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 Präsentation transkript:

KONVERGENTE ORACLE-INFRASTRUKTUR This presentation will discuss the challenges faced by the business and the challenges DBAs, face in meeting the se business challenges . We will introduce the and the of mission-critical Oracle environments, and how EMC can address these with the VCE Vblock™ Specialized System for High Performance Databases. Technische Übersicht

Die Mitarbeiterschaft verändert sich Jederzeit und überall Zugriff auf Informationen Möglichkeit, etwas auszuprobieren und schnell Erfolg zu haben oder zu scheitern Unternehmensvirtualisierung ermöglicht Unternehmen, unabhängig von Zeit und Ort mit anderen zu konkurrieren. Unternehmen richten Fokus immer mehr auf Zusammenarbeit anstatt auf den Standort. Einsatz fortgeschrittener Datenmodelle und Analysen Geschäftliche Innovationen sind technologieabhängig Changes in business are driving fundamental changes in today’s workforce. There is a blurring between what is work time and what is non-work time, as more knowledge workers choose more flexible work hours and may not even have a physical place to go to work. Many of those with static office locations want access to work resources anytime, anywhere, from any device whether it be PC, MAC, smart phone or tablet. New dynamics in business and faster development cycles mean that companies can compete in more markets, with an objective of succeeding OR FAILING as quickly as possible to maximize successes and limit investments in areas that do not succeed. Getting results/answers fast determines how many business opportunities can be explored and at what cost. No longer can business be conducted in silos, as the more successful and competitive companies are driving increased collaboration and transparencies across functional organizations and business disciplines. At the core of this is access to and sharing of resources, processes and technologies to drive ever higher productivity.

WICHTIGE GESCHÄFTSANFORDERUNGEN und IT-PROJEKTE Unternehmens- wachstum Betriebliche Effizienz Senken von Kosten Gewinnen und Behalten von Kunden Verbesserte IT-Anwendungen und -Infrastrukturen GESCHÄFTSBEREICH IT-TEAM Schnelle Bereitstellung neuer Services Flexible und automatisierte Infrastruktur Anwendungsflexibilität und Kostentransparenz Gemeinsame Infrastruktur für alle Anwendungen Always-on-IT-Systeme Zuverlässige und skalierbare Infrastruktur ANFORDERUNGEN: AGGREGATION/KONSOLIDIERUNG VON PROJEKTEN – ANWENDUNGSMODERNISIERUNG/-RATIONALISIERUNG & BI-ANALYSEN – Überdenken von Datenbankinvestitionen Business imperatives are driving IT strategies. For the last few years, key imperatives have been around Revenue growth Operationalize more efficiently Reduce costs Attract and retain customers Improved IT apps and infra Talking points: Speed is most important to LOB, and public cloud is a great way to get that. But still challenging to evolve existing applications, and integrate and extend what they have today IT challenged to keep up with LOB, held back by legacy and need to change their role from managers of technology to a service delivery organization – while still delivering reliable, secure IT to the business IT has to go from asking Why to Why Not ? Provide infrastructure which is dynamic, resilient and adaptable to various workloads

Überdenken von Datenbankinvestitionen Verwandeln von Geschäftsproblemen in Chancen Nutzen von Rechen-, Speicher- und Netzwerkfunktionen Verknüpfte Anwendungen und Datenbanken zur Unterstützung von Wachstum, Betriebsmodellen und Kundennachfrage Technologiefähige Innovationen sind obligatorisch – Daten als Ressource mit vergrößerter Benutzer-Community Optimieren der Infrastruktur Aggregieren und Rationalisieren von Anwendungen/BI-Analysen Schnellere Datenverwendung Schwer für Hybrid-IT zu erstellen Ungleichgewicht – standardisieren/anpassen Altes Betriebsmodell Schwierige Aggregierung weiterer Anwendungen/BI Zeit und Aufwand für Eingliederung und Upgrade Heterogenität – zwischen Quelle und Ziel, Bare-Metal oder virtuell Niedrige Latenz zum Erhöhen des Transaktionsumfangs Höhere Gleichzeitigkeit durch kürzere Reaktionszeiten Weg von QA, Entwicklung und Produktion ist zu lang Rethinking database investments involve three areas – database is core to corporate strategies Drive Compute, Storage And Networking Capabilities for Database-related Investments Interlinked applications to support growth, operational models and drive customer demand Technology-enabled market innovation is mandatory – Data as an asset with increased user community Go over each key pain and asks which may be applicable

VblockTM Konvergente Infrastruktur Ein Produkt Zentrales Management Zentraler Support Vblock Systems allow Oracle customers all of the benefits of IT standardization without any of the tradeoffs. Oracle Customers can keep their existing databases and applications unchanged and standardize their server, networking, and storage infrastructure. Converging the networking, server, and storage into a single platform with a single management allows Oracle customers to reduce IT costs by 50%.

VblockTM OLTP und Data Warehouse 3,7 Millionen Lese-IOPS 0,5 ms Latenz Neu VblockTM OLTP und Data Warehouse 3,7 Millionen Lese-IOPS 0,5 ms Latenz The new Vblock Specialized System for Oracle incorporates the use of EMC XtremCache software to optimize response times and the latest Cisco networking technology to optimize throughput and bandwidth. This allows the Vblock system to handle mixed OLTP and Data Warehouse workloads with the industry’s highest Oracle performance;; over 3.7 million OLTP IOPs, 25TB/hour data warehouse loads, and 32 GB/second data warehouse scans.

