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Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

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1 Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education
Dr. Patrick Blumschein University of Education Freiburg, Germany For the Higher School of Economics, National Research University – Moscow, May 2012 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

2 Some Models of Instructional Design
Agenda Points of Departure Some Models of Instructional Design Applications of Instructional Design A integrated View of ID Why is ID a strong Concept for Future Learning? Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

3 A changing world… Never before humans have faced so many changes than in the last couple of years. Knowledge has become the most important investment Cycles of renewal of knowledge are getting shorter and shorter Global networks are crucial for successful business worldwide Even in private life, globalization has its influences Heterogeneity of chances for live are still enormous high Education becomes more and more important Education helps to increase self directedness, freedom for life, maturity and economic prosperity for employers too. Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

4 Traditions of Pedagogy – a German view 
Germany and some other european countries) have a strong tradition of pedagogy Comenius, Herbarth, Reform Pedagogy (Rousseau, Freinet, Hahn, Peterßen, …) General didactics with roots in philosophy Empirical change in the 1960s Pragmatic influences from reform pedagogiests Jank/Meyer 1990s didactical structural model Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

5 General Goal, Curriculum, action planning
General Didactic Three levels of didactical decision making (Jechle 1990s, Adl-Amini/Künzli 1980s) General Goal, Curriculum, action planning Popular didactic book Jank/Meyer Didactic: theory of learning and instruction. Process model, structural model, Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

6 Structural Model Jank/Meyer 2002, 63
Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

7 The Logic of Planning Jank/Meyer 2002, 92
Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

8 The process of Improvement
Jank/Meyer 2002, 96 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

9 The competence of the didactical designer
Jank/Meyer 2002, 162 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

10 So, what is then the difference between didactics and Instructional Design? What is it good for?
everything! nothing Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

11 Instructional Design – A concept of the US
Efficacy was the major point. Trainings. Drill, learning machinery, ID = general didactics of US Some models: Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

12 Instructional Design Analysis Design Development Implementation
Systembegründetes Arbeitsmodell ADDIE Schwerpunkt im beruflichen Lernen Wissenschaftliches Interesse Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation ID ist lern- und kognitions-psychologisch begründet. In methodologischer Hinsicht zielt ID auf eine empirische Prüfung ihrer theoretischen Aussagen wie auch der Effektivität der gewählten Lehrstrategien und –methoden. ID ist eng mit Informations- und Kommunikationstech-nologien verknüpft, was manche Autoren dazu bewogen haben mag, ID auf den Bereich der Planung und Gestaltung computerge-stützter und multimedialer Lernsysteme einzuengen. Die Beziehungen zwischen ID und Informationstechnologien sind in der Tat so stark, dass manche Autoren von ID als „Educational Engineering“ sprechen (vgl. Merrill, 1993). Im Unterschied zur Didaktik, die in einem engen Sinne als Theorie des schulischen Unterrichts verstanden wird, wird ID in erster Linie – wenn auch nicht ausschließlich – auf das Lehren und Lernen in außerschulischen Handlungsfeldern bezogen. Instructional Design ist zunächst einmal eine Planungswissenschaft zur Konzeption und Gestaltung multimedialer Lernumgeb-ungen unter kognitions-psychologisch/didaktischer Perspektive. „Gemäß unserer Sichtweise ist Instruktionsdesign eine Disziplin, die deskriptive Forschungsergebnisse mit der Praxis von Instruktion verbindet, indem sie (1) auf der Basis von Ergebnissen von kognitionspsychologi-scher Grundlagenforschung Designparameter identifiziert, (2) diese sodann in Regeln, Prozeduren und Verfahrensvorschriften instrumentiert, und (3) Prä-skriptionen für die Ent-wicklung der Instruktion liefert, um Lehren und Lernen zu optimieren.“ (Lowyck & Elen 1991, S. 226). Lehren heißt, zweimal zu lernen. Josef Joubert Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

13 Instructional Design – Walter Dicks Model
Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

14 Instructional Design – rapid prototyping modell
The Model of Leshin, Pollock, Reigeluth (1992) Instructional Design – rapid prototyping modell Analyzing needs Selecting & sequencing content Developing lessons Evaluating instruction 1. Analyze problem 3. Analyze & sequence tasks 5. Specify learning events & activities 7. Evaluate instruction 2. Analyze domains 4. Analyze & sequence supporting content 6. Perform interactive message design Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

15 Instructional Design – Kemp Model
Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

16 Instructional Design – Rothwell/Kazanas Model
Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

17 Instructional Design – Leshin Pollock Reigeluth Model
The rapid prototyp model (1993; Jonassen, et al) Assess Needs & Analyze Content Set Objectives Construct Prototype Utilize Prototype Evaluate and Improve System Instructional Design – Leshin Pollock Reigeluth Model Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

18 Instructional Design – First Step: Analyse
Roger Kaufman Florida State University Tallahessee Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

19 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

20 System Approach Systems Approach
Starts by defining the desired/required results of the society... Systems Approach Then defines the required results of all the subsystems. Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

