In Vitro Activity of the Type II Anti-CD20 Antibody GA101 in Refractory, Genetic High-Risk CLL. by Thorsten Zenz, Matthias Volden, Theresa Mast, Antonio.


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 Präsentation transkript:

In Vitro Activity of the Type II Anti-CD20 Antibody GA101 in Refractory, Genetic High-Risk CLL. by Thorsten Zenz, Matthias Volden, Theresa Mast, Antonio Sarno, Dirk Winkler, Andrea Schnaiter, Andreas Bühler, Christian Klein, Pablo Umana, Hartmut Döhner, and Stephan Stilgenbauer Blood Volume 114(22):2379-2379 November 20, 2009 ©2009 by American Society of Hematology

In-vitro activity of GA101 / Rituximab in depleting CLL cells. Thorsten Zenz et al. Blood 2009;114:2379 ©2009 by American Society of Hematology