Gründe für das Migrieren und Virtualisieren von Workloads Vorteile der Virtualisierung Vorteile von VCE und Virtualisierung Konsolidierung Ermöglicht das Konsolidieren mehrerer Anwendungsserver zu einzelnen Maschinen Einfache Bereitstellung Virtuelle Images können problemlos dupliziert/verschoben werden Management Migrationstools wie vMotion ermöglichen ein problemloses Management ohne Ausfallzeiten auf allen Anwendungsebenen Verfügbarkeit Integrierte Funktionen für hohe Verfügbarkeit verbessern Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Alle Vorteile der Virtualisierung PLUS Kürzere Beschaffungszeiten Lösungen werden vorab integriert, getestet und überprüft, um eine schnellere Markteinführung zu erreichen Reduzierte Managementkomplexität Einheitliches Management-Framework reduziert die komplexe Aktivität des Managements von Tier-1- Umgebungen Nahtloser Support Umfassender, integrierter Support, der alle Aspekte von Vblock- Infrastrukturplattformen abdeckt The Business Value of Virtualization study by Forrester found that virtualization technologies have delivered benefits that CIOs could clearly explain to the board: - IT becomes more efficient. Beyond just hardware savings from consolidation, virtualization optimizes infrastructure costs and increases operational efficiency. Plus, firms were able to reclaim capacity (space, power, and cooling) in their data centers, postponing costly expansion plans. - Time-to-market is faster. Virtualization speeds server and application deployment, makes configurations more consistent, and simplifies the staging of applications across test and development. - IT services are more predictable. There will always be failures and downtime, but virtualization makes recovery from these faster, easier, and lower cost. - Companies leave savings on the table. Overall, study respondents virtualized between 10% and 30% of their environments and are happy with the results. Despite having achieved rapid return on investment through hardware savings, firms appear to slow down after their initial successes, with many planning to virtualize just 50% of their systems. Upfront planning can result in increased long-term savings. This is no easy task as the planning, design, and implementation stages are all complex, time consuming efforts. The upside of strategy and roadmap aligned to VCE and Vblock Infrastructure Platforms not only saves you the time and effort (reduces whitespace to as little as 30 days) to physically build the underlying infrastructure in support of the intended workload, but now you have a single platform to management and NOT a mixture of discreet elements.   The secret is Vblock Infrastructure Platforms revolutionary approach to systems assembly. Specialist build teams from VCE and/or its partners perform the assembly of on average 300 industry leading components from Cisco, VMware & EMC enabling those platforms to be delivered as a system ready to operate the business. At the same time VCE provides lifecycle support performing ongoing testing, certification and integration work to ensure that over the life of your infrastructure investment it is operating with up to date software, while expanding and ensuring cross functional integration and compatibly.

Warum führen Kunden Oracle heute auf Vblock™-Systemen aus? Vorgefertigt, vorab geprüft, vorab getestet Vblock-Systeme Schnellere Bereitstellung Aggregieren von Workloads Optimieren und Standardisieren der Infrastruktur Senken von Betriebskosten Sichere Umgebung Fördern von Innovation Virtualisierung Senken der HW-/SW-Kosten Konsolidieren von Lizenzen Erhöhen der Auslastung Beschleunigen der Bereitstellung Verbessern von Service-Qualität und Verfügbarkeit So why Oracle customers choose to run on Vblock? Let’s look at Virtualization -reduce HW/SW costs Consolidate licenses Increase utilization Provision faster Improve quality of service and availablity (RAC alternative) Inherent value of vblock Speed deployment Aggregate workloads Optimize and standardize infrastructure Lower operation costs Secure environment Promote innovation Then look at Vblock systems

Bereitstellen einer einfachen Skalierbarkeit Vorgefertigt Vorab integriert Beschleunigt die Zielerreichung Wie wir vorgehen ... Physischer Aufbau Welche Hardware wird im System verwendet? Wie wird Systemhardware in Rack eingebaut? Grundlegender logischer Aufbau Welche Software wird für Systemkomponenten verwendet? Wie wird Basiskonfiguration der Software bereitgestellt? Wie wird Systemhardware verbunden? Anpassung des logischen Aufbaus Wie wird die erweiterte Systemkonfiguration für Kundenstandards/-anforderungen implementiert? Wie wird die erweiterte Systemkonfiguration für Kundenanwendungen/-arbeitslasten optimiert? <Conversation Points> So your probably wondering – what is a Vblock System? It is a unique product standardization of best of breed technologies. No other system is designed, engineered and built like a Vblock System. Through significant standardization, VCE is able to provide dramatically simplified customer experiences, while increasing predictability of customer projects and increasing the control customers have over their infrastructure. Nothing else comes close to the VCE experience. Let’s examine the key components of a Vblock series 300 & 700 a little more closely…This presents a quick visual for you to go back later to revise more closely. The compute resources are made up of Cisco UCS Gen 1 or Gen 2 fabric interconnects, 5108 blade server chassis, FC are 2014XP, 2008XP and we are currently including B-Series M2 and M3 generation blades for a very powerful compute. The network layer is comprised of Nexus 1000v virtual switch, a pair of Nexus 5548UP Ethernet switches, and a pair of MDS 9148 SAN switches for robust expandability to address critical capabilities like replication, mobility and backup solutions. On the series 700MX, optional MDS switches include 9508, 9513, 7010. The storage layer is designed around EMC VNX for series 300 and VMAX for series 700. These are unified storage options that include the 5300, 5500, 5700 and 7500 models (for VNX)and software, as well as RecoverPoint for advanced replication capabilities. On the series 700 it includes VMAX 10K & 20K. Virtualization layer is provided by VMware vSphere 5.0, vCenter Server 5.0 & ESXi host/hypervisor layer. The end result is that you select a Vblock model for performance and scale as needed (1K to 10Ks)

Vorteile für VCE-Kunden Ergebnisse der IDC-Forschungsstudie von September 2013 Von 160 Tagen auf 40 Tage Mitarbeiteraufwand um 79 % reduziert 4-FACHE BEREITSTELLUNGSGESCHWINDIGKEIT Von 25 auf 5 Tage 5-MAL SCHNELLERE BEREITSTELLUNG NEUER SERVICES 96 % WENIGER AUSFALLZEITEN 50 % WENIGER RECHENZENTRUMSKOSTEN PRO JAHR IDC recently completed a study of VCE customers. VCE dramatically accelerated infrastructure deployments (160 days to 40 days) while driving staggering increases in availability through the elimination of most types of data center outages. VCE transformed data center operations to reduce total average annual data center costs by 50%. Study available on VCE.com.

