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Die Etymologie Spektrum specere = aussehen Sir Isaac Newton

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1 Die Etymologie Spektrum specere = aussehen Sir Isaac Newton
“The new theory About Light and Colour (1672)“

2 Sir Isaac Newton Born: 1642 Died: 1727 (age 85) Education: Physicist, Mathematician First big contribution: 1665 (age 23) Biggest contribution: 1966 (age 24) His claim to fame is Newton’s three laws of motion, discovering the spectrum of light, inventing calculus, and discovering the universal law of gravitation. Due to his work in classical mechanics, the subject is often called Newtonian mechanics. As a child, Isaac was not viewed as a bright student by his teachers, who described him as “idle” and “inattentive”. Newton obtain a law degree from his uncle's old College. In the summer of 1665 and he was forced to return to Lincolnshire because the University closed due to the plague. It was at this time that Newton’s true scientific genius would emerge. During his two year stay at home he would make revolutionary advances in mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy. Newton invented the reflecting telescope. Newton’s greatest achievements were his work in motion and celestial mechanics, which ultimately led to theory of universal gravitation. In 1705, he was the first scientist ever knighted in honor of his discoveries.

3 Goethe "Das Auge hat sein Dasein dem Licht zu danken.
Aus gleichgültigen tierischen Hülfsorganen ruft sich das Licht ein Organ hervor, das seines gleichen werde; und so bildet sich das Auge am Lichte fürs Licht, damit das innere Licht dem äußeren entgegentrete."

4 Der Sinus T= 40ms T: Periode F: Frequenz F=1/T=25 Hz
General properties of the sinusoide... The amplitude can be anything Explain that a perfect sinusoid is from –inf to +inf

5 Die Schallwellen E=165 Hz A=220 Hz B C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E
What happens when you change the period? Why the first sounds terrible? In nature no sound is pure. A=220 Hz B C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E

6 Der Zeitbereich

7 Der Betrag in dem Zeitbereich

8 Hammer, Amboß und Steigbügel
Der Aufbau des Ohrs Hammer, Amboß und Steigbügel Trommelfell

9 Die Gehörknöchelchen Der Amboß Der Hammer Der Hammer nimmt die Impulse auf leitet sie über den Amboß weiter und der Steigbügel überträgt sie auf das ovale Fenster Die Steigbügel Quelle:

10 Der Aufbau des Ohrs

11 Die Cochlea Quelle:

12 Die geöffnete Cochlea Quelle: http://www.bartleby.com/107/
Die Paukentreppe Die Vorhoftreppe Quelle:

13 Die Cochlea aufgerollt
Treppen Bei hohen Tönen wird nur der dem Mittelohr nahe Teil angeregt, bei niedrigen Tönen laufen die Wellen bis in die Spitze. Es kommt zur räumlichen Auftrennung der Tonhöhen Hochfrequenzen Niederfrequenzen E qui si spiega come funziona la ricezione parallela di diverse frequenze. Länge: 3 cm Sinneszellen

14 Frequenzbereich Hz Hz

15 Warum ist der Frequenzbereich so wichtig?
1. Charakterisierung der Signale Sprache Shallwellen Musik                                                        Elektromagnetische Wellen Sulla lavagna spiego come funziona il filtraggio in frequenza.

16 Warum ist der Frequenzbereich so wichtig?
2. LTI Systeme ? LTI zeit zeit Sulla lavagna spiego le autofunzioni !!! LTI zeit zeit

17 France Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Born: 1768 Died: 1830 (age 62) Education: Mathematician First big contribution: 1820 (age 52) Biggest contribution: 1822 (age 54) Born into a prominent family, he was trained for priesthood however, Fourier turned to the life of mathematics and the military. At only sixteen years of age, Joseph became a mathematics teacher at the military school in Auxerre. When he was 27, he began working at the Ecole Normale in Paris. Three years later, in 1798, he followed Napoleon on his Eastern expedition and was given the postion of governor of Lower Egypt. In 1801, Fourier returned to France and was named prefect of Grenoble. All the knowledge in the world however, could not save him from the inevitable. Fourier died in Paris on May 16, 1830.

18 Fourier Reihe What happens when you change the period? Why the first sounds terrible? In nature no sound is pure. ...

19 Signal Reconstruction I
1 Komponente 6 Komponenten What happens when you change the period? Why the first sounds terrible? In nature no sound is pure.

20 Signal Reconstruction II
100 Komponente What happens when you change the period? Why the first sounds terrible? In nature no sound is pure. Welche Bandbreite brauchen wir?

21 Reihe Integral Sulla lavagna spiego le autofunzioni

22 Filtrieren Synthetischer Generator Gitarre Filter
Sulla lavagna spiego come funziona il filtraggio in frequenza.

23 Sulla lavagna spiego le autofunzioni

24 Das Licht What happens when you change the period? Why the first sounds terrible? In nature no sound is pure.

25 Das Auge What happens when you change the period? Why the first sounds terrible? In nature no sound is pure.

26 Cones and Rods By population, about 64% of the cones are red-sensitive, about 32% green sensitive, and about 2% are blue sensitive. What happens when you change the period? Why the first sounds terrible? In nature no sound is pure.

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