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WITAJCIE!! Hello, we are students from the class 8 A. We will be present you Köln, and other cities in the region where we live (Nordrhein - Westfalen).

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Präsentation zum Thema: "WITAJCIE!! Hello, we are students from the class 8 A. We will be present you Köln, and other cities in the region where we live (Nordrhein - Westfalen)."—  Präsentation transkript:

1 WITAJCIE!! Hello, we are students from the class 8 A. We will be present you Köln, and other cities in the region where we live (Nordrhein - Westfalen). First of all we’ll introduce ourselves and show you pictures of us as well. You’ll be noticing that we are students with different nationalities but common goals and Hobbies. We took pictures from Cologne and other cities, like Leverkusen, Bonn, etc. We hope that You enjoy the presentation. Thank you. We hope that You enjoy the presentation. Thank you.

2 Leverkusen – kurz gefasst Das Stadtgebiet erstreckt sich vom Rhein im Westen bis auf die Vorhöhen des Bergischen Landes im Osten. Gesamtfläche: 7.885 hektar (ha) Einwohner, gesamt: 162.267 Einwohner (davon: 83.575 weiblich; 78.692 männlich; ausländische Einwohner: 19.255) Partnerstädte: 8 Städtepartnerschaften ist Leverkusen seit 1968 eingegangen (darunter die polnische Stadt Ratibor/Raciborz; mit einer Schule in Ratibor organisiert unsere Schule einen deutsch- polnischen Jugendaustausch).

3 Leverkusen – kurz gefasst Leverkusen am Rhein ist eine Großstadt mit vielen Facetten. Rund 160 000 Menschen leben dort, in großstädtischen Gebieten ebenso wie in ländlicher Idylle. Beides, der dörfliche Charme ebenso wie das pulsierende Stadtleben, findet sich oft nur wenige Kilometer, manchmal auch fast unvermittelt nebeneinander wieder. Als industriell geprägte Stadt mit dem weltweit bekannten Unternehmen Bayer AG hat Leverkusen internationale Bekanntheit erreicht. Und doch ist sie viel mehr: Eine Stadt mit hohem Erholungswert, mit viel Grün vor allem an den Ausläufern des Bergischen Landes und mit romantischem Rheinstrand im Norden.


5 Und jetzt etwas zum deutsch-polnischen Schüleraustausch an unserer Schule: „Wir fahren nach Ratibor /Polen – Schüleraustausch AG“ Ziele: 1. Die bestehenden guten Kontakte zwischen der Gesamtschule Leverkusen Schlebusch und dem Gymnasium Nr. 2 in Ratibor zu vertiefen. 2. Den 2. Schüleraustausch vorzubereiten und durchzuführen. 3. Unser Nachbarland Polen und seine Geschichte, Kultur, Traditionen und Menschen näher kennen zu lernen. Dafür werden wir moderne Medien, z.B. Internet, e-mails nutzen.

6 Hier eine kleine Kostprobe vom 1. Schüleraustausch - Juni 2005: Ada Sekula (16 Jahre) 3D SpitzName „Adzia“ Es war phantastisch. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und habe sehr nette Leute kennen gelernt. Ich möchte weiter im Briefkontakt stehen. Dieser Austausch hat mir geholfen, meine deutsche Sprache zu verbessern und die verschiedenen deutschen Bräuche kennen zu lernen. Ania Andrzejczyk (16 Jahre) 3F Es war super!!! Ich habe viele nette Leute kennen gelernt und viele interessante Orte besichtigt. Dieser Austausch wird immer in meiner Erinnerung bleiben und ich werde mich daran immer erinnern. Es ist nur schade, dass der Austausch so kurz gedauert hat. Ich hoffe, dass wir zusammen sehr lange im Kontakt stehen werden! Bengi (Kl.8d) Also mein Eindruck war sehr positiv. Die Gerüchte, dass die polnischen Leute klauen ist komplett Quatsch. Die Familie bei der ich zu Hause war, war sehr nett und die Stadt Ratibor ist zwar klein, aber fein. Krakau ist ebenfalls schön. Die Menschen in Polen sind sehr hilfsbereit und warmherzig und mir ist aufgefallen, dass man dort die gleiche Kleidung trägt wie hier und die meisten Geschäfte sind gleich. Natascha (Kl. 8d) Ich fand, dass der Polenaustausch eine schöne Erfahrung war. Man hat neue Freunde und das Land kennen gelernt.

