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Cornelius Partsch STATION LEARNING in the student-centered classroom ©2008 STATION LEARNING in the student-centered classroom ©2008.

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1 Cornelius Partsch STATION LEARNING in the student-centered classroom ©2008 STATION LEARNING in the student-centered classroom ©2008

2 Example of Station Learning used in German 432 (German Popular Culture) Friedrich Christian Delius. Der Sonntag, an dem ich Weltmeister wurde The Sunday I became World Champion -- first published 1994 -- Friedrich Christian Delius. Der Sonntag, an dem ich Weltmeister wurde The Sunday I became World Champion -- first published 1994 --

3 July 4th, 1954 The Miracle of Bern Germany 3 - Hungary 2 Captain Fritz Walter and Coach Sepp Herberger after the game

4 STATION EINS Gehen Sie auf die Seite des Deutschen Historischen Museums (www.dhm.de) und finden Sie das Lebendige Museum Online. Finden Sie dort die Chronik des Jahres 1954. Welche Ereignisse bis zum 4. Juli 1954 haben mit der deutschen Teilung und mit dem Kalten Krieg, zu tun?www.dhm.de Go to the web site of the German Historical Museum (www.dhm.de) and find the Living Museum Online (LEMO). Then find the chronology of 1954. Which events up to the date of July 4 have to do with German division and the Cold War? RATIONALE: political context / activating prior knowledge / reading / use of specific vocabulary / information literacy Gehen Sie auf die Seite des Deutschen Historischen Museums (www.dhm.de) und finden Sie das Lebendige Museum Online. Finden Sie dort die Chronik des Jahres 1954. Welche Ereignisse bis zum 4. Juli 1954 haben mit der deutschen Teilung und mit dem Kalten Krieg, zu tun?www.dhm.de Go to the web site of the German Historical Museum (www.dhm.de) and find the Living Museum Online (LEMO). Then find the chronology of 1954. Which events up to the date of July 4 have to do with German division and the Cold War? RATIONALE: political context / activating prior knowledge / reading / use of specific vocabulary / information literacy

5 STATION ZWEI Wer ist der Fußballspieler, der auf dem Titelblatt des Buches abgebildet ist? Spielte er in der Abwehr, im Mittelfeld oder im Sturm? In welcher Stadt gibt es ein Stadion, das nach diesem Spieler benannt ist? Warum trägt das Stadion seinen Namen? Wann bekam das Stadion diesen Namen? Was sind die Lebensdaten des legendären Fußballers? Who is the soccer player depicted on the book cover? Did he play on defense, in the midfield or in the attack? In which German city can you find a stadium bearing his name? Why is this the case? When was the stadium named after this soccer player? When did the legendary player live? Wer ist der Fußballspieler, der auf dem Titelblatt des Buches abgebildet ist? Spielte er in der Abwehr, im Mittelfeld oder im Sturm? In welcher Stadt gibt es ein Stadion, das nach diesem Spieler benannt ist? Warum trägt das Stadion seinen Namen? Wann bekam das Stadion diesen Namen? Was sind die Lebensdaten des legendären Fußballers? Who is the soccer player depicted on the book cover? Did he play on defense, in the midfield or in the attack? In which German city can you find a stadium bearing his name? Why is this the case? When was the stadium named after this soccer player? When did the legendary player live? RATIONALE: relating image to text / use of specific vocabulary / socio- cultural context / reading / information literacy

6 STATION DREI In welchem Bundesland liegt Wehrda? Wie heißen die nächsten größen Städte? Wenn Sie von Wehrda direkt nach Osten gehen, in welches Bundesland kommen Sie dann? Wie viele Kilometer muss man ungefähr fahren um von Wehrda nach Frankfurt, nach Dresden oder nach München zu kommen? Wie viele Meilen sind das? In which federal state is the town of Wehrda? What are the closest larger cities? If you travel straight east from Wehrda, which federal state would you reach? How many kilometers would you have to travel to reach Frankfurt, Dresden, or Munich from Wehrda? How many miles is that? Rationale: German geography / spatial dimensions articulated in text / geopolitical context (Cold War borders) / numbers In welchem Bundesland liegt Wehrda? Wie heißen die nächsten größen Städte? Wenn Sie von Wehrda direkt nach Osten gehen, in welches Bundesland kommen Sie dann? Wie viele Kilometer muss man ungefähr fahren um von Wehrda nach Frankfurt, nach Dresden oder nach München zu kommen? Wie viele Meilen sind das? In which federal state is the town of Wehrda? What are the closest larger cities? If you travel straight east from Wehrda, which federal state would you reach? How many kilometers would you have to travel to reach Frankfurt, Dresden, or Munich from Wehrda? How many miles is that? Rationale: German geography / spatial dimensions articulated in text / geopolitical context (Cold War borders) / numbers