VCE Vision™ Intelligent Operations-Software Vblock™-Systeme Echte konvergente Infrastruktur LÖSUNGEN UND SERVICES VCE UND PARTNER SYSTEM 200 SYSTEM 100 SYSTEM 340 SPECIALIZED SYSTEMS SYSTEM 720 Vblock Systems Portfolio – Three years on ramp to being the fastest growing IT company – hit the billion dollar mark by 2013. No other company can match the VCE portfolio of converged infrastructure products. We have many satisfied Oracle customers across our portfolio. We added specialized system in 2013 to address workload specific needs and we are introducing Specialized System for High Performance Databases as part of this product family The Vblock System 100 is a small form factor system for targeted remote/branch office and distributed computing use cases. The Vblock System 200 brings the power and benefits of the Vblock System to a form factor that delivers core enterprise features to growing mid-size data centers. The Vblock System 300 family incorporates a high-density, compact fabric switch, a uniquely integrated fabric-based blade server and best-in-class unified storage. The new Vblock System 320 delivers 2X performance and scalability of its predecessor offering more options for enterprise-class systems. The Vblock System 700 family incorporates the industry’s best director-class fabric switch, most advanced fabric-based blade server and the industry’s most trusted storage system. The new Vblock System 720 delivers 2X performance and scalability of its predecessor offering the highest levels of performance, availability, and scalability for the world’s most demanding mission-critical environments. And a new class of Vblock Systems, VblockTM Specialized Systems, brings together all of the necessary components for applications. SAP HANA® software was the 1st release in Feb 2013, a single, standardized converged infrastructure system to ensure maximum performance at scale even with high data volumes. VCE Vision software—delivered pre-installed on all Vblock Systems—effectively acts as a mediation layer between your system and the management tools you use now. The software allows for intelligent discovery by providing a continuous, near real-time perspective of your compute, network, storage, and virtualization resources as a single object—ensuring that your management tools reflect the most current state of your Vblock Systems. All of this and VCETM Support, a range of VCE professional services, and an extensive network of partners makes Vblock Systems the logical choice. VCE Vision™ Intelligent Operations-Software

Einführung in Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Entwickelt für Hochleistungsdatenbanken (Oracle) Höhere Produktivität von Oracle-Anwendungen und -Datenbankteams Hohe Verfügbarkeit Datenladegeschwindigkeit von 21 TB/h Mehr als 3,7 Millionen IOPS für OLTP, DW und Umgebungen mit gemischten Workloads Unterstützung mehrerer Datenbankversionen Latenz von unter ½ Millisekunde Lifecycle System Assurance Gleichbleibender Durchsatz von 32 GB/s Integrierte Datenschutzoptionen Niedrige Gesamtbetriebskosten – Betrieb und Lizenzierung VCE enables organizations to focus on business innovation rather than maintaining data center operations. VCE Vblock Systems support both physical and virtual Oracle workloads throughout the world. Very large customers with unique performance and scalability needs now have a solution that is unsurpassed in performance, availability and workload flexibility. Vblock Specialized System for high performance databases extends the VCE Experience to massive Oracle database environments. Massive means “Hundreds of TBs Over 3.7 million read IOPS for OLTP, DW and mixed workload environment with latency of less than ½ millisecond. Sustained throughput of 32GBs Data load rate of 21TB/hr. This includes full support for multiple concurrent databases and versions Architecture specifically designed to optimize CPU core utilization, including flash-everywhere and automated tiering Mixed workload capable for maximum flexibility and efficiency Life cycle system assurance to increase IT productivity, eliminate errors, and drive high availability Integration data protection, including VPLEX “Oracle Certified RAC” for continuous availability VCE experience drives down TCO, including optimal CPU utilization for efficient licensing

VNX 8000/7600/5800 DER NÄCHSTEN GENERATION OPTIONALER ANWENDUNGSSERVER Was ist das Besondere am Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken? VMAX 40K Optimierte EFD. FAST VP Optionen für hohe Performance und hohe Kapazität verfügbar DATENBANKSERVER Cisco C240 M3: Optionen für 2, 4 oder 8 Server NETZWERK Nexus 5K, MDS, erweiterte Netzwerkkonfigurationen VNX 8000/7600/5800 DER NÄCHSTEN GENERATION Server Flash—XtremSF/XtremSW für Skalierung, Anwendungskohärenz und RAC OPTIONALER ANWENDUNGSSERVER Cisco C220 M3: Optionen für 2, 4 oder 8 Server Auswahl von VMAX und/oder VNX je nach technischer Relevanz, Kenntnissen und Governance-Beziehungen – die weltweit vertrauenswürdigste Speicherplattform 1 Serverflash für hohe IOPS und niedrige Latenz, optimiert mit Speicherflash 5 Nutzen der Vorteile des Vblock-Systems – Verfügbarkeit, Schutz im gesamten Lebenszyklus, einfache Skalierung usw. 2 Aggregieren geschäftskritischer Anwendungen und BI/DW mit Hochleistungsdatenbanken 3 Minimieren von Verlust und Latenzoverhead sowie Maximieren der Bandbreite 4 Mischen von virtuellen und Bare-Metal-Workloads während der gesamten Entwicklungs-, QA- und Produktionslebenszyklen So what is unique about specialized system for high performance databases? This slide discuss how the components as well as overall system is optimized for high performance databases and applications. There are five reasons why organizations would choose specialized systems for high performance databases. 1. Need millions of IOPS and consistently generate much lower latency (less than 500 milliseconds) than traditional computing platforms that do not have server-side flash. We accomplished this by selecting Cisco C240 to accommodate two EMC XtremSF flash cards. This also run in concert with EMC XtremSW, advanced cache software to ensure application coherency, reduce latency and extends EMC’s FAST, Fully Automated Storage Tiering. We chose faster processor and RAM density to support high performance database processing (E-2690 with 2.9GHz speed, ad RAM 6144 GB (8 node), 3072GB (4 node) and 1536 GB (2node). This also helps you drive greater performance for databases like Oracle, as well as others like Microsoft SQL and IBM DB2 in the future. 2. In line with VCE’s philosophy of extending mixed workload environment, we chose Cisco C-220 servers ideal to run applications and other necessary functions in the same footprint. It helps customers choose right applications such as SAP, Oracle, Web servers and other applications to run that are dependent on databases. 3. We also developed advanced network configurations to ensure that we have no bottlenecks as a system, minimizing loss and latency overhead while maximizing bandwidth. We expressly designed and purpose built each component such as storage, server and network from the ground up to achieve these high performance needs. We empower our customers to run virtual or baremetal workloads and there will be no restrictions for running databases and applications across dev, QA and production systems. It allows customers to take control of the deployment cycle and timing on when to deploy in what mode so that they can utilize Vblock to suit the business demand. Once again, Vblock value where you can exploit higher system availability (96% reduction in downtime), life time spans to several to 5 years in hardware refresh lifecycles and ease of scaling is all there to help you drive business results on this platform

