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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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Ein Date Asking someone out in German.. Möchtest du … ins Kino gehen?
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Deutsch Eins Guten Morgen! Heute ist Donnerstag! Das Ziel: You will ask/answer questions about yourself and others – You will conjugate.
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Need: paper, coloured pens, glue, dwarf templates, dictionaries, adjective handout, judges hand out, blue tack For gallery – give students blue tack and.
Asking someone out in German.
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I use this as a starter, often at the start of a revision lesson at the end of a topic . Students work in pairs. Give each pair a copy of the blank grid.
Telling Time in German Deutsch 1 Part 1.
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By the end of the lesson, all learners will be able to - Talk about work - Explain why you’re learning German - Use seit to say how long - Place 2.
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Explanations and Classwork Practice
 Präsentation transkript:

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Asking questions and answering them Ireland Reported Speech Past perfect Asking questions and answering them Famous Persons Places to visit/holidays Teenager feelings Want someone to do something Connecting words Asking and giving advice Warum scheitern Projekte? Es gibt eine Reihe an Möglichkeiten. Wir könnten sagen zwei Dinge könnte dazu führen: einzelne Handlungen (menschliche Fehler) und Prozessfehler. Oft ist es eine Kombination an Faktoren. Eine Reihe an Fehlentscheidung, wie wir im Beispiel Titanic gesehen haben. Handlungen im Team können das Projekt gefährden, und externe Faktoren können ebenfalls einen negativen Einfluss haben. Kennen Sie Beispiel von gescheiterten Projekten? Welche andere Ursachen haben Sie beobachtet oder erlebt? Zehn Classic Mistakes: http://calleam.com/WTPF/?page_id=799 Jobs and job interviews Refugees

Coming up: Genius Hour

Choose a challenge: in pairs 30 minutes share

Choose your challenge or create your own Explain, with examples, what reported speech is Create a video, quiz or animation explaining an Englsh grammar topic Learn an English poem by heart Create a video, quiz or animation showing a good or bad job interview Explain, with examples, how capitalization in English works Show why, with pictures, you like your favourite movie or book

What should you feel after the lesson today? Proud of yourself Motivated to challenge yourself more often Proud of your classmates

Which challenge will you choose?


What have you learned today?