GCSE GERMAN Reading practice Past papers FOUNDATION LEVEL


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 Präsentation transkript:

GCSE GERMAN Reading practice Past papers FOUNDATION LEVEL * The more reading you do, the more vocabulary you will learn and this will help you to feel more confident in the exam. * Always look at the questions first – what information do you need to find out? * Consider whether words in the text are verbs or nouns. In German ALL nouns have capital letters so that’s a big clue. * You do not need to understand every word. * If you are unsure, form a logical answer based on what you do know. * Never leave a question blank. You do not need to always test yourself during reading practice – use a dictionary to find out new vocabulary * Expand your vocabulary by writing down new words and making an effort to learn them. Put them on display and change them when you know them.

Exercise A On which days will the museum open? ________________________________ On which day is the museum open late? ________________________________ What happens at 3.00 pm on Sundays? ________________________________ Exercise B Name three features of this service area 1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ 1


Exercise A Where will this firm deliver pizzas to? (2 places) __________________________________ How much do they charge for delivery? __________________________________ How can you save one Euro? __________________________________ What is the English name of the city where you can find ‘Toni’s pizza’? __________________ Exercise B 1. When do they suggest you visit them? ____ A before the theatre B during the interval C after the theatre 2. What sort of wines are their speciality? ______________________________________ 3

Exercise A. What job do they do Exercise A. What job do they do? Write the correct letter for each person. A Teacher B Nurse C Actor D Plumber E Baker F Waiter G Butcher Ich bin Bäcker Ich bin Lehrerin Ich bin Krankenschwester Ich bin Metzger Ich bin Kellner Exercise B. You read this advert for a travel card. Berlin WelcomeCard Das Touristen-Ticket * Mit der Berlin WelcomeCard können Touristen 72 Stunden mit allen öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in der ganzen Stadt fahren. * Kinder unter 6 Jahren kostenlos mit. * man kann die WelcomeCard am Bahnhof oder am Flughafen kaufen. Who is this ticket aimed at? _________________________________________________ Where can you use it? _____________________________________________________ Who travels free? _________________________________________________________ Where can you buy this ticket? Give one example________________________________ Exercise C. What is on offer in Berlin? Choose four from the selection. Kommen Sie nach Berlin! Für Sportler: Im Sommer Tennis spielen Für filmfans: Modernes Kino mit neusten Kinohits Fur Kulturelle: Historischer Dom in der Stadtmitte Für Familien: Freizeitzentrum mit Schwimmbad Für Teenager: Tanzen in Klubs Tennis Theatre Swimming Cinema Cathedral Shopping Dancing Football 4



Exercise A. Where do they live Exercise A. Where do they live? Write the correct letter next to each person. Laura: Ich wohne gern an der Küste _____ Thomas: Wir wohnen aus einem Boot auf einem Fluss _____ Kerem: Mein Bungalow liegt in einem ruhigen Dorf. _____ Luise: Ich finde mein Leben auf dem Lande langweilig. _____ Susanne: Meine Wohnung in der Stadtmitte ist klein. _____ A Town centre B village C On the coast D In the country E On a river Leyla is applying for a job. Sehr geehrter Herr. Ich möchte ab dem 1. Juli für 4 Wochen arbeiten. Ich habe ausgezeichnete Computerkenntnisse und ich spreche Türkisch und Englisch. Letztes Jahr habe ich in einem Verkehrsamt gearbeitet. Es war toll, obwohl der Arbeitstag ermüdend war. Später hoffe ich, Marketing im Ausland zu studieren. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Leyla Kemal. Exercise B. Decide which statement is true for each question. 1. Leyla’s computer skills are ____ A. Excellent B good C average 2. Leyla worked in ______ A. A travel agent’s B a newsagent’s C a tourist information office 3. Leyla found the working day ____ A. Tiring B frustrating C boring 4. In the future Leyla hopes to ____ A study English B work in a shop C gop abroad 7

Exercise A. These people are discussing their youth club but who says what? Fred Meine Eltern arbeiten bis spät am Abend. Im Jugendklub kann ich warmes Essen kaufen. Kevin In den Wokshops lerne ich, mein Fahrrar zu reparieren. Jennifer Es gibt viele diverse Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten. Der Tischtennisraum gefällt mir besonders gut. Andreas Hier kann ich mit den anderen Jungen und Mädchen sprechen. Jan Manchmal sehen wir Filme. Marco Man hilfst uns, wenn wir Probleme mit der Schularbeit haben. NAME 1 We can watch films 2 We can get help with homework 3 We can get hot food 4 We can chat to other young people 5 We can do lots of different things Exercise B 1. How does she describe her dad? ___________________ 2. What makes him mad? ________________________ 3. How often does she visit her grandma? 4. What does her grandma give her? 5. How does she describe her brother? 8