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken: Hardwarezusammenfassung VMAX - 8 NODE VMAX – 4 NODE VNX - 8 NODE VNX - 4 NODE VNX - 2 NODE Datenbankserver (C240— ES-2690, 2,9 GHz) 8 m 4 2 Datenbankserverkerne 128 64 32 Datenbankserver-RAM 6144 GB 3072 GB 1536 GB XtremSF 700 GB SLC 16 Anwendungsserver (C220) Optional 2, 4 und 8 Nodes Netzwerke Cisco MDS 9710 (8-Datenbankserver-Konfiguration) /9250i (2- und 4-Datenbankserver-Konfiguration) FC SAN-Switches Cisco Nexus 5548UP Ethernet-Switches UCS 6248 Fabric-Verbindungen Cisco 2232PP Fabric-Extenders Cisco Nexus 3048-Switches Speichertyp VMAX 40K VNX 8000 VNX 7600 VNX 5800 Rohspeicherkapazität Hohe Performance 141 TB 71 TB 100 TB 50 TB 25 TB Hohe Kapazität 589 TB 295 TB 518 TB 259 TB 98 TB Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases comes with a comprehensive set of H/W components to support the requirements for high performance database computing. Aktualisiert am 05.11.13

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Performance-Ergebnisse des Vblock-Systems, September 2013 KENNZAHL VBLOCK SYSTEM 8-NODE C240-SERVER MIT XTREMSF (2 PRO SERVER, 16 INSGESAMT) UND XTREMCACHE AUF VMAX 40K Festplatten mit hoher Performance Festplatten mit hoher Kapazität Maximale Festplattenbandbreite 32 GB/s Maximal erreichte System-IOPS 940.000 Festplattendatenkapazität (RAW) 141 TB 589 TB Maximale Flash-Lese-IOPS Mehr als 3,7 Millionen IOPS Durchschnittliche Service-Zeit (oder Latenz) Weniger als ½ Millisekunde Datenbankserver-Flash-Datenkapazität (RAW) 11,2 TB Maximale Datenladegeschwindigkeit 21 TB/h Dauerhafter Durchsatz 32 TB/h This is the test result obtained in the engineering proto build facility for Vblock 8 node-C240 servers with XtremSF (2 per server, 16 total) and XtremCache on VMAX 40K Key achievements are: Over 3.7 million read IOPS for OLTP, DW and mixed workload environment. Latency of less than ½ millisecond. Sustained throughput of 32GBs. Data load rate of 21TB/hr. This includes full support for multiple concurrent databases and versions. “Our random I/O testing focused on I/O driven by SQL submitted to the Oracle Real Application Clusters database. The test kit is Silly Little Oracle Benchmark—or more commonly known as “SLOB.” We feel strongly that an open platform like VCE should be tested with an open test harness like SLOB. The active data set for the random I/O test was 1.5 terabytes.”   To assess the performance of Oracle Parallel Query option we used the freely available DBGEN program to load a one terabyte scale TPC-H Lineitem table. We then submitted concurrent SQL queries and Oracle’s Parallel Query technology demonstrated 32GB/s throughput.” VCE übernimmt keine Haftung bezüglich Informationen zur Produktplanung, erwarteten Produktmerkmalen, Performance-Spezifikationen oder erwarteten Veröffentlichungsdaten (zusammengefasst als „Informationsüberblick“ bezeichnet). Roadmap-Informationen werden dem Empfänger durch VCE im Sinne eines Entgegenkommens zur Verfügung gestellt und dienen ausschließlich dem Zweck der Erörterung und gelten nicht als bindend.

Vorteile von XtremSF Performance Flexibilität Effizienz Enorme Verbesserungen bei Anwendungslatenz und Durchsatz – bis zu 1,13 Millionen IOPS Flexibilität Es gibt ein breites Angebot von eMLC- und SLC-Funktionen für die Verwendung als lokaler Speicher oder mit XtremCache – 2 Mal 700 GB SLC ausgewählt Effizienz Beste Gesamtbetriebskosten – niedrigster Overhead, höchste Performance, niedrigster Energieverbrauch, höchste Dichte XtremSF offers dramatic performance improvements in latency and throughput. It gives you flexibility and choice when it comes to deployment and NAND flash. XtremSF also delivering the industry’s best TCO.

XtremCache: Software- Performance und -Schutz 0011001110011010110100000110100110011100001100010000110100111000111001111001001100110011000011011111001101100110 Enorme Latenz- und Durchsatzverbesserungen Intelligenz Ausweitung der EMC FAST-Architektur in den Server Schutz Basierend auf intelligentem, ausfallsicherem, hochgradig verfügbarem Speicher Note to Presenter: View in Slide Show mode for animation. For tier one workloads in which data must be protected with networked storage, XtremSF can be coupled with intelligent server flash caching software XtremCache. Combining XtremSF with XtremCache provides accelerated read performance with protection. While accelerating performance, XtremCache simultaneously delivers enterprise-class protection of mission-critical application data. Data in the cache is simply a copy of data that is already stored on the array, while the master copy is maintained by the advanced data services that EMC’s trusted networked storage provide, including high availability, end-to-end integrity, reliability, and disaster recovery. XtremCache leverages a write-through algorithm which ensures that newly written data persists to the networked storage array, such as VMAX or VNX. If the server fails, the data remains protected and accessible on the array.  