7 STATION VIER Gehen Sie auf die Homepage des Autors (www.fcdelius.de). Wo wurde Delius geboren? Was war sein Vater von Beruf? Auf welche Schule ging Delius nach der Grundschule? Welche Sprachen lernte er auf dieser Schule? Wie alt war er im Sommer 1954? Wie kommentierte Klaus Modick im Norddeutschen Rundfunk die Erzählung Der Sonntag, an dem ich Weltmeister wurde? Übersetzen Sie diesen Kommentar ins Englische. Was für aktuelle Neuigkeiten gibt es aus München (http://www.fcdelius.de/aktuelles/index_archiv.html)? Und was bedeutet das? Go to the authors homepage (www.fcdelius.de). Where was Delius born? What was his fathers profession? Which school did Delius attend after elementary school? How old was he in the summer of 1954? How did Klaus Modick characterize the novella in North German Radio? What is the breaking news coming out of Munich (http://www.fcdelius.de/aktuelles/index_archiv.html)? And what does this mean?www.fcdelius.dehttp://www.fcdelius.de/aktuelles/index_archiv.html RATIONALE: autobiographical dimension of text / reading / information literacy Gehen Sie auf die Homepage des Autors (www.fcdelius.de). Wo wurde Delius geboren? Was war sein Vater von Beruf? Auf welche Schule ging Delius nach der Grundschule? Welche Sprachen lernte er auf dieser Schule? Wie alt war er im Sommer 1954? Wie kommentierte Klaus Modick im Norddeutschen Rundfunk die Erzählung Der Sonntag, an dem ich Weltmeister wurde? Übersetzen Sie diesen Kommentar ins Englische. Was für aktuelle Neuigkeiten gibt es aus München (http://www.fcdelius.de/aktuelles/index_archiv.html)? Und was bedeutet das? Go to the authors homepage (www.fcdelius.de). Where was Delius born? What was his fathers profession? Which school did Delius attend after elementary school? How old was he in the summer of 1954? How did Klaus Modick characterize the novella in North German Radio? What is the breaking news coming out of Munich (http://www.fcdelius.de/aktuelles/index_archiv.html)? And what does this mean?www.fcdelius.dehttp://www.fcdelius.de/aktuelles/index_archiv.html RATIONALE: autobiographical dimension of text / reading / information literacy

8 STATION FÜNF Was ist das Datum des Tages, über den erzählt wird? Wo befindet sich der Erzähler? Markieren Sie die korrekten Kombinationen von Ort, Seitenzahl und Zeit in der folgenden Tabelle. Datum: Sonntag, der ____ _______ ________ Which day does the narrator tell us about? Where is the narrator? Match up the appropriate places, page number, and times in the table below. Date: Sunday, ______ ______ _________ RATIONALE: global and specific reading comprehension / finding markers in text / narrative structure / difference between narrated time and narration time Was ist das Datum des Tages, über den erzählt wird? Wo befindet sich der Erzähler? Markieren Sie die korrekten Kombinationen von Ort, Seitenzahl und Zeit in der folgenden Tabelle. Datum: Sonntag, der ____ _______ ________ Which day does the narrator tell us about? Where is the narrator? Match up the appropriate places, page number, and times in the table below. Date: Sunday, ______ ______ _________ RATIONALE: global and specific reading comprehension / finding markers in text / narrative structure / difference between narrated time and narration time

9 STATION FÜNF Ort Place Seitenzahlen Page Numbers Tageszeit Time of Day Am Frühstückstisch At the breakfast table Auf seinem Zimmer (Mitte) In his room (Center) Auf seinem Zimmer (Fisch) In his room (Fish) Mittagessen Lunch Auf dem Hof In the yard In der Kirche In church Mittagessen (Isaak) Lunch (Isaac)

