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Veröffentlicht von:Wendelin Nell Geändert vor über 11 Jahren
Complement clauses
Finite complement clauses That-clauses WH-clauses IF/WHETHER-clauses
THAT complement clauses (1)That Peter didnt come didnt bother us. (2)I noticed (that) somebody spoke English. (3)Thats wrong, I think. (4)Suppose we do it this way. (5)Youre right, I guess. (6)I bet you missed the bus, didnt you? (7)You know, weve been here before. SUBJ OBJ Parenthetical main clause
WH-complement clauses (1)Do you know who will be there. (2)Im not sure who she talked to. (3)I asked them what they want. (4)The problem is who can we get to replace her. SUBJ OBJ IO
WH-complement clauses Indirect questions: (1)I wonder what will happen next. (2)I asked him what we they will do. Headless relative clauses: (3)Whoever did that should admit it frankly. (4)I took what they offered me.
WH-complement clauses Indirect questions: (1)I wonder what will happen next. (2)I asked him what we they will do. Headless relative clauses: (3)Whoever did that should admit it frankly. >>> [the person who did that … ] (4)I took what they offered me. >>> [the things that they offered me]
WH-complement clauses (1)They asked me what I knew. -> They asked me things that I knew. -> They asked me what do you know?
IF-complement clauses (1)I cant find out if the flight has been delayed. (2)They didnt say whether it will rain or be sunny.
Dass-complement clauses (1)Dass du gekommen bist, freut mich sehr. (2)Ich freue mich, dass du gekommen bist. (3)*Ich freue mich, du gekommen bist. (4)Er sagt, dass er nicht da gewesen sei. (5)Er sagt, er sei gestern nicht da gewesen.
WH-complement clauses (1)Weißt du, wer dort sein wird? (2)Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wen du meinst. (3)Peter überlegt, wann es ihm passt. (4)Ich habe ihn gefragt, was er will. (5)Das Problem ist wer kann sie ersetzen?
Ob-complement clauses (1)Ich weiß nicht, ob er kommt. (2)Ob er das machen wird, ist fraglich.
Bare infinitives (1)Peter can go. (2)Peter kann gehen. (3)I make him leave. (4)Ich höre ihn kommen.
To-infinitives (1)He tried to come. (2)Er hat versucht zu kommen. (3)He convinced Peter to leave. (4)Er hat Peter überzeugt zu kommen.
Participle complements (1)He ceased smoking. (2)She saw him running in the park.
NP-V-NP vs. NP-V-NP-VP (1)Peter wants to leave. (2)Peter wants Bill to leave. (1)Peter stopped smoking. (2)Peter saw me leaving. (1)Peter versucht zu bleiben. (2)Peter überredet Karl zu kommen.
Control (1)Peter asked her to follow him. (2)Peter forces her to give him the key. (3)Peter bitte sie, ihm zu folgen. (4)Peter zwingt sie, ihm den Schlüssel zu geben.
Minimal distance principle The nonfinite verb is controlled by the NP in minimal distance to the left of it. (1)Peter promised Mary to come. (2)Peter verspricht Susi, zu kommen.
Raising (1)Peter asked her to follow him. (2)Peter expects her to win. (3)Peter asked her something. (4)Peter expects something. (5)Peter asked her if she would come. (6)Peter expects that she will come.
Control vs. Raising (1)Peter asked her to follow him. (2)Peter expects her to win the game. control raising … asked her to follow him NPVPNP S nonfinite VP
Control vs. Raising (1)Peter asked her to follow him. (2)Peter expects her to win the game. control raising … asked her to follow him… expects her to win the game. NPVPNP VP NPVPNP VPS nonfinite
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