Denk Mal: Was haben sie an? Welche Farbe sind die Klamotten? Wo kann man die Klamotten kaufen? Wie viel sollen die Klamotten kosten? Was kaufen sie?


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 Präsentation transkript:

Denk Mal: Was haben sie an? Welche Farbe sind die Klamotten? Wo kann man die Klamotten kaufen? Wie viel sollen die Klamotten kosten? Was kaufen sie?

Stundenüberblick Blitzkrieg Hör- Leseverständnis Gramatik Übung Partnerarbeit Hausaufgabe: Reading log

Denk Mal: Clicken Sie hier: Schwarz und WeissSchwarz und Weiss Schwarz und Weiß Wir stehen auf eurer Seite Und wir holen den Sieg mit euch Und wir holen den Sieg mit euch Jetzt gehts los! Schwarz und Weiß Wir stehen auf eurer Seite Und wir holen den Sieg mit euch Und wir holen den Sieg mit euch Haut ihn rein!

A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea.. Example: Late last year our neighbours bought a goat. Tim Mcgraw is a country singer. The bus inspector looked at all the passengers' passes. The Giants aint makn it to the Superbowl this year!

A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronounnoun Examples: He, she, it, they, which, that… You use pronouns like "he," "which," "none," and "you" to make your sentences less cumbersome and less repetitivesentences Example: The Pittsburgh Stillers aint makn it to the Superbowl this year! They aint makn it to the Superbowl this year!

The subject performs the action. Example: Judy runs on the beach every morning. Polamalu runs like a girl. There could also be more than one subject!! Example: Judy and her dog run on the beach every morning. In German the subject takes the Nominative Case!!!

the verb is the action. Example Dracula bites his victims on the neck. Big Ben lost his tick There are also compound verbs!!! Example: In early October, Giselle wants to plant twenty tulip bulbs The Philly Eagles must win the Superbowl this year!!

MasculineFeminineNeuter Definate Articles the derdiedas MasculineFeminineNeuter Indefinate Articles a or an eineineein

A transitive verb is an actions verb that takes on a direct object. We are focusing on direct objects!! A direct object is directly affected by the action of the verb. Examples: Michael Moore wrote the Film Fahrenheit 911 I like the hat. The contractor build the house. Big Ben cant throw a ball to save his life What are some things you like to eat, do or just like?

MasculineFeminineNeuter Definate Articles the dendiedas MasculineFeminineNeuter Indefinate Articles a or an eineneineein MasculineFeminineNeuter Personal pronouns ihnsiees


