German GCSE Development sheet: Module 7


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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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You need to use your mouse to see this presentation
 Präsentation transkript:

German GCSE Development sheet: Module 7 Grammar Overview 1.

German GCSE Development sheet: Module 7 Grammar Overview 2.

German GCSE Development sheet: Module 7

German GCSE Development sheet: Module 7 Using a variety of tenses: ich and wir forms – complete the table. Infinitive Past Present Future Conditional gehen Ich bin…gegangen Ich würde gehen Wir gehen Wir werden…gehen spielen Ich spiele Wir haben gespielt Wir werden…spielen machen Ich habe…gemacht Wir machen Wir würden machen sehen Ich habe…gesehen Ich werde…sehen Wir sehen Wir würden sehen hören Ich habe…gehört. Wir haben…gehört. Wir werden…hören

German GCSE Development sheet: Module 7

German GCSE Development sheet: Module 7

German GCSE Development sheet: Module 7 Vocabulary: Find the German for the following and write them out 3 times: office hospital vet files school-leaving certificate degree hard-working firefighter improve to travel apprenticeship applications knowledge meetings waiter Translate the paragraph into English. Übersetze die Sätze! I like French. Foreign languages are important. My sister works in an office in Ireland. Last year I worked as a waiter in the school holidays. The work was boring because there weren’t many customers. The salary is very low but the working conditions are good. I would like to do something meaningful. I have a part-time job as a cook. I would like to apply for a good job. As a child, I wanted to be a civil servant. Picture based speaking task: Prepare answers for the points given. Opinion building: find the following and use them in a sentence with an opinion/reason (e.g. Ich würde gern als Krankenschwester arbeiten, weil ich Leute helfen möchte). lorry driver dream job work experience serve customers theatre voluntary work abroad responsible lyrics foreign languages Exam-style writing task