7 Gezelinkappele St. Andreas Magnus St. Andreas St. AldegundisSt. Aldegundis. St. Pephnus St. AldegundisSt. Aldegundis.

8 DIE RHEINKARTE DIE RHEINKARTE Der Rhein fließt von der Nordsee durch Deutschland bis in die Schweiz!! Der Rhein fließt von der Nordsee durch Deutschland bis in die Schweiz!! DER RHEIN





13 Düsseldorf

14 Duisburg A kaleidoscope of contrasts, diversity and change: Duisburg on the Rhine is a blend of heavy industry and green woodland, parks and lakes, a wide range of educational opportunities and a host of cultural attractions. All this is complemented by varied large-scale sporting events and a wide range of shopping facilities.

15 Das Museum Ludwig zeigt zeitgenössische Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Zur Sammlung gehören Werke des Expressionismus, der klassischen Moderne und der Pop Art. MUSEUM LUDWIG MUSEEN IN KÖLN

16 Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst Ein Schatzhaus für die Kunst Chinas, Koreas und Japans

17 Wallraf-Richartz-Museum Das älteste Museum Kölns beherbergt Malerei, Skulptur und Graphik vom Mittelalter bis zum Impressionismus und ist eine der großen klassischen Gemäldegalerien Deutschlands.

18 Römisch Germanisches Museum Die Sammlung präsentiert das archäologische Erbe Kölns und des Umlandes von der Urgeschichte bis zum Mittelalter. Highlights sind die Sammlungen von römischen Gläsern und Schmuck.

19 Kölnisches Stadtmuseum Klüngel, Kölsch und Karneval. In diesem Museum dreht sich alles um die Domstadt und ihre politische, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Geschichte vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.

20 Schokoladen- museum Das so genannte "MMMuseum" wurde 1993 von Dr. Hans Imhoff gegründet und finanziert. Es zeigt die 3000 Jahre alte Geschichte der Schokolade und ihre Produktion.

21 Kölner Karnevalsmuseum Das erste Kölner Karnevalsmuseum zeigt auf einer Fläche von 1.400 qm die Geschichte und die Vielfalt des Karnevals von seinen Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart

22 Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum Das Museum bietet einen Einblick in die Geschichte des nationalen, internationalen und olympischen sports und gibt den Besuchern außerdem die Gelegenheit selbst aktiv zu werden.

23 Rautenstrauch- Joest Museum Das Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum ist eines der bedeutensten Völkerkundemuseen in Deutschland. Die Sammlung umfasst 65.000 Objekte, 100.000 Fotografien und eine Fachbibliothek.

24 Im stimmungsvollen Ambiente einer mittelalterlichen Kirche beherbergt das Museum eine der wichtigsten Mittelaltersammlungen der Welt. Neben vielen Werken der Schatzkunst zählt auch eine umfangreiche Textilsammlung zu den Schätzen des Museums. Museum Schnütgen

25 Das FC-Museum Über 50 Jahre Vereins- und Fußballgeschichte finden in den Räumen Platz. Bei einem Rundgang durch das Museum wird die Zeit der ehemaligen Spieler wie Hans Schäfer, Karl-Heinz Schnellinger, Jupp Röhrig, Wolfgang Overath, Wolfgang Weber, Bernd Cullmann, Heinz Flohe, Hennes Löhr, Pierre Littbarski, Dieter Müller, Harald Schumacher (der mit 542 Spielen übrigens die meisten Pflichtspiele für den Kölner Club absolvierte), Bodo Illgner, Thomas Häßler oder Dirk Lottner wieder lebendig. Unzählige Exponate erinnern an die Fußballgrößen und die großen sowie kleinen Triumphe.

26 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! In Cologne, Indianapolis' Sister City, they call Karneval - the period between November 11 and Ash-Wednesday - the "Fifth Season of the Year." It begins on the 11th day of the 11th month at exactly 11 minutes past 11 o'clock in the morning. This is when the Karneval Honor Guard - at least in the Rhineland, in Cologne, Bonn or Mainz - marches up. The jesters are drawn into the street, where they have one day to revel in pleasant anticipation. Then it's over again for a while - but only for outsiders. In carnival clubs, street and neighborhood groups, there are now regular meetings and activities, as the preparations for "die tollen Tage," the crazy days, are in full swing.

