PA Dutch 101 Video 34: Two-Way Prepositions. Two-Way Prepositions.


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 Präsentation transkript:

PA Dutch 101 Video 34: Two-Way Prepositions. Two-Way Prepositions.

Cases As we addressed in previous videos, there are three cases in PD: Nominative – subject (Video 12) Accusative – direct object (Video 17) Dative – indirect object (Video 25) We also learned that there are ACC and DAT prepositions.

Two-Way Prepositions There is a set of prepositions that use the Dative or the Accusative case, depending on the particular situation. DATIVE: when used with a verb that DOES NOT indicate motion into or out of a place. Ask the question, Where? Wu? ACCUSATIVE: when used with a verb that DOES indicate motion toward a specific point or direction. Ask the question, Where to? Wu anne?

Two-Way Prepositions an – at, on (vertical surfaces) gschwischich – between hinnich – behind in – in, into iwwer – over, above, past, after, across newwe/newwich – next to, near uff – on (horizontal surfaces), upon unnich – under var – before, in front of, ago, of (telling time)

Dative Contractions an + dem = am an + me = amme in + dem = im in + me = imme var + dem = varm

Accusative Contractions an + es = ans hinnich + es = hinnichs in + es = ins iwwer + es = iwwers newwich + es = newwichs uff + es = uffs unnich + es = unnichs var + es = vars

Things to Remember! Ask the question: is there motion? YES – ACCUSATIVE NO - DATIVE Determine the Gender of the Noun associated with the Two-Way Preposition! Provide the correct Article!

Two-Way Prepositions Er wuhnt an em Eck. Er geht an es Eck. Die Maschien schteht hinnich em Haus. Die Maschien faahrt hinnich es Haus. Es Kind iss unnich dem Disch. Es Kind laaft unnich der Disch.

Iewing - Practice Die Schulsack legt uff ___ (the) Bett (n). Die Schulsack legt uff em Bett. Mir schwimme iwwer ___ (the) Wasserloch (n). Mir schwimme iwwer es Wasserloch. Die Uhr iss an ___ (the) Wand (f). Die Uhr iss an der Wand. Der Bill geht hinnich ___ (the) Haus (n). Der Bill geht hinnich es Haus.

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