Lesevorgänge (Latenz: unter 100 μs) Erweiterte Architektur von Xtrem Cache Server Anwendung CPU PCIe-Flashkarte Netzwerk Speicher Switch Speicherarray SSD/HDD 1 2 3 4 Flash FC/SAS SATA/ NL-SAS 5 9 8 7 6 Lesevorgänge (Latenz: unter 100 μs) Schreibvorgänge Verarbeitung von Lesevorgängen von XtremCache für Performance Weiterleitung von Schreibvorgängen an das Speicherarray für Schutz With XtremCache, network storage access is bypassed since the data sits in the server on the PCIe bus. Therefore, read speed is dramatically improved, bringing the read latency down to less than 100 microseconds. Note to Presenter: Click now in Slide Show mode for animation. In addition, because it is a write-through cache, XtremCache passes the writes down to the storage array, leveraging the protection of the back-end networked storage. As a result, XtremCache gives you the best of both worlds—accelerated performance with data protection.

XtremCache 2.0 – Oracle RAC-Support XtremCache 2.0.1 oder höher erforderlich Cachekohärenzrollen und -zuständigkeiten: RAC besitzt weiterhin Dantenbankinhaltskohärenz (Zeilen/Spalten) XtremCache besitzt LUN-Blockkohärenz Optimiert, sendet Metadaten zwischen Nodes Verwendet SCSI-3 PGR für Node-Mitgliedschaftsübergänge Zusammenarbeit mit Oracle-Clusterware Oracle RAC- Nodes Oracle-Clients XtremCache und XtremSF LUN Gemeinsame Volumes Starting with release 2.0.1 of the code, XtremCache has been enhanced to maintain cache coherency across Oracle RAC cluster nodes. It does so while continuing to deliver local cached blocks at microseconds speed.   In this simple design, Oracle RAC continues to own responsibility for database content coherency across the cluster, just as it would normally. XtremCache Read requests to blocks in local node cache are returned immediately to Oracle and Read requests to blocks not in local cache are serviced from the backend storage and then asynchronously added to local XtremCache intelligently – just the way it did prior to Oracle RAC support. Database block Writes will continue to register directly with the backend storage (pass-thru) just as before, but will only be acknowledged to Oracle once XtremCache made sure no stale version of the block resides in its cache on any other node. This simple mechanism allows DBA’s to increase their compute power, connectivity, and availability leveraging the horizontal scalability of Oracle RAC, all the while enjoying a PCIe host-based Flash cache performance boost right where they need it most– close to their database processing. In order to maintain cache coherency, XtremCache uses SCSI-3 Persistent Group Reservation (PGR) to ascertain that no nodes are running without XtremCache being aware of their block updates.  Additionally, XtremCache will communicate with Oracle RAC frequently to maintain awareness of Oracle cluster node membership.

Integrierte Datenschutzoptionen VBLOCKTM DATA PROTECTION Kontinuierliche Verfügbarkeit, beste erhältliche Systembetriebszeit Erweiterte Deduplizierung Optimale Ressourcenauslastung Eliminieren von Risiken, schnellere Amortisierung Support für das gesamte Vblock-Systemportfolio Avamar 7 plus Data Domain EMC RecoverPoint EMC VPLEX (für Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken im Jahr 2014) Vblock Systems are designed to run your most critical application workloads. That’s why we not only design in high availability but also integrate a family of data protection solutions that scale from one to many platforms within and across data centers—to address all of your data protection needs. VCE leverages technology from EMC, Cisco, and VMware and validates it in-factory. You can also continue to leverage the Oracle Technology with Vblock. With VblockTM Data Protection, your data protection solution is well understood and supported by your infrastructure vendor. Deeper dive: EMC Avamar Streamlined backup and recovery hardware and software that handles client-side data deduplication—before transmission across the network to the backup target. This minimizes backup bottlenecks in data-intensive, virtual environments. EMC Avamar plus Data Domain Best of both worlds: client-side and target-based deduplication backup and recovery. The solution leverages high-speed technology to reduce your backup data storage footprint at the target device by 10x to 30x. EMC RecoverPoint Replication solution that can roll back to any point in time, using snapshots taken as frequently as seconds apart—for an improved recovery point objective (RPO). Also efficiently migrates data from an old platform to a new one or from one Vblock System to another. EMC VPLEX An innovative workload mobility and business continuity solution. It can easily move business applications within or between Vblock Systems located in the same data center or metro area. EMC VPLEX can also mirror business-critical data, deliver zero data loss, and ensure automatic near-zero application recovery time.

Backup und Recovery für Oracle Integrierte Lösungen bringen Oracle-Schutz auf höheres Niveau Avamar Drittanbieter- Backupanwendungen Data Domain― DD Boost-Software NetWorker Weniger Speicher für Backup – Deduplizierung Beschleunigen von Backups um 50 % mit DD Boost-Software Geringere Bandbreite Zuverlässige Recovery Kontrolle und Transparenz Für ORACLE optimierte Oberflächen The Backup and recovery solution for Specialized Systems for High Performance Database remains the same. You can back up your databases with Data Domain, Avamar, Networker or 3rd arty backup applications. Oracle RMAN is Oracle’s backup tool. Oracle DBAs can continue to use Oracle RMAN that they currently use with solutions like Data Domain. The backup solutions allow customers to backup data to both disks and Tape. The DD Boost software redistributes the parts of deduplication process speeds up backups. There is a new standard for Oracle backup enabled by optimized integration directly with the application. What you get is less storage required, less bandwidth required, speedup backups, much more reliable recovery and you can keep control and visibility by using backup software like Avamar or NetWorker or allow Oracle DBAs to use their own native tools but sending the workloads to your backup storage that you control, so you eliminate silos. Customers can leverage EMC backup solutions they currently use, but overall Data Domain would be an ideal solution for many large scale database servers where speed, reliability and space matters.

