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Wehrpflicht in Deutschland

You use the future tense when you are talking about something that....ill happen is going to happen.
Folge 4 Einkaufen und Im Hotel. Wo finde ich einen Rucksack? Where can I find a rucksack? In der Sportabteilung im zweiten Stock. In the sports department.
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Can you think of some KEY phrases which would be useful in multiple contexts? Take 2 minutes with a partner and come up with as many as you can!
Question words and word order By the end of this lesson you will have revised question words By the end of this lesson you will be able to use question.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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Greetings and goodbyes Deutschland v. USA
Der formelle Imperativ – the Imperative
Preparation for Oral Quiz Test Shopping for Clothes By the end of the lesson: You should all be able to complete role plays dealing with buying clothes.
Lust auf Lesen Treffpunkt Deutsch Sixth Edition. Relative Pronoun object of a preposition Recall from chapter 9 that relative clauses describe people,
Die Fragen Wörter Wer? Was? Wann?.
Lesson 5 Shopping. Objectives  After finishing this lesson, students should be able to:  1. ask for goods such as cloths, accessory.  2. give suggestions.
Listening Comprehension Kapitel 8 (Lehrbuch KONTAKTE) Thema: Essen und Einkaufen Level: 2. Semester Deutsch at University Level.
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The perfect tense Vital for a good grade!!. There are 2 parts to the perfect tense 1)The correct part of haben (or sein) 2) + the past participle.
The Subjunctive What? -The subjunctive is used to express hypothetical situations. -A ‘mood’ used to express these situations Eg. If he came, we would.
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COMMANDS imperative There are three command forms: formal familiar singular familiar plural.
You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens.
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