Exercise A. What problems does this boy face Exercise A. What problems does this boy face? Tick 4 from the selection below A Lack of education B Insufficient food C Poor accommodation D Polluted drinking water E He is maltreated F Poor clothing G He has to work to earn money Exercise B 1. Where is the café? ________________________ 2. What drink is advertised? ___________________ 3. What else can you buy (mention 2 things) __________________ ______________________ Exercise C 1. Where is the museum? _____________________ 2. What does the second line tell you? __________________________________________ 3. How much does it cost? ____________________ 9

Exercise A 1. What can you hire? ________________________ 2. How long do you get for 9 Euros? _____________ Exercise B 1. What does this restaurant say about its food? 1 thing. ____________________________________________ 2. How do you get to the restaurant? Exercise C. These people are saying what is wrong with them and what they must do. Complete the table. Name Explanation What is wrong? What are the going to do? Hakan Ich habe Magenschmerzen. Ich muss zum Arzt gehen. Stomach ache Go to the doctor Susanne Ich bin total müde. Ich gehe ins Bett. Christina Ich habe furchtbare Kopfschmerzen. Ich muss eine Tablette nehmen. Frank Mein Bein tut weh. Ich gehe sofort zum Krankenhaus. Exercise D. What are these types of books about? Filme films Kochen Reisen Angeln Musik 10

Exercise A. Note down in English, what activity you can do on each day. Monday ________________________ Tuesday __________________________ Wednesday _____________________ Thursday __________________________ Friday _______________________ Saturday ___________________________ Exercise B 1. What is being advertised? _______________ 2. What sort of people can stay there? ______________________________________ 3. What is included in the price? 2 things 4. What facilities are nearby? 2 things _____________________________________ 11

12 Einkaufsliste: Blumen _______ Brötchen _______ Magazin _______ Exercise A. These people are talking about reading. Write the correct letter in the box to answer each question below. A Ich lese in der Schule B Ich lese jeden Morgen Zeitung C Ich lese viel, aber nur Krimis. D Das Buch was ein Geburtstaggeschenk von meinem Bruder. E Ich lese gern, wenn ich mit dem Zug fahre. F Ich habe das Buch in 24 stunden gelesen. G Ich lese jede Nacht im Bett. H Ich lese mit meiner kleinen Schwester. Who reads in bed? ______ 2. Who reads at school? ______ 3. Who only reads detective novels? ______ 4. Who likes reading on journeys? _____ 5. Who got a book as a present? _____ 6. Who read her book quickly? ______ Exercise B. Choose which shop should be visited in order to buy each item on the list. Einkaufsliste: Blumen _______ Brötchen _______ Magazin _______ Ohrringe _______ Zahnpasta _______ Geburtstagkuchen ________ Drogerie B. Bäckerei C. Bank D.Metzgerei E. Konditorei F. Spielwaren G. Blumengeschäft H. Zeitungskiosk I. Juwelen J. Postamt K. Schreibwarengeschäft Exercise C Lieber Schüler! Liebe Schülerin! Bist du im zehnten Schuljahr? Interessierst du dich für Tischtennis? Komm dann bitte am Donnerstag in der Mittagspause zur Turnhalle! Bring deine Sportschuhe mit! Frau Peters. 1. Which year group is the notice for? _________ 2. What activity is being advertised? ________________________________________ 3. When on Thursday is the meeting to take place? _______________________________________ 4. What do pupils need to take with them? 12

What do the Germans like to eat most? Put the correct % in each box 13


What is wrong with each person? Put a cross in the correct box 15

School subjects Choose which picture matches each sentence 16

Ich bin krank – I am ill Read the sentences and put the correct letter next to each statement. 17

18 Exercise A. Make a note in English, what each person’s problem is. Mia ________________________________________________________________ Sara _______________________________________________________________ Udo _______________________________________________________________ Hans ______________________________________________________________ Exercise B Hilfe! Ich habe meine Schultasche gegen elf Uhr verloren. Sie ist schwarz und ziemlich gross. Hefte, Kulis und Make-Up sind darin. Ich heisse Silke Neumann (Klass 9e) Vielen Dank! 1. What has Silke lost? __________________ 2. When did she lose it? _________________ 3. What does it look like? (1 detail) ____________________________________ 4. Name 2 things inside the bag 18

