Chocolate Linda Rusche


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Chocolate Linda Rusche 15.11.2016

1. Cosumption 2. Ingredients 3. Production 4. Does eating chocolate make us happy?

Per capita consumption of chocolate in 2014 Milk chocolate = most popular chocolate Ritter Sport, Milka, Lindt are the most important manufacturers Per capita consumption of chocolate in 2014

Ingredients Cocoa mass Cocoa butter Milk powder Sugar Emulsifiers

Production most important step: Conching process Mixing & Dosing Crushing Conching Process Tempering Shaping & Cooling most important step: Conching process  Refinement of the chocolate

Does eating chocolate really make us happy? ‚Wurtman-Hypothesis‘ Serotonin (metabolic product of the amino acid Tryptophan) regulates our emotional system Problem: Tryptophan is hydrophobic  bound on BSA  low concentration Fatty acids supplant Tryptophan from BSA  more free Tryptophan Eating chocolate makes us happy!

Sources Pictures: [1] 03.11.16 [2] 03.11.16 [3] =de-DE&w=820 03.11.16 [4] 03.11.16 [5] fd1d1df38751/54D3/71E0/330A/398F/D503/0A48/3520/CD38/Milchpulver.jpg 03.11.16 [6] 03.11.16 [7] 03.11.16 [8] 03.11.16 Statistics: [1] ausgewaehlten-laendern/ 03.11.16