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Spezielles System – offene Hardwarearchitektur Auf Performance ausgerichtet Speziell entwickelte Vollständig integriert Flash überall Fully Automated Storage Tiering Physisch oder virtuell Optional: Add-ons: Data Domain, VPLEX (ab 2014) , RecoverPoint, Replication Manager Oracle SQL Server DB2 OLTP Data Warehouse Hybrid Physisch VMAX VNX Virtuell DATENBANK WORKLOAD The Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases is purpose built for the rigorous demands of high performance mission critical database workloads. It is designed with an Open Architecture approach and utilizes EMX’s “Flash Everywhere” approach to high performance database computing. This places the fastest performing resources, where the greatest performance demands exist (DB Server and Storage Array). It’s available as Physical or Virtual or a combination of the two. The first iteration of this platform is tunes specifically for Oracle workloads. Specifics on other databases will be forthcoming in 2014.

VblockTM für High-Performance-Datenbanken Standardplattform-Software RHEL V6.3 PowerPath V5.7 XtremCache V2.0.1 Cisco MDS Enterprise VCE Vision (VB300, VB700) UniSphere-Management und FAST-Suite ProSphere-Management und FAST-Suite Hardwareplattformen Cisco UCS C240M3-Server XtremSF PCIe-Flash-Cache-Blades Cisco MDS- und Nexus-Switches VNX-Speicherarrays (5800, 7600, 8000) – FAST Cache, SSD, SAS, NL SAS VMAX 40K-Speicherarrays (4 Engines, 8 Engines) – SSD, FC, SATA Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases comes with a comprehensive set of H/W & S/W components, each one selected to support the requirements for high performance database computing.

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken This diagram summarizes the three Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases options utilizing the new generation of VNX Storage Arrays. These Express Configurations target the Exadata ¼, ½ & Full Rack alternatives

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken This diagram summarizes the two Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases options utilizing the VMAX 40K Storage Arrays. These Express Configurations target the Exadata ½ & Full Rack alternatives

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken – Wettbewerbsvorteile Unterstützt Oracle, SQL Server und DB2 Unterstützt Oracle RAC-Clusters Unterstützt physisch oder virtuell Stellt höhere Verfügbarkeit bereit Stellt mehr als 3,7 Millionen „dauerhafte“ IOPS bereit Bietet eine I/O-Latenz von unter ½ Millisekunde Stellt einen dauerhaften Durchsatz von 32 GB/s bereit Stellt eine Datenladegeschwindigkeit von 21 TB/h bereit Stellt 2,5 Mal mehr nutzbare Kapazität bereit Stellt eine ausgeglichene Aktiv-aktiv-Bandbreite bereit Erfordert keine 3-fache Datenbankspiegelung Stellt Fully Automated Storage Tiering bereit Stellt unterbrechungsfreie Server- und Speicherupgrades bereit Optionale Server-Add-ons für Anwendungen und zusätzliche Workloads Optionale föderierte Datenbank-Clones und -Snaps Optionale logischer und physischer Datenbankschutz Optionale föderierte Replikation an mehreren Standorten Optionales föderiertes Data Domain-Backup Bietet 26 % niedrigere Gesamtbetriebskosten These are just some of the advantages the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases brings to the high performance database computing world.

Vblock Enablement Services Gold Platin Servicekatalogdefinition Betriebsintegration Anwendungs- Workload-Migration Unklare Anwendungs-Workload- Migrationsstrategie Separate Betriebssilos Unvollständiges Cloudbereitstellungsmodell System in das Rechenzentrum integriert Integrierte Betriebsprozesse und -tools Schnelleres Cloudbereitstellungsmodell für die Transformation zu ITaaS EMC Vblock Enablement Services enable the acceleration of the overall value of your Vblock System investment and advance the execution of your cloud strategies by addressing the proper infrastructure, operational, and application integration requirements. A successful Vblock platform deployment requires more than just the successful installation of the Vblock platform itself. Vblock Enablement Services employ a comprehensive approach which incorporates people and process dimensions to ensure that the value of this technology is integrated into your IT operations and manifested through your cloud strategy to business stakeholders. In addition, this comprehensive approach means that operational processes are optimized for cloud and integrated with cloud orchestration software tools to maximize automation opportunities and reduce process cycle times. It also means that roles and resources in your organization will need to shift to reflect the services IT is delivering to the business through the service catalog. This image demonstrates the value of EMC Vblock Enablement Services. As you can see, without enablement services, common challenges customers often run into with their converged infrastructure system are: - An unclear application workload migration strategy to the Vblock System - Separate technical silos that need to be integrated - A lack of expertise in Vblock System deployment - A desire to drive a cloud delivery model with their converged infrastructure system, but not really knowing where to begin to successfully do so. With Vblock Enablement Services, these challenges are mitigated. Through the service catalog definition, operational integration, and application workload migration, Vblock Enablement helps to: - Integrate the system into the data center environment - Integrate operational processes with orchestration tools to maximize automation - Acclerate your cloud delivery model to transform to ITaaS - Align roles of cloud-optimized processes and business-facing services

EMC Vblock Enablement Services Beschleunigte Ausführung Ihrer Cloudstrategie Silber Platin Gold Vblock- Integration Integration in Betriebsprozesse und -tools Erkennung und Analyse Definition der Anwendungs- Workloads, Kapazitätsbewertung, Virtualisierungsbewertung Vblock-Architektur und -Aktivierung Bereitstellung des Systems, Planung des Ressourcenlayouts, Einbindung in Unternehmen Vblock- Serviceaktivierung Serviceplan für IaaS, Definition des Servicekatalogs Vblock- Migration Migration der Anwendungs- Workloads Vblock Jumpstart Service The five service components of Vblock Enablement Services are depicted here. The Discovery and Analysis component captures data regarding legacy applications, databases, and infrastructures, as well assessments for capacity and virtualization. The Vblock Architecture and Activation component implements the Vblock system, deploys the system layout resources, and connects to the enterprise. Vblock Service Enablement defines service blueprints for IaaS and integrates them into an enterprise service catalog. In Vblock Integration, the Vblock System is integrated with operational processes and tools, while production application workloads are migrated onto the Vblock System in the Vblock Population component. For clients seeking a more focused approach to accelerating the consumption of their Vblock System, the Vblock Jumpstart Service provides streamlined system integration with operational processes and tools. The Vblock Jumpstart Service includes the development of an initial service catalog, reference architecture, operational and organizational recommendations, technical integration recommendations, and a remediation roadmap. Overall, any combination of these service components, as well as the the Vblock Jumpsart Service, accelerates the production value of your Vblock System investment by: - Improving the efficiency and automation of IT operations - Standardizing more applications on an infrastructure architecture designed and optimized for virtualized environments - Increasing overall system agility - Spreading the benefits of converged infrastructure across the application portfolio

Best Practice für Oracle Converged infrastructure from VCE sets the new performance standard for mission critical databases and applications.