10 STATION SECHS Was wissen Sie über die folgenden biblischen Motive / Figuren / Geschichten, die in der Erzählung von Delius eine Rolle spielen? Indicate what you know about the following biblical symbols / figures / stories that are referenced in Delius novella. Isaak Der Turm von Babel Fisch RATIONALE: activate prior knowledge / allusive and montage-like character of literary texts / make statements about narrator Was wissen Sie über die folgenden biblischen Motive / Figuren / Geschichten, die in der Erzählung von Delius eine Rolle spielen? Indicate what you know about the following biblical symbols / figures / stories that are referenced in Delius novella. Isaak Der Turm von Babel Fisch RATIONALE: activate prior knowledge / allusive and montage-like character of literary texts / make statements about narrator

11 OTHER POSSIBLE STATIONS creative elaboration (write different ending) personalization (what would you have done in the narrators place?) comparison (is there a comparable event in US sports history? does it have a place in your memory?) sound (listening to radio broadcast of World Cup final, which is quoted extensively in the text; describe voice / effect) add video to the radio broadcast (view footage of last minutes of game - available on youtube) add video and create historical timeline (view music video of Heppners and Van Dyks hit song Wer sind wir? which shows the singer time-traveling through post-war German history, including the game in Bern) creative activity (draw a scene from the text, or a soccer field with parts labeled) pedagogical reflection (have students design an additional station and explain its learning benefits) creative elaboration (write different ending) personalization (what would you have done in the narrators place?) comparison (is there a comparable event in US sports history? does it have a place in your memory?) sound (listening to radio broadcast of World Cup final, which is quoted extensively in the text; describe voice / effect) add video to the radio broadcast (view footage of last minutes of game - available on youtube) add video and create historical timeline (view music video of Heppners and Van Dyks hit song Wer sind wir? which shows the singer time-traveling through post-war German history, including the game in Bern) creative activity (draw a scene from the text, or a soccer field with parts labeled) pedagogical reflection (have students design an additional station and explain its learning benefits)

12 The benefits of station learning Students take responsibility for learning Students rely on each other in the process Students are actively involved Students work at their own speed Students encounter various levels of difficulty Students use various media (and realia) Students communicate extensively Students teach each other and give feedback to each other Students take responsibility for learning Students rely on each other in the process Students are actively involved Students work at their own speed Students encounter various levels of difficulty Students use various media (and realia) Students communicate extensively Students teach each other and give feedback to each other

13 In other words, station learning … Motivates students Brings movement into the classroom Develops / enhances problem-solving skills Fosters autonomy, social interaction, community, and team spirit Appeals to different learning styles Encompasses a broad range of proficiency levels Makes ALL learning materials accessible to ALL students from the beginning of class Helps students see (that there are) different perspectives on a text or an issue Motivates students Brings movement into the classroom Develops / enhances problem-solving skills Fosters autonomy, social interaction, community, and team spirit Appeals to different learning styles Encompasses a broad range of proficiency levels Makes ALL learning materials accessible to ALL students from the beginning of class Helps students see (that there are) different perspectives on a text or an issue

14 Selected Bibliography Roland Bauer. Schülergerechtes Arbeiten in der Sekundarstufe I: Lernen an Stationen. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 1997. Phyllis Blumberg. Developing learner-centered teaching: A practical guide for faculty. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009. Zoltán Dörnyei. Motivational strategies in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. Terry Doyle. Helping students learn in a learner-centered environment. A guide to facilitating learning in higher education. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2008. Joan Kelly Hall and Lorrie Stoops Verplaetse. Second and foreign language learning through classroom interaction. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2000. Anthony Herrington and Jan Herrington. Authentic learning environments in higher education. Hershey, PA: Information Science, 2006. Claus Nygaard and Clive Holtham, eds. Understanding learning-centered higher education. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2008. Geraldine ONeill and Tim McMahon. Student-centered learning: What does it mean for students and lecturers? See: http://www.aishe.org/readings/2005-1/oneill-mcmahon- Tues_19th_Oct_SCL.htmlhttp://www.aishe.org/readings/2005-1/oneill-mcmahon- Tues_19th_Oct_SCL.html Jennifer Redmann. Stationenlerner: A student-centered approach to working with foreign language texts. Unterrichtspraxis 38:2 (2005 Fall): 135-142. Maryellen Weimer. Learner-centered teaching: Five key changes to practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002. Rainer E. Wicke. Aktiv und kreativ lernen. Projektorientierte Spracharbeit im Unterricht. Ismaning: Max Hueber Verlag, 2004.

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