PA Dutch 101 Video 6: Personal Pronouns. Paersehnliche Pronouns.


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 Präsentation transkript:

PA Dutch 101 Video 6: Personal Pronouns. Paersehnliche Pronouns.

Paersehnliche Pronouns – Personal Pronouns A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Examples in English: John is going home. He is going home. The book is old. It is old.

Paersehnliche Pronouns – Personal Pronouns SingularPlural ichImirwe duyoudihryou er, sie, eshe, she, itsiethey

Paersehnliche Pronouns – Personal Pronouns You have already been using Personal Pronouns, without even knowing it! Ich bin zwee un dreissich Yaahre alt. Wie bischt du?

Paersehnliche Pronouns – Personal Pronouns Use a Personal Pronouns to replace the red words! Die Mary iss zimmlich schlecht. Sie iss zimmlich schlecht. Der Jake un die Sally sin alt. Er un sie sin alt. / Sie sin alt. Der Billy un ich kaafe en iPad. Mir kaafe en iPad.

Paersehnliche Pronouns – Personal Pronouns It is important to learn and memorize these personal pronouns. We will be using them a lot in future videos! Practice saying them in the order we learned them!

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