Choose the correct letter for each person’s hobby. 19

Choose the correct box. Beispiel: Ralf is… He lives in … 20

21 His house is … His opinion about where he lives is … There is … Ralf travels in the morning …. 21

a b c d e PAPIER PLASTIK GLAS GARTENABFALL METALL 22 Exercise A. Decide whether the statements are true or false. A Peter went to Switzerland in the holidays B Peter had problems with his tooth. C Peter doesn’t take painkillers D Peter was awake the whole night E Peter’s mother rang the dentist the next morning Exercise B. Decide which recycling bin each person needs. a b c d e PAPIER PLASTIK GLAS GARTENABFALL METALL 1 Wo gehen die alte Zeitungen? 2 Ich habe zehn leere Bierflaschen! 3 Ich habe viele alte Bücher, die ich nicht mehr brauche 4 Wo gehen diese Dosen? 5 Mein Bruder im Garten gearbeitet aber was macht er mit so viel Gras? 22

Read each description and choose the picture that shows the correct furniture 23


Read the passage and decide how long young people spend doing each of the activities below per week. Activity Minutes spent Beispiel: surfing the net 120 1. Sitting in front of TV 2. Helping around the house 3. Speaking on the phone 4. Playing sport 5. Doing homework 25

26 In which shop would you buy the items on the list? 1, Clothes for your son 2. A cake 3. A filled pencil case 4. Furniture 5. A toy 6. Jewellery 26

27 Sophie Helena Jasmin Lea Celina Maren Choose the correct letter to show each person’s hobby Sophie Helena Jasmin Lea Celina Maren 27

Choose which letter matches the transport mentioned in each statement. 1. 2. 28

3. 4. 5. 29

Which amenities are in the flat? 5 30



What percentage of Germans carry out each job? 33

What is the weather like on each day? 34



Read the interview and decide whether the statements are true or false. Sarah plays piano and recorder _____ Sarah has three sisters ____ Sarah has one son _____ Sarah does not enjoy sport_____ Sarah has two horses _____ Sarah wants more children in the near future _____ 37

Which picture matches which tip? Write the number 38

Read where the items are positioned in the room and put the correct letter in the boxes. 39



B 1. What time does Barbara get up? ___________________________________________ 2. What do they produce in the factory where Barbara’s brother works? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. How long does she spend in the bathroom? ___________________________________ 4. What does Markus not eat for breakfast? _____________________________________ 5. What does he prefer to eat? 2 things __________________ ___________________ 42

1. What do Marie and her mother do together 2. What was special for her mum yesterday? ________________________________________ 3. How does Marie describe her mum’s bike? ________________________________________ 4. Where did the dog come from? _________________________________________________ 5. Where did they do that night? __________________________________________________ 43

Ex. A 44 1. Where is Ingrid going in the holidays? ______________________________________ 2. Why is the Europa-Park worth a visit? ______________________________________ 3. How did Ingrid get info about the park? _____________________________________ 4. Where will Ingrid stay when she visits the park? ______________________________ 5. Why will Ingrid not have breakfast in the park? _______________________________ Exercise B. Choose the correct answer to match each question in the survey. 1 Wie heisst du? 2 Was ist dein Lieblingsfach? 3 Was isst du in der Pause? 4 Was hast du am Wochenende gemacht? 5 Wie findest du das Essen in der Schule? 6 Was studierst du nicht gern? 7 Wann kommst du in der Schule an? A Ja, letztes Jahr E Ich finde die Kantine furchtbar I Ich lerne nicht gern Physik B Mein Name ist Stefan F Ich spiele Federball J Ich komme um neun Uhr an C Nächstes Jahr G Ich habe Fussball gespielt K Ich bin vierzehn Jahre alt D Ich esse Butterbrote und Chips H Ich trinke Limonade L Deutsch, weil es toll ist


46 Who….? Went swimming ? ___________________________________ Owns their own business? _____________________________ Worked from 8 til 4? __________________________________ Had a cold beer? ____________________________________ 46

What are the going to provide at the barbecue What are the going to provide at the barbecue? 2 things _____________________________ What are guests asked to bring? _______________________________________________ What other help do they ask for? _______________________________________________ What do they hope? (last sentence) _____________________________________________ 47