Screen-cast-O-Matic The Screen-Cast-O-Matic has 6 pictures. For each picture students type a sentences and then record their.


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 Präsentation transkript:


The Screen-Cast-O-Matic has 6 pictures. For each picture students type a sentences and then record their project. Objective: Make a Screen-Cast-O-Matic based on the activity below.

Procedure: 1. Students will review KM3 K4.1 vocabulary. 2.Students will open a page in Microsoft Word for pictures and sentences. 3.Students will set up a Screen-Cast-O-Matic Account 4.Students will make a Screen-Cast-O-Matic project and upload it to SOM. 5.Students will post the link of their completed Screen-Cast-O-Matic project in Netschool.

Procedure: 1. Students will review chapter vocabulary. A.Students will view pictures and describe them verbally using their chapter vocabulary notes. B.Students will write one sentence for each picture using vocabulary prompts, in a Microsoft Word document. LastName_Konflikte

Beschreibe das erste bis sechste Bild.

Beschreibe Bilder eins bis sechs. A. schlechtes Zeugnis haben B.zu spät nach Hause kommen C.die Musik zu laut spielen D.nicht zu Hause helfen E.das Zimmer nicht aufräumen F.die Haare färben