EMC Community für Oracle-DBAs EMC Solution Experts EMC Proven Solutions Veranstaltungs- und Schulungskalender für Ihr Team interaktive Blogs Livedemos DBA DBA Virtuelle EMC Infrastruktur für Oracle Flash und mehr Speichertransparenz und -kontrolle Oracle- Performance Schnellere Bereitstellung, höhere Verfügbarkeit und niedrigere IT-Kosten Konvergierte Oracle- Infrastruktur DBA-Kontrolle über Backup, Recovery und Replikation Oracle-Backup und -Recovery Logische und physische Recovery sowie Aktiv-Aktiv-Verfügbarkeit Kontinuierliche Oracle-Verfügbarkeit Optimieren der Oracle-Infrastruktur und Maximieren der DBA-Produktivität http://germany.emc.com/everythingoracle The Everything Oracle at EMC community is the place for all EMC solutions for Oracle. If you are interested in learning more about any of the topics discussed today you can find solutions, blogs, videos and other great content on the community.

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Konfigurationsvergleiche

Zentrale technische Positionierung – Vergleichskennzahlen Lese-Flash-IOPS = 1,5 Millionen GB/s Durchsatz = 25 GB/s Datenladegeschwindigkeit = 12 TB/h VS Lese-Flash-IOPS mehr als 3,7 Millionen Latenz von unter ½ Millisekunde Dauerhafter Durchsatz 32 GB/s Datenladegeschwindigkeit 21 TB/h 512 Kerne von Exadata im Gegensatz zu 128 Kerne von VBLOCK Specialized System für eine gleichmäßige IOPS-Performance These Exadata performance and capacity figures are right out of Oracle’s published datasheet for Oracle Exadata it may be found on the Oracle Website under engineered systems.

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Standardplattform-Software Cisco UCS C240M3-Server (pro Server) – PowerPath V5.7, RHEL V6.3 Cisco MDS-Switch (2) Lizenzschlüssel des Unternehmens (MDS9200) (Konfigurationen für 2 & 4 Server) (2) Lizenzschlüssel des Unternehmens (MDS9700) (Konfigurationen für 8 Server) VNX-Speicher VCE Vision für VB300 (VNX), Unisphere-Management und FASTVP-Suite VMAX-Speicher VCE Vision für VB700 (VMAX), ProSphere-Management und FASTVP-Suite This slide contains a summary of S/W included in the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Konfiguration mit 2 Servern für VNX This diagram summarizes a comparison between the Oracle Exadata ¼ Rack appliance, and the EMC/VCE 2 server alternative for VNX. The VNX5800 is the storage array included with the 2 server alternative for both high performance and high capacity options. Diagrams in next 2 slides provides detail.

Detail 2 Datenbankserver VNX (HP) + Datenverarbeitung 1 x 42-HE-Schrank 2 x C240-M3, 768 GB 2 UCS 6248UP 2 x Nexus 5548UP Management 2 x C220-M3 LMI 2 x Cisco Nexus 3048 VLANs (VIC 1225) 101 OOB Mgmt 105 Oracle Public 113 Oracle Private Interconnect 119 Oracle Cluster VIP Speicher und SAN 2 x MDS 9250i (16 Gbit/s) VNX-2 5800 DPE + 5 x DAEs FAST Cache – 100 GB EFD x 8 FAST VP T1 – 200 GB EFD x 20 FAST VP T2 – 300 GB 15 K SAS x 38 FAST VP T3 – 600 GB 10 K SAS x 16 25 TB RAW, 18 TB nutzbar Software Redhat Enterprise 6.3 XtremCache 2.0.1 Oracle RAC 11g, 12C Field Installed Details about the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases - 2 server high performance model “Express Configuration”

Detail 2 Datenbankserver VNX (HC) + Datenverarbeitung 1 x 42-HE-Schrank 2 x C240-M3, 768 GB 2 UCS 6248UP 2 x Nexus 5548UP Management 2 x C220-M3 LMI 2 x Cisco Nexus 3048 VLANs (VIC 1225) 101 OOB Mgmt 105 Oracle Public 113 Oracle Private Interconnect 119 Oracle Cluster VIP Speicher und SAN 2 x MDS 9250i (16 Gbit/s) VNX-2 5800 DPE + 5 x DAEs FAST Cache – 100 GB EFD x 8 FAST VP T1 – 200 GB EFD x 20 FAST VP T2 – 900 GB 10 K SAS x 30 FAST VP T3 – 1000 GB 7,2 K NL-SAS x 64 Rohkapazität 98 TB, 75 TB nutzbar Software Redhat Enterprise 6.3 XtremCache 2.0.1 Oracle RAC 11g, 12C Field Installed Details about the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases - 2 server high capacity model “Express Configuration”

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Konfiguration mit 4 Servern für VNX This diagram summarizes a comparison between the Oracle Exadata ½ Rack appliance, and the EMC/VCE 4 server alternative for VNX. The VNX7600 is the storage array included with the 4 server alternative for both high performance and high capacity options. Diagrams in next 2 slides provides detail.