21 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

22 The Organizational Elements Model (OEM)
Kaufman, 1992, 1998, 2000 Mega Outcomes Macro Outputs Micro Products WHAT SHOULD BE IS Process Inputs NEEDS ASSESSMENTS QUASI NEEDS Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

23 1 2 3 4 5 Scope and Plan Optain Participation Collect Data
Warum wird ein Needs Assessment durchgeführt? Was sind die potenziellen Resultate des Needs Assessments? Ist die Organisation zu den aufgezeigten Veränderung bereit? Optain Participation Wer führt das Needs Assessment durch? Wer wird vom Needs Assessment beeinflusst? Wie können alle interessierten Parteien aktiv miteinbezogen werden? Was ist das Ziel der Veränderung und warum? 2 Collect Data 3 Datenerhebung mittels Interviews, Fragebögen, Delphimethoden (Mitarbeiter, Außenstehende, Projektpartner, Unternehmensführung, …) Evaluate Data 4 Auswertung der Daten mit theoretischem Bezug Report Findings 5 Erstellen einer Dokumentation, alle Betroffene werden informiert Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

24 Development Implementation D e s i g n
ID- Kompetenz A n a l y s e b a r r i e r e Learners Development Implementation D e s i g n Acteors Goals Domain Knowledge Ressources Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

25 A n a l y s e p h a s e C h e c k l i s t e
Strategic Planning is the Leading Scheme Needs Assessment – What is – what should be? Get Facts, find Results – create a Visionen Afterwards focus processes and methods. Conduct Learner Analysis Prior Knowledge, Competencies, Experiences, Motivation, Statistical and Economic Data A n a l y s e p h a s e C h e c k l i s t e Analysis of Expert Knowledge Workplace, Tasks, Content, Domain Knowledge. Environment Analysis Development-, Learning-, and Application Environment. Determine Goals Describe Competencies, allocate goals to Competencies. Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

26  S t r a t e g i c P l a n n i n g Instructional Design
Perspectives and Actors Levels Understanding Development Implementation D e s i g n A n a l y s e Didactical Know-How Quality Assurance E-Learning Blended Learning Face to Face Trainings Study Texts Audio Stories Video ? Domain Knowledge Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

27 Question of “Bildung” as a point of departure
Instructional Design – Extended Understanding of Needs Assessment by Patrick Blumschein Question of “Bildung” as a point of departure Societal Responsibility in setting up goals Benefit of economical analysis into Education sustainability Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

28 Instructional Design – Examples, Projects
GBS Microbiology, Competencias Moodle ISD Kurs VLH Lohnsteuerlernumgebung Master Weiterbildung Learncoach Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

29 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

30 BIRD – do Lab Tests Blumschein 2006
Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education Blumschein 2006

31 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

32 John Bransford/… James Pellegrino 2004
Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

33 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

34 Competencias – The Curriculum
Goal: Participants have planned and implemented a competence-based curriculum. InWEnt 1. Virtual: Levelling and Project Development Oct. – Dec. 2005 supported by CBT, SWS, Coaches 2. Face2face in Germany: Deepening and Specialization Febr. 2006 3. Virtual Coaching: Implementation and Coaching Mar. – Aug. 2006 SWS and Coaches 4. in Latin America: Exchange Opinions Lessons Learned Evaluation Nov. 2006 Structure of the programme „Formacion basada en Competencias”: A Blended-Learning Concept of InWEnt in 4 phases. Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education Blumschein Tallahassee

35 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

36 Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

37 Willkommen zum Lernmodul K.3.1
Einkünfte aus Auslandsimmobilien Jahressteuergesetz 2009 Vereinigte Lohnsteuerhilfe e.V Neustadt a. d. Weinstraße Sept 2010 Version D Mit dem VLH-Steuerfuchs Lernen, Stärken, Überzeugen! Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

38 Was sind die Ziele des Moduls?
Vereinigte Lohnsteuerhilfe e.V. - Neustadt a. d. Weinstraße Version D Sept 2010 Inhalt Ziel Alte Rechtslage Resümee Platzhalter Checklisten Fälle Neue Was sind die Ziele des Moduls? Sie können die positiven/ negativen Einkünfte aus V+V aus dem Ausland ermitteln. Dazu… kennen Sie die alte Rechtslage, die für alle Staaten (§2) bezüglich Progressionsvorbehalt (PV) gilt. kennen Sie die Bestandteile der neuen Rechtslage bezüglich des Progessionsvorbehalts (PV) für EU-Staaten. können Sie die Höhe der zu versteuernden Einkünfte aus V+V unter Einbezug positiver und negativer Einkünfte gemäß der neuen Regelung ermitteln. DBA? PV? Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

39 Moodle isd kurs… Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

40 Instructional Design – Future?
YES! Flexible Evidence based If you can’t observe it, measure it, analyse it, how will you improve it? Learning is a process – not a product. Feedback and Improvement is crucial! Learning outsid school is imprtant, learning takes place in new places and will change a lit too. School didactics will not suport this! We need new ways. Open your mind for the world Make the change happen now! Dr. P. Blumschein: Instructional Design - a Future Perspective for Education

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