27 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! At those jolly-good-time parties, dances and balls, folks wear "Kappen" (fools caps) and often also masks. In each city a Prinz Karneval, referred to as "His Crazy Highness," is elected to head with his princess or other retinue a court of fools and lead the frolics. On Shrove Tuesday the crazy couple will move with their retinue into the Rathaus (City Hall) to govern until midnight, when the merrymaking and foolishness comes to a sudden halt, yielding to the observation of Lent. After the official initiation in November, Karneval begins on New Year's Day or immediately following Twelfth Night (the Festival of the Three Kings or Magi, also called Epiphany), on January 6, and ends with Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.

28 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! The Karneval of Cologne has its roots in ancient times. Cologne, founded by the Romans in 38 B.C. was Named Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensum, after Julia Agrippina, daughter of the Roman General Germanicus, who married Rome's Emperor Claudius. In A.D. 50 it became t he capital of a Roman province and grew into the largest city north of the Alps and a major place of pilgrimAge. The gothic masterpiece, the K ö lner Dom or cathedral, was begun in 1248 and completed 632 years later, in 1880. It was built to house a splendid shrine for the relics of the Magi, the Three Kings, who paid homAge to the infant Jesus, and to accommodate the huge pilgrimAges the relics brought.

29 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! The cultures that evolved in Cologne side by side, the Roman and the Germanic, laid down the roots of Karneval. Numerous features of Karneval such as the masks, fancy costumes, parades, floats, etc. were also part of the ancient Roman Saturnalia (in December) and Lupercalia festivities (in February). Blended with the Germanic peoples' rites of Spring, they became the foundation upon which the Christian Church laid new interpretation and symbolism.

30 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! In 1823, concerned citizens, mainly of the educated elite, formed Karneval societies for the purpose of creating a new imAge. The Romantic spirit of the times and renewed interest in classic Greece and Rome, provided inspiration for Karneval themes. A symbolic figure, "Prinz Karneval," assisted by two other picturesque figures, the "Kouml;lnische Bauer" (Cologne Peasant) and the "Koumllnische Jungfra ü (Cologne Virgin, portrayed by a man) became the principals. The numerous independent parades of masked groups were combined into one big parade culminating in the "Prince's" float. The early Karneval celebrations in Cologne had been organized by craft guilds. From 1794 to 1800 during the revolutionary wars, Cologne was occupied by French troops, and celebrations were forbidden. When they were permitted again, Karneval degenerated rapidly into rowdyism and excessive vulgarity.

31 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! Organized by firmly established Karneval societies, independent groups, which sometimes competed with one another, it began to flourish. Elaborate gatherings were held for the preparations. From these gradually developed today's popular "Kappensitzungen" (fools' sessions), often shown on TV. The Cologne practice spread to other Rhenish cities, Mainz and D ü sseldorf. At the beginning of the 19th century, people used Karneval as an outlet for their protests, cloaked in ironic wit. The political upheavals of the middle of the 19th century were often reflected in the celebration of Karneval. This led in several cities to the prohibition of parades, Karneval newspapers and societies, as these were seen as vehicles for expressing dangerous and revolutionary ideas of democracy. In those cities where Karneval was celebrated, it continued to have its ups and downs. During WWI and the depression, there were no official celebrations. In 1933 the State demanded that all events had to be interpreted in terms of its racial ideology. At the beginning of WWII, all Karneval activities stopped.

32 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! Today, "Karneval in K ö ln" is bigger, noisier and merrier than ever. The Rhenish Karneval traditions are shared with Mainz and D ü sseldorf as well as the larger and smaller towns in the vicinity of Cologne. Along the Rhine every town has a "Prinz" and "Prinzessin" (prince and princess) who command a uniformed guard, the "Prinzengarde" (prince's garde), parades with brass bands, dancers, officers on horseback, musketeers and infantrymen, all dressed in 18th century costume. The reason for the military attire is found in the reaction against Napoleonic and Prussian troops who had occupied the area. The masks and costumes are determined by individual whim and the themes of floats are often satirical, even critical, of contemporary personalities and events, and they poke fun at the government and the military. Before the season culminates in the Rose Monday Parade, there are balls, parties and the famous "B ü ttensitzungen." "B ü tten" (barrel) speakers are expected to be hilariously funny, witty and clever. The speeches range from funny to satirical and highly political. The speakers enjoy "Narrenfreiheit" (fools' liberty), the license of a court jester who had the liberty to speak unpopular truths as long as they were cloaked into the forms of jokes. Such an evening is further enlivened by skits, dance entertainment, music, food and song.

