Du interessierst dich für einen Studienaufenthalt in China?


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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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Connect Four Print out a copy of the game board on the next slide and try to get four in a row: across, down or diagonally by answering the German questions.
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By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Talk about work - Explain why you’re learning German - Use seit to say how long - Place 2.
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 Präsentation transkript:

Du interessierst dich für einen Studienaufenthalt in China? INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Du interessierst dich für einen Studienaufenthalt in China? Dann komm zum Study in China, erfahre mehr über das Leben, die Kultur und einen Studienaufenthalt in China! Mitarbeiter der International Offices der vier Partneruniversitäten werden dir Rede und Antwort stehen. Wann und Wo? Freitag, den 28. Juni 2019, 15:30-16:30 Uhr Seminarraum 148, Geb. 50.20, 1. OG Programm: 15:30 – 15:40 Uhr: Allgemeine Info über Austauschprogramme mit China 15:40 – 16:20 Uhr: Vorstellung vierer Partneruniversitäten in China 16:20 – 16:30 Uhr: Q&A

You are interested in studying in China? INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS You are interested in studying in China? Join our Study in China event, learn more about the culture, the daily life and study possibilities in China! Staff members from International Offices of the four partner universities will be happy to answer your questions. Date and Venue: Friday, 28th June 2019, 3:30-4:30 PM Room 148, Building: 50.20, 1st floor. Program: 3:30 – 3:40 PM: Generell information about Exchange Programs with China 3:40 – 4:20 PM: Introduction of four partner universities in China 4:20 – 4:30 PM: Q&A