Detail 4 Datenbankserver VNX (HP) + Datenverarbeitung 2 x 42-HE-Schränke 4 x C240-M3, 768 GB 2 UCS 6248UP 2 x Nexus 5548UP Management 2 x C220-M3 LMI 2 x Cisco Nexus 3048 VLANs (VIC 1225) 101 OOB Mgmt 105 Oracle Public 113 Oracle Private Interconnect 119 Oracle Cluster VIP Speicher und SAN 2 x MDS 9250i (16 Gbit/s) VNX-2 7600 DPE + 11 x DAEs FAST Cache – 100 GB EFD x 20 FAST VP T1 – 200 GB EFD x 40 FAST VP T2 – 300 GB 15 K SAS x 76 FAST VP T3 – 600 GB 10 K SAS x 32 Rohkapazität 50 TB, 36 TB nutzbar Software Redhat Enterprise 6.3 XtremCache 2.0.1 Oracle RAC 11g, 12C Field Installed Details about the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases - 4 server high performance model “Express Configuration”

Detail 4 Datenbankserver VNX (HC) + Datenverarbeitung 2 x 42-HE-Schränke 4 x C240-M3, 768 GB 2 UCS 6248UP 2 x Nexus 5548UP Management 2 x C220-M3 LMI 2 x Cisco Nexus 3048 VLANs (VIC 1225) 101 OOB Mgmt 105 Oracle Public 113 Oracle Private Interconnect 119 Oracle Cluster VIP Speicher und SAN 2 x MDS 9250i (16 Gbit/s) VNX-2 7600 DPE + 11 x DAEs FAST Cache – 100 GB EFD x 18 FAST VP T1 – 200 GB EFD x 40 FAST VP T2 – 900 GB 10 K SAS x 60 FAST VP T3 – 3 TB 7,2 K NL- SAS x 64 Rohkapazität 259 TB, 201 TB nutzbar Software Redhat Enterprise 6.3 XtremCache 2.0.1 Oracle RAC 11g, 12C Field Installed Details about the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases - 4 server high capacity model “Express Configuration”

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Konfiguration mit 8 Servern für VNX This diagram summarizes a comparison between the Oracle Exadata Full Rack appliance, and the EMC/VCE 8 server alternative for VNX. The VNX8000 is the storage array included with the 8 server alternative for both high performance and high capacity options. Diagrams in next 2 slides provides detail.

Detail 8 Datenbankserver VNX (HP) + Datenverarbeitung 3 x 42 HE-Schränke 8 C240-M3, 768 GB 2 UCS 6248UP 2 x Nexus 5548UP Management 2 x C220-M3 LMI 2 x Cisco Nexus 3048 VLANs (VIC 1225) 101 OOB Mgmt 105 Oracle Public 113 Oracle Private Interconnect 119 Oracle Cluster VIP Speicher und SAN 2 x MDS 9710 (16 Gbit/s) VNX-2 8000; 16 DAEs FAST Cache – 100 GB EFD x 40 FAST VP T1 – 200 GB EFD x 80 FAST VP T2 – 300 GB 15 K SAS x 152 FAST VP T3 – 600 GB 10 K SAS x 64 Rohkapazität 100 TB, 71 TB nutzbar Software Redhat Enterprise 6.3 XtremCache 2.0.1 Oracle RAC 11c Field Installed Details about the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases - 8 server high performance model “Express Configuration”

Detail 8 Datenbankserver VNX (HC) + Datenverarbeitung 3 x 42 HE-Schränke 8 C240-M3, 768 GB 2 UCS 6248UP 2 x Nexus 5548UP Speicher und SAN 2 x MDS 9710 (16 Gbit/s) VNX-2 8000; 16 DAEs FAST Cache – 100 GB EFD x 40 FAST VP T1 – 200 GB EFD x 80 FAST VP T2 – 900 GB 10 K SAS x 120 FAST VP T3 – 3 TB 7,2 K NL-SAS x 128 518 TB RAW, 402 TB nutzbar Details about the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases - 8 server high capacity model “Express Configuration”

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Konfiguration mit 4 Servern für VMAX This diagram summarizes a comparison between the Oracle Exadata 1/2 Rack appliance, and the EMC/VCE 4 server alternative for VMAX. The VMAX40K 4 Engine is the storage array included with the 4 server alternative for both high performance and high capacity options. Diagram in next slide provides detail.

Detail 4 Datenbankserver VMAX + Datenverarbeitung 1 x 42-HE-Schrank 4 x C240-M3, 768 GB 2 UCS 6248UP 2 x Nexus 5548UP Management 2 x C240-M3 LMI 2 x Cisco Nexus 3048 Speicher und SAN 2 x MDS 9250i (16 Gbit/s) VMAX 40K – 4 Engines (192 GB Cache pro Engine – 768 GB insgesamt) FAST VP T1 – 100 GB EFD x 132 FAST VP T2 – 300 GB 15 K SAS x 200 FAST VP T3 – 1 TB 7,2 K NL-SAS x 230 (optional – Teil des HC-Angebots) Rohkapazität 71 TB (HP); 295 TB (HC) Details about the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases - 8 server high performance VMAX40K model “Express Configuration”

Vblock™ Specialized System für High-Performance-Datenbanken Konfiguration mit 8 Servern für VMAX This diagram summarizes a comparison between the Oracle Exadata Full Rack appliance, and the EMC/VCE 8 server alternative for VMAX. The VMAX40K 8 Engine is the storage array included with the 8 server alternative for both high performance and high capacity options. Diagram in next slide provides detail.

Detail 8 Datenbankserver VMAX Datenverarbeitung 2 x 42-HE-Schränke 8 C240-M3, 768 GB 2 UCS 6248UP 2 x Nexus 5548UP Management 2 x C240-M3 LMI 2 x Cisco Nexus 3048 Speicher und SAN 2 x MDS 9710i (16 Gbit/s) VMAX 40K – 8 Engines (192 GB Cache pro Engine – 1.536 GB insgesamt) FAST VP T1 – 100 GB EFD x 262 FAST VP T2 – 300 GB 15 K SAS x 392 FAST VP T3 – 1 TB 7,2 K NL-SAS x 458 (optional – Teil des HC-Angebots) Rohkapazität 141 TB (HP); 589 TB (HC) Details about the Vblock™ Specialized System for High-Performance Databases - 8 server VMAX40K model “Express Configuration”