33 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! Karneval is also the high season for "T ü nnes und Sch ä l," two characters in the Laurel and Hardy tradition, who illustrate and poke fun of the good citizens of Cologne. T ü nnes, somewhat simple and good natured, but no dummy, is dressed in casual and not necessarily matching attire, while Sch ä l, correct in derby hat and tie, displays proper, conforming respectability. Together they enliven Karneval events and festivities. T ü nnes and Sch ä l jokes abound, often addressing, with humor, political and civic issues. Since the Karneval season began in November, the "Elferrat" (Council of Eleven) together with other Karneval societies have planned the festivities that reach their climax in a huge Rose Monday parade with floats, representing satirical, political and traditional topics. Many months of parties and events by city carnival societies have built to this point.

34 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! The Rose Monday parade, as is the entire carnival season, is presided over by the "Dreigestirn" (the Triumpherate), Prinz Karneval, the Maiden (portrayed by a man) symbolizing the city of Cologne, the Bauer (farmer), representing the tradesmen and farmers who made Cologne great, and their entire court. These offices are highly coveted and usually go to prominent citizens since it is not inexpensive to be a member of the "Triumpherate." The Rose Monday parade is the high point of Karneval. Beginning with the Weiberfastnacht (women's carnival) on Thursday more than 50 processions warmed up the city. Held separately on Sunday afternoon before the Rose. Monday parade, they are often more original than the official parade. Several local Rose Monday parades were held in other parts of the city by the various "Viertel" (quarters) and the schools--the "Schull-and Veedelsz ö ch." The Dom provides an impressive backdrop to the parade, which is several miles long with uniformed contingents, brass bands, dancers and the famous floats, satirizing current politics with huge Papier- mache figures. The persons on the floats throw tons of "Kamelle" (candy) into the crowds who line the streets in the hundreds of thousands.

35 K Ö LNER KARNEVAL!!! In the climactic end phase of the Karneval season, from Sunday to Tuesday, normal life in Cologne comes to a virtual standstill. The key to the city is taken away for the "drei tollen TAge" by Prinz Karneval. Shops, offices, and public buildings are closed. On "Faschingsdienstag" (Shrove Tuesday) it all ends with the "Kehraus" (from auskehren, to sweep out) when, by the stroke of midnight, the merrymaking comes to an end. Crowds may gather to observe the burning of the spirit of Karneval in effigy. On Ash Wednesday begins the reflective period leading to Easter. Because of the confluence of Karneval and the tourist trade, the Rhenish Karneval has become something of a "consumers' article" and is now a carefully planned and paid-for affair. Nevertheless, there is a good deal of original, creative input and work by the many Karneval societies.

36 "K ö lsch" Karneval in the Cologne dialect: Alaaf - Helau: originally the greeting of the City of Cologne in the Rhineland, it means "Lebe hoch" and has become a Karneval greeting. Helau: general expression of cheer and joyfulness. Koelle Alaaf: a "cheer to the City of Cologne." Elf: oldest Cologne Karneval motto "Ey Lustig Fr ö hlich - ELF." Jeck: person born in Cologne. Imi: Not born in Cologne, but living there. All others: "Fr ü nde" (Freunde), "J ä ste" (G ä ste) or "Bes ö k „ (Besuch). Fasteleer or Fastelofvend: Karneval in Cologne. Wieverfastelovend: the first day of the women's carnival. Tie wearers beware for, according to custom, your tie can be be cut off. Zoch: (from Zug) parade. Fastelovendszoch: Rose Monday Parade. Funken: Jeckengroups in uniforms. Sitzung: meeting of Faschingsverein, where there is music, singing, dancing and Schunkeln. Schunkeln: you link arms with the persons next to you and swing with the music. B ü tten: a barrel. B ü ttensitzung: The main feature of a B ü ttensitzung is that a speaker literally stands inside of, and speaks from a barrel.

37 Kath. Kirche St. Aposteln Die Kirche St. Andreas

38 Kath. Kirche St. Gereon in Köln-Merheim Kath. Kirche St. Bernhard


40 Kath. Kirche St. Severin (Lövenich) Kirche St. Martin

41 Pfarrkirche Mariä Namen Pfarrkirche Mariä Namen der Pfarrei St.Martinus in Köln-EschSt.Martinus in Köln-Esch Kirche St. Andreas

42 Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Frechen Ev. Anstaltskirchengemeinde Michaelshoven

43 Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Köln-Stammheim Ev. Kreuzkirche

44 Ev. Gemeinde Zollstock Ev. Christuskirche

45 Kölner Dom






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