Communicate complex design ideas Ensure that the best possible design is pursued Now we will take a closer look at how one design leader has implemented the use of Z Corp’s 3D printing. Morphosis is an award winning architecture firm based in Santa Monica California and led by Thom Mayne of the UCLA architecture faculty. Their work can be viewed at a range of international competitions and at morphosis.net Pictured here are two presentation models 3D printed by Morphosis for client communication. In this and other projects, the clients are drawn into the design process and invited to give feedback on key design elements. This has served as a differentiator to gain business a communication tool to ensure that the best possible design is pursued.

7 Case Study: Morphosis Rapid production of 26 models for customer communication and design competition Unique “book” that includes both description, 2D drawings and 3D printed models. Here the Morphosis team has created a unique “book” that includes both description, 2D drawings and 3D printed parts. These were created for a competition, and 26 separate volumes were built.

8 Summary of Advantages Proven, Cost effective, Fast
Communicate fluidly with clients with quick, inexpensive models Create complex geometry quickly at low cost to incorporate into presentation models Perform design study on critical elements with quick, inexpensive, reproducible models The advantages delivered by 3D printing in architecture include: Using quick, inexpensive models makes it possible to use 3D models frequently in customer communication and get better feedback These models can quickly create base geometry that can be further enhanced by a skilled model maker and used as a final presentation model The models are true to the digital data and reproducible. If a series of iterations are considered, each iteration is correct and not subject to differences in model making technique.

9 Zusammenfassung ZPrinter
Bezahlbar im Einkauf 3-10mal günstiger im Betrieb als andere RP-Verfahren Vielfach schneller Vielfältig durch verschiedene Materialkombinationen Präzise, detailgenaue Modelle, alle Geometrien möglich Einziges Vollfarbe-Prototyping am Markt Benutzerfreundlich und sicher für den Einsatz im Büro, Labor oder Klassenzimmer Mehr Info auf

10 Weitere Informationen
Z Corporation USA (Hauptsitz des Unternehmens) Z Corporation Europa (Großbritannien) There are a number of ways to contact Z Corporation for more information. More information and ways to find your local authorized reseller can be found by going to www. Zcorp.com. We encourage you to contact your local Z Corp. authorized reseller or contact us directly at (781) or via at Thank you for attending this webcast. We will now entertain questions from the listening audience. If you have a question, please type in your question in the chat section of the webcast interface. What file formats can you use with the Spectrum .stl and .vrml What is the cost of the system. Please consult your local authorized representative. Pricing depends on options, shipping, taxes and duty and will vary my market. COMSOL AG, Bern COMSOL GmbH, Östringen COMSOL GmbH, München

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