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Iss dich fit! Objektiv; To talk about healthy living and eating MUST be able to recognise healthy and unhealthy lifestyles SHOULD be able to say what.

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Präsentation zum Thema: "Iss dich fit! Objektiv; To talk about healthy living and eating MUST be able to recognise healthy and unhealthy lifestyles SHOULD be able to say what."—  Präsentation transkript:


2 Iss dich fit! Objektiv; To talk about healthy living and eating MUST be able to recognise healthy and unhealthy lifestyles SHOULD be able to say what you do to lead a healthy life COULD think about other vocabulary that you have learnt that relates to this topic

3 Cognate, Near- Cognate or Non-Cognate? Cognate Words which are exactly the same in English and in German are called cognates. Near-Cognate Words which are similar but not exactly the same in both languages are called near-cognates Non-Cognates Words which are completely different in both languages are called Non-Cognates.  Sort the words into the correct groups.

4 a. Ich esse jeden Tag Fastfood. b. Ich rauche 10 Zigaretten pro Tag. c. Ich mache viel Sport. d. Ich esse keine Schokolade. e. Ich esse kein Frühstück. f. Ich trinke keinen Alkohol. g. Ich bin Vegetarier(in). h. Ich esse jeden Tag Obst und Salat. Gesund oder ungesund? Gesund Ungesund

5 a. Ja, bitte. b. Ja, ich möchte Kartoffeln und Erbsen, bitte. c. Hat es dir geschmeckt? d. Peter, möchtest du Bockwurst? e. Ich hätte gern eine Limonade. f. Ja, es war lecker. g. Möchtest du Gemüse dazu? h. Als Nachtisch, möchtest du ein Eis? i. Nein danke, ich bin satt. j. Und was möchtest du trinken? 1d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a g b j e h i c f Gespräch zum Abendessen

6 Schreib auf Deutsch: 1.I usually eat toast and jam for breakfast and drink tea. 2.I don’t like meat because I’m a vegetarian. 3.I eat lots of fast-food, I love chips. 4.My favourite drink is orange juice. 5.We eat chicken for dinner. 6.I don’t eat much fruit but I like vegetables. 7.My favourite food is …… but I also like …. 8.I don’t like potatoes but I like pasta. 9.I really don’t like eating chocolate. 10. I hate fish.

7 Ich esse gern Fisch

8 Ich esse gern Nudeln

9 Ich esse gern Äpfel

10 Ich esse gern Schinken

11 Ich esse gern Salat

12 Ich esse gern Brot

13 Ich esse gern Käse

14 Lesen 1.Welche Gruppe? Which group does each picture represent? Match them up. 2. Wie sagt man das auf Englisch? a. täglichd. Energiequelleng. Zähne b. das Risikoe. wichtigh. reich c. Krebsf. Knochen i. Vitamine 3. Complete the ‘Gruppe’ and ‘Wie oft’ sections of the table. 4. Think up 3 questions (in English) to test someone else’s understanding of the text.

15 Wie sagt man das auf Englisch? a)täglich b)das Risiko c)Krebs d)Energiequellen e)enthalten f)Knochen g)Zähne h)außerdem i)Eiweiß daily the risk cancer sources of energy to contain bones teeth also/furthermore protein

16 Wie heisst das auf Deutsch? 1.In order to stay fit, one should do sport at least once a week. Um fit zu bleiben, soll man mindestens einmal in der Woche Sport treiben. 2.In order to stay healthy, one should eat lots of fruit and vegetables. ________________________________________________________ 3.In order to stay healthy, one must drink lots of water every day. ________________________________________________________ 4.In order to stay fit, one should go by bike or walk and not travel by car. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5.One should do sport: watching tv or surfing the internet is not as good for your health as walking or swimming. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 6.One is allowed to eat fastfood now and then but in order to stay healthy, one should eat less fat and less sugar. ________________________________________________________

17 Wie heisst das auf Deutsch? 1.In order to stay fit, one should do sport at least once a week. Um fit zu bleiben, soll man mindestens einmal in der Woche Sport treiben. 2.In order to stay healthy, one should eat lots of fruit and vegetables. ________________________________________________________ 3.In order to stay healthy, one must drink lots of water every day. ________________________________________________________ 4.In order to stay fit, one should go by bike or walk and not travel by car. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5.One should do sport: watching tv or surfing the internet is not as good for your health as walking or swimming. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 6.One is allowed to eat fastfood now and then but in order to stay healthy, one should eat less fat and less sugar. ________________________________________________________ Um gesund zu bleiben, soll man viel Obst und Gemüse essen. Um gesund zu bleiben, muss man jeden Tag viel Wasser trinken. Um fit zu bleiben, soll man mit dem Rad fahren oder zu Fuss gehen und nicht mit dem Auto fahren. Man soll Sport treiben: Fernsehen oder im Internet surfen ist nicht so gut für die Gesundheit wie Laufen oder Schwimmen. Man darf ab und zu Fastfood essen aber um gesund zu bleiben, soll man weniger Fett und Zucker essen.

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